─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

The woman named Nowalie had a blurry view of the 'cocktail' served between her eyes.

Because of the difference in movement, I do understand the difference between the earlier store and this store. Yes, but the image was not erased earlier.

'Ginipotion' with even no cohesion and just a sting.

Because I have that image, I hesitate to reach for the glass.

But there was a man's voice from across to her like that.

"Rest assured. Because the flavour is certain."

It's the man who invited Nowalie to this store. The man holds a light yellow glass in front of himself.

A mysterious man whose magic feels human and at the same time heterogeneous.

Nowalie has been watching the atmosphere in this store.

The atmosphere is warm enough for the store that "The Man" does it. The distance of one counter is close. But I draw a clear line with that one.

A balance that never steps too far. I can't even say it sounds like 'the man' around there.

That's why only the man who invited himself to the store can see how he handles things differently.

Unlike dealing with other things that are pissy, I see a moment to step on the line.

I'm guessing it's someone from the store. Otherwise, I don't think I'll allow the earlier prank with a bitter laugh.

No, before that, I could guess a lot with a smile that desperately pushed the jealousy of a silver-haired girl to death.

Nowalie drops her gaze on the glass in front of her once now.

It was with the man who was crushing the employee's movements.

Basically a man with a loose grin, but it seemed to Nowalie that he had a very sharp eye the moment the employee started making 'cocktails'.

I decided to give the man's showed genuine eyes a little glimpse of unfounded confidence now.

"I'll have it."

Nowalie is ready and includes that bite.

And the first thing that surprised me was, above all, that it had definite power, as a 'gini potion'.

I watched lightly. "Potion" in such a well-groomed restaurant, and so on.

But I learned that the story of mixing increases effectiveness is never frown spit.

Once I admitted it that way, my tongue, dispelled by suspicion, began to enjoy the flavor.

At first it's fragrance.

The fluttering is Gini's unique, pine-like fragrance. There, a mixture of strange flavors. It's a heart-tickling fragrance that makes you expect herbal glamour and honey-like sweetness.

Slowly into my mouth, its herbaceous sweet taste stroked my tongue first.

Speaking of Gini's characteristics, he thought it was a tingling, sharp taste, and a tongue-stimulating irritation. That's why, besides producing potions, you have a hard time reducing them.

Even so, this cup has been successfully reconciled by wearing the sweetness of the herbs there.

Behind that flavor is always lurking the sharpness of Gini.

The sweetness cuts right into the sweet taste of the tongue.

Then, the aftertaste refreshes the finish spread with sweetness.

The season is winter. And this cocktail slightly associates such a winter.

Spring winds awaiting the arrival of a sweet and warm spring and coming towards people who will endure still.

Winds that still leave signs of winter, yet give a warm impression. That happened curly in my mouth one foot away, that feeling.

This flavour, reminiscent of the long-awaited spring, is only deserving in winter.

Contrary to the light drink, I can see that it possesses considerable strength, so I think it might be even more important.

Add 'Gini' in the herbal system.

This silver-haired boy intercepted such an order so straightforwardly.

Nowalie was honestly impressed with the courage.

A 'vampire' boy who can tell from the feeling of magic coming to his skin that he's not human. Maybe he's a lot older than he looks.

Yes, exactly like 'myself'.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

Phil's made cup, mouthed several times, Nowalie exhaled softly.

And first, turn your words to Phil, who made that cup.

"Thank you. I'm indulging you."

I was honestly told of my thoughts, and Phil loosened his expression. As a matter of fact, Phil doesn't have that many opportunities to show his arms to a completely new customer.

During the two months I was training, my feet were a little depressed. And when I get back, I often do new things.

But maybe it's time to think about it, too.

Today, Phil thought splendidly by himself and let him answer the request. Perhaps it is already too thin for me to put a specific weight on the new customers.

Seeing your apprentice grow is a bit lonely on the other hand I'm happy. I felt that the seniors' words, who said so, were slightly understandable.

This is Chaser.

From the side, Sally offered a glass of water.

If you are serving a beverage with a high frequency, serving a chaser with you is basic.

No matter how angry Sally is with me, she won't fail to respond to other customers. I'm glad I got a little compliment.

Nowalie gratefully received, including water. Then again, I mouthed Phil's made [Alaska].

"Did you like it?

"Yeah. I drank terrible things a house ago. I've been able to re-mouth enough."

Nowalie tells her satisfactorily. But then he turns his eyes into those of the Seeker and asks Phil.

"By the way, this one. What else is in 'Gini'?

"It's Chartreuse yellow (Jones). Did you know?

To Phil's response, Nowalie was nodding with a convinced face.

Chartreuse is a herbaceous liqueur so famous on Earth that it is known as the queen of liqueurs.

Typical ones include "Jones" with a light yellow color and "Vale" with a green color.

