"Why, here and now..."

Surprisingly, I didn't get the word out well.

I didn't know how she suddenly appeared in front of me.

As usual, it's normal to be there, twitching your hair white like a moon floating on a dark night lane. I didn't understand what it meant for her to be there.

Unlike me, Mr. Oyaji suddenly pops up and asks her a nasty question.

"Who are you? What the fuck are you talking about?

To Mr. Oyaji's inquiry, Trice had a slightly troubled grin.

"About me... call me Trice. Whatever they say, it means as it is. I'm here to help you."

"... Trice...!

Mr. Oyaji, too, seemed to have noticed her name a lot.

That this gray-haired woman is the one I told you about before when I got my memory back.

When the stiffness is broken, I try to move my tongue and ask Trice.

"... Trice. You..."

"You can't, total."

But Trice said in a hospitable tone, still with a quiet grin.

"Now is not the time to answer your question. It's also irregular that I originally came here. So, even if you have something to worry about, after all of it?

"... ok"

"Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean."

Well, I was sexually irritated by the cuteness of looking down at me.

I remembered myself being frustrated and shook away memories overflowing from my head.

I nodded one more time at my difficult face and Trice looked around a little.

"Looks like no one else is here. Yeah, I guess it's convenient."

"Is it inconvenient to have someone here?

"... hmm. Well, never mind."

Trice made a quick tease, and said in a serious look at the next moment.

"I can't answer who's moving, why they're moving, or how to help. But if that's good for you, I'll tell you where Neune Pratt is being held captive right now. I'll help you rescue him. What do you say?

The sound of me and Mr. Oyaji's spitting overlapped.

Tris looks at us with a try look. Mr. Oyaji has a suspicious eye on Trice.

I can't help but wonder why and just offer to help.

In that atmosphere, I immediately bowed my head.

"Please, Trice. I need your help."

"Become, kid?

What I said without hesitation shakes my naughty voice.

To his confusion, I returned quietly.

"Mr. Oyaji. At least I don't think she's the type to lie. At least until now, it has. So I think everything you're saying right now is true too"

"............ sure?

"If you can't believe Tris, you can trust me."

Mr. Oyaji gives a harsh look, while comparing Girosilo to me and Trice.

The desperate me and the windy tris of letting things happen.

After a while, Mr. Oyaji sighed and nodded.

"Okay. Trice......? I believe you."

"Thank you"

I was thrilled with the grin of Nicole Trice, feeling the lustre of the night.

As always, moving the heart accelerates when you put her forward. I regret to have that awareness, but I can't help it.

Where I'm biting my lips without meaning, Tris quietly closes his eyes to focus his spirit for a while. After a few seconds, he pointed his pin and finger to the ground and chanted quietly.


At the next moment, from the ground where she turned her hand, it felt like a line ran away.

I have only a little idea of the magic she used.

Slightly sweet cocktail with whiskey base [Hunter]. When I used it in the experiment, I didn't know how well it worked, but I remember being able to play like magic was looking for something.

But naturally, she didn't seem to tell us much about the magic either.

"Well, I know where it is. I can show you now, but are you two ready?

I put my hands on my hips. There it is, indeed, equipped with guns and pouches. I can move whenever I want.

That's how, unlike me who finished confirming, Mr. Oyaji asks Trice.

"Just give me a minute. So if we find out where it is, shouldn't we rely on the others or the Knights?

Sure, if you even know where you are, you can do that.

I thought so too, but Trice shook her head to the side.

"I shouldn't. As I said, I can't be asked why. I won't wait for the Knights or any sharp girl. First of all, you want to avoid being noticed stepping in with such an adult population, right? If you can get away with it, what if the hostages are killed?

"... it is, though"

What we're trying to do now is kick their demands. I don't know if there's anything if I find out about this.

In order to rescue Neune without being noticed, it would be more convenient to move in a few.

But as things stand, there's no other way to get Trice's help than to drink her demands.

And, even if you can understand with your head, Mr. Oyaji roars.

So as wasting, Trice let go of his last words.

"In the first place. If I were alone, I wouldn't need any other fighting power. All you need is your hands and feet to help out the hostages."

The next word sounded cold.

A heterogeneous sign, as if you are not a person, that you feel from the first time you meet Trice.

