The house of destination is a simple two-story building.

Trice says Neune is upstairs in the north room of the two rooms. All three of the killers seem to be solidified on the ground floor, and they don't look like they're standing guard.

This means that if we can infiltrate somehow without finding out, it's possible to rescue Noine safely.

"But you're so good..."

"It's magic."

Tris told me to show some concern.

The effect of the 'cocktail' she specified.

The effect of [Charlie Chaplin] is to block the signs.

The effect is activated by releasing it towards itself, almost eliminating any signs of lurking wherever it may be for a short, fifteen minutes.

"As a step, the total infiltrated and I'm sensing it from the outside. If nothing in total, rescue Neune Pratt and escape as he is. If there is any imminent danger..."

I see Chirali and Ajito, and Trice continues.

"I definitely don't have a cracked face, I buy time pretending to be a visitor. Just remember, if that happens, the danger is imminent."

"… Copy"

I can use the magic of ammunition. Me and Trice can infiltrate from anywhere in the house.

And I'm likely to be remembered as a Swiss associate, but there's little chance Trice's face is cracked.

So Tris needs to be outside as a last minute buyer.

Mr. Oyaji, who had listened quietly to the story, asks, even with a strange face, without any objection.

"What do I do?

"You, keep an eye on me. There are three of us in the house right now, but there's no guarantee that we won't be there any more."

Mr. Oyaji, who was instructed, nodded small, OK.

As I look at it, I ask what bothered me.

"Mr. Oyaji, what's your weapon?

"There's a frying pan."

Say it. When Mr. Oyaji showed his back, a smaller frying pan was stuck on his hip.

"Why would you do that?

"When you didn't know what you were doing, you took a bullet."



Well, that Mr. Oyaji's thoughtfulness created the present situation, so should it be good?

I checked the steps. After that, just infiltrate.

"With the power of [Charlie Chaplin], most things can be deluded, but if you make too much noise, you just can't be deluded, so be careful there."


I just erased the signs, and I'm not disappearing.

We need to move quickly so that we do not act in a far-fetched manner.

Let's go, then.

When I called out, Trice and Mr. Oyaji snorted in tandem.

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I seek is the appearance of my soul."

Trice's prominent place. I chanted with my hand against the wall of a small room (probably a storeroom) near the stairs.

The wall ahead with your hands is magically holed wide open, creating an entrance for each person. I don't know the material very well but it turned out to be quite a heavy bullet, so I tried not to step on it and drop it.

If I make a noise here, it will be over.

Breathe deeply and slowly lower the ammunition you made to your feet. I exhaled loudly again.

[Charlie Chaplin] has already shot. Slowly enter the house as it is.

From the moment I step in, my heart is ringing terribly loud.

I don't see anything in the storeroom that looks like objects at all against my expectations. The accumulated dust is shaking in the moonlight that plunges from the hole I just drilled.

I'd be closer to saying empty room. I don't use it.

I guess that means that the killer's lurking here isn't meant for that long either.

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I set out to be in this world."

Chant in a low voice and keep the creased walls undone again. The room darkens as soon as possible, but there is only a little light coming in through the small, empty window.

I slowly assembled my actions in my head, getting used to my eyes in the dark.

Leaving the room first. It's okay, if anything happens, Trice will ring the bell.

Leave the room and go up the stairs that should be right around the corner. If you go upstairs, all you have to do is head to the north room.

So we rescue Neune, and you can go outside because you can ammunition him or smash a window.

That way, he said Trice, who didn't hesitate and got better, would do something about it.

It works.

At the heart of it, I'm at Trice's disposal, but she said she showed up for it.

If she's that woman I know, she's not gonna tell me she can do anything I can't.

So move.

With my heart in mind, I reached for the knob on the wooden door.

If you open it softly, you just make a slight key sound, and slowly the door opens.

The hallway is also dark and invisible before the storeroom. As I slip my feet, I reach out and rely on the feel of the wall I touch.

When I shut my ear, someone's talking to me. There's someone here. I'm sneaking into a manned house right now.

My heart is still pounding, but I go quietly, consciously slowing down my breathing.

Eventually, a good feeling poked me in the leg. Touch it and see for sure, it was definitely like a staircase.

Horrible, just one step up. I thought my footsteps rang slightly, but I'm fine.

