"So let's talk again before…"

As promised, Neune reappeared at twelve.

Customers were asked to leave a little earlier today and almost finished getting ready to welcome them before twelve o'clock.

There are now four people sitting at the table for four, Neune, Mr. Oyaji, Sui and Rye, with me standing by them. It's the shape of Neune and Mr. Oyaji next door.

Neune saw me as chilling and then said the dialogue at the beginning.

"Can he join the conversation?"

"This guy, well, he's a resident, but he's like a family. I mean, all of our employees do."

Mr. Oyaji turned to me and the other employees.

Bergamo and his two disciples are being cleaned up. I'm a little concerned that Sally, pissed off by me, is going all the way down.

I apologized and then I got angry, but maybe the other way around was better.

I gently leaked my bitterness after I apologized to Sui too, but she just honestly apologized, it was empty somewhere above. The same is true of Rai.

I'm still facing Neune. Again, I'm quietly looking forward to thinking about something.

"You say things that get a lot rounded up."

To Neune's words, Mr. Oyaji looks bitter again. I've only heard of his past in the slightest, but maybe he used to be more, more violent.

In such a world of silence, Mr. Oyaji said to go straight in.

"Talia is dead. It was over ten years ago."

Voices echo in a quiet space. The sound of water flowing from the flush and the crisp sound of the dishes leaves my ears sharp.

Pulling the chair with Gallari, Neune stood up quietly.

And when I turned to Mr. Oyaji, I punched him through his cheek strongly.

The bread and sharp sound left more than a word earlier.

Without stopping there, Neune hits Mr. Oyaji in the cheek about twice again.

And I said it in a fierce tone, forgetting the quiet response until then.

"What do you mean!? Don't be ridiculous! I meant Talia to you!!

Not grabbing the chest barn, not rambling.

However, that intense tone alone makes Neune exasperate.

Mr. Oyaji says nothing and just keeps getting the violence out of her words.

"Say something, Fren!? Why is Talia dead! You killed him! Fren!?"

And again, Noine, who waved her arms wide. This is a boulder, and it looks like it's time to stop it.

I reached out there and grabbed her hand.

"Please calm down!


Neune, stopped by me, turns a kicking gaze at me. Because of that, I could see her eyes were so moist.

I found that anger was never the only thing that lived in her eyes.

I don't believe it. I want you to deny it. You can lie. I want you to tell me it's a lie.

I felt like I could see her psyche like that, hidden in hysterical behavior.

"Don't stop. It's okay."

When I was confused by her expression, I heard Mr. Oyaji's low voice.

My cheeks turned red and even if I was swollen to see, my voice was resting unchanged.


"─ Total"


Maybe it was the first time Mr. Oyaji called my name.

His eyes also had a color similar to that of Mr. Neune.

I'd say it's a lie. I want it to be a lie. But that won't happen.

I don't deserve that lie if I couldn't protect Talia in front of me.

To Mr. Oyaji's eyes, I think [Salty Dog] the other day. I let go of Neune's arm.

Noine wields her arms wide again.

Stronger than before, he tries to stretch Mr. Oyaji's cheek at such a thought-provoking rate.

But that velocity slowed down before it reached Mr. Oyaji's cheek, only producing a petite and powerless sound.

Neune leans down and says in a trembling voice.

"Tell me it's a lie, please. Fren."


"You weren't the kind to apologize honestly."

"I'm so sorry. Neune, but it's true."

Eventually, Neune sat in the chair to collapse and asked powerlessly.

"Why did she die?"

"To help large numbers of strangers, to have magic deficiencies"

In short, that's all Mr. Oyaji explains.

But Neune held his head, as he was convinced by it.

"... is that so?"

"If I'd been more careful... sorry. It was like me that killed him."

"I don't want to hear those words. Let me know more."

To Neune's words, Mr. Oyaji began to speak quietly.

Same thing you told me the other day. Unlike the other day, however, in a way that doesn't put emotions in at all.

I'm sure these are the words that were prepared.

