"... but in the end, Mr. Neune's purpose is not fulfilled."

Returning to the Vermut family, Rye and Mr. Oyaji headed to the kitchen for a midday support.

Otherwise human beings, in the form of assemblies at the table as appropriate, each head to a place of thought.

In the meantime, I told Noine, who remained in the cafeteria as well.

In the end, I think I'm the only one who got the gain on this one and ended up holding Neune back for nothing.

No, maybe it's not for nothing in the first place, considering the grave visit. Still, there was something like a guilty conscience.

"... that's it. Could you please elaborate once on the tool you used called a 'gun'?

To my words, Neune returned them with a sharp researcher's eye.

Speaking of which, Neune really cared about the gun when he helped her.

I turned a blind eye to Sui, who was on my side. I was wondering if I could teach you.

Sui snorted so hard that I decided to talk about the 'gun' familiar with Noine again.

"I see."

For a few moments Noine roared as she was convinced when she gave the explanation, not knowing very well.

And soon, with a serious look on his face, he steps further in and asks.

"I'd like to do a little research on your 'cocktail'"

"You want a 'cocktail'?

"Exactly what you said about the relationship between 'guns' and 'cocktails'"


I snort for now. But Sui gave him a strange look.

"But I don't know enough to look into it."

Sui never boasts, but he is quite confident in his abilities.

So I suppose you implicitly advised me that there might not be a newer discovery for something I could look into and not understand.

"I'm glad to take care of you, but sui. I think my understanding of magic and yours is fundamentally different."


"Human beings and elf magic civilizations are different things. Human magic is fundamental to logically based forms, but elves emphasize observation and mystery. If you look at it differently, you might know something."

Sui was trying to think quietly into the answer.

And like I said, goodness demands it from me.

"Total. After lunch, come to my lab. And Mr. Neune."

I don't know what harp line she touched, but it seemed like my plans for the afternoon had been decided.

"I see. I kind of get it"

Said Neune, sitting on the floor of Sui's lab, sneering.

When I say a Sui laboratory, this is not the basement of the Vermut family. The Vermut family's basement has been transformed into a vampire sibling's bedroom for a long time, and the lab has been relocated.

The destination was a factory in Iberis and a building on Easy-owned land with a Corsica farm.

As always, I can't wipe away cluttered impressions with shelves filled with bottles and other garbage on stone floors. Nevertheless, the moisture may have gotten somewhat better because it is no longer underground.

In a room like that, me and Sui are listening quietly to Neune's words.

"Ammunition seems to be fundamentally different from human magic."

To that far-reaching remark, Sui stuffed it all the way to Neune.

"What do you mean?

Noine seems to have had a little trouble explaining it. Quite silent in front of a blackboard in the lab.

Somewhat, and once, I painted a picture.

When I looked at it, it looked like a tree and a painting of seeds.

"First of all, 'Ammunition', but this magic is believed to be set as' Unammunition '. And you said the subject's magic' compression 'and' thawing '."

Sui snorts. But Neune shook his head at it.

"From an elf's point of view, it's a shame, but a little different. 'Ammunition' and 'Ammunition Disarming' seem to have more organic properties than inorganic magic"

That's it, Neune gave the blackboard painting.

"'Ammunition', if you put it very briefly, is the magic of returning 'growing trees' to 'seeds'. Is" Unammunition "the magic of regrowing" exactly the same form of tree "from" seed "that can be done?"

To explain that, huh? And I can't help but pinch my doubts.

I raised my hand and asked in the form of a question.

"Well, I know what a plant seed is, but don't you know what the shape of a tree grows from a seed is without trying to grow it?

"Exactly. It is no exaggeration to say that it is impossible, for example, to reproduce the shape of such a tree accurately up to each branch and leaf. But what has been done is" Ammunition "and" Ammunition Disarming "by the general. To be clear, I don't know what that means."

Mm-hmm. I know that's awesome, but I don't even know how it's done.

When I'm pompous, Neune gives up further explanations or moves on.

"If it's" ammunition "by the total, you can compress up to the fine branches of the leaves as precise information. And even in the series of tasks of releasing 'cocktails' with guns, the information is packed up to the details responsible for the magical meaning of 'cocktails', so a highly complete magic is activated."


I can preserve the complexity of a cocktail. "My Ammunition" remains complex.

So there's still a part of it you need to improve your magic accuracy, and you can shoot a powerful cocktail. I wonder if that's a good idea.

"But where ordinary humans' ammunitionized ', the tree skeleton - the level at which it maintains a minimum magical shape - is at its best. So it can only be reproduced to some extent."

"So you're saying that if you 'de-armed' something you normally 'ammunition', it will degrade?

