"Okay. I'll show you how to use the simple freshest."

Back at the counter, paying attention to the sound of the entrance bell, I told Sally.

Usually, I open and wait for a relaxing visitor for a while, but not today either.

I don't have many customers sitting at the counter right after the store opens, so I have to plant some in Sally in the meantime.

Sally looked so serious that she didn't look like her usual girlfriend that she took out notes and went into a listening attitude.

"First of all, hard fruits like apples don't have to try to crush them properly"

"... you say?

"Decorate it when you use Apple Liqueur, or use an array"

Say, I pointed to the inside of the counter, the machine that fits at its end.

That's the blender there. It's usually a machine used to make frozen cocktails. Generally speaking, it would be better to say mixer.

It's not the kind of equipment I use every day, so I don't usually use it.

"There are two main ways to use it. Serve as a frozen style or other cocktail, or paste apples and use them as ingredients"

"... you know, I don't like frozen cocktails,"

"Just smash the apple into pieces, add ingredients to your feelings and pack the crash ice cream. Don't think, feel it."

I can hear Sally speaking weakly, but I can't even leave her on the run.

Originally, the blender crushes the stiff with the power of the machine and mixes them together. If not used for cocktails, apples and the like would be the original target.

I don't use it aggressively from time to time because it's a little cumbersome to wash... but if I need a special cocktail, I can't be more comfortable.

"Next, soft fruits like grapes, right? It crumbles easily with a rinse, or you can keep it in the shaker and shake it a little stronger"

If you want to use the former, crush it with the mint, like [Mojito]. If used in the latter way, regular shake cocktails are combined with fresh fruit flavours to create a different flavour than the usual shake cocktails.

If I dare to give you caution, even if I try to pour it normally, the fruit must be clogged and not out of my mouth. It would be common to take off the strainer and pour it into a tumbler for each ice.

"Pears are fine, either way. You can choose for yourself who is likely to suit your customers' preferences. Of course, don't forget you can put grapes in a blender."

You can't easily crush hard fruit, but there's no reason why you shouldn't put soft fruit in the blender.

However, the area is a discernment of effort and achievement. To be honest, cocktails that use a blender take time to make.

Whether to prepare the machine, identify the ingredients or wash them after you can, you should simply see twice as much time as when using a shaker.

Hopefully when there are fewer people, but when I do that one at a time in a crowd, I can't get around to it. That's why we have to identify when we use it.

The same goes for the cocktails you create, but looking at the status of the tools you handle and choosing between them are also necessary to survive the changing moments.

"Any questions so far?

"Would one be good?

"Ask me anything."

Sally asks me if I have a really brief explanation.

"Is there anything like a stone, a combination that fits each fruit?

"... a stone"

I pull out some images of the experience in my head and the combination.

Personally, I just want you to actually learn around it with your own tongue, but now I can't help it.

"Remember, what you're about to say is only my personal opinion."


I decided to start at the beginning after I had made a few prefixes.

"The most important thing to worry about when using fresh fruit is that it doesn't kill the taste of the fruit itself. If you want to use fruit, it's the stone that chooses the one that goes well with it. It's easy to avoid ingredients that collide head-on with the sweetness and acidity that the fruit side has."

For example, what about apple fruit and orange curaçao?

Apple and orange peel. Together, it is fruit-based, and apples have an intelligible acidity.

The combination of orange and apple itself isn't bad either, so we won't be fighting that far.

But what about the combination of apple fruit and coffee liqueur?

Of course, I'm not going to say it never fits, but I also don't feel the deep sweetness of coffee liqueurs and the luminous sweetness and sourness of apples need to be deliberately combined.

I won't stop if I'm going to adventure, but I shouldn't think much of it as a stone.

If you were to use fresh, it would be a choice that would not remove the balance between sweetness and acidity while combining fruit-shaped liqueurs.

"Combine the image of the fruit in you with the image of the liqueur. Balance sweetness and acidity and fill the missing portion with orange juice or grapefruit. That way, the flavor won't quarrel unless there's more to it."

If you don't forget that the lead is fresh, that's all there is to fail.

That is the strength of a cocktail with fresh fruit.

However, even with that in mind, it should be noted that sometimes we do not have time to think about it in the rounding choices I have just mentioned.

That's when I decided to teach you only one loophole and raise it.

"And when you get lost, the strong thing is tea."

"Tea, is it?

Sally temporarily interrupts her glare with the note and looks at me with an inquisitive eye.

"Oh. Tea liqueurs go very well with fruit. A combination of fruit, tea liqueur, and ginger and other carbonated drinks. Even if you don't have time to think about it, this is good enough"

I mean, it's just my personal favorite combination.

Tea liqueur. A sweet liqueur that incorporates the essence of tea. Many Japanese bars also crown 'Darjeeling' and 'Art Gray' and place liqueurs of that lineage.

The tea liqueur goes well with the out-of-the-box fresh.

Cocktails with tea liqueurs, such as [Darjeeling Cooler], to name a few.

Cooler Style - This is one of the forms of cocktails where the based alcoholic beverage is mainly served with ginger ale and more.

It is normal to use raspberry-based liqueurs for [Darjeeling Cooler] ingredients, such as' Chambord '.

When I add fruit to it, the tea accepts the flavor of the fruit.

If you don't forget to add moderate acidity, there is no more user-friendly combination.

"Convinced to go?

"... somehow"

"The customer hasn't arrived yet, so if you're anxious, give it a try"

"... Yes"

Sally nodded honestly.

But that look is still not fragrant.

The anxiety that cannot be wiped off has seeped out of its face and out of the atmosphere.

If that's not the case, I'm a little worried.

"Don't look anxious!


I poked at her unexpectedly and slapped her on the back a little.

Sally drops a note on her sudden behavior. But shortly afterwards, he ate and hung on me with a grumpy face.

"Hey, what are you doing!?

"Oh, that's intentional."

"What? What the hell are you talking about?

"That's why. You shouldn't look anxious, like the bartender just did."

After I smeared her anxiety with anger, I pointed it out.

As soon as I do, I'm going to hit you again, so I'm going to stick my finger up and say it.

"I told you a long time ago. A cup served by an anxious bartender and a cup served by a bartender full of himself. Which will taste better."

Surely we should have told a similar story a long time ago when Phil and Sally made cocktails.

Don't let a bartender look anxious in front of a customer. When a customer orders a cocktail, the first thing they see is the bartender's face.

Sally laughs all the time with a look of nervousness after a long time of pomposity.

"The most delicious cocktail in the world. Wasn't it?

"Exactly. Only at that moment is the best cocktail I've ever had. So?"

"Tighten your chest."

Having said that, Sally seemed to have completely blown off her anxiety.

When serving a cocktail, only the bartender has to feel confident, even if everything is anxious. You have to be tense even in a vanity.

Because that's the first step to making a cocktail delicious.

"All right. Once again, don't you ever ask?

"I'm fine."

Sally glanced softly at the notes she had written, then nodded deeply.

Apparently, anxiety swallowed well.

"Then I'll ask. A customer came in today and noticed the blackboard. What would you say if you asked me what this is?

I'll tell her to try Sally just a little bit, but with a full grin, she let her utmost vain say it.

"This is our exclusive menu. Try it."

Her smile, to which she replied, was so fascinating that she would inadvertently want to order it.

At least I thought so.

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