"There's nothing else you've gathered here today."

The current location is the Easy's Bar Counter.

I feel like it's been a while, even though I work almost every day.

No, in a way, it's been a long time since I've been right.

This situation where those two bottles exist in front of you, even though you used them so well.

"A prototype of" Vermouth ". It's a cocktail tasting with two bottles of Talia Suites and Talia Dry."

I tried not to put it on, but I can't hear the applause. The people who were gathered were quietly watching what was going on.

Instead, Sui and Rai, who have me sitting in front as the star of this one, look at me nervously.

"Good, come on"

"That's right, total. Hurry up."

"I don't have the flair."

Right and left. To the offense from Sui and Rai, he returned in a float.

Faces around me, including myself, are laughing bitterly at the two of us in a hurry.

"Sweet Vermouth" is a flavoured wine with a sweet atmosphere.

With its herbaceous intricate flavors, this dish has a fluffy and gentle tongue feel that goes hand in hand with the impression coloured with caramel.

"Dry Vermouth" is a flavoured wine with a spicy atmosphere.

This is also an exciting dish that looks like a herb, but does not fade and gives a crisp impression.

Use those two Vermouths to make your first cocktail today.

As for guns, it doesn't matter now, it's not important.

I want you to guess by the fact that there is still a figure of Neune on this occasion.

It's pre-business time now, but a good number of people are gathering. I said Phil, Sally, Bergamo. Of course in the body. I also call on Iberis, who has always cooperated, Corsica, who takes care of me on the farm, and Sui's best friend, Viola.

I've also been informing the regulars a few times, so a lot of people are coming together as an event.

That's all, today was meant to be a special day.

"Also, today I, 'Evening Mist Total', have been in this world for a year"

To my words, each face gathered there looked emotional.

Yes, this time last year. I came to this world in the still slightly chilly spring.

There was a lot going on in my mind. I feel that the period of this year has been quite intense.

This world has been flown without knowing the right or left. That's where I met Sui.

open bars, make carbonated beverages, look for liqueurs, take disciples,

You can get your memories back, expand your sales channels, ask for whiskey.

And the last remaining 'Vermouth' is on the spot now.

No, it's a 'maybe' to be exact.

Made with medicinal herbs I don't know about, medicinal liquor I don't know about. Alcohol with a little cheating, using magic to shorten the aging period.

Still, we finally got there.

They say it took a year, but this is too much to do in a year.

I switched on the bartender, engraving the word "senseless" deep into my heart.

"Please note that we have decided on the first menu for today"

To Sui and Rai, I don't ask for orders today. Originally, I received prior approval when I left it to myself.

Here I am, promising to make a cup for 'Talia', who left this recipe for alcohol, not 'them' in front of me.

And if you have two vermouths, there's something suitable for you.

There's a recipe for you that looks like you've got it all for this day.

In making two cocktails at the same time, the same precautions are taken.

Quickly, work efficiently, and get as much footing as possible.

To do that, let's just finish getting ready.

Two cocktail glasses were taken out. Each was gently wiped with a clean cloth and placed side by side on a workbench.

At the same time, two cocktail pins, called cocktail pins, were prepared, like yang branches made of metal for cocktails.

Prepare them, then reach for the lemon first.

That said, it doesn't mean that lemons come in as ingredients.

Lemon peel. Carefully cut off the yellow part so as not to include the white part as well and keep it on a small plate.

Now you're ready to do it at room temperature.

Next, I'll take out the ingredients in the fridge.

The bottle is still ahead. Removed are two types of round fruit bottled.

It is a bright red coloured 'maraschino cherry' and a dull green 'olive' rarely used outside this cocktail.

Remove from the bottle with a bar spoon and carefully wipe off those water with a cloth towel. And give them one cocktail pin at a time.

I transferred it to the glass so that the pin stabbed at the fruit would get a little head out of the glass.

Open the freezer door where you can have a cocktail glass that sits red and dull green and two on the bottom.

This time I use 'Gini'. That and the "Rye Old" I left chilled for this time. This one's "Rye" is Rye's "Rye".

Remove the ice with it, and in the free space, push in the cocktail glass.

