- Axiva


Vaccinium japonicum

Axiva (ash wood, scientific name: Vaccinium japonicum) is a deciduous shrub of the genus Tutsidae Snoki.

The tree height will be 50-100 cm. The young branches have dull ridges, green and hairless. The leaves are paper-based and mutually reinvigorate with a leaf pattern that will be 1 mm long. The leaf body is oval or egg-shaped and will be 1.5-6cm long and 0.7-2.5cm wide, with the tip crooked and the base circular, blunt or shallow centroid. The surface of the leaves is dark green with short hair growing on the pulse, slightly powdered white on the back and hairless. There is a fine sawtooth on the edge of the leaf that becomes glandular hair at the tip.

The flower season is July-August. Extend a long floral pattern from the armpits of the leaves and apply one flower downwards. The floral pattern will be 10-15 mm long, thin and hairless, with 1-2 parcel leaves at the base of the floral pattern but falling fast. The caliper is 1.5mm long bell-shaped, the tip is open and four cracks, the crack pieces are triangular, and the tip is crooked. The crown is pale red and purple, in a pin-shaped shape that is 1 cm long in a stumped state, and when flowering, the crown fissure pieces break 4 deep to near the base, and when the tip is twisted outward, they wind up. There are 8 Rubies.

The fruit is a spherical fruit with a diameter of 5 mm, ripe to red. The fruit is edible.

In Japan, it is distributed in Hokkaido, the northeastern region of Honshu, the northeastern central region and the northern Kanto region, and grows on the forest edge of mountainous areas. In Asia, it is also distributed among birches.

Hairless Axiva is found in East Japan and hairless variants of Care Axiva are distributed in West Japan.

Shades are light brown, or yellow. Pretty transparent.

The aroma is slightly sweet, but I don't really feel it. I may feel a hint of vinegar sourness.

Drinking doesn't really change my impression. Good for you, mediocre, bad for you, no traits.

I feel slightly sweet and sour, but have a thinner presence than that.

Speaking of which, the acidity characteristic is not berry-like and unpleasant.

The same goes for the feeling of falling out. I imagine it from red fruit, especially sweet and bitter.

Speaking of easy to drink, yes.

Overall rating is out of ten.


Sweetness △

Bitterness x

Acidity •

Scent △

Taste •

Appearance △

- Oshima zakura


prunus speciosa

A ostrich pomegranate (Oshima cherry blossom) is a species of rosaceae plant. The scientific name is Cerasus speciosa (Koidz.) H.Ohba, 1992, (Synonym: Prunus speciosa (Koidz.) Nakai, 1915) A species of wild species of sakura, with many white flowers in spring.

deciduous tall trees reaching a height of 15 m. The leaves are about 5cm-10cm long, with pointed tips, fallen oval or oval, mutually reinforcing, and have fine sawtooth. Red leaves in late autumn. During the flower season, spring, from March to April, apply a few flowers from the tip of the stem as the leaves grow. The petals are white and have 5 valves and a light aroma.

The fruit, which is fruitful in the early summer and ripe enough, is edible. Due to its durability and resistance to sea breezes, it is used for planting gardens, parks, etc.

Red leaves in late autumn. It is an island type of cashmere and can be distinguished by the absence of fine hair in the leaves compared to the mother species. This ostrich pomegranate is also a sakura that has produced many horticultural varieties such as Someiyosino. Cherry cakes eaten among the common people also use salted young leaves of this sakura. The origin of this unique fragrance is dominated by the ingredient called coumarin, which has a similar fragrance to the Autumn Seven Grass Fujibacama.

Many grow along the coast of the islands south of Kanto to the mountains. It is particularly common in the Izu Islands and derives its Japanese name. It is also native to Izu Peninsula and Housing Peninsula, but is said to have been brought in for charcoal production.

- Fruit

Although ripe fruits are edible, they are stronger and do not circulate as edible compared to the usual edible species, Seiyo Mizakura (Sacrambo).

- Leaves

Salted cherry leaf pickles produce characteristic aromas. The main body of the fragrance ingredient shall be the ligand of coumarin and shall be the ingredient of cherry cakes. Compared to Yamazakura, many leaves of this species are used because the leaves do not have hair production.

- Bark

The bark of this species is used as a herbal medicine material as cherry skins. It supposedly has cough relieving and expectorant effects.

Because polishing produces gloss, it is used as a raw material such as a tea cylinder as a craft.

- Wood

This type of material is used as a charcoal feedstock.

Because the eyes of the material are fine and homogeneous, it was used as a floating tree.

used as building materials, materials for furniture.

Dark red purple color with considerably less transparency.

Less sweet and less aromatic than cashmere.

The soothing feeling is stronger on the ossi mazakura, and better put, elegant.

The flavour that spreads, overall, is soft and less impressive.

