When I returned to the venue for a little while, the Lord's birthday party ended unexpectedly.

A little inquiry into Sally, and a slight event about Phil being pretty attention-grabbing?

During the party, the lord even seemed to be talking to guests as organizers, except he came to me for a cocktail only once. When I left the venue after my last greeting, I felt a little tired walking, regardless of my expression.

When the guests left, a good number of people spoke to us. The colors that dwell in those eyes varied, but I'm sure you're interested in the cocktail itself.

After that, I also finished cleaning up the counter, which was almost done, and when I offered help to the other servants, they refused, so I decided to greet the lord and go home.

"Hey, Evening Mist. Thank you. You've really helped me today."

"No, this is me, because I always take care of you"

When I headed to the reception room where I was always talking to the lord, the lord with a little disfigurement raised his hand slightly later.

The reception room is splendid and otherwise simple to welcome people of high stature, which is simpler when I meet them.

The conditioning is not excessively flashy, but the product is good. As far as I'm concerned, I'd rather be on this side of it.

Only a lord and an escort-like knight accompany you on the spot.

Apparently the wife has already turned to the bedroom and is absent. It is remembered that his daughter, Seraloi, was ill and absent from the meeting itself. Viola said she's weak, but that's tough.

"Please sit down. I need to talk to you for a second."

"Then sweeten to your words"

After we had just a little crushed grin on each other, me, Phil, and Sally, the three of us turn to the other side of the table where the lord is sitting. Thank you, I asked permission to take my seat.

"Again, thanks for waving my arm at my birthday party"

"Naturally. We've been doing a lot of really good for the Lords since the competition."

Really, I'm getting more convenience than I can possibly imagine right now.

First of all, I received an answer regarding the soaking type of liqueur potion, starting with parfetamur.

There are many others.

He rented the land for the study of cocktails and their materials to the prize of the Special Award for Excellence, and also received various help in procuring the materials, and he purchased relatively expensive coffee on behalf of the land, as well as permission to raise Advo birds, such as he wanted to raise them experimentally.

In return, I gave Parfetamur mass-production tips, but they take care of so many things that it's not worth it.

"Of course, I don't think I could repay the lord to this extent"

"You don't have to be tough right now. Don't worry about it."

"Okay, Mr. Sage. I really appreciate it."

"It's a big deal."

When I thanked the lord deeply, Mr. Sage laughed bitterly.

Around there, I took off only one piece of polite skin.

"So, how was it? Any reaction around? What was it like?

"Do you care?

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I've always wanted to try out how many cocktails go through an unknown customer"

"Hehe, you're being honest."

Mr. Sage smiles calmly, then thinks a little.

Two or three times, I stop where I tried to get the word out. I thought, he looked straight at me and asked the other way around.

"Excuse me, but what did you think of yourself? I guess you had a hand, huh?

"Yeah. I don't know what to say myself, but I was wondering if most of you were interested."

As for the heart certificate, it was.

Along with cocktails and carbonated drinks, many people were concerned. Some people have actually asked me how to make carbonation. At that time, he blurred, "Still a trade secret."

The lord said quietly, smiling and half his troubled face, etc.

"You certainly spread the cocktail around the world. You set that as your goal. How's that plan going so far?

"For once, as a basement making spreading cocktails, one. Through Miss Cravel Safina, to whom this Phil is gracious, plans are underway to sell carbonated beverages on a large scale from the Safina Chamber of Commerce."

"Hmm. From the Safina Chamber of Commerce"

Still in the big muscle or planning stage, but with Cravel in the pipe, Safina Chamber of Commerce and such stories are going under the water.

So far, where we are rubbing each other's requests, there are still differences in perceptions between the two sides, but they generally come together in the form of drinking this request.

Not in the direction of raising prices with exclusive sales, but in the image of pursuing profits as cheaply, broadly and thinly as possible.

I have trouble getting people to think of it as an expensive drink there, even for the cocktails that follow. It also drifts from Swiss philosophy and from the point of view of making a basement that spreads cocktails.

"You plan to get acquainted with carbonated drinks first and spread the awareness of 'cocktails' as a way to drink them. And I hope that slowness will also look at its efficacy and lead to the" magic deficiency "measures for the poor."

"Hmm. And today, in a way, he said it was meant to be that litmus"

"Yes, can someone interested in carbonated drinks reach for a cocktail as well? I wanted to take a look around."

As I realized today, after all, not so many people suddenly try cocktails. I don't have a culture of drinking potion as a hobby, so I can't help it.

