Needless to say, 'Gini' - 'Gin' - is an important base drink for cocktails.

It's basic and royal road, just ask for it and don't come off. [Gin Tonic]

It creates a variety of enthusiasts and is well known for its quotes [Gimlet]

Even with the golden ratio of spiciness, acidity, and sweetness [White Lady]

And famous as the king of cocktails [Martini]

There are other well-known and unnamed cocktails that don't have Kiri, to name but a few.

I don't intend to make a difference in terms of flavour, but I wonder if the cocktail based on 'gin' and the cocktail based on 'tequila' are more than double the number.

As such, the distilled liquor called 'gin' was important to the bar.

"What are you going to do?

I don't care what you say.

I roared at Sally's voice, which was clearly in a hurry, not slightly.

There are about thirty minutes left to open the store. As with contemplating measures, there are not many means that can be taken.

Sally, with a face that came to mind all the time, ran her mouth through the solution that floated first.

"It's not too late to give Sui an extra gini..."

"You can't do that. He's got a hangover. You're sleeping locked."

That is a very attractive suggestion, but it was not possible only today.

When Sui wanted to concentrate on something, it was good that he didn't pull into his room and come out. Things are different this time, but the results are the same.

That might be a trait her room possesses.

Apparently, her room is magically soundproofed, making it difficult to wake up a sleeping swim with external calls.

"But now you might still be able to run and make it, if it's possible"

"Assuming we make it, there's a question of whether we can trust the wizard's potion. I don't know much about magic."

"... it is, though"

Even if I wake up more and more, if I'm still drunk enough to be dead at noon, it won't make a big difference now. Not that I can make a decent potion in that condition.

Even though, I don't trust Sui's own taste. On top of that, when you're not feeling well, if you make a gini that tastes bad with some mistake, it can also be a credit issue.

I didn't think it was a good bet for much.

"But then do you start operating like this?

I just think a little bit about Sally's anxious look.

I still have about half a bottle left in the freezer, even if I say I don't have any Gini in stock.

Assuming the remaining amount is 400 ml, it is calculated that eight cups can be made using 45 ml [Jin Tonic].

The key is to meet the customer's demands. And it's also on this arm to elicit that request.

After only a little trouble, I opened the cashier's safe, which I had largely just finished checking.

Pull out about two pieces of silver coin and hand it to Sally.

"Sally. Run to the market now and buy about three different kinds of fruit you were wondering about. Prioritize what you don't usually use."

Sally, who was given the coin, nodded in confusion at my strong gaze.

I miss silver coins, and then I ask.

"But what kind of stuff?

"I dare you, you do. Pick the right season for me."

"Okay, I get it."

That's all I told him, Sally nodded, then ran away teasing the door.

Well, it's good to let Sally grab you, but I got something else to do with me.

Inside the counter, the space where you are putting small items, etc. I pulled out the little blackboard that was stuck around it.

This is a simple sign to use when you want to promote something. I don't actively use it in normal sales, but it depends on time and case.

When you have something to appeal to your customers, it works to try to decorate these little things on the counter.

"Well, I'll have to make sure whatever you get me."

What will Sally fulfill and be blinded by in the market?

I sit in the counter chair and think of that blackboard-only chalk in my hand.

Based on that, which is only imaginary, I wrote letters on the blackboard, avoiding as many unique nouns as possible.

About two of them, Karan and the bell rang when I finished building the mini blackboard.

Sally came back with her luggage in her arms, like long before the store opened.

"I'm home now."

"Okay, what did you get me?

I invited Sally to hurry up and let her spread the fruit over the counter.

From the paper bag she was holding, they zero.

The first thing that caught my eye was the apple, a palm-sized fruit with a red flavour.

Although it is common as a fruit, it is rare as a fruit to be purchased from us. Because apples are hard to use for simple cocktails.

It takes ingenuity such as rubbing and crushing to use, but it takes a lot of effort. It's easier to crush some kind of soft fruit with a bar spoon or shaker than that.

The next thing I noticed was a series of purple fruits, grapes, which also became the source of grapefruit.

The grapes themselves are, in one way or another, easy to use categories of fruit. If there is a problem, it is the skin.

It is a thought that the skin, with its unique bitterness and acidity, will remain in the cocktail.

Well, it's also a hassle if you're stripping the fruit one by one. So I don't go too aggressively to buy it.

And finally, what she took out was a unique hippocampal fruit, a western pear.

This image is similar to the apple, but the fruit is mostly soft compared to the apple. In that sense, it could be described as a hassle-free fruit to be made into a cocktail.

However, there is only a little price around here, so I don't buy much from that point of view.

I'm not too happy from the point of view of price harmonization because when the price goes up, it inevitably resonates with the price of a glass.

And for three reasons, Sally chose the fruit that I usually avoid.

