"General, would you like a replacement?

Well, I'll take it.

"Yes, go ahead"

Say, Corsica put one piece of still warm bread on my plate.

Include vegetable soup in your mouth, honestly thanking you, without immediately reaching for bread.

Bouillon based stiff salt gas and delicate aroma.

It's also weird to put it out in a hangout, but it's also a different delicacy than the soup Rye makes. Somehow, Corsica tastes more like ingredients.

Besides soup, the table is lined with a variety of dishes.

A warm salad made with summer vegetables taken in the field on omelettes baked in butter. In addition, the main sautéed vanilla bacon is served in a vegetable-centric stir-fry that looks like an appetizer.

Overall, there are many warm dishes. They were placed in balance on a long, large desk that seemed to afford to sit for about ten people.

"Corsica, me and me"

"Yes, brother"

If Bergamo, who was sitting next to me, said, Corsica, who was standing and handing out additional bread, soon gave it to Bergamo as well.

Then she asked Nico for a replacement for the face on the table and went through it before returning to her seat.

"Nothing, you can take it on your own instead, and Corsica can sit down without worrying about it, okay?

"It's fine. I like this."

Corsica smiles and asks me if I'm still worried.

He's a shaped administrator like he pushed me, but this is how Corsica does that role with a smile, without even showing how she cared.

I thanked him in my heart, and then I saw the faces sitting at the table.

Right now, six people are sitting at this desk, including me.

Split in half at a long table for three.

One side centers around Bergamo, with me and Corsica sitting next to each other. In the middle of the other side is Phil.

Next to Phil, are you awake or asleep? Sally, a silver-haired girl with open eyes but not a subtle focus.

And next to the other, the figure of a girl who's been packing breakfast well all morning.

"Yeah! Yummy! You know, Corsica. Do you still have a replacement?

"I do. So don't panic like that."

"Mmm. I want to eat it while it's as good as possible."

Asked Corsica for a replacement and went to fetch it well was Iberis, the robot girl.

A dedicated technician for our shop, specializing in a device called an independent 'machine', a little different from the magic theory of this world.

Iberis had been sleeping in a workshop on this property for a long time, but when the dorm was built, she made her room because of it.

I still often sleep in the workshop, but this is how I show my face at breakfast.

Now whoever is with him for breakfast has gone out.

Essentially, a Vermut addition to the number of people here would be an Easys associate.

Before I came to this world, it would have been a long time ago, considering that the Easies were basically turning Mr. Oyaji around on their own.

"... there's a gap!

With that in mind, there was a small incident in front of me.

The main bacon disappeared from Sally's take-up plate, where she was having breakfast with Mosomoso with her sleeping eyes.

The bacon disappeared into the mouth of Iberis, who stuck out the fork, before anyone could stop it.

"─ ─ - Hey. Oh!?

seconds for that fact to spread to the field.

Then after a one-tempo delay, Sally's sad cry finally sounded.

"Iberis!? What are you doing to me?

"Because, Sally, you don't eat all the time. If you want to leave it, maybe I should eat it for you."

"I kept it! Or is it still there?!?

"That one looked delicious."

Sally complains about Hakihaki and Iberis, as if the blurring appearance just now is a lie. But Iberis did not look evil, and said lazily.

This is also an occasional sight. I poke Sally's gap and Iberis makes a lot of noise, and Sally gets mucky about it.

Anyway, for Iberis, Sally seems to be an easy opponent to tease.

"Really, you always are!

"Well, yes, I'll give you this instead"

"Not potatoes!? Give me back my bacon!

"Maybe there's more left."

"With which mouth!?

Such an exchange, sitting on the other side, me and my beastly brothers and sisters watched with a smiling eye.

Only Phil, who was in a seat sandwiched by the two of us, looked like he was about to cry and kept quietly breakfast as he had given up.

"So, do you have any contact or anything?

Flattening the breakfast and fruiting after the meal, I asked the faces gathered on the spot.

I don't have to know when I was there. Since we are now a little far from the Vermut family, the heart of dormitory life, communication of will is also indispensable to get the information going.

So at this hour in the morning I always decided to ask.

"It's not urgent."

To my interrogation, Phil spoke quietly with his hands up.

"Viola said she wanted to talk to you about the workshop."

"Oh. Okay. Was it some kind of change?

"It was like adjusting the number of participants."

"Okay. I'll make sure."

Bring to mind an errand from Viola.

It may be a sudden change, but there won't be any major problems. Let's talk to Sui again and ask.

I thank Phil for telling me, and I look around. Then, the brother of the beast man reached out better.

"Well, there's one from me, too."

"Bergamo? What?"

"That glass brother I was drinking with last time. They want you to show your face while you mow the rice."

Brother Glass, speaking of the man in charge of the glass at our store - Mr. Kamui. Before this, when Bergamo was off on a rare business day, he was eager to study and had a cocktail with us, and he happened to have an intentional relationship with Kamui, who visited the store.

We are still doing quite well with Mr. Kamui, and the other day I helped him prune for a personal favor.

The variety they had brought was improved specially made and lightning is fast. Given the number of heavenly sun-dried days, maybe it's time to go along when we can eat.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Later?"

I asked again, and now Iberis, Sally and Corsica each raised their hands at the same time.

"Neune wants to talk to you again about adjusting the gun."

"Cravel said he wanted to talk about distribution and he got a little 'bump'."

"The other day, Rye insisted on showing his face at home."

From the three of us, Iberis, Sally and Corsica, each comes another story to the side.

I nodded as I rounded my eyes, knowing.

"Roger, roger. If you're a" gun, "make an appointment date and say it. I'll keep in touch with you about Cravel. Rye... well, one of these days"

In the meantime, I answered each appointment as I wrote it down to my head as a task menu.

Who said there was nothing to do? It's a pile of things to do.

All three of them shut their mouths when they heard my reply, filled with fluffy silence on the ground.

"... is there anything else?

When I asked, there seemed to be no further remarks.

For one thing, is this where we plan to be close?

When I thought so, I heard a call for chillin 'chillin' from the front door of the dorm.

"Excuse me! It's the mail!

"Ah yes!

Corsica heads to the front door early. Then I opened up a little time and came back.

She wrote to me a little sorry.

"Dear General,"

"... thanks"

I thank Corsica before receiving the letter.

The sender is a friend made in the north. It was Albao Graysnor of White Oak.

"To the total. As we talked about before, I'm going to see you soon because I think it's time to get some time off. Nice to meet you, though there may be some accompanying people. I'll send you more details."

To sum up the matter, this is what happened.

"... really, it's just something to do"

I laugh a little bitterly, but I never hate it.

Still, it seems like a pleasure to have so much to do.

I felt like I had already gone somewhere dragging on the dream I had just had.

"... All right, for now, let's have a good day!

When I showed my energy in the dining room, they responded with thoughtful responses.

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