"First I say no, but I don't have a connection to the elves right now"

After drinking about half a glass of ale at once, Mr. Oyaji said out.

Before midnight on weekdays. Mr. Oyaji and I took in a shop called 'Sinonim', which is open to a couple by Kibushi, who is also one of our regular people.

The store closes at midnight, so I wasn't supposed to be here for another hour, but Mr. Kibushi said he would open the store with a little extension to see how we were doing.

At this hour, it's just me and Mr. Oyaji. We were both waiting behind the counter for an order without a conversation.

And the first cup was brought in, and I was just wondering what kind of cut it out, it was an opening statement.

"So, introduce me to someone Elf knows, and I can't respond to that."

"Yes, what?"

Mr. Gubiyaji includes another bite.

Slightly rampant, he also seemed to be gaining momentum and pouring liquid down his throat.

If that's okay, I'll tell you what I know.

"Oh, please."

Suddenly the shortest course came off, but there is no doubt that Mr. Oyaji is still familiar with the elves themselves.

I thought listening to him was all I needed right now.

Mr. Oyaji, feeling consciously faceless, has asked first.

"First of all, is it about the species called 'elves'? I talked to you a while ago, how much do you know?

"You don't have much to do with humans, and you have a long life span. After that, you live in a hiding place in the back of the woods, if it's a casual image?

"I'm not wrong."

Mr. Oyaji nods, then quietly begins to explain.

"First of all, they're elves, but you said these guys aren't that different from humans. They have a life expectancy of about 300 years, but that's all. But then again, it's hard to live with people who haven't lived in a hundred years, so we live separately."

"No AC?


There are some differences due to life expectancy, and there are differences in the outlook of death itself. With that in mind, I can also nod that I live apart from humans.

It's also a close image of the vampires building their own community.

In this sense, even if there are differences in physical abilities, it is also not clear that human beings and beastmen, whose life expectancy does not change, live together.

"So. Elves don't blame their life expectancy like humans, so they mostly relax in the back of the woods. However, it turns out that it's so different from humans that sometimes I'm curious and want to go outside. That's the kind of guy that bridges human beings with elves."


"So, when that kind of interacts with humans, one of the things I bring is' Elf's Alcohol '."

I take that word more seriously than ever.

After all, the lord seemed to know the word while not knowing the details. But Mr. Oyaji seems to know what it's like.

"Elves live their own lives behind the woods. And you seem to have a lot more skill in making 'booze' than we do. That's not just about brewed or distilled liquor. It also involves the combination of 'herbs' and 'liquor' accumulated over the years and the combination ratio."

"... are they delicious?

"It's a lot from delicious to unsavory. But the potency doesn't seem to compare to what you've made properly."

Imagine a little bit.

Human life expectancy is around a hundred years at best. And humans, no matter how much knowledge they accumulate, need to pass on that knowledge from generation to generation.

In contrast, the life expectancy of the elves is three hundred years. That means you can afford to accumulate a certain amount of knowledge on your own, and you have enough time to pass it on.

Even a time-consuming 'drunk' study would be far more temperamental than a human being's.

In the field of know-how, there seems to be no such advantage.

And it's done in a closed world that doesn't get mixed up on the human side.

"If you just want to get 'Elf's Alcohol', you can load it up and ask the merchant for it. But it won't be easy to get to the elves that made it."

"... well. That's right."

So, that's where we end up.

What I want to know is not flavor, but knowledge and know-how about herbs. That's not what you get from drinking the real thing.

But it's not easy to come into contact with an elf in a closed world.

At the moment, I'm just saying I found out about it, and I'm not getting anywhere near an answer.

Knowing that fact, I guess I was disappointed to see it.

Mr. Oyaji gets a slightly worse look.

"Wow. I can't help you."

"Huh? Not at all. Would you be grateful if you could just tell me more?"

I said hastily, but Mr. Oyaji seemed a little lonely. Also, he had a little ale in his mouth.

Mr. Oyaji's glass is almost empty already.

That's when Mr. Oyaji whispered as he peered into the back of the glass, hearing or not.

"... if Talia were alive..."

Shortly after I reacted, Mr. Oyaji emptied the glass as it was.

I have more than half left on hand, I dropped my eyes on my ale.

Mr. Oyaji's pace is much faster. That's probably a sign that you're gaining momentum and talking about this topic.

I can tell that this person looks like an unusual look and there are things in his mind that I think are different.

I thought only a little bit about what I should do.

For once, I knew what I wanted to know in the current situation.

I mean, there's also the option of cutting a conversation here.

You don't have to go into the circumstances of Mr. Oyaji or the Vermut family any further, it's good.


If we're going to keep looking into the elves, we're going to get involved again.

I guess it's just a postponement not to step in here.

I'm sorry for your concern, Mr. Oyaji, and Phil and Sally.

And most importantly, I still worry about you for all your determination, disgusting myself.

I was ready and I scratched all the contents of my glass. My throat is screaming when I'm hit by carbonation because of a little imposition.

Mr. Oyaji gave me a slightly surprised look at my sudden behavior.

But I'm willing to make you laugh, and then I suggest.

"... Mr. Oyaji. Would you like some more?

"... oops"

With that one word, I think I know what I'm going to ask Mr. Oyaji, too.

In the end it's a sweet shape to the size of their nostalgia, but I asked quietly about it.

"... What was Mr. Oyaji's wife like?

"... Phew."

Mr. Oyaji exhales briefly. You look just a little happy.

We ordered two more drinks from Mr. Kibushi.

After it arrives, Mr. Oyaji starts talking potpout.

"He is, isn't he? She was a much brighter woman for her birth. Beautiful blue and purple hair. It's an elf. What? She was a woman who caught people's attention out of the way."

Blue purple hair.

Sure, he said the hair in the blue pedigree was inherited from the elves.

And Sui has blue hair, and Rye has red hair?

I remembered that Rye used to tell stories like Blur and I didn't inherit my magical talent.

"Talia said half an elf before."

"Oh. So, Sui and Rai talk about quarters."

"In this world, that's what happens once in a while. Looks like some countries forbid you from making love to a Fae, but this country is different. So there's nothing strange about a half-beast man in a half-elf or a dumpy."

It's not weird. Says Mr. Oyaji.

But actually, I don't remember seeing that.

It's not strange to be there, but it doesn't mean there are a lot of them, of course.

Mr. Oyaji went on to affirm my thoughts.

"Even so, I don't really know where the elves are. Naturally, that's not what half an elf looks like."

"... you know. Before, Sui said she was being bullied because of the color of her hair."

"That's what people and elves are all about."

The eyes lit with a little anger. But he immediately pours in the ale and scratches out the fire.

Then Mr. Oyaji looked a little farther, hehe.

"... let me tell you something back in the day. Talk about when I met Talia."

I couldn't pick a word to say, I just snorted quietly.

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