The next morning.

Me and Sui, just face-to-face in the hallway, look away from each other unexpectedly.


"... good morning"

Still, we just exchanged greetings and made a mistake.

Even in the seats surrounding the breakfast that Rye made us, we remained somewhere giddy.

Usually the noisy Rye is basically silent, and then I don't talk about anything either, which brings up the story from there.

Sally putting it in is also very important, and Phil, who occasionally puts in accurate scratches, doesn't have that element.

If Mr. Oyaji doesn't say anything about scolding us for being on track with such a story, neither is Sui smiling at them with a thin smile.

Even if Sally tries to talk about it a few times with a slightly higher tension, it stops with a two-word or three-word catch ball.

The painful nature of a conversation when you can't find a good topic is difficult to exhaust to the brush tongue.

Eventually, until breakfast was over, we were just pouring Moso and food down our throats.

It should be delicious, but I didn't really feel the taste.

It's a normal business day.

Shiftily, it's got me and Phil in it, and Sally's off. She basically stays in the store during the day when she has no plans, although Sui has no plans.

It doesn't have to be the opening hours of the bar department, so that people can deal with it when they're around because of a lack of magic.

At the end of the morning when I was blurry and thinking, I headed to the store with a non-Sally member who fluttered out and there was a blurry Sui sitting at the counter.

Even when we walked into the store, Sui kept looking at the bottle shelves blurry without much reaction.

"... sui. Is anybody here?


"Oh well."

Speak up, but the conversation ends with the reward of an unsatisfactory reply.

Phil looks worried, so I give it back to him as he laughs bitterly. Then quietly, I decided to get to the confirmation before opening the store.

Even when you're surrounding Mr. Oyaji's cooked lunch, the air isn't much different from breakfast.

Instead of Sally, Bergamo just fitted into her morning position.

Once you have finished your lunch, move as determined as routine work and move on to cleaning, preparing equipment, breaking the ice, etc.

Being able to do that without thinking about it was a little easier.

But sometimes I get really conscious.

If I stayed without thinking, my attention would be distracted, and I accidentally bumped into Rai, who was equally confused.



After the two of us are on the verge of breaking our attitude, we go back in one voice.

However, if you stop and face it, it seems absurd to deviate from it again.

"... what was that yesterday? I'm sorry."

Consciously, I talked about it. Still, I can't talk about a topic I really want to touch.

When I apologize, Rye takes it with a subtle look.

"No, yeah. I'm sorry, too."

"Oh, oh."

Words that are not obvious. If I was going to get away with it, it was now.

But I just stepped in here and talked about something I really needed to talk about.

"... no. I want you to listen to me."

Before Rye laughed and deluded, before Sui quietly recieved it.

before they get confirmation.

I decided to say the conclusion I made anyway.

"I figured... if it's enough for Sui to get that far, it'd be good to take the time to move on."

Troubled for one night, I gave these answers once.

Sure, I don't know what Suey said, and I don't know what Neune wants.

But in a bad way, I don't think it's an option to take until you sacrifice Sui.

In my chest, I said, "Is that good? Pretending not to hear the whispering voice, that's what I came to the conclusion.

"So Sui doesn't need to come up with that much"

My voice should have arrived.

As Phil continued to prepare, Suey, who was sitting at the counter, turned around and answered.

"I, nevertheless, want to be a total force"

Not in a slightly apt way yesterday, Sui said in a core voice.

"I don't like it. If you can find what the total is looking for, this store will be bigger. Bigger, that's all more people can save."

After one night, she gave her reasons for yesterday's emotions.

Sure, if 'Vermouth' gets it, that's all, the cocktail widens. If the range of cocktails widens, make this store more famous.

It's not just for me, it's for Sui's sake.

That's why she says she'll do it for me and for herself.

"And the whole thing, you really want to get it fast, don't you?

To that lonely grin I added at the end, I bit my lips all the time.

I can't deny myself that I feel that way where I line up any beauty phrases in my mind.

"Don't worry about me, you should care about the cocktail. Most importantly, cocktails are important cocktail idiots."

With a terribly unchallenged voice, Sui went on to do so even more.

