The plan has been decided.

I decided to get on with Iberis' proposed operation.

The operation is in three main stages.

"Ho, do I really have to be?!?

In the first phase, Guinura, who is in the range of Magic Oak, continues to flee, attracting even the opponent's attack anyway.

Not sure how much, but at least, it's desirable enough for most of the Magic Oak offense to concentrate on Guinura.

"'Cause it's okay. You just have to run, and I'll cover Albao."

"That's true!? You can trust me!? Albao!"

Guinura stared at Arbao in a rather desperate phase.

At first it was a very reluctant Guinura, but the three of us finally succumbed to it.

Guinura's position is the most dangerous at the beginning of the operation. Instead, if the operation went well without delay, you can say it's the only danger.

"Guinura. I will do everything I can to protect you. You do everything you can to avoid it."

"Don't hesitate to run away when you're in danger of it. If I fail, I don't resent you."

Me and Albao say it all together.

Guinura pushes silence. Hold your fist, quietly, as you decide to do something.

"... yugiri. Don't resent me."

"So I'm telling you I don't resent you"

When I smiled bitterly at Guinura, Guinura nodded with a face that seemed uninteresting.

"It's okay, because I'll do something about it!

Iberis, the second stage requirement, said cheerfully as she wrapped her sleeves around.

"Are you all right? Just do what you practiced."

"I might want you to leave it to me!

She devised a way to get close to Magic Oak.

It's about her throwing me away.

Magic oak, which looks like a blind demon, senses the presence of prey in vibrations and footsteps.

This means that by approaching the footsteps all at once in a way that is as unpredictable as possible, you can get close to the magic oak without being noticed.

Of course, there are indelible sounds, such as the sound of cutting the wind or a step in the landing. Ginulla's to deceive it.

"... so total. Are you sure about this?

And the remaining third stage, but Albao will come back for final confirmation.

"If the operation fails, you're the most dangerous"

"............... I know"

The third stage, as it were, was a cocktail that I had in mind, that would end the magic oak with a single blow.

All this has to do is believe it will work.

"To be honest, I need to put my life at risk..."

"I don't like that either, but you can't pull this far."

Information obtained from El. Current status of Holly Laboratories. And the road that leads to Trice.

Above all, the endless thirst for 'whiskey' is in my heart.

If Sui were here, for example, he would definitely stop. I mean, I know I can stop whoever I tell.

Still, I don't feel like I can choose the option of stopping here.

"I'm an idiot. It's not like you risk your life."

"But if it was you who risked your life, would Albao stop?

"... it"

He asked me back the other way, and Albao was stuck in words, too.

Even he, seriously, came this far. If it was my life to call, I might have ridden without hesitation.

Albao is in the safest position for this operation. Maybe that's what makes you remember the scratch.

"Life is not something you risk, but something you can't help but catch on to. I used to say that in a game."

"... in the game?

"Anyway, it's a good story if you succeed. I don't know if I can give up the stuff I'm getting in front of."

If they ask me if I'm scared, I'm scared.

Of course. Don't ask. Fool is a level.

But if you give up being scared there, is it something that comes to this from the beginning?

"I'll 'cut' the guy in front of me and make it all a success. Me too, Albao and Holly Lab. And..."

That we can finally do everything we can, Cecil. Even to meet him directly from the front.

"Let's go. Get the ingredients for the oak barrel."

To my voice, the other party members were nodding with thoughtful faces.

"Total. Ready?


While I was telling you, I pulled one bullet out of my hip porch.

It's beautiful blue, clear ammo.

When I tried and shot it, it was something I thought I would probably never use because of its peaky performance.

I held it firmly in my right hand without hesitation into the gun cylinder.


"I know."

Speaking to Guinura, he had a much stronger grin.

"Yes, let's go. Ooh!

To temper, and to attract Magic Oak targets.

Guinura stepped inside the realm of the magic oak as she raised her voice.

"Whoa! Whoa!

