"... so what are you going to do with that"

Magic Oak was a completely different type of opponent than the dragon grass we fought before.

Dragongrass was the type of demon who had stretched out many supple thin tentacles and attacked them with manipulation.

But this time, the other way around. Heavy power type with each shot. Besides, they use different types of branches and attack them strategically. He's surprisingly smart at the wooden crotch.

"The Knights are crusading, aren't they? How the hell did you do that?

As I look sideways at Magic Oak, I ask Albao.

He, um, gave a concise answer after a trick worried about whether to say it or not.

"Magic oak doesn't work. From a distance, the"

"... that?

"Burn it down"

... I see.

"That's a perfect operation, indeed."


Except that it's impossible for us to imitate.

Apparently, magic oaks are less resistant to magic than dragongrass.

So you think he's a relatively easy opponent to crusade with if he's a massive wizard and continues to magically burn from an unattainable distance?

However, if I knock him down like that... he'll burn.

"There's a risk of a volcanic fire in the winter. I don't think it's one of the reasons I'm willing to ride the winter crusade."

"... you're dismissed"

We can't use it any more than our purpose is to 'harvest' magic oak as barrel wood.

Then, in as much battle as earlier, Albao was investigating pieces of wood stripped from the magic oak.

As a result, magical aptitude falls within the range of oak-based wood that we always use for barrel wood.

And the hidden magic seems incomparable with that.

In other words, he must be the wood we need to get.

Hmm worries me, I ask Albao again.

"Even if it's not a flame, magic from a distance works, right?

"But you know his range, right? It's a little compatible to shoot from that distance and defeat it effectively."

"Because it's a weakness, you mean you can go"

If it's a flame, if it burns away, it burns the opponent from its edge.

If it's another attribute, can't you hope for that effect?

"Enough magic to smash him from the outside, like a blade of wind...?

"I don't think so. No, maybe I can do it when it's about sui, but I can't."

"Can I do cocktail doping?

"I care about that disturbing word, but I can't do it very well."

Then, manoeuvres managed from a distance cannot be expected to be very effective.

We really need to get into the opponent's range in order to give him an effective attack.

"Iberis, was it possible to stop them?

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's the only thing that's paralyzed my hand."

Iberis jokes and says, but his face looks pretty spicy.

I was under the impression from the outside, but the firmness of the outer skin of the magic oak would be considerable.

Was it a good story of a bug to have Iberis endure the onslaught and attack with a range where magic was effective?

"You know, moving on with a weapon like an axe, huh?

"If you can give a plant demon opponent such a power play. Maybe I can stop you."

Albao scared me. I was stopped with my face.

I tried to imagine it in the way Iberis looked, but is it still difficult?

"In the meantime, let's sort out the status quo"

I've decided to sort out the problem I'm currently bumping into.

First, the attack power of the Magic Oak.

I have no more complaints about this. The strength that Iberis, who has the best power in us, loses.

Even if it's done properly, a short stop is the limit. That's about as close as it gets to the range.

Next is the endurance of the magic oak.

This is quite a problem too. Solidity that is difficult to deal direct damage to the trunk from a distance, if not a weakness attribute. Besides, do you think that plant demons also have regenerative powers?

Effective hitting from a long distance is extraordinary, and is too firm to be sharpened with a melee weapon.

Furthermore, flames that become weak are not preferred to be used as attacks. For the same reason, it is difficult to choose the means to influence wood.

All I can think of is an octagonal blockage when I line this up.

"What do you need to do to defeat your opponent?

"How to give an effective hit even from a distance, or how to manage to attack close range"

"You can't do it for Albao from a distance. And I can't do it either."

Even from a distance, you have no idea of an attack that might give you an effective hit.

For example, I used it before when I finished dragon grass [Balalaika].

If there was, if you hit the trunk while Iberis was buying you time, you'd be able to win.

Afterwards, it became an ice sculpture of a gucci bee, except for the drawback of no longer being a tree.

... No.

"Albao. Actually, I only had one idea"

"... what?

"If we get close, not close, there's magic that could take him down with a single blow."

Albao narrows his eyes just a little more intriguingly, but immediately zeroes in as "shuddered".

"I'm talking about how even close proximity is difficult, but how do you get to close proximity..."

"Actually, I have an idea."

I told Albao the plan I used for Dragongrass.

That is, doping Albao with a cocktail and escorting me with the kind of magic that Sui used.

So, close to close range, it's my plan to take a special hit.

But Albao just blued his face and apologized.

"I'm sorry. I can't"

"Hey, why not?"

I didn't think I'd be rejected, so I saw Albao to blame just a little.

He shook his head like that and then gave me a brief explanation of what Sui was doing at that time.

"The magic used by Sui. That's right [Stormhenge Bolt]. They say it's relatively easy, but it's the finest magic level of the 'Gini attribute'. It's not sane to deploy that to a 'dragon grass' opponent and protect one human being, albeit for a short time. If I said that, it wouldn't be sane at the point where only three of us would try dragon grass in the first place."

Albao says he can't do it with a voice that just seems a little remorseful.

I still ate a little.

"... they're magic oaks, not dragongrass"

"It's a difference to the extent that 'absolutely impossible' turns into 'impossible'... sui is special. Stop thinking about the operation based on her."

I couldn't say anything to Albao's sorry face.

Sure, on the road so far, I'm sorry to say, but I see the difference between Albao and Sui.

Power, accuracy and speed. I don't care which one you take, it's one step to sui, inferior.

But that doesn't mean Albao is weak. That's something I already checked before I got here.

Sui is unusual. I guess she has the talent to do things that other humans can't do, and do things lightly.

"... when"

"I guess we'll go back to the beginning."

The plan I drew on my head was rejected and I start thinking about a new plan.

But once there is a result that I thought I could go, it is so easy to come up with new ideas.

I, um, roared, and then I decided to ask Iberis.

"Hey, can Iberis come up with any good ways?


Her face changes from feeling shabby to thought-provoking just now.

And one thing with Pong, how I came up with it.

"Maybe I can!

"Is that true!?

I grabbed Iberis' shoulder. She adds with a slightly more difficult look.

"Except if someone was there to attract the attack on my behalf."

The words that Iberis shrugged reluctantly reached all of us.

Yeah, me and Albao thinking about the operation just now. Not only.

"... hey, why are you looking at me? Mm, I can't. Oh, such an attack, not me..."

Magic oak broke my proud sword, and it was also in the depressed ears of Guinura.

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