Abrupt, but more free time in the last six months.

Because for a year, I have been able to leave the shop to my disciples, who have seen it almost tightly.

In addition to that, there were more chores other than working in stores. As a result, my business days are slightly down from shift as well.

I'm not saying I'm free or playing.

To be honest, I've been a bartender for two years and a little bit of paper. It is no longer as long as I have worked in this world.

I'm not too happy to leave the scene in that situation. I don't, but it's also true that I'm the chief executive of the bar department when it comes to paper, so I have no choice.

That's why I'm going to study everything when I'm in sales, and I'm taking care of my day.

And this is another page of that important day.

"So, what about the master, after all?

It was Isotoma's statement about how drunkenness was turning at times.

The time is after twenty-three. There are no more humans eating at the table, and the counter is rarely home to only one isotoma.

And I happen to be in business today with two people, me and Phil, so there are only men on this scene.

What a luxurious combination of two bartenders for one customer.

Such an isotoma looks delicious drinking Phil's made [daikiri], not me.

"... what do you say?

"It's a woman's relationship, a woman's relationship."

At this time, when the store was closing an hour later, I think there was a new arrival.

In an atmosphere of breaking bellies and talking, Isotoma has said.

"... Isotoma. I know I've said this before, but I..."

"It's fine. Ideal is ideal. You know, when the master's gonna like Long's sister, you see, in reality, there's a pretty girl nearby, right? Hey, Phil."

"... That's right"

Phil is Phil, and he doesn't do anything to cut the subject off while he grins like he's in trouble.

What a disciple, even though my teacher hates me on a troublesome topic.

Well, if I was in Phil's shoes, there's no reason to hang up.

I'm a party, so I was wondering if you could finish this conversation.

"So, what do you say?

"Whatever you say."

"You're friends with me and the master, right? Tell me."

How do you tell me to answer something that has nothing, even if you tell me to?

In the last six months, if there's been any change in my relationship with women, nothing.

I feel sorry for myself, but I can't help it. Suey and Sally, and finally the other girls, the distance is much the same.

It's like a puberty romance...... no, it's basically about puberty except me.

Anyway, I have no intention of breaking that up here any more than the other side is keeping me at a distance. As a result, there have been unchanged days.

"... I don't want to be funny or funny, but I really don't have anything."

"You're lying, right? Oh, my God, Miss Suey, when the master came home from training, I heard you made a little noise, didn't you?

"No, that's not the kind of noise I really figured out then..."

Isotoma with Niyaniya and a grin and [Daikiri] in her mouth.

But it was really hard then.

That's when I whisked... no, I made a bunch of 'Old' barrels a souvenir and I went home feeling hokey.

It was the first time in two months, so I took a trip to the Vermut family just a little thrilled to reunite.

I couldn't let you in the house.

At that time, my coincidence overlapped and I heard Sui talking to himself over the machine. That, for Sui, seems to have been an unacceptable act.

At the same time as my return, the Vermuts transformed themselves into a sort of magical fortress.

Touching the door knob paralyzes me, and even trying to plug a letter into the gap burns.

I can't get out of the premises of the house if I try to withdraw because I say so. Even if you try shouting, that shout is doubled and reflected.

And the bad news is, it's a fortress that rejects me perfectly, that it has no effect on anyone but me.

There's nothing you can do about trying to negotiate, but Sui won't come out. I thought I was stuck.

But I guess you pitied me waiting outside all the time under the cold winter skies.

Mr. Oyaji dragged Sui to explain the situation, and the two of us received fist bones and the scene became a fluke.

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with me thinking about it now. Why was I fisted, too?

Well, then for a while, Sui was staring at me uncomfortably. When I talked about "Old," I went back to normal, as if I'd forgotten such awkwardness.

"So when the master leaves the house, is it a bit of a shame?

"There was nothing there. That's what I was thinking, and it would be annoying if a good old adult stayed here all the time."

"... really, it's a weird place to be disciplined, the master is"

Inspired or frightened, Isotoma becomes a little quiet and tilts the glass.

Neither me nor Phil said anything, and a blurry silence was flowing into the space of the night.



"So, after all, what's the master calling again?

"Mr. Isotoma!?

"Ha, joke, joke"

This drunk...

If it was Sally, not Phil, who was on this scene, I wouldn't even be able to play it this far.

While holding his head, I, uh, glazed at the glass he had.

... Hmm.

"... weird stories, girls, look like alcohol, right?"

"Hmm? What do you want to do, suddenly?

I figured it out, a novel to get the story out of the way.

Turning a little back on the counter, I grabbed some liqueurs decorated on the shelves.

At some point, the number of bottles lining the shelves also increased considerably. I was just getting started with the majority of bottles that I just kept busy, but now I have the exact kind.

gossip. What I started was talking about the relationship between alcohol and girls.