At the end of his sight, Phil looked surprised as he kept getting ready. I don't have to put it that way, but there is an atmosphere that seems to break in.

I stopped him with a flat face like that, and I told Sui.

"... I know, don't. Sorry."

I'm sure the reason for her hatred is to make me think 'Go away'.

You're going to piss me off, make me think I'm going to take it personally if you say so, and make my mind strain a little lighter.

But now that I've calmed down, there's no way I can see the intent of such a discernible provocation.

Not only am I angry, but I give it back spicy, and Sui immediately changes her expression.

"... yeah, sorry"

And also, like yesterday, we bowed our heads to each other.

Rye, who was watching, expressed her own hope there again.

"I knew I didn't know why your sister was so mean. Sister like now, something, no. I hate it."

He even said he didn't like it, and then Rye looked worried and went on to say it.

Words that make me or Sui happy.

"My current sister. Before the whole thing came to us, you look just like me. I can't, I tell myself, I have a tenacious face, I do."

Sui clogs her voice.

That's what they pointed out, and maybe there's awareness to the extent that you don't deny it.

I don't know what I did when I was grumpy, believing that I was the only one who was right.

But a stranger could have caught up to the point where he believed instantly in the cocktail I showed him just once.

Suppose she's the same now as she was then.

I'm sure he must have done a lot of hard work and chosen an earlier opinion.

"Hey Sui. Rye says the same thing. So."

I tried to get on with Rye's words to convince Suey, and that Rye told me too.

"Total too. I'm with you."


"The total looks just like your sister. You're not convinced, but you're forcing me to convince you that's right. The truth is, you don't have an answer in your heart."

Look at that, it's spotted.

That's what I scream in my heart, I'm faithful to desire.

I know what you mean. I want to choose both, I do.

I want 'Vermouth' too, and I don't want Suey to push me.

I can't choose that way, so even if I can't, I have to choose between them and force them to convince me.

Then the three of us will shut up again. Phil at the counter looks at us worried, opens his mouth and closes.

I can't help but worry about us, but I don't know what to say. That's how he felt. I knew it was painful.

That's when I heard a cool bell called Karan.

"I knew you'd be in trouble again."

The silver-haired girl who then showed up was, ha, a shuddering face.

Then, I'll take the three hands of me, Sue and Rye and put them on the table forcefully.

You're off duty today.

"It doesn't matter. I'm curious if it's off-duty."

After cutting off my simple questions, Sally first turned to me and said,

"First, the general wants' Vermouth '. So I would ask you to impart Mr. Noine's knowledge. But I kind of don't like the fact that Mr. Sui is in exchange for that. Does it fit?

"... ah, oh"

I can say that my opinion, which Sally summed up perfectly, more or less fits.

I can tell you, I feel more complicated in me, so I feel like I've been explained too thoroughly, like this.

Without worrying about me like that, Sally turns to Suey next.

"Next, Mr. Suey. You also believe in the possibility of" Vermouth "as well as the general manager, and where you have left off, the impact of the store is minimal - so I think the deal with Mr. Neune makes sense. But I don't like being separated from General Blah Blah, so I'm not convinced by emotion. Different?

"... it's like I'm the only one thinking about the whole thing."

"Yes, it fits"

Again, this is one of the most complicated words of Sui's expression. I always think this guy's pretty relentless.

Next to me being subtle enough to keep my gaze off Suey, Sally said finally turning back to Rye.

"Finally, Rye. Blah, blah, blah. I don't care about" Vermouth, "and I think I should take my time. So simply disagree. And yet, I don't like the two people I love weirdly reason with each other. So I disagree with it all already. Ok?"

"... Plus, I don't like the fact that your sister doesn't care about me and I feel like I'm just looking at the total"

"Honest and good"

Sally grinned more and told him out loud at the end.

Beyond the entrance door, speak to someone.

"That's why. There's no way we can talk about each other in pieces like this. What do you think?

Then the bell sounded in the store again.

And what showed up modestly was the blue hair I saw yesterday.

He looked terribly troubled knowing what each of us had to say, and he looked like Noine.

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