Querx Forest.

In that place wrapped in winter air, dried fallen leaves block everywhere but the road.

Blowing winds are cold, and even if you're not doing anything, your roots seem to be taking away your temperature.

After Elle and I broke up, I quickly told Albao about the possibilities offered.

Albao was slightly stunned, but nodded that there was a possibility that he could go with it.

If you dare to raise your dissatisfaction, even though it's not my idea, is it about the fact that I was treated like a human being making crazy ideas alongside Sui?

When I took the back of the information I received from Elle, I immediately received information that 'Magic Oak' had been witnessed in the Querx Forest.

A hunter walked into the woods and said he saw a giant tree demon.

Normally, the Knights of the City would soon be contacted and exterminated, but it seemed postponed because it was winter and people wouldn't come in.

It seems that the demons of large plants often sit still, basically, without moving.

And the Knights say there are currently overlapping and understaffed jobs of all kinds.

You don't think I'm willing to go hunting aggressively?

"So, the Knights don't look good either, because they're going to hit that safe demon and use it as a barrel material."

'Cause they stopped me.

I was standing at the forest entrance and checking my hip pouch once now.

Albao, who answered, also has a battle wand that he doesn't usually have, and is in a prep movement.

Albao also said that he has experience in magic combat, although not as good as Swiss, and can be seen as a force in good standing.

Even I don't have that much experience in the fight itself, so it would be a form of relying on Albao.

There are a handful of elite personnel headed for the 'logging' of Magic Oak.

As mentioned earlier, the Knights didn't cooperate.

As you can see, both me and Albao are guards. The guard is more than that.

Holly, we asked everyone in the lab to step up. The answer returned, however, was that almost everyone did not have combat training.

Indeed, what researchers in potions need is never combat ability.

I think I should have trained in action to the extent of hands-on learning in a magic house or something like that, but I forgot all about it because it was many years ago.

To try it out, she showed some magic...

Albao and I had to stop taking him unanimously.

and the guard turned out unfortunately.

So when I say who will work for me avant-garde......

"Mmm! It might be a good idea to exercise outside for a while!

It was Iberis.

She heard me and Albao heading on an expedition and insisted they follow.

So, when we talk about what we can do, it means avant-garde.

What she has, is a giant wrench? Anyway, it seems to have no less destructive power than the sword around it, it is a blunt instrument.

The outfit is defensive to the extent that it covers joints, steeples, etc., but remains mostly normal work clothing.

I was a little tempted to take her, but I couldn't thank her enough for my abilities.

"... well, it seems like the time has finally come to show my strength"

And then, for some reason, Guinura came with it.

but I don't know why.

"Well, are you ready, Iberis? Albao."


"Oh, I'm fine"

The three of us nodded and tried to take a step into the woods.

"Wait, wait! Why did you ignore me?

Guinura is saying something.

I had no choice but to turn my eyes to him.

He is also avant-garde for once, as he deliberately hangs his sword on his hips.

"In the first place, why did you follow me if I didn't ask you to?"

"I didn't like it either! But you were ordered to follow me as a choreographer!

Apparently, this was also a chore job.

I see Guinura again.

He has a sabel-style sword inserted into his waist and a light armored gear for once.

"... I want to ask you one thing, can you fight? What am I supposed to say?"

"You're rude! What do you think I am!?

Guinura barks to make her dog teeth stick out.

"Even when I looked like this, when I was learning the sword, I was praised for being good."

"Heh. That's amazing."

"And oh, my God, I've played with Viola's guy and gone to a good place and lost"

Is that a childhood story?

I can't float a vision where Guinura can beat Viola right now.

"... have you ever won at last?

"You can't beat a woman like that."

I'm glad I'm stubborn.

Maybe if I rose to viola, Guinura would be half-killed.

Well, I don't like Guinura's very existence, but if Guinura's presence makes Iberis' burden a little lighter, is it good?


Where me and Guinura are having a conversation, the quiet voice of Iberis.

It had appeared in my present behind Ginulla.

He was a slightly smaller, bear demon less than two meters in health.

My distance is about twenty meters. But when that one comes running out, yes, there are seconds left.

