Ten days have passed since I exposed myself to ugliness.

And the day was finally coming.

"Well, then, the presenter must go up on the stage."

It is a man of a little age who acts as MC progressor.

It was Cecil who prompted him to go up on the stage.

The location is inside the white oak. Auditorium that it is used when a major event is opened within the laboratory.

In that large room with desks and chairs lined up alongside each other, Cecil was beginning to make an announcement.

"I would like to announce what I have studied about 'Aged Salam'"

Cecil's creation was a truly stunning 'aged salam potion'.

I looked through the material that Guinura had been deceiving, so I knew his research was going extremely straight forward.

The rational progression of the announcement was something to be overheard.

Introduction begins with an introduction and an introduction on 'fifth attribute'.

Possibilities regarding the 'fifth attribute' potion that never existed before.

Description of numerous research findings, used as a basic theory.

And the topic shifts to this one's own research.

Even before his announcement, he heard many announcements approaching the 'aged salam' from his own point of view.

Many of my experiments across common sense, which I only see as whiskey, probably consisting of my specialties in that lab, were exciting.

But it was fundamentally different from Cecil's.

Whereas other announcements focus on experimenting and seeing the effects.

Cecil's announcement was just focused on piling up and going up.

Well done. Every verification I can think of in this short period.

For once, now that I've built up the foundation of the potion, I know how to build up experiments that draw on his Theory.

No excessive adventures, a little downside swallows and seeks a big plus.

In other laboratories, there were a number of things that worked, but they were not complete with Cecil's.

Cecil's research seemed good, even though he said he had already finished the foundations of 'Aged Salam Potion'.

Served in the middle of the presentation, "Aged Salam Potion" appeared to leave a strong impression on Mr. Appalachian's tongue as well.

Finally, Cecil closed the announcement with these words.

"Since then, there is still room for research into the effects manifested by further ageing. But at this stage, we won't be able to hope for any further results."

I didn't have to ask to know who it was.

Then again, other people's research presentations are pinched for a while.

After all, it's interesting, but I can guess how complete it is.

I'm not saying it's low, Cecil's too high.

And finally, it was Tori's time and her name was called.

'Now the interim announcement is also the last. This is Oak Row Laboratory. Uh, delegates, please come up on the stage.'

To the voice of the MC procession, but there is no one up on the stage.

I'm sure there's still no determination attached.

"... Director Holly Oaklow?

Holly's name is called, but she doesn't show up.


"Shh, excuse me! On behalf of Holly Oaklow, I'd like to announce, Albao Graysnor."

It was Albao who jumped on that platform.

"...... Oak Row Manager. Can you explain '

I don't want you to say anything hard.

Holly also went up on the stage again, in such a way as to be called back to MC progression and had no choice.

"Why, not yourself, but Albao Graysnor to the presenter?

"It's been decided. Because he's the credit to this study. If it was a study he did, it would be muscular for him to present it."

To that Holly statement, the blurring spreads.

Well, to put it beautifully, that's what happens, but the results of the normal laboratory are also those of the department manager as they are. Saying you wouldn't carry that also seemed like Holly's waiver of responsibility.


The calm voice, which passes well, controls the stirring.

That was Mr Appalachian's voice.

"Holly, I understand this announcement is important to you."

"I am, Dr. Appalachian."

"Still, you asked Albao to make an announcement."

"Yes, I've decided to work with him this time. That is the general thrust of my lab. Only this announcement can there be any more qualified person than him"

Even once again, Holly's assertion is obsessed with the auditorium.

Mr Appalachian said, after sinking the field again.

"Okay. If you say so, let's move on."

'Are you sure?

"I don't mind. It's not who announces it, it's what announces it."

'... okay. Okay, Graysnor graduate student. Make an announcement.'

Mr Appalachian tells me that the man in the MC procession also obeys reluctantly.

Some stirring still remained, but Albao took a deep breath before starting to make the announcement.

"We are pleased to announce the results discovered and developed by Holly Oakrow Laboratory"

Albao also enters from the introduction, as did Cecil earlier.

The way you take that step just feels like an honor student, and the flow is easy to understand.

And as a first announcement, he announced one achievement that Holly Laboratories stuffed with roots.

"And we discovered not only 'Salam', but also the aging conditions of 'Gini', 'Wotta' and 'Tayla'"

For the announcement, the venue boiled.

The condition of 'maturation', which until now was thought to be the only salam, was suddenly revealed.

There will be few surprises in knowing the circumstances, but it must be a big discovery for those who don't know the circumstances.

But the fate of discovery is not there.

"That's not all. We have similarly discovered the 'no attribute' potion in terms of aging. We call this" mature unattributed potion "the" Newpot. "

The name Newpot is a name that has spread because I use it too normally.

Originally known as' whiskey 'before it matured.

It is treated in this world as a nomenclature for the 'no attribute potion' before it matures.

The presence of Newpot causes a noise that doubles earlier.

Even in previous announcements, there have been many stories about the limit points of maturation.

Even Cecil's announcement made that clear.

In potions with other attributes, 'fifth attribute' can only be added to no matter how mature it is.

However, if it is "no attribute", can a single attribute potion of "fifth attribute" be created?

Yes, it was obvious what everyone thought.

"Be quiet!

The anger did not belong to Mr Appalachian.

It was Cecil who stood up single-handedly and shouted his voice into the auditorium.

He is one of those who even knows the existence of the 'New Pot' on this occasion.

Inside the venue, enveloped with enthusiasm, was forced to quiet back by his voice.

"Keep announcing. Mr. Albao, if there's anything we can talk about,"

Cecil threw in that cold word.

The last time I saw him was at the library.

At that time, Albao had given up catching up with Cecil's research and had abandoned himself.

That's why Cecil thinks. Our research says it's stopped there.

"... and we did research, especially around that 'Newpot'."

Albao proceeds with a pale conversation to keep his emotions as low as possible.

Tension and excitement intertwined, that would be the mood.

But now.

It is at this moment that Cecil exceeds her expectations.

"And we also succeeded in completing the single-attribute potion of the Fifth Class."

Really, the air was quiet.

I guess no one has accepted Albao's spoken words yet.

This is a fact that probably no one but Holly Labs knows about.

Whatever it was, it was an unknown event today that brought the results together.

"'Fifth Class Potion' - No, the creator's name is' Old Potion '"

And what appeared on the stage was an amber liquid that transferred the color of the barrel darkly.

I was born for the first time in this world.

It is a 'potion' with the taste of 'whiskey'.

A few seconds later.

The human anger in the venue, which finally swallowed things up, was not a ratio until earlier.

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