Noine was kidnapped for mistaken for Sui.

Only that conclusion seemed unsuspecting.

It is nevertheless a somewhat convenient idea to wish Neune well when the two witness statements and the letter go hand in hand.

Everyone involved was waiting in the dining room. It seemed like signs of a lonely night would sneak into the hearts of all those who waited.

Therefore, Viola and Bergamo, who went outside as soon as they received the letter, have just returned.

In the eyes of our pursuit, they shook their heads with regret.

It was Viola who reported earlier.

"I even went back to the man who followed the smell and gave me the letter, but I couldn't. The man was just hired for money and couldn't get a trace to the killer"

"The smell of the letter itself is cleverly erased. It's hard to get from here."

The two put the letter they had in the middle of the table.

The letter and the man who gave it to you. From those two, it's hard to trace the killer.

"Can't you trace the smell of Neune?

"She's been around here a long time, hasn't she? I can't keep track of it with the smell there."

"... right"

The way it seemed easy, it was denied first.

In the first place, even Bergamo would be a lot more nosy than a human, but not omnipotent. If that were perfect, more beastmen would be active in the Knights.

"... then we'll have to consider this demand."

As I say, I drop my eyes on the other of the two letters spread out on the table with the place and the date and time.

Unlike the first one, which just taught him his own offense, it says this in an administrative tone.

"I'll have the letter delivered tomorrow morning at five o'clock over the Fine Bridge in the suburbs. Take it to the designated place without the evening mist general receiving it alone and showing the letter to anyone. At the stage of accompanying someone else, it seems that there is no life for the hostages. '

Using me as your nominee, demand.

Nor is it thorough enough not to tell directly in this letter, but to designate an indirect location.

Apparently, they're pretty cautious. Hiding and accompanying someone also seemed highly dangerous.

"You can't do that, total. As a Knights, I can't let you go alone."

"But if you don't, Neune's life is in danger."

"That's true... but equally your life is in danger."

The killer is after me, apparently. And perhaps Sui was also targeted.

However, they may not know Sui's face clearly. So I relied solely on Sui's information - blue hair, for example - to carry out the kidnapping.

For the sake of caution, I can also say that it is missing in strange places.

"I can't say anything more than I don't understand their demands. Maybe it's a simple money-seeking crime."

"... are you serious?

"It wouldn't be zero possibility, would it?

And, although I gave it back at my leisure, my heart denies it myself.

At this time, something aimed at me or Sui. That would be synonymous with aiming for something in eighty-nine 'cocktails'.

It reminds me of the Lord's advice and what he was saying when I spoke to Guinura.

This is the most important time. And now is also the easiest time to aim, he said.

"Anyway, I can't allow you to move without thinking. I want this matter deposited with the Knights. Right now, we're already hitting it with a lot of personnel on this."

"... so you can solve that? Even though you don't have any clues?

"... still. We do our best. So please, I want you to believe me. Be sure to grab the killer's tail and try to rescue Mr. Neune."

Viola's ever-increasing and desperate plea. I nodded vaguely at her like that.

"... ok. For one thing, I'll leave it to you. Until then, how do I stay?

"Don't you walk without darkness. Don't let the others walk alone. Acting at least two or more people"

That's how Viola flies instructions.

Then I did the sitting sui and the gaze on Bergamo.

"Sui and Bergamo. Would you cooperate with the investigation, if I may? The magic of Sui and the nose of Bergamo help"

Said Sui, Bergamo nodded without one or two.

Sui stood up quietly from his chair and turned to me, eating his teeth all the time.

"Total. Feelings are with us all. Please, don't act like you're sacrificing yourself. Alone, don't decide."

"... I know."

"Well, I'll be there."

The three of them, each quietly leave the room.

Everyone kept the tension in that, and if they acted in a detour, they were going to crush it.

Left behind, twins to me, Rye, and Mr. Oyaji.

Mr. Oyaji still looked difficult, but he exhaled with tension and looked at the twins.

"Phil, Sally. I'm sorry, can you ask me for one thing?

"Yes. What is it?

"From now on, I'm going to go give the store a notice of temporary closure. Like that. Uh, some customers will be in trouble. I need to talk to you about ordering other ingredients... and escort you."

Even in this situation where Neune was kidnapped, Mr. Oyaji said for his customers.

No one here is angry about what happened in an emergency. That's about all we can do right now.


"I'll give you a good escort."

Each of them nodded and stood up with Mr. Oyaji.

