"So why do I have to eat with Yugiri?"

"That's an odd encounter. I feel the same way."

The seats across the street, me and Guinura, hit each other with dissatisfaction.

And then, next to me, Iberis. Next to Guinura is an empty seat.

When it comes to why this happened, is it because me and Guinura were mean to each other?

When I left the Knights jar, I told Guinura that me and Iberis were planning to grab dinner together. Then Guinura said she was going to do the same.

Though, I wasn't even close enough to go out and eat with him, so I thought that was it.

In fact, that's where the conversation ended, and I haven't consulted Guinura in any way.

Since Iberis is in a hurry, I decided it was time to go to one of my favorite stores around here.

But me and Guinura walked out of there in the same direction for some reason.

The store he decided on was with the one I wanted to go to.

"Even though it's just a coincidence, I can't believe there just happened to be one empty seat."

The words Iberis relaxed about were why me and Guinura were facing each other.

Me and Guinura didn't like each other's seats, but we didn't like giving up our seats to each other any more than that, so here's what happened.

I mean, how come when you're going somewhere with him, you're in a seat or a room or something? You're kidding.

That would make Guinura feel the same way. But he only complained to me without complaining to the store, so it also grew.

"Hmm, well good. Better watch than that, Iberis."


Guinura puts aside her seat with me early to give Iberis a good grin.

"I told you earlier I was hot. You should see it now."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"It has nothing to do with Yugiri. It's about my pride."

When I made it brown, Guinura returned it in a good mood for saying it had nothing to do with it.

"I don't care, have you decided to order?

"Hmm, it's the most expensive one for now. I always place that order."

As always, I thought it was the right decision to make, but I ran through the menu.

The store is open during two hours: lunch and dinner. This restaurant has a reputation for delicious meat dishes and alcohol, especially at dinner. The interior is simple, calm, and affordable. The number of seats is a dozen or so table seats.

It's a well-balanced store, and I've used it a few times, but I study a lot.

But from what I hear from male customers, they rate their employees as cute above all else.

I'm a man too, so it's not a story I can snort about that being a plus point there. But I see.

Set aside your personal feelings and I'll choose the menu too.

I imagine it in knob form around ale to solidify my order. Iberis had cheerfully chosen to order the pasta system.

And just when the order was made, Guinura told Iberis.

"I've been here quite a while."

"Hmm? So?

"I mean, he's a good customer, and he even remembers his face"

I can somehow guess what that means. Guinura was just saying that when I was moving my gaze to ask for an order, I got eyes on one girl.

Guinura tells Iberis that she has no bare hands that she noticed and that she is no different in phase.

So the employees here always yellow when they see me.

"Ah! Mr. General! Did you come?!?

Where Guinura was saying something, it seemed I could hear that yellow voice and the dots.

I switched on the bartender and smiled at the employee who stopped by.

"Hi Azena."

"Guys! Wow, you're really coming!

"I promised."

As I float my sales smile with Nico, the employee girl, Azena, smiles back at Nico with joy.

Well, there's no such thing. The reason I chose this store was because a customer who used to come to the bar told me to come back next time.

I had originally taken a trip to this store, but the other day, a senior brought me to the bar. At that time, that's what customer service became.

I think that authentic relationships like that are also necessary to do in the customer service industry.

"You look cute in your uniform. I thought you were an adult beauty when you came to us, but now I feel so cute"

When I saw the slightly stylish apron she was wearing, I gave my honest thoughts.

To my statement, she grabs the apron gently and gives it back to me like it's illuminating.

"Uh, no more! I heard you say that to everyone, Mr. President?

"That's not true. At least because I only say what I really thought!

I'll say it with a slightly troubled windy grin.

"You're lying!" She was smiling like she didn't even seem to be able to smile.

"I mean, it's fresh that the general isn't a tribute"

"Haha. It's private for once. Or would you prefer a salute?

"No. It's better if it's easy. Yikes! Oh, yeah, what do you want to order?

I came to ask for the order as she remembered, so I normally pass on the order that Iberis and I had decided on.

And I look at Guinura, but he was a little stiff and he didn't seem to be able to make a good order.

"And he said he was the most expensive one. Drinks are just like me."

"Okay! I'll have it with you soon!

Azena bowed her head vigorously and hurried to the kitchen to convey her order.

Make sure she's out of sight like that, and I'll cancel the sales smile.

And I gazed at Iberis, who had a serious eye.

"All in all, it might be rude to be open even though you're with me"

I apologized to Iberis with a painful laugh.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Forgive me."

"Yeah. Forgive me!

This kind of place, where mood switches are corny, is very helpful.

I wish this were sui...... well, I try not to do such obvious sales in front of sui.

And while I think about it, is it the trauma that comes from this morning's experience that I keep looking around to see if the store is inside?

"Ko, Ko"


When I'm relieved to look around with Kyoro Kyoro, Guinura, who was solidifying in front of me, moves out.

