"Ah, welcome back!

"I'm home."

It was after 22: 00 when we returned to the Vermut family, but the lights were still on.

Without having to unlock it, I knocked and the red-haired girl I was used to seeing - Rye opened the front door for me.

"How'd it go?


"Not young enough."

Returning his candid thoughts on the question, Rye pointed his lips slightly dissatisfied.

She probably pretends to have exorbitant expectations of upper-class parties. From her like that, I'm tired of party thoughts. So, you can't even like it.

Even if that's work, no, maybe it's more fun to have one or two forbidden relationships because it's work. He seems to like that kind of novel.

I switched from leather shoes for formal use to slippers for indoor use, and then I thought I would tell you.

"But Phil was dancing and stuff saying there was a lady on the way. You were hot."


"Uh? Why? What? What?"

Phil is confused by my abrupt talk, but it's already late. Rye's interest had completely shifted to that topic.

Phil looks at me with a little blame, but I return the wink instead. That's all he felt my intentions, and, ha, he sighed.

"Okay, I'll talk to you. So, do you have anything to pinch lightly or anything? Because I didn't eat anything."

Naturally, we didn't say anything during the party. Rye nodded Hmm to Phil's words.

"Mm, I'll get you ready. What about the total and Sally?

"I'm good."

"I... I guess I'll eat later"

For both of us, Rye lightly undertook. She stayed put and tried to make her way to the shithole and kitchen to prepare snacks.

I only call her off once.

"Rye. What about Sui or Mr. Oyaji?

We're both in the living room.


If I thank him back, you're welcome, and he replied cheerfully, Rye now headed to the kitchen.

Then Phil sighed quietly.

"I just need to hold Rye back, okay?

"I'm sorry. I knew I wanted to get through to Mr. Oyaji first."

After a little thought, I thought I should talk to Mr. Oyaji one-on-one for once.

The very story of Sui or Rai's mother is what Mr. Oyaji told me. In him, I'm sure it comes with some sort of organizing, which is why he talked to me.

Because it's Mr. Oyaji who doesn't feel the least comfortable.

"So I should do something about Mr. Suey, right?

Sally, who was listening, said exactly what I somehow wanted.

"Hopefully. But worst of all, I'm gonna invite Mr. Oyaji out for a drink."

"... heh"

"Hey, what's up?"

Sally narrowed her eyes when she asked me if I'd come up with a smart solution.

She looks at me with zito eyes and says blush.

"It's good that you two go for a drink alone, but can you come home properly? I don't follow angry Sui."

"... no, so then"

That was, of course, when the two of us, me and Mr. Oyaji, got friendly and drunk and Sui picked us up in the shape of a ghost.

Since then, Sui has had a pretty tough eye when it comes to me and Mr. Oyaji, and then Bergamo, too, going for a drink on the set.

... Well, I hope I get home on time I promised. Like this, hey?

"I'll do something about it."


When I bowed my head, Sally had no choice but to smile a little like she'd given up.

"I'm home."

"Mmm, welcome back."


Then when I turned to the living room, they sat in their seats and looked up at each of the two of them.

One of them is a blue-haired girl. She asks with a slightly sleepy eye for magical-related books that she only sees as difficult at first glance.

"How'd it go? The experiment."

"Don't say experimental. Well, I almost had a hand."

"... yes"

When I told her the results as they were, Sui slowed her cheeks slightly with delight.

It's small as a change in expression, but it's a change that anyone can see, so I can say I'm pretty big and happy for her.

"For more information... Sally, can I ask for it?

"Why, Sally?

Afterwards, I was pushy, but Sally decided to take over the neighborhood.

Sui naturally looks like she felt something snag there and comes packing a little. Well, that's about as many questions as I'm assuming, and I have answers for you.

"No, I was a little out of time on the way, Sally's better..."

"Why were you missing?

My voice felt a little, thorny.

Why do you care there?

"Uh, there's someone here who wants to talk to me about Old Man."

You were a beautiful woman.

"Hey Sally!

Softly appealing to Sally, who added extra information, to stop him, but it looked like Swi's ear had received solid information.

