Daily skinned, troubled days soon pass.

Neune is becoming more and more familiar with the Vermut family and just a little more familiar with me and the twins. There is less concern in the city, more familiar with working at home, and more familiar with the shop.

And in the meantime, there was nothing like her urging the answer.

She was really quiet, waiting for us to come up with an answer.

Though I felt a glimmer of gratitude for her, I had yet to come up with an answer.

Ask yourself what bothers you so much, but you get an ambiguous reply.

I don't think I've ever had anything in my life that I care enough about to worry about on a scale.

I guess there was no such thing as an undefeatable self.

But I came to this world and 'here' was more important than I thought.

That was all turning into a comfortable space.

The presence of Sui and the search for a cocktail were all things that had to be in this place for me.

I don't like either one of them missing.

"... that's sinister"

I swallowed a small amount of liquor that was in my mouth quietly and squealed like that.

Easys holiday evening that has patrolled again. A week after talking to Bergamo and Iberis and the others.

Because it is a holiday, we are proceeding with the accumulated challenges.

I put a glass on my desk, and I pour just a small amount of liquid in there.

Water beside. That and a basin for spitting out the liquid in your mouth.

It is an earlier drunk, but if tasting is the main purpose, it did not need to be swallowed. You don't have to make sure again and again what it feels like to go through your throat.

But anyway, I feel like I don't have any body, and I'm stuck swallowing the liquor in my mouth. So every day, we can only drink about three or four different kinds for challenges.

I get really drunk when I try to see more than that.

It doesn't mean you get drunk, it means your tongue gets stupid.

What I just swallowed was a plant called 'gunkouran' according to the label.

It comes with a run, but it's not an orchid, it's a buddy of twigs, and it looks like an evergreen shrub.

Fruits can be eaten in black spheres and are nutritious. You think it's sometimes used as a jam?

As a fruit liquor, the sunken fruit turns slightly black and brown, and the liquid shifts the color of the red lineage, vibrant.

However, in the fruit system, tannins are noticeable. The scent is the same as yours.

This time, I had seen the flavors along with other around "Oominoturukokemo" and "Otokoyo zome" and made comparisons.

Of these, 'gunkouran' felt the most tannic. The shades are beautiful, but the tannic acidity that must have been in the black peel still chooses people.

I move my eyes from the glass to hand and take a pen to sum up my feelings several times.

I slipped my pen with Sarah and spelled it out with a beating and writing. Is it also why the challenge only progresses slowly, even if it takes about twenty minutes to write the perception of one fruit?

I put the pen down and, um, I stretched my arm, and all of a sudden a hand stretched from behind snapped my note.


When I looked in surprise, Neune looked through my notes to see when I entered the room.

But she quickly blushes.

"You can't read it. How many words are there?"

"Oh, say that's Japanese... not"

I always use Japanese when I take notes alone. I told Neune some of my qualities, but I didn't explain them to you.

Besides, I turn my blame eyes to Neune.

"I don't know if you're coming in on your own"

"I knocked many times, because it's something I didn't hear back from. I stepped in worried. I'm sorry."

"... What, were you knocking?

"Didn't you notice?"

If she wasn't lying, did I even ignore her knock?

I think it's a natural right to accuse you of coming in unauthorized. I suppose, the people in this house come in here often unauthorized in the first place, and this time I was bad.

"Uh, excuse me. We'll be careful in the future..."

"Yes, sorry to bother you."

The two of us made a subtle apology, and I turned to the entrance of the room.

There's an unrecognizable parcel there.

"So, how did Mr. Noine end up in my room?

"It was. I came to let you know because I received the package for you."

It is Neune who is receiving, as a matter of course, the baggage that has arrived at the Vermut family.

I'll thank her first, then I'll look at the parcel. It's like a cloth bag tied to a cross with strings. The sender was called 'White Oak'.

When I opened inside just a little excited, this again had a small box, which contained a bottle wrapped in the packaging material. The contents of the bottle are brown liquid.

The letter was also enclosed in it, and the Lord was with Albao Graysnor, whom I took care of when I was going to training.