It has a mild taste, and I don't dislike the fragrance that comes out of it, but it seems to have little impact.

The overall rating


Sweetness ”

Bitterness △

Acidity △

Scent •

Taste •

Shades △



Vaccinium macrocarpon

Cranberry is a generic term for evergreen shrubs belonging to the genus Tutsidae Snoki Tulkokemo subgenus (Oxycoccos). Northern hemisphere, found in the acidic marshes of the cold zone. The main species are tsukokemo (cranberry moss), himetsukokemo (princess cranberry moss), ohmino tsukokemo (dazu cranberry moss) and Akshiva (ash wood, green wood wood wood). Caution should be exercised because the fruit contains benzoic acid.

Oomino Tulco Chemo, Bearberry

Scientific name: Vaccinium macrocarpon

English names: Large Cranberry, American Cranberry, Bearberry

Distribution: Distributed in the Northeast of North America.

Features: Leaves are 10-20mm longer than Tulkokemo.

The fruit is very sour and unsuitable for raw foods, but it becomes a raw ingredient for confectionery, jam and cranberry juice. The sweet cranberry sauce that accompanies the whole turkey grill is essential for Thanksgiving in the United States and Canada.

In a small shrub about 10 cm high, the branches apply thin, small evergreen leaves. Flowers have dark pink, repetitive petals. The fruit is small and has a cavity divided into several rooms inside, which, when ripe, fades from pink to deep red.

If there is no more obstruction than scratching, such as for processing, the water is drained to the point where the tree completely sinks in the cranberry field, and when the tree is shaken in the water, the fruit comes off and floats on the water surface, so the fruit is easily harvested with a large machine. It should be noted that the water caught in the field also protects the cranberry trees from cold damage, thus allowing them to overwinter intact without draining water until spring.

When I look it up = it comes out with cranberries.

Shades are mostly transparent. There are not many signs that the color of the fruit is shifting.

Also, when it comes to features, is the fruit floating a characteristic?

The aroma is quite pungent, giving it a sense of acidity. It has characteristics, but it doesn't seem delicious.

The taste is still acidic. But it's not as hard to drink as I thought.

The presence of acidity is quite something. A smooth, berry-like flavour.

Because of its characteristics, preferences will be divided, but if the herbal system is okay, can it be enjoyed?

Overall, though, I don't really have the impression that the flavor is shifting. Strong characteristics of foam.

Along with the color, maybe the flavor hasn't shifted so much either.

The flavors that fall out, well, that's the way it is.

However, adding sweetness from the outside might make it easier to drink as soon as possible.

The overall rating


Sweetness △

Bitterness x

Acidity •

Scent △

Taste •

Appearance △

* Supplementary

Once the syrup is mixed, it feels pretty mellow and goes well with the acidity.

The lingering togetherness is also neutralized and feels like it's for 10,000 people.

Quite delicious, to be honest. This would result in an overall rating of 8 or 9.

- Otokoyo zome


Viburnum phlebotrichum

Otokoyuzome (scientific name: Viburnum phlebotrichum) is a deciduous shrub of the genus Gamazumi of the family Watermelon. Also known as Coneso.

deciduous shrubs. The tree height will be 1-3 m, closely branched and lush. The bark of the trunk is grey brown. The young branches are reddish brown with no hairs, then grey or gray-brown. The leaves are paired, the leaf pattern becomes 3-8 mm long, purple, long hair dissipates when usually hairless, and there is a wide groove on the top surface of the leaf pattern.

The leaf body is 3-7 cm long, 1.5-4 cm wide, the shape is a mundane oval shape, sometimes a long oval shape to a wide oval shape, the tip is a sharp tip or a long sharp tip, the base is wide wedge-shaped to circular, the edges have coarse serrations, and the tip of the serrations is sharp and crooked.

The surface of the leaves is blue-green, hairless or spreads long silk hair on the middle pulse, the back surface grows long silk hair along the main pulse, and star-shaped hair rubs on the pulse armpit. There are 5-8 pairs of lateral pulses that extend parallel and straight to the edge of the leaves, and the surface protrudes into the back of the snag.

The flower season is late April-June. A bulkhead flower sequence along with a pair of leaves on a short branch tip, with sparse 3-30 white flowers, often with a light red color. The petal has a slight crack in the tip of the petal in the form of an oak. The flower sequence often drips back to a diameter of 1-6 cm and the length of the flower pattern is 2-3 cm, giving it a red colour. The floral pattern is 7-10 mm long, thin, has a linear pod at the base, and the pod falls fast. Five small cracks in the callus and a small triangle of about 0.5-1mm in length with a banded red. The floral crown will crack 5 medium and open obliquely to a diameter of 6-9 mm. There are 5 majesty pieces, shorter than the crown fissure pieces, the length of the flower thread is 1-1.8mm, and the wax is wide oval and 0.5-0.8mm long. The uterus is about 1.2mm long and hairless, and the column head is almost patternless and three cracks. The fruit period is August-November. The fruit is the nucleus of a spherical to wide oval body that will be 5-8 mm long and 4.5-6mm thick, with a red ripe gloss. The nucleus with one seed inside is a flat wide ovoid shape that will be 5-7 mm long and 1.5-2.5 mm thick, with two shallow grooves on the dorsal side of the nucleus and one groove on the abdominal side and two shallow strips.

