"No, can't you make something about this cocktail made with sake?

The one who cut in so much is Kamui, who is in a good mood for more at all times.

Dinner is ready and time has passed there since I started drinking. Mr. Kamui blushes slightly on his cheeks and hasn't changed that much except to rap a bit.

I was with that, too, and I'm asking for water moderately around I thought it was time for the line, so I won't cross it unless I can.

And Megli, who was really suppressed to the point of his appetite, gently despises Mr. Kamui with a nico smile.

"No, sir, I can't, I can't help it."

"Really? Can't you do it, total?

Mr. Kamui said to me with his eyes turned into real colors, even as he was despised.

Or is it going to be a name call from 'Amy' here? How serious are you...

But before I gave it back with a bitter laugh, the other one on the spot was saying it back.

"I can do it! Because you can make anything total!?

Beautifully flowing blue hair with contrasting red cheeks.

What made this happen? Sui, whose character had changed completely from the usual, was annoyed and disputed.

How long has this been happening to Sui, I don't know.

At first I thought I was talking normally, but I started drinking silently with less mouth count along the way.

I've been watching out for it since I was on my way, but I went to the bathroom a little bit and this is what happened when I got back.

Reddish on her cheeks, she and tense Kamui go on their own to be somewhat of an earlier speaking level tense.

"Well said lady! Come on, total! Let me see!?

"Show me up, total! That our bartender can do anything!

Even always, I sometimes feel the trust from her.

But I have yet to feel the trust that sparkled my eyes as easily as I did today.

"... no, anything..."

"Can't, can't?

"Yes, you can"

I can't do anything about it, but I can't say I don't like it when I look like I'm going to cry to Sui, whose emotions are easier to understand than usual.

How could this have happened, but I gave up and stood up.

Mr. Megli sounds worried about how he took the look of my giving up.

"Mr. General. Um, not really, but..."

"Oh, no. It's okay."

I'm honestly pleased with Mr. Megli's worries themselves, but they're useless worries.

Make a cocktail out of sake, how impotent you think you are, but that's never impotent.

"Cocktails are also found in sake."

"... Oh really?

"So... please manage to forgive us both and wait"

I give those two a glimpse.

"All right, let me see that, honey! If it doesn't taste good, I'm not working anymore. Hey!

"Because it's natural to taste delicious! If it doesn't taste good, next time you can pay half our price!

"I told you, lady!? You're serious!? Huh? Are you sure? Hey, honey, I'm withdrawing my foreword! It doesn't even taste good!

"I told you! Total! Because you mean it for us!? If it doesn't taste good, I won't know!

That's how I and Megri held their heads together, laughing at each other.


Standing in the kitchen with a little mess in the wash, I think a little.

Cocktails made with sake are actually there.

As you might be surprised, brackets are similar to wine as brewed liquor in the first place.

If you're not too uncomfortable with wine cocktails, it's the same thing with sake.

No, no, because sake is rice, if you say so, distilled liquor, including whiskey, is often also based on cereals. Beer is one of them, and there are many cocktails.

In other words, sake is not used for cocktails, which is just a preconception.

If you try it, there's nothing you can't use.

That said, it's another story about what it fits.

It's just a little hard to get a new face in a cocktail while taking advantage of the natural delicacies of sake.

When this happens, it is easier to understand the sake cocktail simply.


And I'm gonna take some ammunition out of the porch I was wearing for the time being.

Focused his consciousness on the ammunition on his palm and chanted.

"The waves of life, the ancient intentions, what I set out to be in this world."

As it signals the word, the ammunition goes back to the way it originally had.

What I took out was lime fruit and its juice. And a set of necessary equipment.

Only this time, I don't even need a shaker.

Get two well-used rock glasses out of the cupboard in this house, and you're all set.

The three ingredients prepared are sake, lime, and ice.

First, gently wipe the locking glass, which is characterised by its short and large mouth, with a clean cloth.

Arrange them in two and prepare two limes cut into a sixth.

Remove the white areas at the tip and center and squeeze the fruit juice into a major cup by cutting into the pulp. Put squeezed lime in a glass, then lime juice.

I make up for what I'm missing and as soon as I weigh 15 ml I pour it into a glass with lime in it.

Do the same thing with another glass.

Then, lay the prepared ice in a rock glass before pouring the sake.

Even so, you don't need to be able to do that much. When making a small amount of cocktails out of a rock glass, it is sufficient to add up to about the sixth minute of the glass.

Once the ice was packed, the measure cup was finally turned over and the sake was weighed into a glass of 45ml each.

Steer with a bar spoon as you see a little ice sticking out of the liquid.

Where the glass is thinly frosted, stop steering and look lightly at the taste.

Soothing acidity and flavor. No problem.

Check the other glass as well, it is complete.

Lime and sake. The ingredients are that simple a cocktail.

As you may notice from looking at this ingredient and portion, if you turn this sake into gin, it will remain a recipe for [Gin Lime].

There's that connection, and I've heard this cocktail used to be called [Sake Lime].

But right now, perhaps most famous as a sake cocktail, this has a better looking name.

"Thank you for waiting"

When I show up with two glasses, I raise my voice that Mr. Kamui and Sui were waiting.

"Come on, let me see!

"Ah! I have mine properly!

Kamui, who has the look of pure pleasure, and Sui, who looks really happy.

I just laughed a little at the smiling reaction between the two of them and repeated it again.

"Haha. Thank you so much for waiting."

I can't imagine what it was like while these two were waiting.

I can't, but it must have been hard because Mr. Megli looks unexpectedly tired.

... Sui's share, too, is good to make.

I'll put each glass in front of the two of you waiting.

Wide-mouthed glass with gotten ice and slurry lime. It looks masculine, seemingly boneless depending on the way you look at it.

"So what kind of cocktail is this?

Mr. Kamui asks me, and I nibble my lips.

One of the reasons I chose this guy is because it's simply easy to tell as a sake cocktail.

And there's another reason.

I thought Mr. Kamui would like the nicely dressed name of this cocktail.

"[Samurai Rock]."

Each of the two people who heard the name reacted differently.

"... samurai?

and Sui looked more discerning and pokant than usual,

"... samurai, hey?

And Mr. Kamui had the same naughty look as I did.

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