The current location is in a room that incorporates a Japanese taste everywhere, even though the making is western. I find myself in a flair for pockets, desks, small stores, etc., and I am blinded by the occasional glass workmanship that enters like an accent.

Every time I disturb that house, I feel a nostalgic scent somewhere and my mind relaxes.

But now, I was in a terrible state of tension, too.

It's been a while since the man with the Walrus roared out.

The man in japanese costume, with his short bean-colored hair and one eye-catching horn, thinks deeply into a word I asked.



Two men, sitting at the table in the living room, across the street, silent.

In that state, how much time would have elapsed?

Eventually, he opened his eyes, and the man said.

"Like dragons, what do you think?


To that unexpected answer, my tension went up unresponsively.

"Oh, it's a dragon. And the tiger."

"Tigers too! Two!"

"It's the Dragon Tiger, Dragon Tiger. This is gonna be great work."

"Oh, oh..."

I am overwhelmed by the momentum on the spot by that diagram, which I cannot imagine at all. I don't know what the hell he's talking about, but somehow I just know it's amazing.

No, let's be honest. I'm just a little drunk right now.

So I feel like I'm giving him a proper return on what he says.

Because there's booze in front of us, not potion.

"One by one of the scales, one by one of the patterns, glasswork with all your heart. This is awesome!

"Do you look good!?

"Oh, good-looking!

Good old men who together turn a little red and call them "good-looking." Tension goes up to echo.

Some approaching Japanese woman slapped Pocan and a man on the head like that to stab us in the water.

"What are you talking about, sir? That's just one thing, there's no way you can afford a glass without practicality, right?

Women say it with a nico face, but this guy is basically always smiling, so it's not funny and laughing.

In contrast, men in Japanese costumes say it back with a flashy look.

"But you are, Megli. It's not a glass for a cocktail. If you're going to make a cocktail for a glass, the glass has that kind of impact."

"No need"

I ran out of words, Mr. Megli.

She leaves the Japanese-style man, Mr. Kamui, and turns to me.

"Don't make this guy think too stupid, either. This guy's an idiot, so he could really make it."

"... haha"

I gave it back with a bitter laugh, and there was another woman's voice coming from the kitchen.

"Mr. Megli! It's spraying! The pan is spraying! Can I use magic, magic!?

"Oh! I'll be right there! Wait!"

The voice calling for help belongs to Sui.

I don't know what the kitchen looks like right now. But I guess from Sui's haste, we're supposed to have crossed her capacity. She's not technically unable to cook, but she may be struggling with an unfamiliar kitchen.

Mr. Megri lined up the plates he had brought on the table. It's a rare pattern of pottery around here, with a large bite of chopped, pickled cucumber and cabbage on top of it.

"You can do it in a little while, but still eat and wait."

Left to say that, fast enough to move ahead of words, Mr. Megri went back to the kitchen again with the sleaze.

Me and Mr. Kamui face each other. There are dishes and pickles, but for some reason there are no chopsticks.

"Can I use my bare hands? Do you mind, honey?

"It's okay. Oh, I'll pour it."

"Oh, that's bad."

Mr. Kamui throws the cucumber he grabs into his mouth and offers him a pee with his hands. I just tipped over and filled his cup.

These bad behaviors also somehow warm me up by remembering the old days.

Me and Mr. Kamui decided to wait for the two women to come back, picking cucumbers and cabbage with parsley.

Me and Sui are currently at Mr. Kamui's house, a glassmaker.

Not long ago, I heard a message from Bergamo from Mr. Camui. Perhaps I thought we were talking about a glass or a bottle relationship, so I decided to visit here at Sui's convenience.

Such a Mr. Kamui, but now he has an unbroken relationship with us.

Our glasses and bottles have him making most of them now.

Originally, when I first met him, it was a request to make a cocktail glass. All the glassworks in this city were paid in front of the gate, and I heard about the glassmaker who lived off the city where he was giving it to me.

Then I arrived at this place and met a glass maker from a similar and different country called "Japan", where I was originally.

Then I got bored and was supposed to have a glass made.

First, a triangular cocktail glass. Then, have Rock Glass, Tumblr, Collins Glass and make a single glass.

His glasses are clearer than the commercially available ones until then, warmer somewhere and tamer to the hands.

It seems to me that not everyone who comes to the store was secretly satisfied, although not in their mouth.

Even after the glass was done, now I had them make one bottle at a time to put in the 'potion'.

