─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

"Well, here's to getting a safe unit!

"… Cheers"

I glazed quietly as I opened myself up to the woman I'd nicked.

The momentum of a woman's glass is also a lot modest on the back of words. I guess it's because this isn't my usual room, it's inside a grown-up shot bar.

The season is the end of summer. I was wondering if I should go in the middle of September.

I used a long summer vacation from college to clean up a lot of games, but in the meantime, I was dating this woman, Ibuki Torisu.

To what do you mean, to drink?

When I was in college, that's what I used to do for days, but Torisu invites me without my circumstances or anything.

I think it's a hassle to say no, but each time I bring a topic that interests me.

And today, when I saw that I was used to alcohol to some extent, I was invited to my first bar.

What you have in your hand is a beautiful glass, somewhat different from what you usually use at home.

If you bang it flashy, it's important if you break the glass.

That's me, but to be honest, I'm very nervous.

Everything makes me nervous, with the dim lighting, the large wooden counters, the long legged chairs and the hundreds of bottles that hang behind the counter.

The moment I walked into the store, I looked through the store without meaning, but there was nowhere to reassure my mind.

I just felt like a couple of regular middle-aged men were looking sharply at me, an obvious Gentile.

This is an adult world. It's just not a good area for a little kid to step in after twenty.

I hear voices like that everywhere.

But as opposed to me like that, Torisu tilts the glass in his hand with a relaxed look. That, too, is that stylish triangular glass.

She moved her throat with cockroaches, grinning satisfactorily like a cat, and then she noticed my gaze.

"What? You don't drink?

"Drink. I'll drink."

I felt signs of her kyotonic expression turning into a nigga, and I leaned over the glass in a hurry.

I ordered twelve years of 'Bowmore'. One of the distinctive categories of Scotch whiskey, called Islay Malt, is the smoky flavor.

The answer to that smoky taste seems to be in the process of making malt, using fossil fuels called peat (peat).

Apparently there is.

Too nervous, I have no idea what it tastes like.

"… delicious, I think"

"You can't cook anything off."

"Leave me alone"

Flush the words like putting a bird su chan in and stare at the amber color poured into the glass.

The glass in your hand is a rock glass. A glass with a low, wide mouth and a soothing impression. One round, big ice in it. immersed in an amber sea.

"Didn't it suit your mouth?

You perceived me looking difficult, and there were people who would call me that.

White shirt, black vest. Plus the owner of the store with a stylish patterned tie. Ages look thirty to forty, adult men.

Asked with a pissy stretched spine and a stern face, soft eyes and expressions contrary to it, I was accidentally stuck in words.

Torisu pinches his mouth next door so as to speak for me like that.

"Oh, it's okay. This guy's just nervous and doesn't know what it tastes like."

I stare at Torisu with the feeling that she is, but she gently flushes my gaze and so on.

The middle-aged man, oh, he smiled bitterly and said quietly.

"Don't be nervous. Young people like you are more welcome."

"... Oh really?

"Yeah. Because you come to the store all the time in the dead middle age. Everyone is hungry for the luminous excitement."

Yes, the owner of the store said, from a distant regular customer, "Hey Master!" and the voice of the penetration had arrived.

The tone itself was rough, but no matter what I heard, it didn't sound like anger was mixed.

"And in this way, we're not even that classy a store, so take it easy"

Then the master, after a light introduction, headed to the earlier man. I guess I'll follow up on the joke earlier.

I take a blurry look at the business cards I get. I just got it, and it was like it was accepted by the store, and I felt weird.

"General, you're nervous about the crowd."

"... Shut up, Torisu"

"So Ibuki... well no"

Torisu sighs deliberately and then tilts the glass instead of the words.

You don't drink? And it seemed to be told in the dark.

Imagine her and I go on, and now it's time for the amber to twitch and reach my brain.

First of all, the cold air that rises to the ground represents the presence of large, round ice. Round ice with lots of decomposition when it comes to true circles. What I had on my chest that it was one of the flavors of the bar.

It's not just cold air. Standing up together is the smoky scent of Islamort. A unique peat incense that you should be used to sniffing over and over again.

Tickle your nose in the zigzag. Enjoy it, while I slowly contain the liquid in my mouth.

Though it's a casual feeling, 'Bowmore' is easy to drink among the Isla malts. Pete incense is slightly understated, plus the Scotchy sweetness and glamour reach the tongue firmly.

