When I headed to the store, the counter was just in time.

That's why I might say that my comfort is even worse.

I realized where I was about to jump along the way, but I didn't want to irresponsibly throw it out where I noticed it.

I thought escaping here would go hand in hand with throwing out enthusiasm for 'cocktails'.

I came to this Easy's after a tough decision.

So, from the moment I opened the door, "Welcome," I'm more or less like this.

Sui compares me to the two women next door with no expression. I don't speak out. But I said, "What could you do? Why are you flirting with me?" The question seems to resonate directly with my head.

The silent pressure was in the warm store and only cold poured on me.

Sally's been ignoring me for a while now. I thought you said you were welcome, so you should be aware of your existence, but I was letting you play the conversation with your usual regulars.

Out of the blue, maybe you don't care if I'm drinking with someone outside.

Instead, by the way I show up, I'm watching how regular people are doing better.

Mr. Isotoma, there's nothing there, so please don't nibble.

Phil and Rye both seemed to have somehow guessed the situation when I showed up with an elf woman.

After they both sighed small, Phil laughed bitterly and Rye looked at me with jito eyes.

Or is it too normal for an elf to come to the store all of a sudden? Why are these people paying more attention to me than to Elves coming to the store?

"This way, please."

Phil prompted us to stop at the entrance. He led us to the seat at the end of the counter.

Sitting at the end of the bar counter at "Easy's," I turn to you silently to keep an eye out for the stare from Sui.

Next to me is a viola, and next to that viola is a line called Nowalie that I met earlier.

"Go ahead, I'm squishy"

Without putting her hair in, Sally showed up in front of us with a squeeze.

Sally gives Nowalie the squeeze first. Nowalie received zero thoughts on the squeeze first.

"... you're warm"

"It's just a concern."

Yes. It was a butterfly that was as cold as an idiot in our store earlier, but that's not the case in our store this past season.

Moderately warmed by Iberis machines, the sole warmly encloses the hands of customers who come in from the cold outside.

"Both of you, please."

Viola, and Sally, will hand me the squeeze after she briskly thanked Nowalie for her thoughts.

I knew Sally wasn't that angry.

"─ What's hot!?

After I took it, I screamed unexpectedly. Sally was looking fine. She's a squishy, but that's what I received. The temperature was obviously weird.

The two neighbors look at me strangely, but I stare at Sally.

But she leaned her neck without breaking any of Nico's grin.

"What's up, customer?

"This, hey, the set temperature."

"I thought the customer did like the temperature increase. I let her warm it up specially. No, thank you."

Nico and Sally said in a mechanical bright voice. I accidentally swallow my complains about those unspoiled words, too.

Sally pointed to "her," naturally there was a swim.

Damn, I can't believe you're using vampire physical sturdiness here. I can't believe you're using the magical prowess of a magic house chairman in a place like this!

Or this one.

Sally, I'm in such a bad mood after all. This.

"What's up? Could the temperature have been still low? I'm sorry. We'll have something hotter than that right now."

"Because it's good! Please order more than that!

If it gets any hotter, my business tools will burn.

To my request, Phil, who had been watching until then, stepped forward in such a way that he would just follow up.

"Then I accept. What can I do for you?

At the same time as the words, Phil tells Sally with a subtle glance to go to the regular person who is solidifying at the other end of the counter.

Sally was only slightly dismayed by Phil's intervention, but quickly recreated her smile and headed toward the regular.

Honestly, Phil's side says the most reassuring thing in this space right now. What is this?

"Me and Viola will make the right decision, so please ask for your woman."

Phil spared a moment to think, then nodded.

I'd rather you focus on Nowalie than on us. I guess I got that extraneous meaning right.

When Phil turned his eyes, Nowalie was looking at Sally and Suey a little blurry.

"Uh, how did you end up in our house?

"Hmm? Oh, right. There was a little bit of a problem, but he told me to show him to a store that serves a decent cocktail."

In response to Phil's voice, Nowalie answered quietly. I'm not telling Phil the solid circumstances, but as I mentioned, there was an atmosphere where I guessed the circumstances.

The drunk I've been looking for lately and the elf woman who suddenly showed up. And despite the obvious trouble, it's me who showed up with two women.

This is an important occasion, I guess I could grasp.

"Really? If so, how familiar are you with 'cocktails'?

"... I don't know much about it"

"Then I'll explain it to you briefly."

Phil begins describing the 'cocktail' to Nowalie with courtesy in front of him.

It's not about the birth of a cocktail or anything, naturally, it's not about you.

Preliminary information necessary for drinking, such as using potion as an ingredient, or simply what nature it is, or what type it is.

Because she needs some knowledge of herself to explore what kind of preference she has.

"We'll decide."


Relieved by the scene, Viola and I both start choosing our orders.

Even for me, it's true that I want to keep my mouth shut. I am not going to compromise here.

That's the same with Viola, who worries with a serious look for both of us.

"What's a good idea? [Blue Moon] Revenge first?

"No, because of this. So that's the last time, and also the 'cocktail' I haven't asked for yet..."

"Well, why don't you make me a strong 'cocktail' so the whole thing's easy to take home?

