Nowaly again, Noine asks Mr. Oyaji, regardless of the quiet air in the store.

"One thing first...... how is Talia?

The voice was a lot softer than the cold one directed at Mr. Oyaji earlier.

However, Mr. Oyaji does not respond to the words on the spot.

"... the store closes at twelve o'clock. Talk about it, tomorrow at noon."

Doesn't sound like Mr. Oyaji, deferred response.

Noine exhaled quietly after taking the word. Close your eyes, lean down like you felt some sign, and answer.

"Then I'll be back at twelve. If I were here, it would be hard for you to do the same."

"... ok"

Mr. Oyaji and Neune returned to their original positions as if they had taken each other out of consciousness.

At the counter, she puts [Alaska] in her mouth again, and then, uh, she turns to me and Viola.

Before pursuing it from here, she bowed her head in peculiarity.

"I didn't fool you. Nowally is my name at work. My real name is Neune Pratt."

"Oh, really?"

I respond like a gavel without swallowing the situation yet.

Combine her presence in your head with the knowledge you know to calm down.

Neune should have been Mr. Oyaji's wife, Talia's mother.

And it was Sui and Rai who came from Mr. Oyaji and Talia who have not yet recovered from the confusion.

This means that this woman, no matter how high she estimates, who can only be seen in her late twenties, will be her two grandmothers.

... how old are you?

"Though I have trouble being seen with such eyes. Whatever your human standards, you're still a young man with no more than two hundred elves."

As if you had read my thoughts, Neune said quietly. It seems to me that it is accustomed to being applied to human common sense.

Nevertheless, I gathered too much gaze from around me to make it look slightly spicy and dry the contents of the glass.

"With me, you guys are hard to do, too. Please excuse me for one drink."

Tell him to care for us, and then Neune takes his wallet out of his nose and asks.

"Can I have silver coins?"

Phil, in the form he was asked to account for, still feels a little confused, responds.

"Oh, no, not silver coins"

"Are you kidding me? Please don't..."

"It's not, it's okay with copper coins"

"It's a copper coin, huh?

Neune peeks into his wallet again, somewhat surprised by the cheap nature of our store.

"Um, excuse me, but I don't have a lot of copper coins, only about two."

"Two is enough."

"... is that true?

"Yes, this is still well received"

Yes. In the end, 'cocktails' remain uniform in our shop, with two pieces of copper coin.

Compared to when we were just getting started, there are cost increases due to the increase in various materials, but in parallel, there are cost reductions such as stabilisation of production by the Iberis plant.

If we were to respond more finely to that increase or decrease, we could have added other than copper coins to our accounting.

There are also stone coins worth 100 yen, wood coins worth 20 yen, etc. for a single piece of copper coin converted to 500 yen. But with more calculations when you're busy, that leads to a loss of time.

In total, the easy way to calculate two pieces of copper coins was the best for the store.

"... even better than the store just now. How cheap."

Neune leaks another laugh there and finishes his accounting.

When he gets up and receives the coat he kept on the store side, he tells Phil, "It was a treat," and then he tries to leave.

But he didn't move quickly, and he tried to see Sui and Rai's face again well.

"See you later"

And left the store quietly.

The passengers at the table are already back to the original air, but the counter still hasn't cut the shock.

An isotoma group that looks worried about the sui and rai that are getting silent or Phil wondering what to do with this place.

But that's when she's the one who speaks the most.

"Yes! What are you smug about! Is our alcohol that bad?!?

Sally first made that breakthrough to middle-aged men who were getting hardened.

The men and Sui, who were on their side, react with Bikun and, as they represent, Isotoma hurries back to deny.

"Yes, no! That's not true!

"Is it true? Then it's me or the general, which is better?

"That's on the boulder, Master's... Mmm! Sally's affectionate is delicious!


Mr. Isotoma. Why are you being weird and honest in a place like that?

Wouldn't it be nice if you stirred it up there?

But I hitch a ride to the weird air that Isotoma made.

"Mr. Isotoma! Then I'll let Sally make it all next time!


If I joked slightly and told him, Isotoma screamed lightly and hastily.

For the first time in that strange panic, a slight grin leaks from the crowd.

But Sally reacted more than that isotoma. She turns her face this way with Gwan and approaches Zunzun.

... No. This isn't where you get mad right now, is it? Huh.

"Oh, it looks like 'Customer' is also stalling, doesn't it? Didn't you like it?

Nico and Sally smiled and glanced at me and Viola.

Neither of us had a mouthful of noine.

"So shouldn't the 'customer', who brought weird air at the beginning, be the first to drink it"

"Oh, wow."

I try to send my gaze to Viola, but she shook her head quietly.

For now, we have to obey.

"Okay, I'll ask you again."

After I said it, I dropped my eyes in the glass.

... Has the ice melted over time? Something tells me the colour is slightly faint.

and lean the glass once and for all while raising questions in my head.

And I noticed.

After swallowing the liquid that came into my mouth without spitting it out, I stood up and bared my voice.

"You this!? You made" Wotta Split "for" Orange Juice "again!?

"Excuse me. I made a mistake."

"Don't lie to me, you guys! Then why is Viola normal!

And he argued by involving the viola next to me.

