"Master! Use the apple to make something!

"Sally! Grapes, please!

"Pear...... now I recommend it"

Potatoes and customers who start to get in first look at the blackboard.

Guests at the table just place meal-centric orders as usual, but the exclusive cocktails that suddenly appeared at the counter grew in sales.

With the subtle guidance of me and Sally, the fruit bought in in large quantities goes smoothly.

Even those at the table who thought it would look better would have more orders from people interested in hearing about exclusive cocktails from Rai.

In the middle of sales, Sally and I secretly shared information, and the exclusive cocktail was completed in the middle of the battle.

Yes, in battle.

"Master. You look busy today."

"Hey, thanks to you"

With that said, I laughed bitterly at Isotoma, who was making her face look funny.

Of course, I just want to answer with a full grin, but the amount of work involved doesn't allow me to do that.

Using fresh means that's all the more work. Inevitably, it takes longer than previous work.

The counter, which does it for two, is modestly a training ground.

In addition, thankfully, there are a lot of customers in today.

Even in the middle of a conversation, I can't stop any of my hands from working. I don't stop at the beginning, but for speed priority, I can barely afford to look ahead.

I'm talking to Isotoma, but my eyes are almost down. Perform the apple treatment on the slab, manage to raise your face between them and check the counter.

Sally is also Sally, and in the beginning she is working nonstop now anyway.

"Sally. Blender, are you there yet?

"I'm almost done washing it."

If you fly your gaze right next door, you look like Sally washing at a fierce speed.

As assumed, the blender will mostly be a dedicated apple machine, with the appearance of grapes and pears, and the blender, shaker and rind are fully utilized.

This blender is troublesome and once used it takes a while to wash anyway. The order came in and it was critical to make sure that the condition was at least two drinks.

First it was me and Sally moving in pieces, but now it was in the form of sharing the work without moving in a constant position.

I'm not going to be out of my hands in my regular sales, but I see my limitations for a long time and I'm just saddened by the lack of training.

"Hey. It's fresh to see the master running out of room"

"No, I can totally afford this, haha"

Return calmly on the surface to Isotoma's words. But the inside is full of heads.

When the blender is ready, use the chopped apples for a fresh cocktail. Once that's done, order the next one from the customers who are running out. Then I refill the fruit, and then... oh, should I finish filling out the slip first? I've already accumulated some.

"Total! You can ask me for two drinks with pears!?

"Copy that!"

and where I'm in order in my head, I have an interrupt order from Rye.

Reply briefly and then think about the order of work.

Is that order next to the apple? No, it looks like you should fill out the slip first. It's on the meal side, just tell Rye.

"Sir, we're done washing."

"Thankyou. Once you've stopped washing, keep it up. Two pears, please, to Rye"

Copy that, sir.

While Sally assembles the washed blender, she switches the order of the actions she should take.

I'll take care of the pears, so my current job is... this blender.

"And the customer over there wants to see the menu."

"Okay. Because it's at the end of the day for a couple. Just give me a minute."

Reply to Sally's voice, well, what were you trying to do? I flew for a moment.

Yes, the order came in and left it to Sally, and then... oh, I knew it would be better to check the slip first. Forget it.

Cacolon. And the tall sound reaches your ears out of the hustle and bustle.

Just a glimpse of where the sound came from, a pair of male customers. Looks like one glass is almost empty. It's the sound of the ice tapping the bottom of the glass.

If you don't go get your order, that's a priority...... oh well, after the cocktail already!

Again, the cocktail is said to last roughly fifteen minutes.

As a criterion, let's say one person drinks a cocktail in fifteen minutes.

Dividing that fifteen by the current number of passengers calculates the time taken per person.

So, the current number of guests is almost full. There are around ten customers sitting at the counter quoting less, plus ordering table seats.

Prepare, create, clean up, pinch a conversation with it, at a pace of just over a minute at a time.

Overwhelmingly, I don't have enough hands.

The time for processing fresh is resounding dramatically. Regrettably, I feel like I'm taking extra time because of my own lack of experience.

Only move your hands to proceed with the work amid a busy schedule that is likely to turn your head white if you are alarmed.

I'm desperate for what's right in front of me, and I can't afford to think about what I should do next.

You can't stay like this. The situation of overcapacity makes it difficult to see the best hand to take.

The chopped apples were set in a blender with the other ingredients, pressing the switch while taking a big, deep breath once.

"Mr. General. When this is over, do I wash my clothes?

Wait a minute.

Sally asks, anticipating when my hand stopped, but I only waited for her once.

Reminds me of what my senior taught me.

When you're busy and tempered, don't stop thinking and take a deep breath to calm down.

Calm down, don't calmly stare back at what needs to be done now.

The high priority is to lead to customer satisfaction.

The situation is out of the question even though I want to drink the next one, but it doesn't come out.

Situations where you have left the customers you want to talk to are just a little less priority than that.

Lighting brightness and air conditioning should be adjusted when you have time. Do it now.

So, what should be done best than anything?

It's getting hard to work as this pussy, and it's decided to organize the workplace.

If the work doesn't go faster than anything else, I can't get rid of everything I mention.

Busy enough, the bottle I used for the cocktail let go. The ice I put in and out many times is melting lightly. There is no time to dispose of raw debris and the slab is narrower.

Something that can do quick work in this situation!

Ten seconds is all it takes. That's the best part first.

"... ok"

With the time Blender is working on my behalf, I'm done organizing things in my head.

Look at the counter and double-check the priority level.

Then I told Sally waiting for instructions.

"Sally will clear the top of the counter once it's done. Then, deliver the menu and place an order with the man over there."


After that instruction, I quickly finish cutting the pears and give them to Sally. The pears are cut into pieces and settled in the form of a rubbing and crushing.

So, when I'm done using the blender, I'll sort out the workplace. Confirmation of the slip. And when Sally picks up the order, connect it to a moderately isolated customer without it.

Oh, my God, there's very little to do if you think about it calmly. I'm in a hurry and I make a mess, so I just seem busy.

"Almost done with the rush. We'll do our best."

Tell Sally next door, whisper.

She smiled slightly tired and nodded yes.

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