And there was a girl who had dared to bomb indiscriminately on such occasions.

It was a whisper I heard in my ear, so it wouldn't even reach Nowalie. But Viola, she's blushing a lot.

I called the girl by her name, not knowing better because of her anger and anger.


Looking back from the counter with certainty at the killer, Rye, who had delivered the order and bared his hands, stood behind me with a glance.

"No, I'm not. It's not like that."

"But." Guest. "Hey, hey, I guess it's too late."

"... because I am aware"

"Not really. That's not true.... I don't like it either."

Rye pointing her lips all the way and staring at me.

Then Rye looked at Viola. Viola opens her mouth and hands.

"It's a misunderstanding, Rye. We are investigating today…"

"I know, Mr. Viola. But you can't defend this' customer 'on its own? Because, hey."

While fully acknowledging Viola's claim, Rye turns his gaze to the subtle Nowaly. And he looked a little surprised. I knew why right away.

Nowalie was staring at what we were talking about.

"Uh, uh, sorry about that. I'll be right down."

Did Rye think he was too disturbed, or he leaves laughing to delude himself?

After acknowledging the appearance, Nowalie looked even more difficult.

"It's a very different atmosphere."

Anyway, compared to the store earlier, we are somewhat too at-home.

There's hardly any authoritative vibe, and that's the dining bar in the first place.

Her doubts may well be.

"Don't worry. Not only because of the atmosphere, but also because it tastes completely different."

"... ha. Well, let's hope so."

Nowalie slowly returned her gaze to Phil and asked.

"Are you sure you want to place a little, vague order?

"Yep. Say it"

"In the herbal system...... right, I do have one that uses' Gini '......"

The way I ordered it, I came with a pin.

The designation "Gini" came in here because I drank [White Lady] at the store earlier.

Even without the knowledge of cocktails, with the knowledge of the four major spirits, the attributes can be inferred from the color of the label on the bottle.

She's going to make sure we're really different from that shop.

"Yes. Is there anything else you can specify? Even the ones I don't like."

"So, uh, can you put it in metal and shake it, please?"

"You're a shake. What about strength?

"I'll take care of it"

To that order, Phil shrugged his head quietly.

Then he blew his gaze at me and Viola.

"What about you two?

"For now, [screwdriver] in two"

For one thing, we decided to ask for something that didn't take much work. And this one is a comparison.

I want to drink a proper skilled [screwdriver].

Also, as far as I'm concerned, no matter how bad Sally is in the mood [screwdriver], it's also an order to step on that you can't do anything bad.

With three glasses at a time, there is a good chance Sally will get into help. If I place a bad order, they could do something now.

Laugh if you laugh that it's a relief. But I live.

As soon as Sally saw that this order had been made, she moved to the workbench. Phil told Sally about it.

"Two screws, please for both of us. And leave 'Gini' out."

Copy that.

With all those words, Sally understood the situation.

The two immediately move on to another action. But at first, get ready.

Phil and Sally will each have the glass they need. Sally has two tumblers and Phil has one reverse triangular cocktail glass.

After wiping each of them with a clean cloth, Phil reaches for the bottle shelf and Sally crouches down and takes what she needs out of the cold table.

Wotta, Gini, and ice. Then I send in the cocktail glass that Phil sent out even though he didn't ask me to do it instead of in the freezer. Orange juice was also removed afterwards.

Phil chooses a bottle of liqueur with a herbal system and leaves the other ingredients to Sally to prepare the shakers.

Compared to the first time we had two people open before, we are working with each other better out of step.

Grasp what you want us to do without giving any particular instructions and share the work according to each other's speed.

I do the work I do all the time on my own, completely twice as fast.

I regret the collaboration around here, but I think these two are the best in the store.

While Sally is putting ice in the glass, Phil is using a major cup to feed the ingredients into the shaker.

15 ml of 'herbal liqueur' and 45 ml of 'gini'.

When it's done, Sally weighs the liquid in a major way so she can replace it, Phil tastes the contents of the shaker, and packs the ice and goes.

I concentrated on Phil.

I used to look spicy when I was staring. But now, just make it look a little shy, and there's no more gibberish.

Because of my habit shifting, he hits the cocon and slab after he tightens the shaker.

And I started shaking quietly.

Nowalie had her eyes open to the beauty of the regular sound and movement that rolled out of it.

It's nothing like the shake I showed you earlier in the store.

Because how efficient it is to mix and cool the liquids inside is a big part of completeness.

If you poke it out, nature and movement go smoothly and sophisticated.

There's no way I'm with a guy who doesn't even know what his cocktail tastes like.

Eventually, Phil quietly finished the shake and Sally took out the cocktail glass at that time.

Phil poured Shaker's contents into the thin, frosty glass he put on the coaster.

Beautiful shades of cocktails in light yellow.

Among the cocktails, it's a relatively rare shade.

Phil cut the shaker after pouring up to the last drop and gave it its name.

"Thank you for waiting. [Alaska]"

Its ingredient is' Gini '.

And it is a herbal-based liqueur called 'Chartreuse'.

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