"For example, sweet atmosphere and a word, there's a lot going on. Citrus sweetness, mint-like sweetness, apple-like sweetness, sugar-like sweetness"

One by one, I'll line up the bottles I took out.

White Curaçao. Peppermint Green. Apple liqueur. And syrup.

Arrange a stunning bottle and continue without drawing any conclusions.

"Sour varies, but, well, is it lemon and lime here"

Remove two bottles from the refrigerator.

Lemon juice and lime juice. I use green bottles together, but I can distinguish between yellow and green parts of my head.

"And its base liquor (base). The core parts are also varied. Sometimes as refreshing as the wind, sometimes as fierce as flames. Some are as smooth as water, others as secure as the earth."

Four potions, four types of base liquor (base) were removed from the freezer.

Windy 'Gini'

'Wotta' of water

'Salam' of Fire

'Tayla' in the soil

And finally, the newly added fifth attribute, 'Old', is gently taken from the back shelf and added.

"People are different, and people have their own preferences. Every woman has a part that goes somewhere, and every woman has a different part. Doesn't that really feel like people, booze?

"I mean, any liquor has its own virtues."

"And when it fits, it's not like there's plenty in one, is there?

"Oh, it must be."

The last time I tried to ask him a few questions, Isotoma was nodding admirably.

And at the end of the day, I point out that I noticed it before I started talking, as if I had just noticed it.

"Well, Mr. Isotoma. What's going on next?

"Become, master! I can't believe I asked you after I prepared the booze!

"Haha. No, I just put this out."

I only served booze, and I just shook the subject. No one said 'drink'.

Nevertheless, it is also our job to make you feel like drinking that way.

Isotoma stares at the bottle lined up in front of her, choosing Apple.

"Okay, now. Phil, shake something original."

"Is it short? Is that Long?

"Short if you can. Come with Gatsun."

"Yes, I did."

Despite being suddenly ordered the original, Phil nodded in no hurry.

This neighborhood would be a particularly grown part of Phil. Phil is much more confident than he used to be. I am confident that my 'cocktails' are delicious.

Recently, visitors who come for Phil's cocktail also see it as flirty. I don't know, it's Phil's guest.

When it comes to growing your area of expertise, I think it's a good trend.

"Phil, it's the same for me. In a rock glass."

"Yes, I understand."

When I asked for an extra one, Phil nodded honestly while laughing a little bitterly. When asked about the base liquor (base), she said it was' wotta ', so otherwise, put it back in the freezer.

And then I cleaned up, and then I left the counter and sat next to Isotma.

It's late, and I don't have any other guests, so I decided to watch Phil from the outside.

Isotoma stares at me on the side.

"Hey Master. I didn't say I'd be extravagant."

"Yeah. I'm fine. Because this will only be deducted from my salary. Oh, but if it stays like this, there could be only one poor kid, right?

"I know, I already have! Phil. When you're done, drink whatever you want!

"Thank you"

Phil laughed bitterly with more earlier and still thanked him with great pleasure.

Soon afterwards, it took me to work with serious eyes like the switch had been switched. He's usually a beautiful boy with a soft impression, but only during work, he becomes the face of a serious man.

The gap around here seems to be popular with your sisters.

"But master. If the cocktail's a girl, what's the glass?

Isotoma whispers to me so I don't interrupt Phil's work.

I don't think much and say the words that come to my mind.

"I knew it wasn't clothes. Clothing is the easiest to understand when you say what you look like or what changes outside of decoration."

There are many different types of glasses, which can be used separately according to the type of cocktail.

Pick the right glass for your cocktail so that the girl picks the right clothes for her.

No, maybe it's the other way around. With a glass for the cocktail, the bartender can think of the perfect girl for that glass.

Before I thought so, Phil was starting to shake.

His shake is a lot like mine. I may have kept what I taught and put myself together there.

I thought about blurring and glazing as I gave myself up to regular pleasant sounds.

Speaking of which, I have to show my face to Mr. Kamui.

It might be interesting to talk about him like that.

"Thank you for waiting"

As I waited quietly, Phil offered me a glass.

The cocktail glass placed in front of the isotoma is sunk with cherries stabbed in the pin.

Slowly there, Shaker's contents were poured out.

Just a little brown, clear liquid. It had a bright red cherry accent and looked good.

Isotoma also looks a little excited and asks Phil.

"Oh. So, what's your name?

"Huh? Uh..."

That's pretty good. This cocktail has no name.

Rather, when you make an improvised cocktail, it is rare that that cocktail has a name attached to it.

It is the best way to imagine the finished shape of the flavor, and there is no time to even think about the name.

If you pulled it from your original repertoire. Still, if not, taste is questioned here.

Fulfill, what a name to give.

And Phil opened his mouth and said,

"Ri, [apple power] …"



After today's sales, I have to teach Phil softly.

If you can't think of a name, you can honestly say 'no'.

No, I like it, but the name [apple power]. It's simple.

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