"Guinura! Behind you!

As I say, I try to distance myself with a back run.

Suddenly he shows up where he wasn't alert at all and his heart hits him like an early bell.

Iberis and Albao are further away than we are. Better not expect the two of you to join forces.

I rushed my finger into the porch, desperate to see my head about to turn white.

But there's an incredible sight in front of me.


Guinura was screaming and stood up on the spot.

The bear seems to have decided to attack us, and he's coming at us with four legs.

As it is, Guinura cannot shoot 'cocktails' in the way and satisfactorily.

"Hey Guinura! Out of the way!"

"Wow, you know!

Guinura screams back desperately.

But Guinura's legs don't move the way I think they do.

I put a bullet out of my porch into my gun while I hit my tongue.

"Basic Attributes (Base) 'Votta 45ml', Pedigree (Pattern) 'Build', Material 'Orange Juice' Up!

I proclaim that character to unleash a cocktail.

[Screwdriver] is a quick, easy-to-use 'wotta attribute'.

The effect is that the blue water polo flies straight and hits the subject or explodes a certain distance away.

It should be powerful enough to hold a bear in one stroke.

"Guinura! Crouch! That's it!


Guinura's energetic voice. But the behavior he took, is it crouching or pretending to be dead?

I don't have time for sighing.

Bu yum, I pointed the gun bluntly trembling in my hand straight at the bear, and I pulled the trigger.


The unleashed watery magic pierces the impending bear's right shoulder.

Shortly afterwards, from its landing point, a stream of water exploded like multiple overlays of water cannons.

The bear rotates his body slightly while defeating its heavy body.

Later, only quiet signs remained.

"... have you managed"

I exhaled heavily and drained the pod.

This cocktail casing then seems to return naturally without any elements other than the cocktail. Looks like I'll stay a long time when I use it as a bullet with a glass or something.

It's something that happens before you go into the woods that makes you nervous.

"Total, are you okay?

"... I don't know"

Albao, who came running up to me, gave me a strong grin.

For Guinura, Iberis is on his way, with Tuntung and the man pretending to be dead.

"Is that the real power of 'cocktails' now?"

"Really, it's not what it is. It's just a by-product."

"Oh, I'm sorry. But I really do."

Albao couldn't seem to hide his surprise in the magic of 'cocktails' to see again.

I told Albao all about Ammunition and Cocktail Magic. Until then, 'Ammunition' explained it like a handy magic that makes things smaller, but it's dangerous to hide it if battles are involved.

I decided on an expedition and then told the real story, including its effects in terms of combat.

Albao was half-hearted, but he showed it once before he got here.

"I'm not talking about Sui, but sure, it's going to change the world"

"Come on. If I stick it up, it's gonna be another story about me being autopsied."

I laugh bitterly and stick my gun in my hips again.

Then I finally settled down and decided to give him a voice.

"Hey, useless."

"Who's useless!

"Are you aware that I replied?"

Ginula, slightly disgruntled by Iberis, stares with cold eyes.

"What if the avant-garde pulls his leg?"

"... I was just surprised. I mean it from now on."

"... no"

So why don't you trust me?

But Guinura's eyes are filled with confidence.

And in that case.


The voice of Iberis again.

I'll reach for the gun again. And see the prey.

There he was, a demon of a rabbit of a size not comparable to the bears of earlier times.

Why did you think it was a demon, because of the splendid and gripping horns that grow?

"Huh! Let me show you what I can do."

Guinura stood up to such a raven.

The rabbit also turns toward Guinura as a target.

And flash.

With a bright sword muscle besides his thoughts, Guinura was cutting down a raven.

He put his sword away with a trick like that there, and then he just smiles at me and says, "What do you say?"

"How'd you see that?

"... Ah, there's a bear again"

"Hey hey!?

Ginula looks frightened at the direction I pointed. Naturally, there's nothing over there.

I've decided to leave the final decision to Iberis, who will fight next door.

"... Iberis. What do we do?"

"Maybe it's better than not being there!

So Guinura also joined the avant-garde.

There are four members: me, Iberis, Albao and Guinura.

... Why is there so much anxiety when there is one more than before?

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