But thanks to that little person, the ripple spreads from there. If someone is drinking a cocktail that looks delicious, someone who cares will talk to him and lead him to the next drink.

Those who liked carbonated drinks now went to other carbonated drinks - and also to [Jin Tonic], a 'cocktail' made from carbonated drinks.

Overall, about 70% of humans would have even experienced a cocktail.

Although not many humans even tried [Blue Moon] on boulders. Not even zero.

"As for the feel, it wasn't good. At least, I think we have little problem with carbonated drinks. I'm proud to say it was a momentum eating champagne."

In fact, the ingredients I have prepared for today have sparked me more than I expected.

Since it is so popular, it is good to see that the guests are highly impressed. I thought a variety of opinions were being given to Mr Sage, who was the first to hire a 'bartender'.

He looked a little happy and slightly bitter again, fumbling over my words.

"By and large, you're right. Most of the guests who came today admired the carbonated drinks and cocktails you brought."

"Is it true!

"But mostly, yeah."

Mr. Sage's gentle words of praise stab me with joy.

He worries about choosing words, then quietly speaks one word at a time.

"Anyone who comes here today is mostly a friendly person with me. So somehow you know I'm rooting for you, and you've seen it favorably since the beginning. But there are also people who don't. I'm not saying it clearly in words, but there's a layer of people who think 'cocktails' aren't funny, for sure."

Quiet words, but it turns out to be a gentle warning to Mr. Sage.

Just a little nervous on the ground, and I'm ready for his words.

"I naturally support you. I can see your will to spread your 'cocktails' and your desire to save the poor, Sui Vermut. I'm always gonna think the same thing myself."

Lord's spicy eyes only hurt a little.

The store also occasionally hears stories of people moving from different cities. The city says its lords lay considerable good governance.

With the Knights as their hands and feet so that no matter how hard the difference between rich and poor may be, any person can live in peace and security, the Lords work too much.

You don't think there's a city that has a deeper relationship between the Knights and the Lords and a closer distance between the Knights and the people?

But it also means that people who are pointing in a different direction from Mr. Sage's aim seem neglected.

Isn't that what you're talking about me and Sui?

"What you're about to do, less money will work. In the world, there are even those who further exploit from the poor and fatten their private bellies. Of course I intend to protect you as much as I can. But you may have come to the point where you have to be careful."

I kept my lord's word to myself without saying a word.

The lord's worried voice stirred into his heart.

I understand that he is never talking about this because he wants to keep our legs shut.

"They resent you for being at a disadvantage because of you, or vice versa, trying to get it forcefully knowing you exist. I can't deny the possibility of such a presence appearing... although now that the name 'Sui Vermut' is out there, you may not have much to worry about."

At the end of the day, Mr. Sage smiled bitterly as he said, as he softly tightened the bitter story.

"I don't think he's going to show up that way to meet the famous" Witch of the Two Thousand Years "... No, was" Herd Blue "more famous in this city?

"Mr. Sage is surprisingly familiar with gossip,"

To his joke, I get caught too and smile back.

Of course the content of the story is not a joke, but it is better not to take it too seriously. That would be the kindness of Mr. Sage.

Phil and Sally, who don't know the street name of 'Crowd Blue' by intense speech control by Sui, are decent, but this is a good opportunity, so I'll tell you later.

No, you haven't seen Viola today, one crack in that 'flock blue'.

"In the meantime, I've never been over cautious"

"Okay. Thank you for your advice."

The tough conversation between me and Mr. Sage is over.

The tension on the ground is disintegrating and the slightly loose air is returning, about when we start talking.

"It's okay. No matter how poor the general is, it's got me and Phil."

"You, turn around and stop being poor or something towards your master. Even the facts will hurt you."

Until then, Sally, who had behaved well, remarked impatiently when she saw that it was no longer a hard air.

Compared to the vampire specs, who's not poor?

No, I might be poorer than the people around me.

"My Kirishvasser family won't shut up if I have to."

"Sally, for once we're here in secret, right? 'Cause it shouldn't be that easy to take care of, huh?

"Bye, Phil. Even on the scale with the general, you take such a secret?


Phil, don't shut up there. If you don't stop Sally, nobody will.

Phil, then I'll take the general, and I'll pinch your mouth before you say anything.

"I get it. I wish you guys would protect me. So don't say anything noisy. I apologize to Mr. Sage for facilitating your presence, too."

You forgot to mention that you missed the presence of these twins on the list of thanks you received from Mr. Sage earlier.

He laughed joyfully, not angrily, at us as usual in front of the lord.

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