Then another step, another step. Slowly climb the stairs.

Repeat it quietly in the darkness, and your feet will faint in one place.

Apparently, he arrived upstairs.

If you gaze a little, again through the window in the hallway upstairs, there's a thankful moonlight in there.

In my head, I think of the current direction.

The room you came in, the direction you moved looking for the stairs, and the direction of the stairs.

Tidy in my head, I picked the room on the north side.

Quietly grip the knob again about the entrance to the room. It returns a stiff feeling. They're locked in boulders.

I got a little lost, but I decided to ammo the door knob.

Holes holes poke across doors and walls by doors. I opened the door quietly with my hands in the hole.

"... Found"

And in the dark, he discovered a woman lying with her hands and feet tied and monkeys snapped.

She seemed conscious, and she stared at someone breaking in through the door. The moment I met my eyes, I looked stunned and desperate to keep my voice down.

Shut the door quietly, keeping the feeling of deviation down. As for the keys, they are lost but not restored.

More than that, it's about Neune now.

"... quietly. I'm going to solve it now."

When he gave the instructions in a low voice, Neune nodded.

I look at my hands and feet tied, but I'm not sure how to solve them.

That's why I stepped on it as quickly as I could get it to ammunition.

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions..."

And at that time when I started chanting.

"Sorry! I'd like to ask you a few questions about the road.

From downstairs, I could hear a woman shouting like that.


It's an emergency call from Tris.

I guess that means that there was just some movement down there right now.

The other person doesn't know how to get out. I might head straight for Trice, or he might come upstairs.

"What I want is to look like a soul."

Anyway, it was the stage where I broke the commandment that was tying Neune's leg.

The unhesitant footsteps of Dotadota had certainly reached my ears. Someone's moving up the stairs.


I put Neune's release down and reached for the gun on my hips.

At the same time, the noise had changed into a hustle and bustle.

"Whoa! Get out of the way!"

"What the fuck!

"Hey, don't come in here on your own!!

The yelling sounds. I don't even have to think about whose it belongs.

As his heart beat turned into a dokundokun and an early bell, he took the bullet out of the porch and put it in the gun.

At that moment, light enters through an empty hole in the door. Someone put the upstairs light on it.

"Basic Attributes (Base)" Gini 45ml ", Additional Attributes (Enchant)" Lime 1/6 Cut ", System (Pattern) Steer ─"

Make a declaration early, but the approaching footsteps are faster than my words.

Before I could complete my magic, the man opened the door and entered my sight.

"What the hell!

He's a long man. I look like I'm in my thirties. The gutted physique is obviously ready, and I'll be ambushed somehow.

The man looked surprised at how I looked, but still stared straight at me.

"─ Material 'Tonic Water' Up!

Almost at the same time as the emergence of the man, my proclamation is over.

Magic flowed from his fingertips to the gun, and the gun in his hand shivered slightly.

"Holy shit! Do a funny imitation!?

The man wouldn't have known what I was going to do. He still understood that he was going to do something, and he approached me at a whimpering speed.

My body is about to consolidate into a situation where I can turn a clear hostility towards a man. Still hard, I lifted my arm.

"[Gin Tonic]!

The man's outstretched hand was stretching to the unknown tool I had, the gun.

It was no longer even a lot of work to target, pulling the trigger to pray.

A gentle but terrible green breeze blew out of the gunpoint.


A safety that worked unconsciously? Were you not focused enough? The vortex of the unleashed wind is nothing like taking a man's life, blowing its giant.

The man's body went straight to the hallway wall and he was slapped on the back by the wall making a flashy noise with Zudan.

There seemed to be no way the fallen man would get up.

"... one hair at a time"

Now it's time to lose my mind.

With his hands and legs out of strength, he hasn't let go of only his gun in a hard way.

So the next thing I know, I delayed my reaction to the dota and the approaching sound of things.

The opponent is about to throw up against himself, alarmed even though he has three, but desperately reaches for the porch.

Time runs out there.

The footsteps that were closing in opened the door with a baton.

And the other guy stared at me, relieving each other of their relief breath.

"What, you look good. Noine for the kid."

"... it's too late, Mr. Oyaji. I thought you couldn't do it anymore."

Look at Osama with a frying pan, that there was a moment in the world to appease him.

It was the first time I had ever known in my life.

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