To the total

Long time no see, I wonder how you are. It's about you, so I'm worried I might be drinking too much. I don't think drinking too much is good for you, even though it's a potion.

This one's busy even after you guys leave. There's not enough hands at all to verify the various ideas that come from those people that Dr. Holly and Dr. Cecil have made up. But thanks to that, there are plenty of different jobs coming around for newcomers like me.

Well, this time I sent it to you as a result of another possibility you showed.

I couldn't make it in bulk because it's not in season yet...... a new 'potion' was born at the end of the 'Old Experiment' using 'grapes' instead of 'malts'.

It would be 'brandy' if I borrowed the words you used to say.

It's still a prototype, but I've filled only one bottle with something that tastes good that you'll like. I'm glad you let me know what you think.

'Voice Sending You' that you left behind, but I think I can move it if it's about enough, so if you contact me about 9: 00 on the night of the day off.

One last time.

Thanks to you, we're busy here, but we're having so much fun.

For that matter, I'm going to be way ahead of you. I'll let you know if I can afford it. Say hello to Iberis and Guinura, and to Sui and the people around you.

Albao Graysnor

It was an albao-like somewhat tough administrative contact and a shattered tightening letter as a friend.

I see the bottle again as I feel nostalgic for his letter.

Only one bottle, but possibly the first bottle of 'brandy' in the world.

Somehow, I can't help but loosen my cheeks.

Did you know about the luggage?

and people's voices where one was nibbling. I was a little embarrassed when I remembered that there were other people here than me.

"Uh, well. My friend remembered what I said and sent me a prototype potion."

"... 'fifth attribute', right?"

"Can you tell just by looking at it?

"If it's about me"

Neune in a calm tone. But the bottle with that new potion also seems interesting in her eyes. Rare, eyes shining.

Noine often has a face for the Easys as well, so I've already tried the whiskey-based potion. That's why I seem to be even more concerned about the difference.

I recommended her to be a little childish.

"If you like, would you like a sip? Unlike what you always do in stores..."

"... yes, no, if that's all there is to it"

"You don't have to hesitate"

"... then, just one bite"

In a vain word, Neune also lost his desire.

For one thing, I give her the chair in front of the table, and I go into prep standing.

I have about two glasses for tasting at the table. I opened the seal of the bottle and poured it quietly.

The moment the liquid flows off the bottle, the rich sweet fragrance that 'he' holds can be bounced.

The fruity sweetness, unlike whiskey, tickles me and Neune's nostrils.

"What kind of potion is this?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah. Mr. Noine may have made it, but it's an Old Potion that imagines wine distilled and made…"

"Would you like some wine..."

Passing one glass, Neune is wobbly rocking that amber liquid.

"I don't think wine distilled liquor is going to be this color"

"... oh, that's the color of the barrel. If you soak Old's original 'New Pot' in a barrel and take the time from there, the liquid slowly becomes its color. And whiskey doesn't always come in that color."

"Is it a wooden barrel? Sure, it's useful for storage, but since it has a lot of magical effects, it's not really used for alcohol."

Apparently, barrels also have some effect on liquids in drug liquor. Even in one of those places, this world is tough for booze development.

Most of all, even Earth whiskey was not originally packed and aged in barrels. They used to drink colorless, transparent things that just distilled brewed liquors made from cereals.

At the beginning of the barrel packing, a lot of liquor was taxed on whiskey.

At the time, the brewers smuggled the whiskey and filled and hid the empty barrel of sherry liquor that was nearby. When I set aside the time to open the barrel, the liquid inside was coloured and the taste was mellow.

That is said to be the first episode, in which whiskey has taken its present form.

Without heavy liquor taxes, the technology of liquor hasn't progressed that far in the first place.

In addition to that, when the barrel is distanced from the element of magic, it may be that no matter how much the elves are progressing with the alcohol, they don't know about it.

"In the meantime, it's a good idea to get rid of the preconceptions and try them"

"... then"

"Oh, it's slow. Because it's strong."

"I know, I know."

To my advice, Neune gave it back with a bitter laugh. That's right, it was unnecessary care for humans who were used to drinking distilled liquor.

Me and Neune quietly raised the glass and slowly contained the liquid in their mouths.

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