"Hey. I've been thinking about this for a while."


Rosemary, as I recall, alternates between the glass at hand and my face.

And distorted his face in dissatisfaction.

"What about letting all the women drink and the men don't?

"No, I serve..."

"I forgive you. Drink."

It's a forceful thing to say, but if you ask me, I also felt the best. I'm pretty much out there for personal use right now.

Immediately, he put out one shot glass on the spot and poured 'Rye Old' in the stream.

If this was Ibuki, even if I indirectly kissed her with a tasting glass on this occasion, I wouldn't care about anything, or so on.

When I put up the glass, Rosemary grabs the glass, just as she was satisfied.

And I asked gracefully:

"Okay, you. Were there any 'good things' today?


For a moment, I almost dropped the shot glass in my hand.

Because the way I asked was similar to Ibuki in my memory, which I remembered earlier.

I blink and look at her, but Rosemary narrows her eyes in disgust at what surprises me.

"What are you surprised about? That would be a place to celebrate the happiness of meeting and talking to this Rosemary Merriastel."

"... ah, oh. Yes. Right."

I got a little embarrassed when I was told.

Whatever Ibuki's cliche, it's not uncommon to toast to the encounter.

I raised a glass while reflecting on the slightly narrower horizons.

"So here's to a good encounter today"

"Mm, cheers."

Kachiri, and the cup rang quietly.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

[New York]

It was an unfamiliar sounding name.

The colour is bright red. Or should I say deep cedar?

It's a strange vid out of the crowd that I've seen before. And I've never seen this again. It's poured into a reverse triangle glass.

Curiosity makes Rosemary realize she's very daunted.

Nevertheless, the feeling of amber still irritating the throat earlier remains intense behind Rosemary's brain.

Yes, that's right, and I had a little hesitation in accepting it lightly.


(In a place like this, I'm not allowed to stay. That's what I meant)

Rosemary trumps that weakness at her own will.

Otherwise, you can't shake off the 'blue hair' phantom that will remain in your head forever.

What was now in front of me felt exactly like her pointing, even like an assassin.

If Rosemary brings the glass closer to her mouth, the fragrance will inevitably open in it.

A sweet, berry-based fragrance that symbolizes glamorous red. And the lime that goes right through my nose - the scent of citrus.

There is a rustic fragrance somewhere in "Rye Old" that blends well with them and caused the rosemary to peel earlier.

Rosemary had red liquid in her mouth shortly after the tour, as if by invitation to the fragrance.

What surprised me was that the liquid did have the 'Old' flavor that I drank earlier.

If you look only at the colors, they don't look alike, and even if they are scented, they don't make that many claims. Still, the feeling of wrapping your tongue - the flavor that you feel throughout - is the sole that you should have drank earlier.

(... slipping into my throat with sulli...!

Rosemary's throat, however, does not reject that fluid again.

I do feel 'old-fashioned' at any price for the taste entrance, overall atmosphere, aftertaste finish, etc.

Otherwise, however, the flavor that comes directly to the tongue is fruity with berries and citrus.

The sharp acidity of the lime runs from the moment it enters your mouth to your refreshing throat.

From the moment it's included, it's a berry-based sweetness that dances on your tongue as warm as sunlight and fluffy as a butterfly.

It was found that those two fruits were deliciously mixed and soothed irritation to the throat.

Cold, sharp, stimulus running around over the tongue. Sweet, soft, a breeze that spreads through your mouth.

'Old' unique flavors that envelop them deep, and strength.

The flavour is completely different while retaining the characteristics of "Old".

The unknown pouring sultry into my head even seemed to taste the sights of the future while still.

Sharpness and softness, and enveloping them, something big that you can't handle.

Deep as a human heart, with its sweet charm and at the same time a cold side.

A very cozy place. But a place to be left if you're satisfied there.

To those images that ran around his head, Rosemary did not know and was holding around his chest.

Only myself seemed to be encroached upon by the fears of being left behind.

But that doesn't last long either.

Doing so, the 'cocktail', which came down through my throat to my stomach, gives off a tingling fever.

There was a strange feeling in that fever, like having my presence affirmed.

Even if you include another bite, there is no distracting shaking like earlier.

I realized Rosemary was relieved to be given a place in that cup.

At first it was rejected and gradually accepted.

It's like I'm Rosemary Merriastel.

And at the same time it is like Sui Vermut.

Rosemary was feeling so sympathetic to the two potions she kept drinking.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

I was just enjoying the taste of "Rye Old" in my mouth.

"... What does [New York] mean?

"... does that mean..."

The opening is the best.

I had a little bit of a mouth cage over Rosemary's questioning of dried cocktails.

When asked what it means, there's something slightly troubling about it.

Because this cocktail, as it were, borrows its name from 'New York' in America on Earth.

I don't know the exact name record because it doesn't seem to have any left. But I remember what my senior said when you gave me the recipe.