Leaves have properties that, when dried, turn black, and this property is not found in other Gamazoos.

Unique Japanese species. It is distributed in Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, excluding the Hokuriku region, and grows in mountainous woodlands and forest margins.

There is no theory of origins of the Japanese name otokoyuzome. There are regions where gammazumi are referred to as yotsumi, yosozome, etc., and when the fruit is large, the children used it for consumption when it ripened.

On the other hand, since the fruit of this species is not edible, I have the view that it was called otokoyo-zome, bearing the letter "man". phlebotrichum, a species nickname, means "hairy in the pulse".

Shades are light red or reddish pink. This is also transparent to the extent that the other side can peek at it. Beautiful.

The aroma is sweet and gorgeous. It also smells slightly alcoholic, but there is no discomfort in mixing. Makes you expect sour taste.

The taste is quite distinctive.

The moment you drink it, you claim to be present is sweet with acidity, reminiscent of red fruit. Not so much berries, but still fruity.

Interesting mix of wild acidity that claims to exist and tannins when it falls out.

I also feel Egumi slightly, but it doesn't bother me because of the accent.

It is said to be a fellow Gamazumi, so I have the impression that the flavour around it is in a good direction.

The overall rating


Sweetness △

Bitterness x

Acidity •

Scent •

Taste •

Looks “

• Onyx


Eleutherococcus divaricatus

The genus Bovine is one of the genus of the family Bovine.

Keyamaukogi - Scientific name: Eleutherococcus divaricatus - both oniukogi. Species distributed in central Japan, the south and the Korean peninsula and mainland China, with numerous flowers on conical flower sequences.

deciduous tall trees or shrubs, the leaves are mutually reinforcing, palmar-shaped double leaves consisting of three lobules when normally five, with sawtooth on the edge of the lobules. Many are female and male heterogeneous strains, known to about 40 species in East Asia.

The cow was originally seen as native to China, and in the mid-Ping An Era "Japanese name of the main grass" is introduced to Himeukogi, who made it read Mu Guqi (Mukogi) under the Chinese name Wujia. The Japanese name kanji for the cow, Gokagi, is derived from this.

It was used exclusively as a medicinal fortifier by frying roots and trunks, as well as as as raw materials such as Goka-skin liquor with heavenly sun-dried roots and skins on shochu. The Gokapi liquor was supposedly beneficial for nourishment, analgesia, cold ankles and pain. In the Japanese and Portuguese Dictionary of 1603 (Keio 8), it was used as a VCOGUI: "Roots are for medicinal use, leaves are for soothing, trunks are for alcohol", and it can be seen that it is more widely used than in ancient times.

The use is also widespread as a hedge because of its nature with thorns in the trunk,

"Interesting Stealing or Moon's Ugogigaki" and "Tetsune Collection"

Such songs are chanted.

The shade is red-purple. Is it slightly brown? Transparency is also subtly invisible beyond.

The fragrance has few characteristics. An even sour, ripe fruit system. The sourness of the vinegar system.

The taste is pleasantly sweet and bitter. I don't feel so sour.

As for the image, it's not fruit liquor, but flavors such as drug liquor.

The first impression is that of the fruit peel.

The impression remains on the tongue even when it falls out. Overall, the taste is heavy.

Looking for similar flavors may be a little difficult.

Conversely, it can be said to transfer the bitter taste of the fruit, so it seems to be well soaked.

The overall rating


Sweetness △

Bitterness △

Acidity △

Scent △

Taste •

Appearance △

- Kasmizakura


Prunus avium

Casmizacra (Sakura cherry scientific name Cerasus leveilleana (Koehne) H.Ohba, 2001) (Synonym: Prunus verecunda (Koidz.) Koehne, 1912) is a plant of the genus Rosaceae Sakura. A kind of wild species of cherry blossom. It is also called keyamazakura or the like because of the short hairs growing in the floral pattern. The origin of the naming comes from the fact that the appearance of this tree, seen from afar, looks like a kasumi.

The name of the genus Sakura has long been classified as Prunus in Japan and Smomo in the Japanese name, but in yesterday's study there are some classifications as Cerasus (Sakura). In Japan, the former, even divided into Sakura subgenus (subg. Cerasus), but the latter has increased in recent years, but it was not settled by Cerasus.