Overall a balanced, cohesive flavour for the faint impression other Islay malts have.

The delicate balance I didn't know when I was nervous feels firm.

And after indulging in it, the whiskey aftertaste slowly slipped out of his nose.

"... yeah. Delicious."

"Now it's true."


As usual, Torisu flushed the gaze of my protest and struck a tongue drum at the 'cocktail' in his hand.

The face looks really delicious, and my age and I shouldn't be so different, but I looked familiar with this place.

It was the first bar I came to, and I thought there was the only one there that would calm my mind.

She's the only one in my house and this place that's the same. It looks delicious and claims to be Nobinobi and myself.

I hate to admit it, but Torisu Ibuki is apparently that kind of thing in me.

"I feel my gaze just now though. Is that it? Are you seeing this Ibuki sister?"

"No, I just thought this guy was gonna have fun with his life"

"Is that a critical compliment?

Torisu looked complicated, but exhaled, saying for the first time older.

"And you, general. That's a mistake."

"... what do you mean?

"It's not like my life is going to be fun, I'm enjoying my life"

Keaton without swallowing meaning, she goes on.

"'Do not ask what we mean by life. We are in a position to be questioned by life, and we must give the answer to life'".

"... whose takeover or sale?

"An amazing guy named Victor Frankle."

Torisu sometimes picked up words from somewhere. Mostly the words of the great men of the past, which are the great words of the great.

But it's a mystery how many people are actually able to put that into practice.

But to the best of my knowledge, the words that Ibuki would quote seemed to overlap with her behavioral principles.

I mean, this time the word is also, I guess, the word she's about to be.

"... so, what does that mean?

"Simply put, there are fun and painful things in life, but how you take them means you're free."

"As always, you interpret it conveniently."

When I'm stunned by her sloppy interpretation, she looks at me like she's supposed to.

I tried to fall back unintentionally but was unfamiliar with the chair so it didn't go well and allowed her to approach.

A very beautiful woman's face, spread out in front of her. Its mouth opens quietly.

"You can't find what it means to look for life. That's your choice. So I decided to actively enjoy it. Have fun with the total. Okay?"

A pushy question.

On my face, which is getting closer, I answer somehow as I wander.

"All right, all right, get away from me."


He nodded satisfied with my response and Torisu returned to his fixed position.

Are you out of your mind that I feel terribly coerced while telling you to choose for yourself?

No, has this woman been like this since I first met her?

You're forcing me to plant choices in my life, which was quiet until then.

And then he forced me to choose that, and then he said, "You picked it yourself, didn't you?" and take me around like a pardon mark.

... yet I don't really hate it, it's troublesome.

"Have you ever thought about being rude?

"It's my fault."

I broke my mind before my sharp girlfriend could feel me.

I'll try to mimic her too and start by enjoying the atmosphere in this bar.

Thus, we enjoy "Bowmore", where the ice has broken and the flavor has changed slightly.

Because the most enjoyable choice I have is to have a good taste of alcohol.

─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

"... how many years ago I've been dreaming. I am."

Feeling the signs of a calm morning sun, I blurted open my eyes and squealed.

The light that plugs in gives me no choice but to prompt me to awaken. Is it another choice to try to fight it?

"... stop. Stop. Dreams are dragging me crazy to my thoughts."

I speak up deliberately and rebuild my mind, which was getting brittle. Then slowly, I woke up my upper body.

A shelf that holds less personal belongings at a desk I've been using ever since I came to this world.

But other than that, the room intervals are still a few months of dating.

A year and a half since I came to this world.

Seasons are oddly the same as dreams, from the end of summer to the beginning of autumn.

Initially, I let him reside in disintegration, but he can't always be looked after by the Vermut family.

I was used to this world if I lived a year, and I thought it was just the right opportunity as a separation, and I left the Vermut family.

Although I was proud to represent the Vermut family, one of the triggers may have been the appearance of someone who applied more to the role than I did.

Even so, in a way, I'm not out of the Vermut family premises.

Whatever the location, it's just off the 'Easys' production plant.

One of the newly built 'Easy's Dormitory' rooms on the land owned by 'Easy's' was my current residence.

"... enjoy life,"

That was the word I heard years ago, and that was whacking the whale and my chest.

Well, floating blurry about what I had planned today, I decided to head to the washroom to set it apart from my dreams.

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