It's not like you told me. It's a word I've been preparing ever since I lost Talia, thinking that one day this day would come.

Sooner or later, Neune or someone else. To someone who knows about Talia, so I can explain.

Well, Mr. Oyaji closes the story like a contact.

Talk about a potion store that didn't save Talia.

"... you were a stupid kid. Really."

Neune was nil so that he could be frightened by Talia, who was in his memory.

And I saw Mr. Oyaji, as I quietly held in my heart the anger of losing his place.

"In the end, I couldn't stop that kid the day the Warcraft came out. But Fren. Maybe you can stop that kid like that. Maybe I can protect that kid more than I can. It's not even in the pattern, that's what you thought."

Taking the word, Mr. Oyaji distorts his face so that he eats and binds his teeth.

"I don't know. After all, I couldn't stop him either. Ignore his wishes, but you could have stopped him."

"... hehe. After all, you shouldn't have believed in humans, should you?

The two give themselves a mocking look as they vomit words that do not engage.

That's not true, even humans, I didn't throw it away.

What a word, sounds terribly thin.

If only Talia had helped a stranger until she risked her life.

There was a man who killed her for money like that.

Talia was murdered by humans even though she moved for humans.

I can't say anything. On my behalf, there was a voice there.

"But your mother, to the end, seemed happy"

I was about to plug in, I spoke to Mr. Oyaji and Neune about how he had been thinking of something since he was in business. Sui.

To her voice, they listen quietly.

"I don't know much about your mother's old days or Mr. Neune. But my mother, who I know, always seemed happy. Your father killed you, like, don't tell me. Dad, don't say that."

Make sure Sui fishes you, and Rye follows her without words.

"I don't really remember either. But still, I remember somehow being warmer back in the day and so very happy with it. I remember your mother's kind voice."

After I've said it with momentum, Rye will be the kind of salute I took and attached.

Sui gently stroked Rye's head like that.

And again, I said it in a desperate voice.

"Have a happy mother. That we were born. Like it was a mistake, don't tell me. Please, I will."

To the words of Sui, Neune blued his face.

And bow your head vigorously toward the two of Sui and Rai.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. That's right. That you were born should never have been a mistake. All I could see was myself. I'm so sorry. I never meant to deny you two."

"Oh, no. Keep your head up."

Neune looked up after Sui told her and stared at her two granddaughters.

With a slightly weaker face, he says in a gentle voice to mercy the son of his late daughter.

"... you both look a lot like that kid. Really, did that kid seem happy?

"Yes, I think so"

"Me, too."

Taking the word, Neune exhaled for a long time. It seems to exhale the anger that was smoking.

Then quietly, I turned to Mr. Oyaji.

"I don't think I was wrong to entrust Talia to you. But I resent you for failing to protect Talia."

"I know. If you do, it'll help."

"For your sake, I'm not saying. And one more thing."

Until just now, Neune, who was releasing resentful words, bowed his head there with a peck.

Fluffy blue hair swayed and flowed quietly.

As Mr. Oyaji stands, Neune slowly tells him.

"Thank you for making Talia happy. Fren."

"............... don't be silly. I am."

"I didn't try to be a bad guy, fine. I resent you and thank you. That's good, isn't it?"

"... I've always hated that part of you, damn it"

Mr. Oyaji distorts a hard and strict look that he has been piercing until then.

Moist, damp air.

Soon there were signs that the sobbing voice was about to leak from all over the table.

That's when.

"Excuse me. Here, it's late for drinks."

Sally, with her spine pinned out, appeared with a warm hot cup on her basin.

She graces them and then quietly lines them up on the table.

A gentle fragrance tickles the nostrils and reaches the brain.

"It's a calming herbal tea. Please note that side effects may cause a little tears"

An 'extra' word in a place like this, you look like me. and zero with my heart remembering myself the other day.

Then Sally lowered her head and went back into the counter.

After a while, the person on the spot reaches out to the cup left at the table.

Until the air calmed down, there was a sipping noise.

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