Tree heights are deciduous tall trees between 15 m and 20 m, with larger ones exceeding 20 m. There is a slight gloss on the back of the leaves. They often grow at higher altitudes than Yamazakura.

The flowers resemble Yamazakura but are slightly smaller in size, white and slightly reddish. There are five petals with rounded tips cut in, and 40 rubies. The flower season is slightly late from mid-April to late April, and the late ones reach their full maturity around the beginning of May. For this reason, flowers are often blooming with leaves turning fresh green compared to yamazakura.

In addition, the species is often characterized by fine hairs in floral and leaf patterns.

It is distributed across Hokkaido, Honshu and Shikoku, as well as on the Korean peninsula and China.

The shade is dark black purple. The blackness of the cassis system, the feeling that you can't see the other side of the glass.

The aroma has a relaxed, deep, sweet feel and a mature sensation. Kirishwasser feel.

The characteristic almond odor, a lightly fragrant sensation, tickles my stomach.

The taste is similar. A dubious sweetness like loose smoke creeps through his mouth.

There is not much acidity, and in its plentiful sweetness, it mixes bitterness like an accent.

Flavor is bitter Sacramento.

The overall rating


Sweetness ”

Bitterness ”

Acidity △



Shades “

- Kalahanasou


Humulus lupulus

Kalahanasou (Tanghua grass, scientific name: HUMULUS LUPULUS VAR. CORDIFOLIUS) is a perennial grass of the genus Kalahanasou in the Asaceae family. Female and male heterosexual strains by sex.

Crawl up entangled in other plants with ruggedness. The leaves have a long pattern, paired with a raw one, the shape may crack from 3 to 5 in a wide egg shape, and the edges become rough serrated.

The flower season is August to September, and the male flower ear on the male strain drapes conically at the tip of the tree. The fruit hoe with altered female flowers on the female strain becomes a 2-3 cm egg circle that resembles a pine husk and hangs with a short pattern.

The beer bitter, aromatic hops (Seiyo Kalahanasou, HUMULUS LUPULUS) are considered another variant on the proximal edge with Kalahanasou. The seeds of this species also have a bitter taste similar to that of hops.

In Japan, it is distributed in Hokkaido, north of central Honshu, and in Asia in northern China, and is native to mountain grasshoppers and forest fringes. In areas where hops are grown, the species is sometimes referred to as "mountain hops" in order to distinguish them from cultivated species.

Shades are light beer, too thin for amber. Transparent brown.

A bitter chemical fragrance, like the ink from a science material I used.

Similar smells are hard (to look for).

The hop-like flavor starts from the beginning and has a lamb-like odor. It doesn't feel vegetable.

The entrance itself is also quite sweet, the irritation is also tingling and sour inside.

Overall, however, the lingering aftertaste is bitter and deep.

The refreshing bitterness that falls out is good inside.

But if I say no, this doesn't taste like beer.

The overall rating


Sweetness △

Bitterness ”

Acidity •

Scent △

Taste •

Appearance △

* Supplementary

When I divide it by carbonation to make it look like a beer, the sweetness swells.

Ease of drinking is pretty good.

- Gangkouran


Empetrum nigrum

Gangkouran (Rock orchid, Empetrum nigrum var. japonicum) is an evergreen shrub in the family Tutsidae. Female and male xenical strains. Formerly considered a gankouranidae along with several other species, the new APG plant classification system includes them in the Tutsidae Tutsidae subfamily.

The fruit is black spherical with a diameter of 6-10 mm and can be eaten. Some collect it and make it jam or something. Fruits are rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. The fruit is also made of birds

In Japan, it is distributed north of Hokkaido and central Honshu and grows near sunny alpine rocks and coasts. In Asia, it is distributed in Qiandao, Huatai, Korea, northeastern China, eastern Siberia and Kamchatka.

The colour of the liquid would be light red, or perhaps cyan. It's pretty transparent and the view across the glass looks good.

The aroma is pretty tight. More than sweetness, I can imagine the sourness of the tannic sensation.

Is such tannins in black fruit peel still appearing?

But contrary to the image of the fragrance, the palate is mellow. To put it well, it has a modest sweetness and acidity, and to put it badly, it has no characteristics. However, given the taste of the original distilled liquor, I might even say that it makes it quite easy to drink.

Is it still like berries or cassis that comes to mind?

The feeling of the throat after drinking and the scent falling through the nose is refreshing.

The deliciousness is rated at ten levels.


Sweetness △

Bitterness x

Acidity △

Scent △

Taste •

Looks “

- Kinmoxey/Laurel


Osmanthus fragrans

Kinmoxey (golden rhinoceros, scientific name: Osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus) is an evergreen small tall tree of the genus Moxey, a variant of Moxey (Ginmoxay).

