"Be silent! Silence, please!

The voice of MC progression is vain and echoing in the venue.

The auditorium is precisely the instrument that produces noise, and everyone cannot calm down.

It's a lie. An anger flies when it's true, and no one's voice is in my ear.

Once again, there was a man who quieted down in such a venue with the sound of a crane.

"Mr. Albao. Is that true?

Mr. Appalachian stood up and stared straight at Albao.

Albao nods quietly, never fleeing.

"With the help of some of our collaborators, we were finally able to complete the Old Potion that took shape."

"... collaborators."

Mr. Appalachian seemed to have guessed the situation with it.

Once out of sight of Albao, look into the auditorium.

And I said.

"Gentlemen. Be quiet first. The forthcoming announcement will be very meaningful. Let's hear that first. And"

Put aside a beat of stash, Mr. Appalachian continued.

"When it's over, why don't we celebrate?"



I finished the announcement and hi-touched Albao, who managed to get through it while Holly helped me, and the understatement room, which made my stomach ache just because I was listening.

Holly, who was coming down with Albao, looked at our childish interactions with a smile.

"Totally. I can't believe I'm really getting this far."

Holly's voice is also quite mixed with fatigue.

Albao was in charge of this announcement, but it was definitely Holly who pulled the discovery up until it took shape.

Even if aging progresses 5,000 times faster, it doesn't take shape if you're doing something wrong.

It was not rarely Holly's arms that guided the experiment and even put it in the form of an 'Old Potion' that could eventually be presented.

The exact move made me realize that she was a junior once taught by Cecil.

"But you, Albao. Whatever it is, it's too lame this time. Evening Mist Though your bad influence, you shouldn't be so impotent in the future."

While I'm at it, Holly's got one peek in me, too.

But Albao replied, "No."

"I can't promise that. Mr. Holly."

"... well, against the manager"

"'Cause if it's for your precious Mr. Holly, I'm going to be as impotent as I can be."

Oops, me and Holly overlapping voices.

Only Albao who unleashed that statement doesn't know why we're surprised.

Me and Holly look at each other.

And Holly, who turned just a little red, said after coughing up her trumpet, as if she were still not a character.

"Ah. Mr. Albao. Is that a confession?

Basari, and Arbao made a noise and dropped the documents, etc. he had in his hand.

He was probably shaking his head as he pampered his mouth.

The room was filled with fresh, warm air.

The air, however, suddenly slipped right through the open door.

"... heh. That's a pleasant thing, really, you guys."

We stood up for the voice that jumped into the booth.

It was Cecil who opened the entrance door and came in.

He had a warm, hateful eye on Holly to speak of hostility.

"... Holly. You, after all, get out of my way. You step over what I've struggled to build, your track record, your trust, your tolerance, your innocence."

"I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No matter how hard I try, you are. You...!

Cecil tried to grasp Holly with the momentum.

It was still Albao that put me between those two.

"... you, Albao"

"Dr. Cecil. Please calm down."

"... cum"

Albao tells me that Cecil only regains a little sanity.

But he couldn't find anything to say here.

Cecil gently turned her heel back and opened the door to leave the armoury.

And he stares at the person who stood there and makes a mocking voice.

"Dr. Appalachian..."

"Cecil, and Holly's here. Well, wait, Cecil. I forbid you to leave this room now."

Mr. Appalachian, who had long been out, retained Cecil with a low voice that made him feel pressure.

Behind it, unexpectedly, is a guinea pig. Apparently they came to this place for a purpose.

But by acknowledging Cecil's existence, he decided to talk to you first.

"Dr. Appalachian. I never talk to her."

"Right. Well, you certainly will. You've been free to say things to Holly."

"... Yes"

"But have you ever listened to her?

To that question, Cecil couldn't return the words.

Mr Appalachian gives his gaze to Chirali and Holly. Holly, with her eyes slightly rounded, shook her head.

"Dr. Appalachian. I don't..."

"Holly. That's your bad habit. Hide the truth from time to time and pretend you don't care. But that doesn't solve your problem. [M] There's no way I don't get it."

"... but"

"Cecil has never heard of your feelings. It's on you."

With Mr. Appalachian pointing the mic at him, Holly was confused.

But it was Cecil who was more confused than that.

"Dr. Appalachian. What the hell are you talking about?

"Cecil, I want you to listen to me. Why the hell did she decide to go the wrong way with you?"

Then, the gaze of the occasion gathered to Holly.