[New York] is a cocktail that can be a gateway to teaching people how to taste new when they don't like whiskey.

So to explain it on this occasion, is it also Ali who can do it concisely?

"In local language, 'new entrance', 'center', that's the way it is."


It is an appropriate response at a level that has not lied critical.

I don't know if Rosemary was satisfied with my words.

"It tastes strange."

Rosemary said so staring at the red left about half in the glass.

I look carefully at her expression and how her voice sounds, and then I ask.

"Didn't it suit your mouth?

Rosemary doesn't even bother gazing at me while she snaps the glass at her fingertips.

The expression was found to loosen up funny.

"If I told you it didn't fit, what would you do?"

"I'm sorry, and I'm going to bow my head and make you a different drink."

"Yeah. Yeah."

Ton and I put a glass on the table, and now I said, staring straight at me.

"So what if I told you to make a cocktail in my house all the time because you liked it?

"Unfortunately, I refuse"

"Why not?

Exploring eyes, but I found that to be half a joke, half a real invitation.

And if I say something weird, I'm sure she won't convince me.

I've asked these questions before, and I've been made queen of vampires.

What was the answer then?

Sure, like, 'Bartenders in business, it's not gonna be anybody's thing'.

I wonder what I am now.

Is it a bartender, although it is business hours?

This isn't a bar, and I'm not dealing with customers separately.

In the first place, I pour my favorite liquor, as much as I'm toasting.

But naturally, there was a saying no from my mouth.

That's because I still have a reason not to leave there.

"I have an answer I need to find. At the end of the cocktail, there's someone I need to meet. Until then, I can't go anywhere. Excuse me."

I still have work to do.

I can't do that, like throwing it out.

What did Rosemary think of my response?

I closed my eyes to indulge for a while and silenced myself with one sound to clear my ears to the music I could hear from afar.

When I'm followed and quiet too, the quiet of the night seems to stain.

Like this moment is the choice of some decisive world. Now, for me to be tiny, I can't seem to choose anything. I felt such a strange loneliness.

After a while Rosemary opened her eyes and grinned with a grin.

"Fine. But it's a promise. Sooner or later I will invite you, then come and sift your arms. That would be good, wouldn't it?

"If it's convenient"

"Put it on."

Biscuit, Rosemary pushing her own demands at the end. I didn't really hate her for her arrogance.

Somewhere, maybe he overlapped Ibuki pulling me forcefully.

Doing so interrupted the music that had arrived from the venue.

At that stage, I finally realized the footsteps that were closing in on me. Much closer.

When I turned my eyes, there was an old man of unknown age but with a sharp eye.

"Ma'am, I've been looking for you."

"Megist. What can I do for you?"

"Don't do anything unsolicited. Why are you attending a party and getting out of a party venue"

The old man, called Megisto, complains to Rosemary without moving one eyebrow.

I am long and disappointed in my body. From the expression, the severity and depth of thought are felt at the same time, making even bright white dyed hair feel weighty, not aging fading.

But even if such an old man is so fond of him, Rosemary is to such an extent as to dislike his face.

"I don't care about the venue. I've finished saying hello, so I think you can go home now."

"That's such a nasty personality, it doesn't extend to Sui Vermut."

"... Sui Vermut has nothing to do with it"

"Was I? Excuse me."

The face of the old man who said so did not seem so disrespectful.

He shifted his gaze from Rosemary to me and watched me lick it.

But after that, I soothe my expression and say it with a gentle voice.

"Evening fog, isn't it?

"Huh? Yes. Did you know that?

"I know it well. Thanks to someone who's eager to find out about someone."

"Megist. Okay, so be quiet."

Rosemary stood up in a bit of a hurry, he said.

"If you have time to talk extra, do your job"

"Yes, exactly, I've just come to work"

The old man gives a chilling voice to Rosemary.

She put her chair on the table in a bad mood and threw it up at the old man.

"I'm going."

As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to gather some information about Rosemary, but Rosemary herself is dyeing her cheeks red and doesn't seem to want it to be the topic.

There's no reason to hold back, and I'll leave this place to her.

As I shut up, Rosemary looked at me like she was staring at me.

"You, total. Promise, remember."

"Yes, sir."

"If you forget, you won't understand."

"So, I know."

"... and"


Flip from a strong tone earlier.

After a slight mouth cage, Rosemary grinned slightly and made it clear.

"Cocktails, they were delicious. That's all."

I didn't think that straightforward feeling was going to come out of her character.

While I'm somewhat amused, I don't hide my gratitude.



When I nodded, Rosemary glanced at me and left the spot refreshed.

The old man bows his head to Pecori and me and follows him after Rosemary.

She was a forceful woman from start to finish.

I looked at the table to clean up, and I realized one thing.

"[New York]... I'm drinking it all"

Soon, an empty glass.

That seemed to tell me that her last words were from the heart.

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