"... wait. Sui."

When I realized what she meant by her actions, I finally entered the conversation on this occasion.

Correctly, I was feeling like I was given the right to enter into a conversation.

"How did you suddenly come to that conclusion?

"It's not sudden. Really, I've been thinking about that."

Even if he asks me, Sui doesn't show one rush and answers pale.

"Because I am. Best in this store, 'cause it's not helping Saw."

Quietly spoken words.

I was taken aback by her thoughts.

Because that didn't match the sentiment I had.

"Don't be silly. I've had Suey make potions all my life, help me, and I've come this far."

"But that also means I'm not doing anything but making potions right now, right?

"... with what?"

"Then if you leave a large amount of buildup, the total won't bother you, will it?

I wanted to clearly deny, in my mood, the conclusions she made.

She has taken care of everything but potion making. It could be about adventure, or the extraction of ingredients during prototyping. I've taken care of a lot.

But what you're asking her to do now, I don't know.

The bottle is almost all set so my satisfaction can go.

The problem of not having enough hands in sales has also largely dissolved the apprentice growing up.

And more importantly, whatever the name of the owner, what she can advise in the customer service industry is not.

There's only the title of owner, that's all.

It's not a lie that once the material problem is cleared up, the store itself turns.


"... that's not the problem"

In my head, I was logically convinced of what Sui thought and said that.

But clearly in the part of the mood, Moya Moya remains.

This must be a matter of meaning and significance for which I work in this store.

"I'm here because Sui invited me. Because I thought I could walk with you if it was Sui's ideal."

If it's just a matter of bars and cocktails, then maybe sui does matter less.

But the philosophy of standing forward is different.

I want one or more people to know and save one or more people. She was at the center of that ideal, so we moved on to today.

It's all because of her philosophy that this store is able to lean on all sorts of people.

"But the total ideal is different from mine"

Sui said quietly so as to see through my mind like that.

"Both me and the total are consistent in their purpose of spreading cocktails. But the ideals ahead are different. Isn't it the most important thing to move on to the cocktail?

"... I don't have a word for that."

"But if it's for a cocktail, you can't help it, so you've been able to do it, right? Always have been, always will be."


Stuck in words. I couldn't say anything.

Sui's lonely grin quietly illustrated the consequences of the action I took today.

I knew Sui's wish, and she asked me directly, and I still came to this store today. That and this, all for the 'cocktail'.

Prioritized one elf and a 'cocktail' over his inner mood.

Sui's lonely words made me realize how much the action I took broke Sui's heart.

During the business earlier, Sui wasn't angry. It was just hurting.

I clearly complained about the action of expressing the wound to the fullest.

I thought that would do it if I apologized.

I didn't think about Sui's heart. Not everyone can think the same way I do, even though I don't.

Wasn't it me who was more selfish than anyone?

"... Still, I can't believe I let Sui do that and move on"

I grabbed my fist for a long time and still said it.

Sui returns it to me with even a gentle voice.

"So even if your purpose is distant...... is it good? I can see your way to the cocktail without any obstacles."

Deny it. Deny it.

Repeat only that conclusion clearly in your head.

Yet I don't know what to say for denial. I can't see.

What kind of answer would convince her?

What kind of mouth can I say that my purpose is good when I clearly prioritize my purpose on a day like today?

"I don't want to!

I was desperately looking for words in my head. Put me down, my voice sounds.

Earlier, Rye, who was just flabbergasted, was now raising his voice of denial with a clear will.

"My sister, who was going to the demon house, finally came home, and there were more people in the store, and so I'm having fun doing it. I absolutely don't want to suddenly be alone with your sister!

"Lai, but our purpose... and Mr. Neune's problem."

Sui returns with a troubled face to her sister, who suddenly begins to pinch the waste.

But Rye rebelled further against the words of such a big swim.

"It's good that your sister didn't have to go! Why are you in such a hurry? You don't have to know right now! I've been doing this by hand, how come all of a sudden, I'm trying to make such a shortcut!

The fist I gripped made me twitch and sweat.

The words of Rye, who screamed with his moist eyes, stabbed him in the throat.

Sure, what was I in a hurry.

Because today, if you promised me the day again, there was as much way, why did you rush here?

... I might have become Tengu. I could conveniently break through every time I hit the wall, and I was probably thinking about it easily.

So now that you've unconsciously chosen a shortcut because of the drug booze and nothing has turned out?

"Guys, you're being selfish! Even me, yes... but! You can't do that, you don't have to hurry up and try to move on!

That word at the end, Rye leans down again and leaks a whimper quietly.

Sui clearly broke the look of her determination when she was against me and was just gently stroking Rye's head.

Said Neune, who had remained silent until then, in a space that no longer existed except Rei's voice.

"Only, I'm just acting in preparation for the unforeseen. I'm not talking about urgency. So you don't have to make a sudden decision"

I didn't set a clear deadline, I just told him in a less discouraging voice.

"I don't mind either. If not here, just visit other thoughts. But if Sui is coming, it's not a rush to accept her wishes."

So we decide what to do.

I took the liberty of supplementing the words that would follow, and I leaned down.

As a bartender, I clearly say stop swimming, saying that people's minds should be prioritized.

I can't tell her about this store that she's been protecting around. I'm sorry to hear about Neune, but we should take more care of those close to us.

But as a total evening fog, I disagree with me like that for wanting a cocktail.

What a beautiful thing to say when you miss the chance you're getting in front of me. You can get close to Vermouth just because you haven't been around for a year or two.

Both of them are the answers that spring from my heart.

Two conflicting desires, springing from the heart.

It's a hypocritical, ugly, self-righteous emotion that makes me want to turn away.

I want to take care of people. I want to take care of the cocktail too.

So I have to make up my mind. The truth is, which is more important?

A different kind of disobedience than when I was worried before is knocking my head all over it.

"... for one thing, it's open for today. So be it, you guys."

Mr. Oyaji blurted out. There is no objection to that.

Neune left information on his place of stay and quietly lowered his head and left the store.

The rest of us were just sitting there silently.

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