Both have a sweet, gorgeous flavour, but dare I say 'Jones' has a more specific weight on sweetness, 'Vale' has a stronger herbal flavour.

Well, this Chartreuse, but it's famous for some anecdote on the planet.

That means that the formula ratio of the herbs used for this liqueur is top secret, apart from the three monks, of the "Chartreuse Abbey," which produced the Chartreuse.

The three of them quietly pass on their top secret ratios to the next generation for generations.

There's an interesting similarity to that in this world.

Chartreuse in this world is taken from the fruit of a plant called 'Chartreuse grass', which is classified as Demonic Grass.

However, only the chief magician of the facility called "Chartreuse Demon House" knows the conditions under which its "Chartreuse Grass" produces fruit that can squeeze fruit juice.

In other words, even in this world, "Chartreuse" is a story about the confidentiality of its production.

Even with such a Chartreuse name out there, Nowalie is just nodding a few times, as he had expected the answer.

I asked Phil with a little prank and a heart of pure doubt.

"But why did you choose [Alaska]?

To a question like putting in a cross spear, Phil once asked, 'Can I answer that?' He sent me a gaze.

But Nowalie seemed to be concerned about the answer, and she's waiting for Phil's answer, not to leak a complaint to me.

Phil checked it out and then shared his own thoughts.

"Simply because I came up with it myself, that's one reason. Excuse me."

A confident grin earlier said a little anxiously, as if it were a lie.

But not long before I point out that weakness, I'll give you another reason to flow.

"And the other thing is, you seemed interested in Sui."

Phil's words were somewhat self-conscious, and Nowalie got up a little bit.

"What does that mean"

"No. You seemed more interested in this store itself than just in 'cocktails'. So I thought I'd use the ingredients named Sui, the owner who left the Chartress Demon House."

What a boy to be honest with. Phil is.

What if this was me or Sally? I'm sure you'll consider facts like Phil mentioned in your mind as a reason to choose a recipe.

But not when you put it in your mouth.

"The magic grass of this secrecy dwells, because of its strange charm and your overlap"

You know, you say the right thing and you make the choice to put the other guy on.

That's where the mouth doesn't come out, it's Phil's virtue, and it's a drawback.

Nevertheless, for this time only, I can say that they were good.

"Really? I see. Sure, I might have been aware of her. If that's the reason, you can be convinced."

Nowalie expressed a fondness for Phil's honest answer in a stiff tone. Not lying in the details is also one reason Phil is adored by older women.

Now this Nowalie, too, seemed to forgive Phil a little bit of his heart, he said in a slightly soft impression voice.

"This is a good store, isn't it? I liked it."

The one word tickled the heart of not only Phil, but of everyone whose words arrived.

All this time, I also smile with a little joy at me, Viola, and Suey and Sally who were in a bad mood when I brought them here.

"... and is the master of this store here today"

Phil turned into a troubled face with the questions that followed.

He fans his opinions to me with chills of sight. But Phil's gaze was on me before he could handle it.

Nowalie looked at me so that he could be caught, and I see, he nodded as he was convinced.

"Thank you for the publicity."

"No, I never meant to... there was a little bit"

I tried to deny it, but I reconsidered.

Depending on the way I think about it, I would have advertised the store very directly. Even if I just wanted you to have a delicious' cocktail '.

But she immediately took her gaze off me and turned to Phil and asked again.

"But it's not. I think there's another one. The master of the real store."

Master of the real store.

It is. I'm just entrusted with the bar division of this Easy's, and even more so, the owner of the bar division is Suey and I'm under it.

'Master' when you call me is like a title.

Then who, speaking of people standing at the top of this store?

"Me, you're calling!

Rye, who was listening on the way to work, walks early to the kitchen.

And after the conversation in the kitchen, the person showed up.

"It is. I can't leave the kitchen because I don't have many guests today..."

Oyaji, dressed in clean cooking clothes that don't give him the usual rough image, is blurry and pulled by Rye to reveal himself from the kitchen.

And you must have noticed right away. That there are two blue-haired women in the store.

Mr. Oyaji and Nowalie immediately noticed each other and gave a thought look.

Nowalie gave a staring cold look.

And Mr. Oyaji has a bitter face somewhere.

It was Mr. Oyaji who cut off the conversation.

"... what the hell is it like to be here? Neune"


The name I heard the other day came out of Mr. Oyaji's mouth.

And Nowalie returned the words, recognizing that they were directed at him.

"Is that your attitude toward your mother-in-law? You're the same after all these years. Fren."

It goes without saying that the deliberate atmosphere has wrapped up the store again.

Everyone is stunned by the word 'mother-in-law' that has come into their ears.

Two people, Sui and Rai in particular, were opening their mouths and comparing their faces.

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