You can't miss it, and the branches of magic oak stretch endlessly into Guinura.

After dodging the heavy branches, tweeze away without putting hair in between.

Guinura that keeps avoiding cleverly, but still some things don't make it.

"Come on!"

"Ice Pillars!

Albao magically covers that part. But the magic of defense will at the same time restrict Guinura's movement. I can't rely much on it.

"Well, I'll be there!

In conjunction with the voice of Iberis, I put my foot over the hands she matched.

At the edge of his sight, Guinura is desperately buying time.

And the moment I was ready, my body felt floating. I haven't got my feet on the ground.

All there is is is trying to push me out with all my strength, only my strength.

And I was ejected.

The air screams. At a tremendous rate, my body is cutting the wind.

The attacks that are supposed to come swinging like storms are all on their way to Guinura.

Magic oak hasn't noticed me yet.

I wish the operation every success in my head.

At a distance that touches the trunk of the magic oak.


From his leg, which stretched to kill the momentum of the ejection, a footsteps called Zuzaza seemed to sound.

Magic Oak only stopped moving for a moment.

Pressure that the amount of life left is still being shredded in the present moment.

"Your opponent is this way!

Guinura's voice sounded. He deliberately shouted and drew Magic Oak's attention again.

Magic Oak immediately resumed his attack on Guinura again.

But Guinura already sees tiredness. If we don't hurry, we don't have time.

Never panic, I promptly answer cocktail qualities.

"Basic Attributes (Base) 'Votta 45ml', Additional Attributes (Enchant) 'Lime 15ml', 'Coantro 1tsp', Pedigree (Pattern) 'Shake'"

Why are you making a declaration here?

That's because it won't activate until you send in the magic just before you pull the trigger.

Therefore, it was necessary to approach close range.

Imagine the people who came from this cocktail.

I jumped myself into their nostalgia with all my spirit.

They must have been fighting this pressure, too.

No, that's rude to them.

Compared to them, this situation is a good place to be lukewarm.

Magic Oak is totally aware of my existence.

The sound of the attack on Guinura, which was heard until just now, has stopped.

But now I realize it's too late.

I truncated the thought slightly to enhance the image of the 'cocktail'.

Sharp as a knife, crisp cleavage.

Flavor like wind, stretching everywhere transparently.

And if we get close, the destructive force that cuts in without anyone being able to stop us.

There was a blunt noise with the bu, and the gun waits for that time.

I twist myself, shift my posture sideways like I pull out a knife, and step in.

Let's declare it.

The name of this cocktail...

"─ Huh!?

Bung, and a branch came down in front of me.

Was Guinura screwing something up?

Did you notice that from the beginning?

Or were you hiding the trump card?

That one branch was approaching me at a deadly rate.

I can't get the gun back that I already pulled out.

Same goes for the fingers I put on the trigger.

The posture is no longer abandoning dodging.

It is inevitable.

Well, if you don't avoid it.



Along with Albao's cry, the blade of the wind cut off its branches.

A torn branch rubs my cheek and passes at a tremendous rate.

I don't even wonder why.

Albao has also entered the magical range.

Put yourself in danger.

But I can't even thank him.

I won't even make sure he's safe.

Better than the original, the body doesn't stop.

I screamed the name of the cocktail so I could squeeze it out the back of my throat.

"─ ─ [Kamikaze] Yeah, yeah!!

The moment I pulled the trigger.

The magic of violent water released from the muzzle took one form.

Two meters across the blade, a blade of water.

Just long enough to break the trunk, if at close range.

I swung my gun through like a knife.

A blade of water stretched from the muzzle hits the trunk of a magic oak.

And without feeling any resistance, the blade then goes through the trunk.

From the base of the magic oak, the giant was doubled diagonally.

Shortly afterwards, the water blade disappeared as easily as it had finished its role.

More magic than just one blow.

A cocktail of ultra-short-range vodka attributes [kamikaze].

The effect is' One Strike Special '.

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