In China, Dan Gui rightly hits this, but is commonly called in the name of Guihua. However, laurel is a single species name in the genus Tree, which sums up all subspecies, variants and varieties, including golden laurel (Usgimoxey), silver laurel (Gimmoxey), etc.

Numerous small orange flowers bloom in the fall. It is a female male strain, but only male strains are present in Japan, so it is not conclusive. A majesty has two bottles and an incomplete female. Flowers emit aromas. Aroma is stronger than Ginmoxei. The main ingredients of the aroma are beta-ionone, linalool, gamma-decaractone, linalool oxide, cis-3-hexenol, etc. Of these, γ-decaractone and the like have been found to have repellent effects on monsilocho and the like.

It is native to southern China and came to Japan during the Edo period.

Planted primarily for ornamental use as garden trees.

The floral crown is soaked in white wine (Guihua Chen liquor), mixed with tea and turned into a flower tea called Guihua tea, or braised into honey and tailored to a flavour called Guihua Soy. In addition, there are many egg dishes named for highlighting the colour of chicken eggs in the colour of Kimmoksey flowers, such as laurel crab flour (also known as Furong crab), laurel chicken silk eggs, laurel tofu and laurel ham, and some dishes actually use this flower, such as decorating candied Kimmoksey flowers like laurel rice cake, a treat for New Year's Eve.

Because the flowers of Kinmoxay are sweet and firm and strong, they were sometimes planted near them at a time when many suction toilets were dominant in Japan and produced bad odors. Because of that factor, the fragrance was used in the mainstream from the early 1970s to the early 1990s as a toilet aromatherapy, it may be reminiscent of the toilet in some age groups.

It is autumn seasonal.

Shades are light brown or light amber. Reminds me of the color of the flowers.

The aroma is fluffy and sweet. The scent of Kinmoxey is as gorgeous as it sounded.

The flavour is sweet and the flavour is lightly kimmoxey. Even in the fruit system, the characteristics are shifted directly.

Purely delicious. The impact of the flavour itself may be suppressed, but it is still sufficient.

The feeling of drinking and then falling out is also flowery and light.

It leaves a slight feeling of bubbling, but it doesn't bother me.

If you stick it in more, it might taste even better.

Overall, a fairly complete liqueur, matched by delicious alcoholic beverages with the characteristics of Kinmoxey.

Overall rating is 9.

Sweetness ”

Bitterness x

Acidity x



Looks “

* Supplementary

When I sweetened it with syrup, it tasted almost complete.

Even if considered as a cocktail ingredient, it seems to have a wide range of uses.

Looks like it would be interesting to replace the side car series coantro or something.

- Cusaichigo


Rybus hirsutus

Cusaic strawberries (grasshoppers, scientific name: RUBUS HIRSUTUS) are deciduous shrubs of the genus Rosaceae Kistrawberries. Also known as Wasei Strawberries.

Cusaic strawberries are called this way because their back length is as low as 20-60 cm and they look like herbaceous, but they are actually wood books. Life force is strong, pruned, but grows from the roots.

Short soft hair is dense throughout and the stem has a small prick.

The leaves are odd feathery double leaves, with three lobes on the flower branches and five lobes on the step-length branches. The parietal lobes are ovoid or long oval, the lateral lobes are ovoid, the tips are crooked, and the edges have fine heavy serrations.

The flower season is March-April. Flowers are white, 5 valve flowers. The petals are oval shaped and 15-20mm long. In the center of the flower there is a large number of females, and there is still a large number of males around it.

The fruit is large, red ripe, edible, with less acidity and a very sweet flavour.

Distributed in China, the Korean Peninsula and Japan.

In Japan, it is widely distributed with Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and can be seen normally in woodland.

It looks pale red, pink with a strong red flavour, but red rather than pink.

The aroma feels fluffy and sweet, but it may not look strawberry. The liquor is strong.

The taste is really fluffy and sweet. Soft, sweet, strawberry soft.

However, because there are few characteristics such as acidity and bitterness, there is a feeling that the sweetness and liquor characteristics are intense.

I feel a slight acidity, but I still have the impression that the liquor taste comes forward.

The flavour that leaves, the fluffy sweet liquor, the strong liquor.

It feels like a prototype of alcohol that deceives humans.

It's just not as sweet as liqueur when I say it.

The overall rating



Bitterness x

Acidity △

Scent •

Taste •

Shades “

- Shiratamanoki


Gaultheria miqueliana

Shiratamanoki (White Ball Tree, Scientific Name: Gaultheria pyroloides Hook.f. & Thomson ex Miq.) is an evergreen shrub in the family Tutsidae. The fruit of the accompanying acorn is red, and the species is sometimes referred to as the silo thing because of its white fruit.