"Don't think I won this!

"... what?

I didn't know what to give back to Guinura's tear-eyed proclamation.

Only Iberis' expression of pity, however, was impressive when he did it.

"By the way, I hear you're having a rough time."

Bacon and potato stir-fry, preserved vegetable pickles, etc. are lined up on the table in a sausage platter. A slightly wild impression ale on hand.

As Guinura remembered, he said he was mouthing the dish he had been transported to.

I turn my suspicious eyes to him like that.

"Me, did I tell you that?

"... heard about the wind rumors"


I was going to keep the information out of the way for too many customers, but it's still something that leaks. I didn't think I could hide it through, but I didn't know you even knew Guinura.

We need to be more attentive to normal sales.

"... so? Hmm? Hmm? What do you say?"

And as I reflect, Guinura is making a strange noise.

"What's up?

"So, look, that's it, that"

With something bumpy to say, Guinura peeps into my complexion with a flicker.

Oh, my God. That's disgusting.

When I seeped a little disgust in her expression, Guinura said in a rough tone as she was in a hurry.

"That's why I'm telling you I can go talk to him!

... what?

"There will be many problems that you do not understand. That's when I say I'll solve your problem on a whim. Thank you."

"... Fine"

"Come on, you!?

Guinura rides herself out in tears. No, really. Why not?

When did you and I get to talk about troubles? Jokes are tough.

"Is it good!? Are you sure?!? There may not be a lot of time left for me to help you!?

Ginula is desperate to be consulted for some reason. Me with cold eyes on it.

Iberis, watching us like that, whispers on my shoulder and in my ear.

"It stinks, but it might be quicker to just talk to you"

"... ha"

In the first place, do we have to deal with Guinura when, for some reason, she knows this story, and she's in her seat?

I swallowed a bunch of sighs that I wanted to spit out and correct my posture.

"Well, let me give you my opinion"

"Well, if you say so much, I can't help it. Let me ask you something."


I didn't even ask for it, but if I bothered to get involved, I would be gazing from above this.

Even though I know this guy is like this, I'm angry.

Then I told Guinura the whole story. It was depressing to see this one reaction from time to time like "Hmm" or "ho".

And even talking about the terms of the deal, I finished my first explanation of the situation.

So I glanced at Guinura's face and he looked unusual and serious.

"Sui Vermut and in exchange......"

Guinura wears a glass. But there was no contents already and the fluffy foam just moved loose.

Guinura stares at the glass with a face that she doesn't like a bit, but then she turns to me immediately.

"I'll say it on behalf of 'Aurantiaca'. Yugiri. You should prioritize 'cocktails' at any cost."

That wasn't the thin man voice in my image.

Again, I'm going to ask Guinura straight back again until then.

"What's the intention?

"It means that the potion world is now paying more attention to 'cocktails' than you think. On the surface, he's hiding in the 'Old' movement and 'Cocktails' hasn't received much attention. That, on the contrary, would also mean that this is the easiest time to move for something that doesn't like 'cocktails'"

I regret the motion of the potion neighborhood, but I'm not that familiar with it. I just remembered a little bit about when I spoke to my lord before.

People who don't think they like 'cocktails' do exist, he said.

"So now, no matter what happens, you shouldn't leave this city. So does Sui if you speak of greed. Except you, either way. If you're looking ahead, you can't just walk away from this city - no, 'cocktails'."

That serious Guinura is, after all, not what I've ever known of him.

It does not give the slightest impression that he had nothing, and weights like those of his father, Mr. Heliconia, dwell slightly in his eyes.

"Why would you do that?

"... If I run out of 'cocktail' buds here and now, where do I pay back my debts at the potion goods review? So, you stay away from the 'cocktail'. That's all.... Well, I don't approve of 'cocktails'."

Sure, if you're going to deduce a 'cocktail' with a wish from your lord, I'm absolutely necessary. You can't leave all that up to the twins.

And right now, if you think for the city, the top priority should be to further enhance the 'cocktail'.

I want to avoid stepping foot at this important time.

"... if you give up the cocktail, there's nothing I can say."

Guinura told him to close, caught a walking employee and ordered a drink.

His opinion, if viewed objectively, may also be said to be the correct one.

Perhaps it is only trivial from the point of view of the progress of the 'cocktail', such as our feelings. That's probably how much attention I'm getting.

Guinura went out of her way to tell me that and bought me a hater. He gave me an opinion from the potion world that your feelings had nothing to do with it.

It would just be depressing from him, without giving me my own personal feelings.

"... I'm sorry"

"... Hmm. If you think it's bad, you just have to come to a conclusion."

That's how me and Guinura closed the conversation, and his ordered ale arrived at the table.

I'll think of something and put a glass up against him. Would you like to make a toast? and.

Besides, Guinura gave a surprised look, but would not match the glass.

However, only modestly, I raised the glass back.

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