Fortunately, women hadn't gotten that far.

As soon as you ascend the stairs from the basement, you can see the road, with characteristic blue hair in the distance. Me and Viola ran after her.

I often say that drunkenness turns when I drink and exercise, but I don't need to worry because I can't possibly get drunk in that store.

"Excuse me! Please wait!

When I spoke, the blue-haired woman reacted to Pickle and stopped. Looking back, he looked suspiciously at me and Viola.

If you try her, she can talk to you. There's no reason, so it's a natural reaction.

Thinking about what an answer was, Viola came forward in that gap. Apparently, he explains it by cutting ahead.

"I'm suddenly sorry. I say viola."

To suddenly introduce herself, the woman still has a confused look on her face.

"As a knight, I am dedicated to this city and its people. He is my collaborator and never a suspicious one"

Viola pinned her spine so that she could identify herself with her attitude.

"Huh," said the elf woman, acknowledging that fact for a moment. But I don't see why they talked to me where they found out that fact.

In a slightly insured voice, a woman asks.

"So what can the knight do for me? Are you going to follow me even if I'm an elf?"

"No, not at all"

"Then why?"

"I just wanted to tell you something."

To Viola's serious voice, the woman hammers to prompt ahead.

It's just that Viola groans "Ah" where she's picking out a few words, and she gets a hard look to say she figured it out.

"Maybe you're talking about the 'cocktail' or something just now"

The woman's face is distorted.

I used the word 'cocktail' even though I said 'such an unsavory thing'.

I wanted to scream reflexively different, but I didn't have to.

"No! I hope you don't call that store's 'cocktail' a 'cocktail'!

Quicker than me, seriously, my neighbor Viola argued with me.

The elf woman reacts to her loud voice with Pickle, but Viola scrolls desperately before she says anything.

"That store is an illegal store that sells cluttered substitutes as' cocktails' without obtaining permission. Me and him, we were just doing an investigation to find out what happened."

"Huh. That's a work enthusiasm."

The woman's response is quite chilling. It may well be because it has nothing to do with me.

But not even in response to such a woman, Viola said with her chest stretched.

"And I don't want you to misinterpret what you drank in a store like that as a 'cocktail' or anything. The 'cocktail' I know is something that makes people happier."

Viola's words honestly saved my heart.

I'm in a position to make it, so there were a lot of things I couldn't forgive in that store. But I didn't know if a person in a position to drink would have the same anger.

But at least one person here, he was as angry with me as he was with me.

Even if it was inside me, the fact was, I was purely happy.

Besides, Viola is even more desperate to connect words.

"The real Sui Vermut is not that kind of woman. I'm a harder, more thought-provoking kid to my dreams. Even though they told me I didn't have the talent to make potions, I've still been trying not to give up. Laughing at such a hella, never being the kind of kid who would say the right thing, so, weird, misunderstanding is... the..."

And along the way, Viola's narrative shriveled. Realizing what I was talking about, I guess I lost momentum.

Is it true that the most behavioral principle that made her desperate was that she didn't want Sui to be misunderstood? That's why I desperately defended Sui and the 'cocktail'.

I received Viola's early mouth, and at first she was a woman who was Kyoton, but she leaked her breath and broke her face.

"Rest assured. Whatever the" cocktail, "I knew it wasn't Sui Vermut."

Heh, to Viola, who opened her mouth, the woman continues her words.

"It looks like this. I, too, remember a little magically. Because I didn't feel anything magical about the air she released. That's just impossible."

"... you know what that is"

"Or maybe we could call it upbringing, to handle magic."


I mean, I thought it was different because it looked so stupid, you know.

A woman with a cool face and quite a few things to say.

"So, did the knight come all the way out here to tell you all that?"

To inquire about the woman, Viola, uh, looked at me a little lost.

What do we do? They seemed to ask.

Responding to her gaze like that, I said without getting lost.

"Are you also unwilling to try to solve the 'cocktail' misunderstanding?

The elf woman suddenly tells me to move her gaze.

"Misunderstood, what?

"Are you interested in a decent 'cocktail' that's not such an unsavory thing?

The only thing in my head is my belief in 'cocktails'.

I'm also curious why she asked about Sui, and it might be better to show her to the store for that.

But there's more to me than that.

Hit me properly with a 'cocktail' and if I couldn't admit it, I can still give up.

But I'm not convinced I can drink such a 'cocktail' and decide that 'cocktail' was unsavory, etc.

"I'll take you to a more delicious store with a reword."

Women worry a little.

You don't trust us completely yet, so maybe you can't.

But the troubled time wasn't long and I nodded quickly.

"Then I will be guided. Are you sure?"


I smiled nicely and decided to take on her guide.

"I'm late for my application. I am the total evening mist. What do you want me to call you?

To my name, huh? and a woman who tilted her neck lightly.

But she didn't ask me anything, she immediately told me her name.

"… now, Nowalie, please call me"

"I understand, Mr. Nowaly. This way."

Follow me, tell her to step forward to lead her. Viola was right next to me again.

As soon as she walked out, Viola whispered to me, worried about Nowalie.

"Hey, total. What am I supposed to say, are you okay?

"Don't worry. Whatever Sally is, Phil's arm is a little something. If I suck, I might grow a lot faster than I do. I can make a solid 'cocktail' now"

"Ah, oh. No, you're not."

Viola with a troubled grin, but if not, what is it?

There are no stores in this city that serve 'cocktails' other than 'Easys'. That's the only way to get people to know the real 'cocktail'.

"More than that, I'm gonna ask you to do the right thing about the store."

"Hmm? Oh... that's for sure. It's not, you see, about Suey, about Sally."

"It's okay, 'cause Sui's washing up at the store today, too. Sally's customer service can't be beat by that kind of service."

"... right"

Viola ended up with the words, a face that she gave up all the time.

Then I heard a small voice that might be misheard.

"... this is why cocktail idiots..."


I thought you were angry with me until just now... why the hell... ah.

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