"Why didn't you explain it first?

With that said, Rosemary has a second glass of water in her mouth with a tiny bite.

Luckily for you during your misfortune, were you alone on this occasion? Otherwise, she would have exposed the earlier lapse in front of a large crowd.

But that fact didn't even comfort me, and I found Rosemary to be in a pretty bad mood.

"This one said 'take your time,' and I didn't have time to explain it,"

"... no. That's not what I'm looking for."

I tried to excuse her for once, but, well, people like her would say that.

Half the time I was asked if I had anything to say, I was right.

"I'm sorry"

"... good"

When I bowed my head, Rosemary accepted it unexpectedly.

And I also drank the second glass of water before I took a bottle of 'Rye Old'.

"Why is it so hard to drink coming down your throat like that?

"I'm going to use some potion theory made by the owner."

"... So you're saying it's somewhat easier to drink and this is it?

If the subject of Sui's potion came up, Rosemary looked the same sinister as Albao.

I laugh a little bitterly and add.

"I don't know how far you know about 'Old Potion', but it sounds like something like intense alcohol in the production phase can't be removed yet"

It's only my opinion that you don't have to remove anything.

This is still a stage where research has begun. One day this' Old 'might also be drinkable and improved, like the' normal potion 'out in the world.

I'm somewhat lonely as a hobby, but I can't help being practical.

Being for 10,000 people should be required as a medicine.

"It means the lady drinks, so consideration around it was missing. I'm so sorry."

I bowed my head again. It was the customers who were used to drinking potions who asked for this at the store, so I forgot the beginner part.

Wanting you to drink without preconceptions is a story when there is some common perception.

It was a little funny, but you should put that aside and apologize.

Rosemary softened the words a little to my attitude.

"... I never said it tasted bad. I didn't have much room to taste it, but I see, it's interesting."


"Yeah, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm counting on you for one more thing in terms of 'ease of drinking'"

Saying, Rosemary put down the bottle she had.

The tentative label is pointing straight at me.

"What I remain fond of is another opportunity. Here's another hobby, please."

Sprinkling rhetoric.

But I'm not going to be so dull that I don't know what that means.

Rosemary's cheeks seemed slightly reddish as to whether the earlier 'Old' had turned. That looks somewhat fancy.

I don't have the hobby to refuse such a beautiful favor on purpose.

"Yes, I did. Do I need to explain 'cocktails'?

"I'm loading it if you're a paper submitted by Sui Vermut. I don't need an explanation."

"It helps."

The description of the cocktail has been scattered, so that just made me a little more comfortable.

Again, I'll face Rosemary.

"Is there anything you don't like? Citrus doesn't work, sweet doesn't work."

"None. I am trained in all tastes in education. I don't like or dislike the taste. The things I've never been able to do are about the potion of Sui Vermut."

If I could have gotten that far, I should have pioneered another step of taste and made you a good understander of Sui.

While I think about it, I try to zero in on the real deal.

"That's troublesome."

"I wonder why?

"If you don't like it or dislike it, it's hard to find the perfect cup for your customers."

I wouldn't dare to explain, but it's Theory in choosing a cocktail that asks what flavor you like or dislike.

It's easier if you say what flavor you like, and even if you say what flavor you don't like, I can exclude it and narrow it down.

'Anything's good' is the hardest part, no matter where it is.

But making it proper with it doesn't allow the bartender to hold it.

Pack up some more conversation and you'll see some thread. And I just wanted to make a good observation of her.

Rosemary said with a great breast, even though she said it was a help boat.

"Now imagine me and make it."


I got the most troublesome order.

I think the first person to think about how to ask this kind of question should apologize to bartenders across the country.

... Well, better than nothing.

"Yes, I did. So, can I ask you a few questions about you?

"That's boring. Read enough from this overflowing aura of mine."

"You say impotent"

"Is that the bartender?

I laugh once and for all at her with challenging eyes.

This high-pressure attitude. He said that he would not send anyone, that he would send flowers from the high ridges to the ground. A thought circuit that always captures the world around itself.

That's the kind of lonely cold I feel from her.

But that's not all.

Weakness when there was a crack in the smile mask.

The number of gaps when you think of me as a servant of the Mansion doesn't change your attitude when you realize that you are an associate of a self-proclaimed competitor, Sui.

Loneliness, therefore, also feels like sweetness to the forgiving.

And just one thing came to mind.

"Okay. I'll make it for you. The perfect cocktail for Master Rosemary."

Using it as a base is' Rye Old ', which also means revenge.

Other took out was' lime juice 'and a bottle with red liquid.

"Grenadine syrup."

"... that's a great color."

Rosemary zeroes her thoughts on the do-grade redness even if it is dim.

This' Grenadine Syrup 'seems to be originally' Pomegranate Syrup '.

The bright red hue is taken from the 'pomegranate' and serves to give the cocktail a sweet and red color.

Even so, in the Japanese bar where I worked, it was more like a berry-based comprehensive syrup than a pomegranate.

'Grenadine syrup' here is similarly dominated by the berry flavour.

This time it will make up for most of the sweetness.

Prepared as an instrument are shakers, major cups and glasses in bar spoons.

The reverse triangle is fun to use in appearance, it is a cocktail glass.

I don't have a freezer, so it starts when I start cooling the glass with ice.

First, weigh 15 ml of lime juice and go to the shaker. I'm a little concerned about the fragrance because I haven't cut the raw lime, but when I focus on it, it doesn't make sense.

Return the measure immediately after that and weigh Rye Old in 45 ml.

At this stage, some shakers are light amber. Looks like it stays the color of Old.

Next I put the measure on the table, open the Grenadine syrup plug, on my right hand side.

Tilt him and gently drain the liquid onto the bar spoon in his left hand.

Once you've weighed a spoonful--1 tsp of grenadine syrup, pour it on the shaker.

If you put the bottle down and then stir the contents of the shaker, the liquid quickly changed to deep red.

This is the power of 'Grenadine Syrup'.

If it is a liquid with a high affinity for red, it dyes itself bright red with just a spoon.

I also treasure a lot, but I can feel relied on cheaply. It is such a being.

It is thick and the equipment after use needs to be thoroughly washed.

After seeing the flavor lightly, cover the shaker once and remove the ice that was cooling the glass.

ice, so the lawn around it would absorb it.

Gently wipe the water dripping on the edge of the glass with a clean cloth and you are ready.

I filled the shaker with open lid with tongs of ice and closed it tightly.

Finally, hit the table with the cocon and the shaker twice and move on to the shake.

What you need to be aware of when using whiskey as a base is temperature.

As I said before when I used "Old Salam" as a base, whiskey ─ "Old" is also mostly stored at room temperature.

When it comes to using it on a base, there is a huge temperature difference compared to using the spirits you are cooling in the freezer.

We must finish the shake more consciously and quickly than usual so as not to compromise the taste.

Quickly and accurately without extra force.

Be aware of the ice movement, delicately so that it doesn't crumble into darkness.

Strike the metal instrument with the best speed allowed.

The sound of a regular chakran blends quietly into the darkness.

I slowly finished that shake as my fingertips conveyed chilli and the coolness of the liquid inside.

All you have to do is remove the top and pour the contents into the cocktail glass that was ready.

Liquids slipping in, especially, draw bright trajectories, like the sun setting in the darkness.

Eventually, a slightly reddish foam was placed on it and the bright red liquid quietly filled the glass.

Pour until the last drop and cut the shaker. I gently offered Rosemary a drink that I could make.

"Thank you for waiting. [New York]."

After all, Rosemary's eyes, staring as deep red as her own hair, were narrowed intriguingly.

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