Once that was done, now I opened the fridge to take out the bottles and utensils.

The vermouth in front of you is a decoration.

The vermouth for use today is properly chilled and placed in the fridge. By the way, vermouth is basically refrigerated.

Sometimes the base is wine, and the quality deteriorates dramatically in room temperature storage, and freezes in freezing.

And next to that bottle, I keep one of the essential utensils in the bar that I haven't had much chance to use before.

Its name is Mixing Glass.

The usage, in brief, is the same as that of a shaker.

The configuration consists of two thick glasses shaped like beakers for cooling the liquid and a strainer for fastening the ice when pouring the liquid inside.

It's a tool that uses ice in the glass to cool the liquid and pour only the liquid into the glass while holding it down with a strainer.

I also prepared two of those mixing glasses and exhaled much shorter.

Even if you're unconscious, you can feel the doddle and the heart pacing faster.

This is where we come from.

First, pack the ice in the mixing glass and go. After filling the ice a little below half, I poured water for the chaser into it.

Add water up to about the third minute high and smoothly steer the glass with a bar spoon.

The meaning of this act was taught in two ways.

One is to cool the glass thoroughly. The other thing is to take the ice horn I put in the glass. Before adding cocktail ingredients, tame the spot to liquids.

Stop steering at the stage you decide it is sufficient, put on the strainer and discard the water inside.

I just hung up the water and I'm done prepping for one.

Hurry up and prepare the same for another mixing glass so as not to dissolve the ice in darkness.

Having done that, I will finally be pouring the ingredients.

The first thing to add is a spicy liqueur with a wooden fruit-skinned flavor, called 'Angostura Bitters'. Although it is a magic grass potion in this world.

This is usually placed around the condiment around the workbench. Take that, one dash in each glass.

Then I decided to start with a cup of Swi.

In a mixing glass placed on the right side where Sui sits, add 15 ml of 'Sweet Vermouth', which has been chilled.

Return the major cup and give 'Rye Old' 45 ml.

The ingredients are simply that. All you have to do is mix this in a glass and steer it all at once.

This mixing glass cocktail is called a steer cocktail.

Build and steer, both technically made by steering with a bar spoon.

The big difference with the build is whether to make it out of a glass that drinks the cocktail directly or just mix it up - pinch the mixing glass.

Its character makes it not as difficult to mix as shakes, but it is a technique that is often used for short cocktails that are a little delicate to drink in a build.

The trick is to keep the chatter and ice out of the noise and cool it smarter.

Unlike shakes, the air does not mix, thus creating a more delicate taste. So steer cocktails, to be clear, are the most nervous.

Eh, predict when the glass will be thinly frosted.

It's too late since the frost is stretched. Just about the right time I thought I'd strain it.

And that's... now.

I stopped the steer, not against the flow. See the flavor lightly. There is no problem.

I opened the freezer to pour the cup I could right into the glass.

Removing it is a glass with red cherries.

Poured with toctok on the workbench, the colors of "Old" and "Sweet Vermouth" mixed to produce a dark brown sea.

The red accent that sinks into it is vivid to the eyes.

But I don't have time to be immersed in emotion, and I rush to face another mixing glass.

Discard water that has dissolved only a little. "Angostura Bitters" doesn't need that much extra.

I tackled the next drink with more than usual feelings.

Think about it, making this guy again means it's been a year.

I haven't been blunting my arms, but I'm still a little, scared.

He held back such cowardice, with confidence and pride as a bartender, and took a bottle of 'Dry Vermouth'.

Take the major cup and quietly weigh in 15 ml.

Return the crease and pour on the 45ml side is' Gini '.

One of these cups, the ingredients are simply that.

How deep is that world?

Tilt a major cup to the mixing glass and started steering to slide out again.

This cup has many memories.

Most of them are derogatory words for the cup I made.

Too sweet. Too spicy. Too heavy. Too light. Watery. Too thick. Warm. Too cold.

I think I've had a roughly all of the cursing directed at the cocktail from this cup.

That's why I'm scared of this one, and at the same time I appreciate it.

Because this is another cup of the joy of the first time a customer who has sporadically cursed me has told me 'delicious'.

To avoid losing sight of the timing, I cautiously stopped the steer.