She distorts her delightful face until earlier, now slightly irritated.

"Huh. Tell us to wait because we don't know the answer. That's what I do."

"So! Sure, they were women, but they were really talking about 'Old'!

"... really?


Sui listening quietly to my words.

I don't seem to suspect much of the veracity of my words, but somewhere else, you may have a sharp eye for me.

In other words, the suspicion is that 'I told you that, and you dictated it again as usual'.

My relationship with Sue and Sally hasn't changed.

As always, stay in parallel lines where I can't find the answer.

That hasn't changed since I heard Sui's embarrassing monologue.

If I had a little more prank, I might have thought of poking around and playing with it. But Sui was so strongly threatened to forget about that day that it struck me.

And even if it was irrevocable, I couldn't give the answer, and I thought it was too dishonest to end it.

They're waiting for the answer in me, and I want to reward them again if I can.

Outside of romantic feelings, I like them, and I don't want to hurt them as much as possible.

So I'm as smug as I can about the oral complaints that come out on my own.

Originally, I didn't like it and dictate allowances or gradually young or old, and I intend to be concerned, especially in front of the two of them.

... Well, still, sometimes I say it unconsciously... conditional reflexes are horrible things.


Now for one thing, it doesn't start with not reversing Sui's mood.

So, I remembered evidence that the woman wasn't interested in me in the first place.

"Oh, I mean, the woman was interested in 'Old' because of Suey."

"... me?

That presumption is not very off-target.

That's all she was-- Rosemary seemed obsessed with Sui Vermut.

"I'm a guy named Rosemary. As a result of Sui's current research, he seemed interested in 'Old' and 'Cocktails'. I'm not supposed to be in my eyes."

To my answer, Sui said a little... no, after I stopped for some time.



Now firmly, staring at me half-eyed, Sui says even more.

"Trying to deceive me by saying the right thing..."

"No, no! You're a sync graduate of Sui! He said it was the second seat!

To my answer, she stopped again a little. Keep quiet and put your hands on your forehead so you can pull out the information.

And after a while it seemed like I finally figured it out, unwrinkling between my brows.

"Oh, you're Rosie. I've always plucked into fights, redhead."

"... you're not close?

"I don't like it or hate it, but maybe she didn't like me."

The look on Sui's face that said so seemed so complicated.

Depressing, but I don't hate it, the eyes that see things like that. From the sight of a certain man (Guinura) who made a scene in the store and was banned from leaving, it felt like he had pulled out his disgust.

It would have been a better topic not to touch too much on the story of the Demon House period for Sui as well.

I'll just come to a conclusion in an effort to end the conversation early.

"Anyway, it sounds like the guy was really here for research purposes, so nothing weird"

"... I still don't trust your total words and actions, but, well, come on"

Sui nodded, then turned his attention to Sally.

"Sally, let me ask you something."

"Yeah, I'm just getting a snack from Rye."

"Okay, there we go."

Sally glanced at me and then left the living room with Suey.

Then it was me and Mr. Oyaji who stayed there.

Before I said anything to Mr. Oyaji, he said in a slightly lighter tone.

"So? What do you want to talk about when you're alone with me?

"Oh, were you found out?

"Come on. You little brat."

Apparently, earlier stories were meant to create this situation, which was easily discernible.

We have a cheap conversation, but in situations where we explore each other, the conversation is not fun either.

The first thing, how easy it would be to feel if you could lose the intimidation and get back to saluting.

But I can't seem to use reverence here, such as stepping ahead.

Aware of my frightening self, I take a deep breath and shut him up.

When I was ready, I turned to him.

"Hey, I need to talk to you."

"... right"

Mr. Oyaji's, exploratory eye. It would be counterproductive, even if the purpose was colored with false friction.

I dismissed all the different cuts I had been thinking about by the time I got back, and I said the topic in a straightforward fashion.

"I'd like to hear about Elf's Alcohol, and about Elf itself."

When I asked, Mr. Oyaji looked at me with a lot of surprise.

And then I worry a little bit. Here was the reply.

"... you want a drink"


To Mr. Oyaji's whining, I only replied with an acknowledgement.

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