"Say no."

"Do something there"

"You can't have anything you can't do."

Viola replied that there were no islands to tackle. And, well, not too long ago, I was turned down for a second favor.

Apparently, she's not going to show us the 'elf' record.

"I originally told you the 'Trice' thing was special. It's personal information in the first place, and I owe you zero for what I did earlier."

That way when they give it back in honesty, it doesn't even make any gu noise.

The first thing you looked into about "Trice" was a wish you couldn't get through, so you can't get out strongly.

And I can understand it with my head, but I just wonder if I can do something about it emotionally.

"I'm not telling you to tell me your location or your name. At least as long as you're here or not."

"There are no small or large pieces of information. That leads to trust in the lord."

No way.

I still try to keep my head down, but Viola just took a deep sigh.

"... ha. Suppose, where I said 'no elves', you give up convincingly?

"That's not how I'm going"

"Then it doesn't make sense from what I've heard"

That's a good point, too. If you're not willing to give up, you'll have to keep looking in the end.

That's when I heard a modest knock with Concon.

"Mr. Viola, are you there?

"... in"

Viola glances at me and then invites the Lord of Voices in. The boy, who was the Lord of the Voice, also said to Viola with his spine stretched out after he had glimpsed me.

"Report. I left on my desk a summary of this month's results on the control of illegal stores."

Hmm, and Viola asked one thing after often being silent as she thought.

"What's the example store?

"... unfortunately"

"Again...... Fair enough. Thanks for your hard work. Step back, please."


When Viola spoke lightly of her labor, the boy hung up happily before leaving the room well.

Viola had a thin grin until he left, but after he was invisible, he wrinkles between his eyebrows in a difficult way.

"Something was also a troublesome incident?

"Not so much about the case... Mm-hmm... no, you do. You might want to keep it in your ear."

When I wave the subject, Viola roars a few times, then turns this way.

With a difficult look on his face, he was often silent and said, choosing words.

"Actually. Recently, there have been more stores selling..." cocktails. "


More 'cocktail' stores? So you're saying there's more bars?

The information that was suddenly brought about was not immediately understood by my head.

"The existence of a 'cocktail' in this city is now quite recognized as the fruit of your authentic efforts. And the way it's made is spreading."

"... oh. Well, that's what I'm trying to do."

"That's right. And the store that wants to sell a new cocktail for your hard work is showing up."

That was my first ear.

And, at the same time, it's a delightful piece of information there for me.

However, because of the earlier term illegal stores, I also feel that it is not always a pleasure.

"I was going to officially tell you about those at a later date. As a lord, there seems to be an intention to take up the 'cocktail' as the city's new fame. I'd like to ask you for an extraordinary lecturer."

"Oh. So, yesterday, it's kind of like 'What are we going to do now', you've been talking about it"

"Hmm? You talked about that? But, well, you know what?"

At yesterday's stage, I thought you were simply supporting me, but even as a lord himself, I seem to have an idea of wanting to get my hands on it and spread the word.

In that regard, there is no reason to disagree with or agree with the unanimity of interests.

"And it would be nice to get this far. As a matter of fact, there are taverns out there that are selling 'cocktails' on their own without our permission."

"... permission?

"... oh. Don't you know that Sui did it around here? [M] We need permission to sell liquor and potion in our city."

I'm sure that won't change in Japan, where I was. Rather, should I say that it will not change in this city?

Both liquor and potion are together in our store, but potion is a 'medicine' treatment in the first place.

A "cocktail" is only a method of eliciting effects in inexpensive potions.

It is in this world that the stores that sell liquor and the stores that sell potions are strictly separate, just because I look at them the same.

"What do you mean, there's a store out there that sells without that permission?"

"Oh. That's a lot of patterns, especially when a liquor store sells' cocktails' on its own"

Many 'cocktails' are easy, as long as you know how to make them. If it was originally a tavern, it would be even better.

And he said it was also the Knights who were running around and controlling it.

"The majority of applications for permits I said earlier after caution because they are a pattern that I don't know about permits for potions. And I will receive your guidance later. [M] I'll tell you what, I'm gonna need your help. Otherwise, I'm in trouble."

"I know. He said it was okay."

Trouble, but I saw Viola's subtle weakness, and she was a little cute.

Ohon, and Viola glanced at me like she scolded me for loosening my expression. And he went on in the grim eye of blowing his weakness.

"But there's a store that just ignores this caution and doesn't try to grab my tail in the first place... I'm really in trouble"

"I won't let you grab my tail, what?

"Rumor has it that there should be a store in a section that serves' cocktails' as well, but no matter how many times I check that section, it doesn't come to mind. There's something on the back, and it's like we're pre-sensing and hiding."

