Then we stayed in the store until Mr. Oyaji ran out of drinks. Time was well past twelve o'clock late at night.

Apologize to both Kibushi and Sosoma for the inconvenience. We left the store behind after we promised to serve a cup later. So let's just say we didn't see Kibushi attract a bit of a grin when we said, "Go ahead, husband and wife."

When I got home, Sui, who was in a bad mood for advice, was about to grow old for a moment, but he never yelled.

Maybe he sensed something about how we left the house and what Mr. Oyaji looked like back home.

That doesn't mean you'll have a tender gaze on me.

And the next day.

After a little uncomfortable breakfast, I left the house to run errands during the morning.

It's a weekday morning, but the round-trip is there. The vibrancy of the city is often felt in the hours of these days.

While saying hello to a familiar store, I feel a little different watching the city. I know you're wearing thick because it's cold weather, but armed people also see you as flirty.

Recently, demons have become more active, such stories were heard flying in stores as well. They have more active demons than usual winters.

The expansion of the city during this period doesn't seem to keep pace.

Nevertheless, it doesn't really have much to do with me being an ordinary person.

Eventually we arrived at the Knights' Stuff closest to the Vermut family.

I speak to the boy as he sees a young knight apprentice at the reception yawning in grandeur.

"Good morning. Is Mr. Viola here?

"Mm, good morning. Oh, wait a minute, please."

My voice rang, the boy stretched his spine a little and said hello back, then hurriedly pulled into the back.

Somewhat later, the boy came back and said no hesitation.

"Um, excuse me, even if I glanced at your name...?

"Evening fog total."

"Yes. Please wait a moment."

It seems to come to my attention what the hell was going on inside.

As she smiled bitterly, the person she was looking for showed herself from the general entrance and exit.

"Hey, total. You kept me waiting."

"No, no, the Knights seem to be growing fast"

"Make sure you didn't see it."

Turning back a little joke, the dark-haired woman who showed up took a deep sigh.

As always, she is a slender beauty whose word knight suits her. The stretched spine is corny when apprenticed as a customer service business, and the standing behavior is elegant.

The bundle of paper-like materials in its hands also contributes to creating an intelligent impression. Though my nature is my brain muscle.

As I was thinking of being rude, she rubbed her eyelids gently.

Just a little bit today, I see tiredness in my expression.

You look tired.

"Hmm? Oh. Actually, I was on an expedition until late last night. I haven't slept much. I'm sorry I couldn't make it home."

When I asked, Viola didn't particularly deny that she was tired.

Expedition, a little caught up in the word.

"Is that a demon?

"It is. These days, it's getting really active. Yesterday was the Lord's birthday party, but I couldn't rush to celebrate"

"... if there's such an important event, wouldn't it be nice to have a normal assignment somewhat...

Even as I went back, I drank the word. I was hesitant to tell her clearly, with a strong sense of responsibility.

Speaking of which, I recall not seeing Viola at yesterday's party.

I didn't even think security was handy, but some of the Knights seemed to be on another assignment. I guess Viola was on that other assignment.

"Demons are utterly, insofar as they are abominable. But just because it's a celebration of the Lord's birth, you can't leave the demons alone and put the people at risk."

"Not just with the city, but also with the neighboring countryside."

"Oh. Producers are the foundation of our lives. Especially with eyes."

It would be the Lord's job to securely dispatch the Knights as his own hands and feet to these details as well.

Viola moved on to the point without delving deeper into the topic.

"You're too foolish. It's hard to talk about here. Mind if I ask you to come inside?

I nodded at Viola's suggestion and her lead went inside the jar.

The Knights' Stuff thinks it's like a single base.

A waiting room is also a place to be said, and a square where training is provided. The main components are a large room for operational meetings and a warehouse equipped with equipment.

I'm not very familiar with the interior, but I feel that knights often do gear maintenance in the stadium or move their bodies lightly in the square when they don't have a mission.

As we greeted the different knights and cavalier apprentices, we entered a small room like the reception room (or interrogation room).

"It's small, but don't hesitate to call me."

"Sweet for your words, then."

It's a small room. Small windows and a desk in the center, four chairs.

Sitting on one of them, Viola sandwiched her desk and sat in the opposite chair.

And I spread the material in my hand to my desk so that I could see it.

"It's not a good material to show outsiders. The other day, with the Advo bird and the Lord's permission, it's special."

I bow my head to the stabbing advice.

But there, then I'll stop looking, not saying.

This information is a superficial reward for having previously been mobilized as a wizard frame when the Advo bird appeared. Behind me, I got permission to raise Advo birds or something, but apart from that, I was given a reward for being mobilized.

Am I right to say nuisance fee? Anyway, it's a matter that I personally demanded and asked her to investigate after that one.

What I'm showing her is the list of 'people summoned to this world' and 'people who have migrated to this country' recorded in this country.

I first glanced at the list of 'summoned persons'.

At that end, my name is well stated. The summoner is supposed to be 'Sui Vermut'.

But the "summoned person" doesn't have a big number on it. Precisely one every few years. That's the number, even if it includes lost people, not summons.


I couldn't find the name I was looking for there, and then I looked at the list of migrants.

This one has an overwhelming number compared to the summoned person.

I gave up checking for myself around the corner where I found the names of Bergamo and Corsica.

And where I looked up, Viola shook her head sadly.

"Sorry, I couldn't find a woman named 'Tris' or 'Tris' on either list."

If it had been found, Viola would have told me before I started looking through.

It's what I imagined, but there was still shock.

"The results are the same even under the name 'Ibuki'. I couldn't find what you were looking for."

"... right"

I gave it back calmly to Viola, who shook her head quietly.

This result tells me one fact.

At least it means that 'Trice' is not 'a summoned being' or 'a being who has migrated' who has come to this country in a formal way.

Well, if I say that, even Phil or Sally, it's not in formal form. To some extent, it was something I could have predicted. That she wouldn't be normal.

I can't hide my disappointment, but I'll be honest with Viola.

"Thanks for looking into it. Sorry."

"... No, I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

Viola went on to encourage me after she said it in a rare and unhectic voice.

"But there's also the possibility that it's leaking from the registration. If you welcome an unregistered orphan into your home as an adopted child, for example, it won't be in the information around here, so the"

"I know. I see it in front of me now. I'm fine. Thanks."

Yes. I just couldn't get a quick track of the news here.

He's showing up in front of me right now, and he's showing his bare hands watching how this one's doing.

Probably just figured out this time that it's hard to approach from my side. If you admit that, you'll give up.

Viola folds up the material that she spreads as she looks difficult about how she took my expression.


So I just remembered one thing, and I tried to stop her.

Where I reached out, Viola stops moving and looks this way.


To Viola's surprised look, I cut out terribly.

"Well, the list of migrants is not just national, but city by city. Do you have any information?

"... hmm? Well, there won't be, but what's up? I've looked into the name Trice..."

"No, apart from Trice"

In a separate matter, I honestly told him, Viola's eyes got a little sharper.

I don't mind, I offered what I was looking for.

"I don't know if I can finally find out about the" elves "that moved to or stayed in this city."

I kept laughing lovingly, just to mislead my claim a little bit.

The eyes of the opposing viola had clearly become harsh.

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