If I looked at the flavor lightly, my assumed flavor would reach my tongue well.

Remove the glass from the freezer. It's got olives in it.

I moved you to the workbench and poured that cup quietly.

Poured until the last drop, a clear liquid filled the glass, like a slightly pale yellow green hanging, although the basics should be colorless.

I'll give them to Sui and Rai.

Sui has a brown cocktail with cherries. Rye has a transparent cocktail with olives.

But I haven't told you my name yet.

One last hassle remains in the cup I offered Rye.

The first piece of lemon peel I cut out.

Hold it with your thumb index finger, middle finger, and take it to the glass in front of Rye.

tonnes and squeeze the fruit peel three times around the glass to draw a triangle.

Finally, as a tightening, turn it once as you twirl it in a higher position so that people enjoy the fragrance rather than the glass.

That task finally completed this two cups of cocktail.

"Thank you for waiting. Sui is the queen of cocktails [Manhattan], and Rye is the king of cocktails [Martini]."

It wouldn't be possible in real life, such as not answering in a bar for a year.

Two of those cocktails finally appeared on the Easys counter.

Sui and Rai, the two look nervous about each other, reaching for one of those cups.

Watching how it went, I imagined that I would get a slightly subtle reaction back.

Especially from Rye.

"I'll have it."

"I'll have it."

The two keep their mouths together, including the first bite.

And it turned out to be an obvious result.

"... n"


A slightly clogged feeling of "n" is Rai, and a slightly stretched Kanji "n" is Sui's feeling.

"... oh, that's delicious"

"Yeah, yummy"

That's how Rye flattered him, with an obviously convoluted look.

While I appreciate Rye's feelings, I give them back with a bitter laugh.

"You don't have to. Because I know it's hard to drink."

"... to?

"It is. The King of Cocktails [Martini] has a terrible reputation for women who like sweet cocktails."

Let me put it aside and say it, Rye slightly broke his face.

It makes me look subtle, and I feel more sorry for this one.

Sui seemed fine, but the fact is, these two drinks can be quite difficult.

[Manhattan] is still sweet, so pretty much anyone with okay whiskey can go.

[Martini], however, has a difficult flavor, such as a seemingly refusal to accept the combination of the chips of gin and the spicy flavors of dried vermouth.

When I drank it myself, not knowing much about alcohol, I thought this cocktail was some kind of joke when I heard it was the king. It didn't taste very good.

However, after drinking it many times, it is strange because it gradually begins to think about the compatibility of gin with vermouth and even the brand of preference.

"Because of this, you should both try replacing that cup."

Switching off the bartender and suggesting it softly, the two followed that suggestion while being decent.

[Martini] for Sui and [Manhattan] for Rai.

When they spoke, they struck different from earlier and gave a restful look.

"Hmm. I wonder if I like this one better"

"Me too, I think it can be this hard"

Those two honest thoughts made me laugh a little funny.

"Don't you have to be close and sisterly to Sui and Sui to Sui?

When I divulged my thoughts, they leaned a little shy.

And only once again did I include a 'my vermouth' cocktail, all in one place and laughed bitterly.

I think it's a good time, and I give a loud shout to the faces that are gathering me.

"So! Today is the 'Vermouth' tasting! The food will also arrive in Djangian, so enjoy yourselves!

When I told the store out loud, the guests who had been quietly wuss just now watching the sisters boiled together.

Show your eyes to the two disciples standing next to you that you're going to be busy. They nodded confidently, just saying they were where they wanted to be.

When I look into the kitchen entrance, I see Mr. Oyaji's back.

Hard to tell from the back, but I felt its head just slightly bent over.

Now he keeps Talia's notes. And this is just my delusion.

Tonight, I wonder if he'll open that notebook and do something late.

"Okay, do you feel comfortable"

I can only feel it one more time in the store where my orders just started to fly.

Finally, the target liquor, almost all of it.

But that just stood on the starting line.

"Sui, don't ever ask me again"

…… Naturally. "

Suddenly he calls out to me, and Sui, who stayed seated at the counter, does something about it.

But I'm happy with what she said shortly after.

And I'm going to mark a new year in this land again.

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