I guess she's never lying. An overwhelming presence that feels that way.

Trice gently pressed Mr. Oyaji back.

"... ok"

"It helps you to understand. We shouldn't be spending too much time on it, so let's head right over."

Trice gently turns his heel back and starts walking slowly as he does.

Me and Mr. Oyaji walked out on her like that.

The destination seems to be in a different direction than the designated suburb.

The feeling of deviation screams to hasten his legs, but Trice did not break the calm pace.

"... it's about time"

Where he had come to a certain compartment, Trice quietly opened his mouth.

She stops and glances at me and Mr. Oyaji.

Me and Mr. Oyaji are hardly tired thanks to her walking at a constant pace.

I'm not tired, but I couldn't hide a little surprise in the compartment where she stopped.

"It's near downtown, isn't it?"

"Right. If you're hiding a tree, it's not in the woods, but if you're going to lurk well, you might as well stay in people to a certain extent."

I remember this compartment.

It's the compartment Viola and I used to step into when we were looking for an illegal bar. It is true that the city also has a relatively large number of residents from outside, with a variety of people in and out of it.

In other words, there are not many connections between residents and there is a low sense of belonging to the city. Even if you witness something, maybe you often pretend not to see it.

I mean, I guess it's not a bad location to lurk your breath and aim for something.

I was just thinking so complicated, and Trice pointed all the way at me.

"I guess that one"

"... are you sure?

"Yeah. Definitely"

When I looked at the one Trice showed, there was a house with no weirdness whatsoever. It's not that big, it doesn't seem like a normal house. A little more luxurious than a wooden cabin.

We softly lurk in the shadows to hide from the house.

"... So, how do we get in?

"Before that, the investigation inside is finally like this"

When asked, Trice gently returns it and then closes his eyes to focus again.

And I mouthed it with a trick that opened something from my palm.

"[Sea Breeze]"

Immediately after, a thin blurry white mist spreads around her.

The fog is limp and feels strange somewhere. In the chilly air, I felt somewhere thinner.

And also caught on to that name. Just like [Hunter] earlier, [Sea Breeze] is also the name of the cocktail.

Its' cocktail ', based on' Wotta ', had also produced fog in experiments......

"Besides Neune Pratt, maybe three. Two of us are amateurs alike, but one is strong. There's no magical weapon."

Lightly, Trice mouthed what seemed to be information in the building.

Me and Mr. Oyaji turn a half-hearted eye to that information.

She said in a small voice, seemingly noticing the gaze.

"If you don't believe me, I guess I'm in trouble. Believing in nothing... may be cruel..."

Gradually losing the momentum of the words, Trice gave a deluded grin. That troublesome look on her face is something I recognize.

When I made an unscrupulous demand and couldn't even try to force myself through it, at the end of the day, I swallowed my demands with a bitter laugh drop that I shouldn't cry down.

Ibuki Torisu was one of the best ways to do it.

I answered with a lid to my tongue-in-cheek memory.

"Okay, I believe you."


"If you don't believe me, nothing will start."

In the end, we just have to obey her words.

Ha, and I just sighed, and Trice blocked it with my own hands.

"No, total. Don't you know that happiness escapes when you do that?

"... I'm letting you get away with it. I'm pretty happy right now, so don't flat out."

"... Wow, the total has been just the positive way to give it back"

In retrospect, Tris blinks his eyes.

I don't know what I'm like in her, but wouldn't that be a little rude?

At least, I'm not supposed to have that kind of relationship with Tris right now.

"Kid, I'm not saying much nonsense."

"Excuse me."

Mr. Oyaji, who was watching it, said irritably.

Certainly not now. I truly reflect that I was losing my nervousness when I was put on Trice's pace.

I just exhaled briefly to regain my temper, Trice demanded.

"So, nervous. So, can you make me one cocktail?

"... here?

"You can, can't you?

While I wondered, I decided to comply with her demands.

"So what's your order?

When you ask, she answers immediately.

"Unattributed cocktail with signs blocking [Charlie Chaplin]"

I was once again surprised by the way she ordered the more magical.

Surprisingly, I also remembered what I said before about 'ammunition'.

I did hear that this was originally 'her power'.

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