"No, that's the strange part, and it only seems to matter is the complexity of the state being 'ammunitioned'. With a certain amount of skill, it seems to be possible to return the person to something they have 'ammunitiond' with 'de-armed'."

I don't know much about magic, but apparently you don't have to think much about degradation or anything.

Sui seems to be accepting so much of what I'm asking with one question at a time that she really seems to enjoy herself.

Noine speaking vivaciously on this occasion. And this is another vivacious hearing of Neune's words. Sui's diagram smiles a little.

Neune is also a breeze that is attentive to the sparkling face of Sui.

"And because of that problem, the dream that anyone can use Ammunition to unleash magic is discontinued."

Are you a little tense, Neune wrote a big X on the blackboard tree.

"But don't you think that's a story about the process of making 'cocktails' and then 'ammunition'?

Don't you think, even if they say yes, only yes.

Instead of me with a dull reaction, Sui was raising his voice.

"But as it stands, it can only work in that way."

"Right. So the 'gun' that the general has, let me look into it in detail. Even so, we only have the 'phenomenon' of magic when activated and magic when impacted."

I felt like my gun was being subtle.

But behind my feelings like that, Sui gives a much more surprising look.

"Maybe you'll incorporate magic into the gun itself?

"It's a good guess, Sui. Yes, now it's just a tool, a 'gun', but you just have to incorporate magic into the 'gun' itself and replace it as a 'magic tool'"

It's exciting for both of us, so take a look at it in the digest for a while.

"But I've never heard of technology like that. The magic apparatus cannot incorporate orders of such strength."

"I guess so. This is an exclusive patent for elves. Originally, magical tools are there, but it's wisdom to incorporate complex manipulations."

"Then a form of braiding an order circuit into a 'gun' to reinforce complexity?

"No, then you may be able to shoot a single 'cocktail', but it lacks versatility, and you're a little short on art...... I just still have an idea of what's going on"

"So what about building a surgical formula at the stage of the material before it was intricately entangled?

"... if the material is alone, the complexity is not so great."

"Yes, I can 'ammunitionize' it with relatively high information density before it becomes a 'cocktail'. Assisting with magical reinforcements and combinations with" guns "should make it possible to increase completeness by giving them some direction."

"It's just that too much magic is going to go down."

"Strength is fine. You should be able to reinforce it by using the magic amount of Demon Stone as it is. Conversion efficiency is poor, but the total is just unusual in the first place, within common sense."

"... sui. Did you think about it once before?"

"I thought about it. And I refused because I didn't have the technology. But you said you could do that, right?

"... Yep"

That's it, digest over. I only pulled it out where I know what it means to be critical, but I also talked about not knowing better.

I was blurry, and they got to the goal somehow.

It was sappy to me, but somehow, I've understood.

"I mean, it's hard to use 'cocktails' as ammunition to unleash magic, but if you're going to make a gun dedicated to magic and you're going to make 'cocktails' in a gun?

When I threw them at the two people who were snorting satisfied, they gave them a long thumbs up.

No, how tense are you? It wouldn't be such a character. Both of us.

But I'm not as excited as these two, either, about that 'solution' that sprang up down there.

Because that was one of the proposals I had troubled and rejected by myself.

In exchange for the power of my 'gun' and 'cocktail', I ask you to impart your knowledge of Neune.

Much back and forth from the order I was thinking about, but still, I just felt, I might be able to escape the feeling that I gained unilaterally.

"Whatever it is. If you can complete that 'gun', you may have the means to defend yourself, even an elf who did not originally possess the art of attack."

Neune's eyes were shining quietly.

I'm glad to hear that, but there's more to it than that.

"Sui, is it good?

"... yeah"

Just my inquiry, Sui understood.

What I asked was, can we really move on with that 'gun' plan?

The magic of 'Ammunition' could change the world.

That was my first concern when Sui saw Ammunition and Cocktails.

That's the power to transform a world where only the chosen one can use magic into a world where everyone can use magic.

However, in terms of practicality, the assumption was denied. I should have been denied.

But now again, the story of the possibility has appeared.

So I asked. I was wondering if I could really move on.

And Sui nodded, tending to hesitate slightly. Just like I said I'd take the blame myself.

Sui turned a slightly harsher eye to Neune.

"You understand that what you're trying to make now could change the world, right?

"... Yes. Elves have the power to attack, and that's the only big change."

Neune understands the impact, naturally.

I understand, but I suggested it.

"Then promise. Never, ever spread the word when you're nagging. We need to avoid causing confusion until the end."

"... ok. Let's promise."

Neune nodded forcefully at Sui's desire.

And from this day on, there were two movements.

One is to recreate her own 'Vermut' from the notes that Talia left behind.

And the other is to develop a new 'gun' from Neune's possible technology.

The duration of Noine's stay is to be considerably longer than initially assumed.

And then a month or so went by.

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