Naturally there is no way to complain. Because I'm the one who asked for it.

"Well done first. All right, later..."

My compliments to Sally are there, too, and I'm going to populate the blanks on the blackboard I had prepared.

Sally looked intrigued and peered into my hand.

"What's that?

"It's a publicity complaint. All right, how about this for now?

It's nothing to be bothered by. Instead, you should take a look and check it out.

I finished writing it. I showed it to Sally and asked her for her thoughts.


Sally read it in her mouth small, chasing it with her eyes.

"'Fall Taste Campaign!! Exclusive fresh cocktails with apples, grapes, pears and more! Have a cocktail that feels autumnal!!

He writes the basics in white chalk, while coloring and emphasizing them everywhere. Autumn, around apples, grapes, pears, and cocktails.

And with her eyes round, Sally asks me once now.

"What is this?

"As you can see. He's the star of the day."

That's right. I gave Sally a brief overview.

I would recommend cocktails with non-gini potions as much as possible because there are few ginis today.

But blatantly recommending stands the corner, and there are limits to taking it in the course of the story.

So I showed him the totals, and this is how I prepared a 'topic' that I can naturally recommend other than Gini.

Instead of diverting attention from Gini, make a big 'charm' and take consciousness there.

Inevitably, if that creates an air of concern, you can later pull it over there in the course of the conversation.

"I see."

"Well, if a cocktail isn't a store for sale, it doesn't mean much"

"... Really?

"Oh. No, let's not talk about this"

That's all I said, I clouded my words.

This is only a way to attract people interested in cocktails. If you are a customer who comes to enjoy a conversation rather than a cocktail, it is ineffective.

Nevertheless, if it starts suddenly without notice, it still has some effect. Because it will be a source of conversation. If it's only good to get through today, there's no harm in doing it.

"Okay. So today, you should recommend this' exclusive fresh cocktail '."

"Exactly. You're good at that kind of conversation, aren't you?

"I'm not proud of you."

"Do this."

The act of poking Sally, who took my rating for granted, with a slight bitter laugh.

If Phil had raised his cocktail arm to a glitch, Sally would still have improved his conversation arm to a glitch, too.

Of course we're both growing both, but that means it's remarkable.

The way Sally stepped in was even bolder and more dramatic.

The line you shouldn't have crossed must have drawn clearly in her. There are fewer visible developments that are heard from the edges and hiatus.

Now, the power to pull out another drink is growing. That's all it means to be satisfied with the conversation.

Conversation satisfaction is also closely related to drink satisfaction.

... Now, if the cocktails taste any better, I don't have anything to say.

"So, yes."


Where I was so happy with Sally's growth, Sally looked like she was just having a little fun and she looked at me.

With his eyes full of expectations, he has asked strange things.

"What is the recipe for this' exclusive fresh cocktail '? Since when have you been thinking?


"Yes! I thought this might happen, you made a recipe, didn't you?

I'm going to look at me with my eyes like a master I can count on, Sally, who's good at prefetching me.

Apparently, she meant to cut through this place already.

I shook my head quietly at her like that.

"... hey, dude"

"... Yes?

Sally, stay on Nico's face until just now, stiff.

Again, this guy thinks cocktails are his area of expertise, and you're totally willing to rely on me.

But that's not wholesale by the Inquirer. Or you can't wholesale if you want to.

Even I wasn't as sharp as putting together an original recipe for fresh with fruit that I don't normally use.

I'll just check the clock.

Just a minute or so until business starts.

"Okay, Sally. The recipe is about to come up."

Seeing my magical expression, he finally realized Sally, too.

That the measures I took to eliminate the Gini shortage were also another first step to hell.

She colors and stuffs with haste and confusion the look she seemed to be able to afford.

"Coming up!? From now on!? We only have one more minute!?

"Think while you're in business! Even the worst bumps are good for real! It's harder to make unsavory cocktails with fresh!

I told her to let go of me like that.

I told you, blah, blah. I'm scared, too. I'm scared, but I have to.

Just like I said myself. It's harder to use fresh to make unsavory cocktails. Fresh fruit is a magical item that only makes a cocktail delicious.

So anyway, we just have to figure it out before the customers arrive.

We were just talking about a mess, and there was a voice coming from the kitchen.

"Hey! If you don't have a problem, open the store!

"Okay -!

In reply to Mr. Oyaji's voice, I saw Sally again.

It was like the first time Phil and I were entrusted with the store, which was already funny enough blue in the face.

"Come on, Sally. I can't afford to say I don't like cocktails, can I? Together, let's survive today's sales."

"Ko, you bastard!

"Vampires say..."

I went out quietly with a half-baked grin and fixed the shop sign while it was open.

When I got back, Rye's squeaky face, listening to me and Sally's conversation without interrupting, first appeared in my eyes.

but I decided not to care.

... 'Cause you have no choice.

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