It grows in relatively dry areas, such as grasslands above the sub-alpine zone north of the centre. Height is about 30 cm. The leaves are mutually reinforcing, oval with serrated teeth, about 3 cm in size. The flower season is July-August and wears a bell-shaped flower like a 5 mm dowdantsuji. Around September, the japanese name of Shiratamanoki is due to the enlargement of the coriander to cover the fruit and become white ball-shaped. Crushing this smells like salicylic acid.

Shades can be light brown or yellow. This is also quite transparent.

The aroma is intense. It feels like a damp cloth coming out, irritating the tung and nose.

Although the taste leaves the impression that it will fade away, it melts the image of the aroma in a good direction.

Overall, sweet impression. Somewhat sweet enough to taste good.

I don't feel the characteristics of acidity or bitterness.

The fragrance that falls out is naturally damp. Speaking of refreshing, yes. Is it a little brave to drink?

Maybe it's good for your body, your stomach could be rough.

I don't know the answer.

Apparently, it inherits the characteristics of the fruit intact.

The overall rating


Sweetness ”

Bitterness x

Acidity △

Scent •

Taste •

Appearance △

* Supplementary

The Shiratamanoki liquor is soaked in about 200 grams of Shiratamanoki fruit, 2-3 times the amount of white ricker between 25 and 35 degrees, and dragged up the contents in a cool place for 3-4 months.

Pale amber color, refreshing aroma delicious. Divide and drink with straight, water splitting and carbonated water.

Insomnia, frustration, fatigue recovery, around the heat, loss of appetite, strong and strong.



Rosa multiflora

Neubara (Noz, Scientific Name: ROSA MULTIFLORA) is a deciduous sexual shrub of the rosaceae family. Typical species of Japanese Novara. Many are native to Yamano in various parts of Japan except Okinawa. Also called Novara (wild rose).

The height will be about 2m. The leaves are odd feathery double leaves, with a small leaf count of 7-9 and a length of about 10 cm. The lobules are oval, have fine sawtooth and are not glossy on the surface.

The flower season is May-June. White or pale red flowers on the ends of the branches in a bulkhead shape (derived from a species nickname meaning "many flowers" in Latin). Individual flowers have 5 valves with white, round petals, about 2 cm in diameter. The majesty is yellow, fragrant. In autumn the fruit (fake fruit to be exact) ripens red.

The same genus that still appears close to you - Rosa luciae, which is lustrous because of the development of a couchy layer on the surface of the leaves. And the flowers are round and round, and they are small in number.

It also appears a lot on the side of the road and is hated as a weed because it has a lot of thorns. Even pruning sprouts from the ground up and is difficult to eradicate.

Hokkaido to Kyushu and distributed on the Korean peninsula.

It grows in the wilderness, meadows, roadsides, etc., and I don't see much going out into the forest. It has a strong weedy character, which grows well in confusing (teasing) places, such as river beds, and buds well even when pruned.

The fruit is called fruit (Ages), and it becomes a diarrhea medicine and diuretic, and it is also listed in the Japanese pharmacy. It is also a primitive species that has brought room blossoming properties to rose horticultural varieties and is used in Japan for tangential tree ledges. As a result, Neubara often sprouts and thrives from the ground up during cultivation.

Agetsu extract is said to be effective in moisture, acne and swelling and is used in cosmetic ingredients. Has skin protective, harvesting, antioxidant, whitening, moisturising and active effects of skin cells.

Two shades are followed by a clear light brown, and thin when it comes to amber.

The aroma comes in my nose all the time, sweet and aromatic, with a refreshing feeling that comes in like a rose.

It also has a relaxed and refreshing sweetness, a soothing and refreshing acidity, and a fairly balanced flavour.

Moderate sweetness and acidity. It is so purely delicious that I don't think it has made any flavor adjustments. I have a slightly higher alcohol content, but it still seems good.

The way my throat goes through, the feeling of falling out of my nose, feels rosy good.

I guess it still feels good to be someone who likes roses themselves.

The overall rating


Sweetness ”

Bitterness △

Acidity •



Shades “

- Matatabi fushi


Actinidia polygama

Matatabi (also read "Mokutenryu"), Actinidia polygama, is a deciduous wooden book of the family Matatabidae Matatabi. Also known as Natsumi.

The leaves are mutually reinvented in the spreading branches and have leaf patterns, the shape is oval and has fine serrations; they blossom about 2 cm in diameter white flowers from June to July. Male flowers with only majesty for male strains and amphibian flowers with majesty and estrella for amphibian strains. There are also strains of female flowers that wear only female flowers without petals. The leaves at the tip of the flowering tip are believed to be signs of whitening during the flower season and attracting pollen feeding insects. In proximal Miyama matatabi, it is colored peachy.

