
Iberis shook up a large wrench and beat down a haunted demon of dead trees.

I haven't stopped breathing yet, but I scream at Iberis with my gun up.

"Get away from me, Iberis!


As Iberis tries to leave in a agile motion, a single branch of the tree that was overturned stretches.

The branch was severed by Guinura, who was moving around quietly.



Guinura runs again after laughing with her nose.

Behind him, there are two large squirrel-like demons looming.

"Guinura! Keep it straight!

"I know!

Following Albao's instructions, Guinura turns to the dead tree that Iberis overthrew earlier.

Naturally, keep the demon behind you, too.

"The magic of water. The Spirit of Return."

Near me, Albao started a magical chant.

Stand up your wand and boost your magic with a calming, sounding serene voice.

"Basic Attributes (Base) 'Gini 45ml', Additional Attributes (Enchant) 'Lime 1/6', Pedigree (Pattern) 'Build', Material 'Tonic Water' Up"

I also finished my immediate declaration so that I could match Albao at any time.

The cylinder is loaded with the next bullet just in case.

When I stare, Albao hurries to continue chanting.

"Seeking is thorn. Chewed Up, Iced Jaw Gate (Aftermath)"

Albao, who finished the chant, pointed his wand straight at the tree demon.

I yell at Guinura for instructions.

"Avoid it, Guinura!


And Guinura jumps big. The place is good anywhere. No problem unless it is in a straight line.

At the time Guinura jumped, the demons he was chasing and the dead trees lined up in a straight line.

"Ice Needle!

The magic of Albao is activated and many ice columns appear in the space.

They went straight to the demons.

Dead tree demons could not help moving to avoid them, but squirrel-like demons sensed signs of magic and tried to move into evasive action.

I'll jam it.

"[Gin Tonic]!

Make sure you can wear Albao's magic, and my gun roars.

Shortly afterwards, the magic released from the gun caused a whirlpool of wind on the straight line.

That vortex accelerates Albao's ice column while taking away the escape of a squirrel-shaped demon.

Ice columns tore apart the demons trapped in the vortex.

Both squirrel demons and dead tree demons apparently stopped moving.

"Huh. Guinura, are you okay?

"It's not okay! We almost got caught up in this!

"That's why you signaled."

Guinura walked up to me, teasing her shoulders, looking like she was angry.

There weren't that many fights on the road.

After all, the season is only the season, and the demons are less active.

However, the demons that come out still come out.

Still, I was stable.

Essentially, a power type Iberis that doesn't come close to appearance and a lumpy Guinura that is dedicated to miscellaneous fish.

Thermal power's there, but with a lot of magic accuracy, Albao, and me somewhat quick to activate.

He wasn't often teased by more than one opponent, so he was splitting labor and fighting smoothly.

In particular, the properties of Guinura collecting Hate were useful even for demonic opponents. Will it be attacked because it looks weak?

It seemed to me that he was fulfilling his role as an avant-garde wall, unreliable.

Because people are twice as timid, or he was also the most active when it comes to his enemies. Well, it doesn't help when the big demon is the other guy.

That's how we managed to get to the point where the magic oak was witnessed.

"... is that it?

A little off the path of the forest.

In a painting that was like a small square, without trees, it was seated.

"... awesome, big"

It's my honest feeling.

The boulder is smaller than the thousands of years old and the like in my memory, but the thickness of the trunk still makes me feel 100 years old.

Contrary to its thickness, the height is not even that high. About ten meters at most.

Rather than growing well, it would feel like it was enlarged under the influence of magic. This makes it easy to tell if it is abnormal, even when it is not moving.

The leaves are falling. Every single one of its bumpy branches seemed like a boneless stick-shaped murder weapon as it was.

"What do we do?

I once sent my eyes to Albao, where I was holding back.

"... first of all, I don't know what to do about not looking at my abilities"

"... well. You look like you're rooting for something, don't you?

"Right. If you're not moving, you can get away with it."

Once that happens, should we take a lot of time from afar to check our abilities?

Power type or speed type will change the way you attack.

"Well, let's see how it goes until it's moving."

You throw stones, you make noises, you start outside the target's reach anyway.

Yes, I just suggested the safety measures.

"This is ridiculous. If you do that, the sun will go down."

Guinura stepped forward like she was in a hurry.

He stared at me all the time, so he stared with a slightly cooler eye.

"... Well, what should I do?"

"Well, let me handle it. I'm not freaking out about plants like that."

Guinura approached the magic oak in a slightly lighter foothold.

"Are you an idiot?"

I try to stop in a hurry, but Guinura doesn't have the ears to listen.

The situation that you should be able to escape at any time is clearly increasing Guinura.

And then it went a long way, about ten meters away from the magic oak.

"... wow-oo"

Magic oak raised a roar that I didn't know where it was coming from.

And with the roaring sound of gowd air, one of the branches has been shaken down to Guinura as a supple whip.

"Avoid it!"

"... Huh!

Guinura, however, with a spare look, pulled the sword out of her hips smoothly.

And slip that sword toward the falling branches.

Pakin. And a light noise sounded.


It was almost the same way that Guinura made a dumb voice and the Magic Oak branch deviated slightly, knocking on the ground next to Guinura.

A moment later, the tip of a broken Guinura sword pierced Ston and the ground.


"Idiot! Run for good!

I speak up, but Guinura is hardened by the shock of events.

But Magic Oak doesn't mind such circumstances.

When you twirl the trunk and lift the branches to heavenly heights, you shake it off again to Guinura.

Branches fell down to the front of Guinura's eyes.

The moment I thought it was crushed, the gaggin and now the heavy noise rang.

"Oh! Damn!"

Iberis, who went out further in front of Guinura, deviated from the branch with a wrench at his disposal to shelter him.

But for the first time, I can see that the expression is distorted by pain.

No matter how Iberis' power, I knew it was full of exquisite deviation.

"The next one's coming! Run!"

The attack was played twice and the magic oak seemed a little serious.

In addition to the beating of heavy branches, thin twigs have also been rolling out.

Iberis, the heavy branches deviate, bouncing thin branches, backward with jirries.

Gagon, Gordon and the heavy noise continue to sound, in the meantime me me and Albao are also completing the magic of cover.


"Ice Pillars!

I aim precisely at the thick branches that have been swinging towards Iberis and play them with an explosion of water.

Albao appeared an ice wall to protect the two people out front, making it a defense against thin branches.

That gives me a lot of time to move on the two people who were exposed to the onslaught.

"Retreat! Retreat!

I urge Iberis and the others out loud.

Immediately following that voice, Iberis rushed to us, grabbing Guinura, whose hips were chapped and motionless.

Magic Oak, who saw his prey disappear from range, seemed to have loosened his hand in that attack and returned to a quiet tree state again.

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