Viola said abominably.

Perhaps the store is the "example store" that was a little talked about earlier.

"Is that so problematic? Say something, but you're just selling potions in the end."

"... said the store won an award at the 'Potion Products Review', they're fooling me"

"... that's about our store"

"You're in trouble, right?

Viola asked me with her gaze and I just had to snort.

That's troublesome.

What's troubling is that our store and its reputation could be viewed in the same way, and our reputation could become ours.

There are flavors, there are customer service attitudes. I don't know about the store, but even if it's better than my customer service, it can be my own growth.

And most importantly, I don't like the fact that I've struggled for a reputation meeting itself because I feel trampled by a person who hasn't had any difficulty.

"Even so, as a Knights, I can't name that store forever. Even in my city, if you are given a proper 'cocktail' to lower your reputation, you will be prevented from making future plans."

"That's not a good thing."

"It is."

I felt like my stomach was scratching with anger and fright. I'd like to say one or two complaints, no, more things to that person I've never even met.

Probably feels similar on Viola's side. Because she's also one of those people who ran around on the day of the review.

"... yes, total. When's the next day off?

Viola slapped Pong in the hand as we were both roaring.

He looked like he had come up with some kind of name idea.

"Are you off? Uh, tomorrow."

I answered all the time with shifts in my head.

The Easy's shift has made the bar division independent.

First, when we're busy for the weekend, the basics, me, Phil and Sally, go in. All three of us are off when the store itself is off. And on weekdays, me, Phil, and Sally each take more than one break.

This means that at least once a week there is a bartender's day off even on business days.

When the three of us are always in the counter, the primary reason is that customers get bored. Not even with a different face rash, but the change leads to the prevention of mannelli.

The second reason is for each growth. For example, make a day just for two disciples I'm not around to get more polished customer service for situations I can't follow.

Third, it is better to create a day when the bartender you are looking for is not there, but only slightly more often. So rest is basically fixed on the day of the week.

I can't talk slowly during a busy weekend, so it wouldn't be that special if I wanted to talk to the bartender I was looking for on a weekday.

And I'm off tomorrow. To Phil and Sally, it's a setup where Suey goes into the laundry.

Sui is mobilized for the day of his two disciples and for the rest for washing at a whim. I've been blurring lately about what the significance of the owner's presence is.

And when I told him that tomorrow was my day off from a shift due to that kind of situation, Viola invited me with a serious eye.

"Tomorrow... then tomorrow, if you like, would you follow me for a drink?

"... for what purpose?

"If you're going to find out when you move as a knight, why don't you move individually and grab the evidence?

In its eyes, a flame of giddy obsession swayed.

I have no reason to know, but maybe it's a lot more haunting than I imagined.

Let me sort out the situation a little while I weigh in on Viola's mood.

"... why did you invite me?

"If the store knows you and you're open, if you show up, you might show something suspicious. If you don't know, don't know, I don't mind. It would be better to have a human escort like you who is used to going to a store like that without being able to understand my existence."

I'm glad to have a human guide familiar with the bar. And if that's me synonymous with 'cocktails', I can expect them to get a bad tail out, you know.

By taking the lead, I can't help but understand the knight's masked investigation.

"But isn't it also more likely that you can look at me and pull your tail in reverse? Can't you ask the Knights to be human?

"The Knights are as solid as I am. When I think of it as an investigation, I'm sure my movements will become stiff and suspicious. I want people like you to be able to make faces harder with lies at all times."

"What do you think people are?"

I know you want to say you're good at making smiles, but that evaluation came with a little cock.

"Who else do you ask to know besides me?

"... who could possibly ask for anything other than you... haha"

"... I'm sorry"

No, you were afraid and distanced by boys your age. The woman is a woman, and Sui, who comes first, well, she won't be good at investigating or anything. Maybe.

Nevertheless, having also considered the disadvantages of my going with it, I know that I am inviting you.

If so, I personally don't like the store, so it's not a rush to cooperate.

I don't.

"If that's the case, you can take it on"

"Is that true!

"However, I want one reward. What do you say?

The word "reward" seemed to tell Viola what I was looking for.

She made her eyebrows a letter to, then thought deeply into it, then said.

"... ok. If, when an elf comes into the city, I will teach him confidentiality and insignificance. How about this?

I gave Viola a thumbs up all the time looking at the bitter decision.

"That's Viola. Talk fast."

"Instead! You have the money for tomorrow! Good!"

"It's cheap. If you can date a beauty, that's cheap."

"... really, only the mouth is masterful man"

Viola's staring face still scares me, but I still had a full grin.

I know it's really a bad thing. Yeah.

This is all for the future of 'cocktails', too, so you can't help it.

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