The biggest and decisive difference between brandy and whiskey is the ingredients.

Essentially, whiskey uses grain, brandy uses fruit as raw material.

Those differences naturally manifest themselves in flavor, but most importantly, I believe that the difference is the aroma.

When I lean my nose against the glass, it is fluffy, hot and sweet, and its scent resonates to the cerebral cord.

Deep sweetness, like ripe grapes, not the grainy rustic sweetness of whiskey.

It smells really vivid, just coming in through my nose and I'm going to get drunk.

Put a little in your mouth and touch it with the tip of your tongue first. The sweetness in the brandy-like liquor conveys twitching tongues like water stained in the soil.

Then you roll it over your tongue, and it's like a vineyard at night that spreads. It has a gorgeous yet demonic flavor that meets the sweet, secret atmosphere.

I used to imagine in whiskey that it was masculine or feminine, but that still applies to whiskey and brandy.

As an overall trend, whiskey is masculine and brandy has a feminine image.

With that in mind, I swallowed the liquid and took my breath out of my nose.

The breath dyed thoroughly brandy disappears with the same or more appeal as when you smell it, shaking your head all the time.

A prototype means that some firmness, improvement, etc. floats, but for the first time, it has a flavour that is also good enough.

Wrapped in a serene finish, Neune, who was tasting with a serious look just like me, also nodded satisfactorily.

"I see. There's still room for completion as a potion, but you're still approaching a practical level"

"Is it that way?"


I was somewhat expecting the taste to leak, but she turned her attention to the potency.

Researcher skin may be just a little bit similar to sui.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I

In living in this world, I learned how to handle magic to move magic devices such as stoves or faucets or lights. But I'm not familiar with that just because I remember.

A person who can ride a bicycle is not familiar with the structure of the bicycle, nor is he familiar with mechanics or energy conversion efficiency.

So feelings from a magical point of view, like Neune did, are a little clapping.

But it seems that's how I felt on my face. Neune exhaled so tenderly and said to me.

"When it comes to taste, I honestly think it's delicious"

"That's good"

"You just prefer 'whiskey' as far as I'm concerned"

I agree with that.

I never hate brandy, but I'm whiskey in one way or another.

It's just that this is totally my first experience, or maybe because I drank whiskey fast.

Then, even if you say a sip of brandy, the variety varies.

Orthodox stuff made of grapes. 'Apple Brandy' in Apple, widely renowned for its name 'Calvados', made in the Normandy region of France.

If distilled liquor made from fruit is called brandy, 'Kirschwasser' made from Sacramento, etc., can do the same.

There are also different species of 'grappa' and 'mar' made from grape squeeze.

It's rough to put them together and call them brandies, but if you put them together in a big mess, it's still brandies that are made from fruit.

Most importantly, this kind of explanation cannot be passed on where Neune made it, so just keep it in your head and include another bite.

That's the best way to have a different and more nuanced feeling than your first impression.

"... but you are, as always"

They were watching me like that. Neune leaks a voice that feels like it by accident.

When I looked at him, he looked at me with a worrying, emotional, ambiguous look.

"This note. What do you mean by Japanese… is this?"

But that's how she missed the conversation before responding to my gaze.

The point where she reached out was not a Japanese note of beating and writing, but a note in the letters of this world that she had written up to show others.

As I can confirm, Neune read only the part of my note about flavor.

"" Gun Kouran "

The colour of the liquid would be light red, or perhaps cyan. It's pretty transparent and the view across the glass looks good.

The aroma is pretty tight. More than sweetness, I can imagine the sourness of the tannic sensation. Is the tannin that would be found in the black peel still appearing?

But contrary to the image of the fragrance, the palate is mellow. To put it well, it has a modest sweetness and acidity, and to put it badly, it has no characteristics. However, given the characteristics of the original distilled liquor, I might even say that it makes it quite easy to drink.

Is it still a berry or cassis flavor that comes to mind?

The feeling of the throat after drinking and the scent falling through the passing nose is unusual and refreshing when struck from entering.

The deliciousness is five on a ten-step rating. Sweetness △ Bitterness × Acidity △ Scent △ Taste ○ Appearance "

I haven't packed the details yet, but it's certainly my feeling.

Neune reads it out and sighs quietly.

"How long have you been given an assignment for writing this"

"Eh, that's my first impression of drinking all the way, so I thought it would all go together for less than a week"

"... Really?"

Neune then looked at the other notes as well. It is a tentative summary, so it cannot be called a finished version, but all opinions have been given.

Eventually Neune, who had completed the interim review, dared not touch there.

I put out my unexpected words without mentioning how my assignment was going.

You like alcohol, don't you?

The fact that the people around me are so well known as normal.

I don't even bother to be asked, so when they say it differently, it's a little, it's illuminating.

"There's just one thing I care about. When I look at you at home or at you working in a store, I think,"

Noine's words seemed to explore me deeply.

She often has the kind of eyes she explores, especially against me. It's in my heart, like trying to see who I really am.

"What's your favorite 'cocktail'?"

And say things that you can't answer.

Ask questions like that you've never thought about or decided to do before.

"I like that too, I like this too, it's not. Are there really only one 'cocktail' that matters the most"

I can't respond to the eyes peeking into my eyes.

In my head, I look for answers to her questions.

You can delude a cocktail that floats all the time, just at the tip of your mouth. The fact is, one of my favorite things, I can do as much as I want.

[Blue Moon], [Cosmopolitan], [Daikiri], [Mockingbird]?

If it's a 'cocktail' you prefer, it springs up later.

But I can't choose just one of them.

I want to like that and this, all flipped. I don't want to rank. I want it to be the 'cocktail' world that is allowed.

The more I think about it, the farther and farther away I am from the answer to Neune's question.

For a while, Neune laughed sadly when she said something like that.

"You asked a few difficult questions. I'll change the question."

It was more of a missed feeling than forgiven.

She put her hand on her forehead to worry just a little bit and said with an immediate look on her mind.

"What 'cocktail' would you like to drink most right now? Why don't you let me make a 'cocktail' that I think best suits you right now"

That was Noine's order.

What is the best cup I can make for me right now?

It was her demand that found it.

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