Until then, I had labeled and deluded myself on a pictorial bottle, but at first it was the limit of patience.

Bar liquor cabinets have to look beautiful. To do this, it is necessary to stir it out of the bottle.

So me and Sui had tried and missed each bottle to bring in some 'liqueur potions' to occasionally ask for the bottle to be made.

And that kind of interaction has been going on ever since I met him, but I've just recently finally made a paragraph.

You can't keep your face out for being summoned to such a fold.

So it depends on the two of us visiting.

So, when you two came, Mr. Kamui and Mr. Megri were both there,

"You can eat new rice, so go for a treat"

He made a statement to that effect.

Mr. Megli went to the kitchen when he said he was going to cook. I said I'd help, too, but he slowly turned me down and dragged Sui away instead.

Two men left behind. When I did, I drank and waited because there was just alcohol sent to me by Megri's parents.

I've been drinking since daylight, but, well, it would be good once in a while.

"I think it's handsome. Dragon and Tiger Glass"

"What can't I do?"

So, I was a little tired of waiting, so I tried to shake up what I thought the other day.

If this one were to make a cocktail to match the glass, what kind of glass would it make?

"Cocktails can vary in color depending on the type, right? Dragon scales and tiger fur, dyed in each color. Add or subtract light here or color it a little. Ah, according to the thing, it looks like hell. A dragon tiger who changes his appearance every time he shows up in front of people. I think this guy's good."

Mr. Kamui, unfortunately, seems to be just a little obstinate child.

But the more you say. I found out a little bit about what the hell he thought and said 'Dragon's Glass' or something.

Originally, his specialty was glass finishing and not glass mass production.

It's a hell of a time and taking the skill to make a point that's what he really wants.

"Speaking of which, you've had more jobs lately, haven't you?

"Thanks to someone. My name is Kamikaze, not a glassmaker, but a glassmaker."


In that regard, there is nothing else to laugh at.

He keeps the name 'Kamikaze' small in the glass in the store. That happens to stop in the eyes of a rich customer who came to us and seems to be only getting a little famous.

As a sincere, beautiful glass maker.

On the other hand, I'm glad I have more work to do, and I can't get less time to pursue my work. What Kamui said.

To complain, you said to Megri, "Then just become famous and be able to eat just the work, sir," and that you are despised?

I dried a cup of tea so that I could delude the subject.

"What do you say, what's the taste?

"Oh, thank you."

Take it with a dried toy that Mr. Kamui puts in, and then answer.

"Of course it's delicious. There's no need to drink around here."

"Right. I get it, but I can't have as much 'booze' as I want when I want. This is also the spiciness of samurai training."

Ku, and Kamui showing a crying bare gesture.

But drinking that and saying it isn't convincing.

But even if he looks like he's kidding, what he's saying is true.

"... sooner or later, you're going back to your country."

"Oh. I'm going to"

At once, Mr. Kamui said with a red face, but seriously.

His goal is to raise his name in exotic lands. And he says it's about getting Megli's marriage officially recognized by the 'Sirayuri family', Megli's home.

I don't see much, but these two already have kids. They left the kid at their parents' house and they both came all the way to this country.

"Then you'll miss me"

"Oh, I don't care if a man tells me. Don't worry about it. You don't say anything, you don't just disappear."


"Besides, this place is pretty cozy. It's not bad to have kids and live in this country again."

Seeing it as a soggy topic, Mr. Kamui made it even brighter.

And again, pee like water, and exhale the smell of alcohol.

"Don't worry about us. Okay, let's go."

Easily settled in words, then Mr. Kamui stood up.

I look up at him, I ask.

"Going? Where are you?

"You've made up your mind. For a pinch."

"... Mr. Megli will piss you off again, won't he?

"It's okay. It's okay. You too. If you get mad, just say," I couldn't wait for my daughter-in-law's cooking. "

If you're Mr. Kamui, who laughs happily, then maybe that does forgive you.

But I'm forgiven for that, or I have a problem before that.

"Hey, what's my wife...!?

Is that a little, is that what you're talking about Sui?

When I look confused, Mr. Kamui says, "Hmm?" and lean his neck.


"Chi, no."

"Don't worry about it. If you're always with me, you're like my wife. It's okay, it's okay."


That feels completely different, but it seems the same to him.

I decided to follow Mr. Kamui to the kitchen, whispering and sneaking.

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