Cecil, who has ever had cloudy eyes, also has a purely questionable eye for Holly.

With a little hesitation, Holly began to put the potpourri and her feelings into words.

"I've been following Senior Cecil's back the whole time. He went into 'White Oak' and was the most respectable senior. So I was hoping that one day I could catch up with Senior Cecil and help him."

The relationship between Cecil and Holly was heard by Mr Appalachian.

And to Holly's pursuit, Cecil also meant she was in distress.

That was Cecil's gaze.

"But one day, I realized. He said all I'm doing is chasing Senior Cecil's back forever. I don't have the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder, even if I can catch up on my senior's back."

As there was distress on Cecil's side, so did Holly at that time.

She was quicker than anyone to swallow what Cecil taught her.

But even though he thinks he's finally lined up, Cecil moves on one more thing.

Catch up with Cecil before, catch up with Cecil before.

Holly, who repeated it, said she realized that she couldn't stand next to Cecil for long, even if she was on the same path as Cecil.

"So I thought I'd stop chasing Senior Cecil's back. I didn't think I could ever be on par with my predecessors unless I went down a different path from them. And since I was given my own lab, I've decided to try something new."

When the caught up Cecil was still making steady strides.

Holly was even bothered. I was up for results.


"It was nothing but irony that the achievement I was finally found turned out to take Senior Cecil's sunny stage"

The step she had finally taken took took the form of trampling Cecil's achievements.

That was the beginning of their definitive commitment from "Aged Salam Potion".

Hearing that far, Cecil said, mocking herself, still letting her eyes smoke hostility.

"Wouldn't that have been nice? Instead of standing shoulder to shoulder with me, you've gone beyond grandeur. Last time, and this time. You don't give a shit about my back anymore. Adequately, forget about me and anything else, just a challenge or whatever. Look down on me."


Holly denied Cecil's words in a strong tone.

"I am still a junior to Senior Cecil. I can do whatever I want, thanks to Senior Cecil."

"... bullshit, it would be"

"I can't be a senior. Seniors know that they will keep the white oak tradition, so I can challenge them."

Holly picked up this paperwork that Albao had left behind after the words.

"This experiment took shape because there was a way Senior Cecil taught me. There was a tradition that Senior Cecil kept, so there was this discovery as well. I've never looked down on Senior Cecil since I was born."

"... I..."

Cecil's voice was trembling.

In his eyes, he was beginning to accumulate grains of tears.

All this time, I heard what Holly meant when she was hostile.

I was desperate to be unplugged, and when I won, I did, and that's how I knew what the woman I was fighting for was thinking.

Cecil asked Holly with her trembling lips.

"... Holly, did you still read my data?

"... naturally. Senior Cecil's data habits haven't changed at all in a long time."

It's about Cecil's research data, which Guinura's been getting.

He used to say it wouldn't be a problem if it came to us.

If you don't have the ability to use it, you say the data is just data.

Indeed, if not explained, the purpose and direction of the data are unclear. It's hard to just look at the data and guess what the person's research is.

But Holly could have taken advantage of it. I could guess what purpose the experiment was conducted by Cecil.

Because Holly's thoughts were also taught by Cecil.

Even if you say you've gone the wrong way, that doesn't mean you'll never abandon your previous journey.

"... well. You do that... I..."

If you listen to Holly, this battle was not a battle between 'tradition' and 'discovery', etc.

Cecil didn't lose to Holly.

If I tell you, I lost the way I gave myself.

No, on the contrary, there are no winners or losers.

There are only 'white oak' forwards.

Because Cecil and Holly are never enemies.

"You got it? I don't know why I wanted you to face me from the front."

Until then, Mr. Appalachian, who had listened quietly, comes out in front of both of us.

He spoke to Cecil in such a calm voice that he wished his godson to grow.

"Cecil, I think you're the only one who can protect the pillars of the White Oak tradition."

"... Dr. Appalachian"

"And you worked out, Holly, and you walk down the path of progress next to you"

Cecil's eyes turned to Holly again.

In its eyes, there is no more hostility left. All I have seems pure, regretful.

"Between you, you no longer need attention."

Smiling at Cecil and Holly respectively, Mr. Appalachian concludes.

"From now on, tradition and progress, dear to white oak. I want you to protect each of those two. Can you do that?"

"" Yes ""

To Mr Appalachian's words, for the first time since I've seen them, the two replied breathlessly.

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