"That's why. Rye, kid. I'm sorry, but please leave a message. You don't have to unlock it if anyone comes. We all have the key."

"... yeah. Father, be careful."

"Don't worry. You can't beat them yet."

Mr. Oyaji tries to reassure me by grinning Rye's head, who seems anxious.

Then he tried to include me before he left the room.

"Kid, you shouldn't act on your own."

"... I know."

"... I wonder"

One word from Mr. Oyaji wasn't the wind that trusted me very much.

And there's the sound of the three of them walking out the front door. The only two people left in the room were me and Rye.

Fewer people around and thinner, Rye asks me in a trembling voice, small.

"Hey total. It's all right, isn't it? Mr. Noine's safe, isn't he?

"You bet."

Not imitating Mr. Oyaji, but I stroked her head again to reassure Rye, too.

It's not like Sui or Neune, it's red hair.

The palms stroking Rye felt the warm body temperature that echoed such hair.

"I wonder why. I wonder why you do that."

"I wonder why. I don't know."

"Yeah. I don't know. Why would I do anything wrong?"

"I'm sure you don't have to understand. I have a knighthood to protect people I don't understand."

Keep answering gently so as to quench Rye's anxiety.

Gradually, Rye's voice had broken the form of words and turned into a small whimper.

Rye clings to me, frightened by fears that don't make sense.

After doing so for enough and twenty minutes, his voice gradually calmed down. I was tired of crying, Rye, but with a blurry face, she left me.

"I'm sorry. I made you look sorry,"

"It's fine. I'm already like a family, aren't I? That's what's good for my family."

"... hmm. I guess I'm just a little happy right now."

He stays flabbergasted and Rye answers.

I was laughing at it. But it's not like I'm not happy.

If Rye doesn't feel too anxious that it's just a break. Thankfully.

Exhaled furiously, Rye nodded just one more thing.

"... me, you're going to be ready for dinner. At a time like this, you have to cook well."

"Right. It's an important Rye job, please."

"Let it be."

At this time, there will be no one to blame for Rye's move.

Rye and I headed to the kitchen, and I was finally left alone in the dining room.

"... Well, let's go"

I've been secretly waiting for this to happen.

First head quietly to your room to avoid making any noise. I prepared a blank sheet of paper and spelled out a note.

He wants me to forgive him for coming back soon.

Put it gently on the dining room table, and I'll head to the front door with the sleaze.

I don't have a clue about the killer.

I left it to the Knights, but there's no guarantee they'll find it. To be honest, I think it's unlikely.

Then this case won't be a glimmer.

But I only know one thing that could lead to Noine's whereabouts.

I only know one person who seems to answer my questions and everything.

And in order to meet such a presence, I have to go now that the library is critical open. Probably, but if I wasn't alone, you wouldn't show up.

I opened the front door with the utmost care not to make any noise.

Shut the door softly and lock it quietly.

Then I turned around and looked forward.

Early stars shine beautifully in the sky as the night book begins to descend. I also saw the moon glowing half missing.

Well, I was just taking a step back.

"Where are you going, kid?"

I thought my heart would pop out.

When I turned my face toward the fearful voice, I met Mr. Oyaji, who was lurking in the shadows and glaring at me.

"... Mr. Oyaji, didn't you head to the store?


Mr. Oyaji is often silent in inquiries. Then he sighs like a shudder.

"... I knew it. I thought it was too honest. He said he was up to something weird. You were right to watch."

Apparently, he stepped on me when I acted on my own, bluffing. Did you take the twins both to leave the job to them?

Did I put myself in that trap?

"Come on, answer me, where were you going?

Questioned, I hesitated to say.

"To the library"

"... Library?

"Not yet, because we'll be critical in time for the closing."

Even so, Mr. Oyaji said out of the question.

Even if the expression is not clearly visible, only the frightened signs are conveyed as they were.

"What are you gonna do, go to the library?

"... it"

Someone lurking there.

Maybe you can ask someone about Neune now.

As I have always been reached out when I have ever been in trouble.

What should I do with that explanation?

When I was lost, the hand of salvation came from an unexpected opponent.

Out of nowhere, the voice of the Rin woman sounded.

"You don't have to go to the library, total."

I wasn't expecting him at all.

Even Mr. Oyaji shows signs of surprise that she didn't realize she was approaching.

If I looked back in horror, she rocked her white hair illuminated by street lights.

"This time, I'll help you"

White robe on black inner. Dress differently than any outfit I've ever seen.

Trice, who said so, had a quiet grin, as usual.

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