Cat animals experience a trance in the odors characteristic of mattavi (neutral mattaviractone and basic actinidine), and lions, tigers and the like also react characteristically to the odors of mattavi. The word "matatabi on cats" emerged from the fact that Yeneko reacted strongly to matatabi.

It should be noted that besides matatabi, dogs hakka are similarly plants that give trance to cat animals.

In Japan, it is distributed to Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and in Asia to the Thousand Islands and the Korean Peninsula, native to the forested edges of mountainous regions.

The fruit can be eaten as it is when ripe, but leaves a stimulus in the tongue, which is not delicious. In addition to raw food, it is used for salting, miso pickling, medicinal liquor (matatabi liquor), etc. Wormcobbled is more effective than normal fruit. By the way, kiwi fruit is also a matatavidae, and if you cut the fruit, you can see that they have a similar sequence of species.

In the Kaita region of Nagano prefecture, there is a tradition of bathing in matatabi leaves and drinking matatabi leaves as tea.

Matabi mite mackerel or matabi aphid parasitized in buds and became worm cobwebs is a biologic medicine called Kitenori. Supposedly works on cold, neuralgia, rheumatism, etc [5].

The great fate of drunk liquor.

Brown or light amber, pretty good shade.

It smells like burdock, grassy, sourless, soaked, yellow soil.

Summer refrigerator-like atmosphere. Anyway, it doesn't smell delicious.

The run of flavor feels mild, from which the aromatic and unsavory bitterness of earthy grass spreads.

Even if spread over the tongue, it spreads an indescribable earthy bitterness.

It doesn't change the feeling of swallowed throat or the smell of falling out, and, dare I say, things like bitterness that seem good for your body.

The overall rating


Sweetness x

Bitterness ”

Acidity x

Scent △

Taste △

Shades “

* Remarks With insect tumors that make the drug more effective, the taste is negative and the drug effect is super positive. Should be.

- murasaxikib


Calicarpa japonica

Murasaxikib (purple, CALLICARPA JAPONICA) is a deciduous shrub in the family Sisoceae. It is native to forests all over Japan and is grown for ornamental use because the fruit is purple and beautiful.

Grow to about 3m high. The twig extends slightly horizontally.

The leaves are paired raw, long oval, sharp pointed head (with a slight protrusion of the tip), 6-13 cm long. I have fine sawtooth. The leaves are yellow and green, western paper, thin and non-stick on the surface. Sometimes there are fine hairs on the front side at first.

The flowers are light purple little flowers make a bulkhead flower sequence and come out of pairs from the armpits of the leaves, and bloom around June. When the fruit ripens in autumn, it becomes purple. The fruit is spherical with a diameter of 3 mm. Some cultivars are white fruit.

Mainly for ornamental use.

It is widely seen from Hokkaido to Kyushu and Ryukyu Islands, and is distributed outside the country between the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan. It is very commonly found in low mountain forests and grows well, especially in collapsed lands and so on. As a must-see for Murasakikib (Komurasaki, Shiroshikib), Masahiji Temple in Kyoto and Saeno is famous.

Shades are light brown. This is also quite transparent.

I wonder what the scent is. I don't really have this kind of trait. It's not tight, but it doesn't look delicious.

It feels like overripe, inedible fruit.

The taste is quite good. It has a firmer flavour than the aroma itself, and I can feel the sweetness. I don't have a bad impression of falling out.

As the maturation progresses, the depth may develop and leave a neat impression on the tongue.

I think I soaked the aroma of ripe fruit in the liquor.

Rather than purple fruit, I also feel that it's quite a sweet red lineage.

I felt little bitter ingredient.

The typology is difficult, but I feel that it is more fruit skinned or that way than fruit-based.

More characteristic of depth than sweetness and sourness.

The deliciousness is rated at ten levels.


Sweetness △

Bitterness x

Acidity △

Scent △

Taste •

Appearance △

- Yamazakura


Prunus avium

Yamazakura (mountain cherry blossom, scientific name: Cerasus jamasakura (Siebold ex Koidz.) H.Ohba, 1992) (Synonym: Prunus jamasakura Sieb. ex Koidz., 1911) is a deciduous tall tree of the genus Rosaceae.

A typical species of Japanese wild cherry blossoms, it is also chanted by many Japanese songs. In Sakura's companions, they have a long life span and sometimes become large trees with tree heights exceeding 30 m. The tree is shaped like a bamboo and resembles a keyaki. Many species have been varietally improved using Yamazakra as their primary species. Often leaf buds and flowers unfold simultaneously (open), so this becomes a major feature that distinguishes them from someyosinos. Distributed in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and North Korea. The flowering time is around March-April.

Yamazakura also has many individual mutations within individual groups in the same region, with a variety of variations including flowering periods, flowering, leaves and flower blooming periods, dark and budding colors of flower colors, and tree shapes.