The viola drinks that cup happier than in the store earlier and is a decent [screwdriver] no matter how you look at it. The colors are different.

"How can I make a clever artist make two 'cocktails' of the same procedure and just one wrong!?

"Well, I thought you'd prefer it that way."

"Well, what the hell, then!

And, with the usual comic talent in this way, the air on the counter also returns to normal temperatures.

Our counter is definitely noisy, but if there's just a noisy smile, that's fine.

... I hope this makes the 'cocktail' at hand tasty.

At that time, Pong and I had another visitor.

"Hmm? Are you free?

"Looks like it."

It was Iberis and Gongora who rang the entrance bell and came in. It was a girl and her master, a race said to be a drone and a requirement for our production of materials.

They follow Phil's instructions and take a seat near the Isotomas. By the side of Isotoma and Gongora's friendly conversation, Iberis soon realized I was here.

Iberis, who likes root pranks, sees the combination of me and Sally and says it sounds interesting.

"What's the matter, total? Grab a glass and stand up."

"Want a drink?

"Uh, I don't need it if Sally's a failure."


Iberis' relentless remarks seemed to have deliberately determined Sally's mind for making an obvious failure. Good, tell him more.

Isotoma, the translator's face, speaks to Iberis like that.

"Iberis, don't leave him alone. Sally's maiden heart is complicated now."

"Really? It may not be the usual for Sally to fail."

"Iberis! I need to talk to you for a second!

He was supposed to care about me and Viola, Sally, but he couldn't keep his mouth shut when the boulders told him this.

She's going to at least take more bartender pride than harassing me. Such an exchange could also be a good sight for our store.

"... I want to"

"Excuse me, General, this way, please."

Looking sideways at it, Phil offered a new [screwdriver].

Received, thanked and included in the mouthpiece.

Now it had a strong, alcoholic taste wrapped in oranges.

"Thankful, Phil"

"No, because it was Sally who prepared it"

"... then let me out from the beginning."

When I blurted, Phil laughed haha.

Seeing the Lord of the problem, Iberis had stuck a scattered cocktail makeover in his eyes and had a little tear.

Viola asks me as I nigga see how Sally is doing like that.

"Total, I'd like to hear one thing."


"You're not mad at me? If it's our Knights, if juniors imitate like this..."

"That's a hard question."

Difficult, said Viola, with a question mark. I brought the glass to my mouth again, and then I said,

"Of course, you'll get all angry later. But I'm not so angry."

Well, I'm bad, too. and added it in my heart.

"... what do you mean?

"It's good because I'm the rude one."

Serving the squash hot or serving the cocktail like this is naturally not a complimented act.

But if the other person will allow it, this is also the world where it is acceptable.

And if it's the person inside you who makes that mistake, it's an easy one.

"I'm a customer, not a customer. You better not bother your customers if you fail toward your body. That's how you fail so many times, you make the line between being forgiven and not being forgiven."

So even if her behavior today wasn't complimented, she's rather happy as a senior.

When a person remembers something, it's best to first feel for yourself what they thought they did.

It's best if you make yourself comfortable and the other person points you out as much as they want.

But when something offends me in the world, people rarely point it out to me firmly.

Mostly, I just go away without saying anything. So it's hard to notice your own failure.

I'm glad you made that mistake. Because I can point it out clearly.

"Ma, thanks to Sally's constant failures in places like that, we can also stir up regular people to boost the place, like today, what a force move. Experience with everything."

"... let's refer to it. I am too tough on juniors to be educated..."

"No, no, no. It's because the fun atmosphere comes first. Things are different with the Knights. I'm not as disciplined as the Knights are."

The bar is a store made up of relationships between customers and bartenders.

There can be no more perfect customer service for 10,000 people than there can be the same customer service for 10,000 people. There is even the possibility that certain failures, taken as a whole, will entertain customers.

And Sally keeps growing because she makes failures, especially against me.

In that sense, Phil is more worried. Because it won't fail.

"Phil, I'd be glad to mess with you a little bit more."

"... but you get angry, don't you?

"... hehe"

For now, I decided to just give it back with a meaningful grin. Phil is a bitter laugh, but seemed to think only a little.

That's when I heard Sally calling Phil from afar.

"Phil, I want you to compare drinks now!

He wants to make it clear that Sally's cocktail tastes worse.


Sally's slight tears somehow seemed to tell the flow of the conversation over there.

Iberis is somewhat of an artisan temperament, so it's the type that sticks to the taste of cocktails. You'd prefer Phil of Technology to Sally of Conversation.

Plus, Sally's girl correction doesn't work at all on Iberis, so the point is particularly dry.

Normally here, Phil hears things with a troubled face and tells the story.

"Trying to take it."

"Whoa!? Perhaps Phil is unusually motivated!

Phil was onto the story with words to give back.

And I snorted because I had seen Chirali and me.

Yeah, that's good.

I smile at Phil, who seems motivated.

Phil has been riding rarely, so the other group is thriving. I shrugged, loving the sight.

"... really. That's a noisy shop."

"You say, total."

My neighbor, Viola, was giving back to the solitaire I leaked.

Just one thing.

Although only Sui and Rai still didn't seem to be doing perfectly as usual.

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