Since even individuals growing in the same place have deviations in flowering periods of about a week, even in the same sakura, unlike Someiyoshino, it is not necessary to concentrate on flowering during a short period of flowering, and can be observed carefully. The floral culture before the spread of the planting of Someiyosino was rather sporadic over such a long period of time.

The colour of the young leaves about to unfold from the buds is particularly mutant, with red-purple, brown, yellow-green and green, with white on the back. There are 5 petals, the colors are generally white and pale red, but there are also changes such as pale red purple and dark tip colors. The bark is dark brown or dark gray.

It is also very popular as an ingredient in furniture. Bark is used for birch finishing, etc.

"Cherry Blossoms in Yoshino" refers to this mountain cherry blossom and is also considered a symbol of Japan. It is a long-lived species and the ridge is seen over 500 years old.

The shade is slightly more transparent than other cherry blossoms, still dark red purple.

Let it cool down, it has a crispy or sacramboid flavor that lingers on the tongue.

The sweetness is quite cluttered and not overall sophisticated, but therefore the taste is also huge.

The feeling of pushing characteristic features is strongly felt in nature.

Spread over the tongue opens up delicate flavors, but similarly the liquor feels strong and tingles a little.

I like the characteristics of the flavour. It's delicious, and if you can't accept it, it's hard to drink.

The lingering aftertaste is also slightly wilder compared to the cashmere system.

A little tannic aftertaste also makes me feel sad.

The overall rating


Sweetness ”

Bitterness ”

Acidity △

Scent △

Taste •

Shades “

• Yamagrapes


Vitis coigunetiae

Yamavine (scientific name: VITIS COIGNETIAE) is a sexual deciduous shrub of the family Viticidae.

Although fruit was used as raw food or fruit liquor, in recent years there has been a movement to use it as a raw material for wine, jam and juice. Traditionally, from harvesting what is native to wild mountains, areas began to be seen growing on the cheeks.

In ancient Japanese, shrimp is called shrimp, and red-purple like the fruit of mountain grapes in traditional Japanese colors is called grape color (shrimp) is derived from this.

It is a shrub deciduous tree. Followed by brown, young branches and leaves with crusty hairs. Sprinkle (Tsukuba) is wrapped around other plants, etc. with a curly mustache that pairs leaves, and rises high.

The leaves grow each other about 10 - 30 cm in size, and brown hair grows on the back with a flaky pentagon at the top of the pattern. In the autumn, it leaves red. It blossoms in the early summer, and the flowers are flowered with a large number of small yellow and green flowers in a floral pattern that pairs with the leaves. It consists of five petals and male servants, and one female servant.

Female heterogeneous strains, divided into male strains with female strains that are healthy but have only female flowers (functional female flowers, to be precise) and male strains that have germinative pollen, but only male flowers (functional male flowers, to be precise) that cannot be pollinated and fertilized because of the degeneration of female columns and flower columns. Fruits are only grown on female strains, while male strains are only pollen-provided. Unlike cultivated varieties such as Muscat, only one tree does not produce fruit. For this reason, it is necessary to mix female and male trees.

Female flower pollen is not empty pollen, it is clogged with cytoplasm and nuclei are present, but pollen germination is not possible due to the absence of germination grooves. For this reason, visiting flower insects visit flowers to eat pollen rather than only female flower nectar. It is also known that there are embryos in the degenerative chambers of male flowers and that when plant hormone treatment is performed about two weeks before flowering, degenerative estuaries develop into amphiphiles (amphoteric flowers), which are self-pollinated to yield seeds.

The fruit is spherical, ripe in autumn and turns black and purple. Sweet and sour, I can eat raw. The quality is not stable, but there is a movement to review it as a native species of Japan.

Variants include the hairless Takeshimaya grape Vitis coignetiae var. glabrescens on the back of the leaves.

It is a wild species native to the cold, distributed among the islands of Sakhalin (Russia), South Qiandao, the Japanese archipelago (of which Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku), and Depression Island (South Korea).

Yamagrapes contain 5.5 times more malic acid, 3 times more vitamin B6, 5 times more iron, 4 times more calcium and 3 times more polyphenols than common grapes. In particular, it contains many polyphenols, which are active ingredients in the seeds and skins of yamagrape fruits, and their functionality contains many natural antioxidants, which are greatly expected to prevent diseases such as diabetes and aging.

Large quantities of polyphenols such as proanthocyanidine, resveratrol, anthocyanin and catechin, the main ingredients, have been reported to inhibit AGEs production in this extract of hot water extracted from yamagrape fruit juice. In experiments where diabetes-induced rats were fed food with Yamagrape polyphenols for one month, inhibition of the production of 3DG, AGEs in the liver has been confirmed.

* No Rating

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