"Well, what do you want? Customers."

Standing in the kitchen I've been used to over the past few months, I asked Sally while joking.

Sally is a little drunk, and after a hearty look, she returns jokingly.

"I'll take care of it. If you want to make it for me, anything."

Fucking laugh at your apprentice to try me.

I'm just gonna take a good look at her face, see that silhouette, and I'm gonna smile back.

"Right. I said for you, just hang out with me for a little while."


I'm usually in the mood right now, but I changed my mind a little today. My words.

To Sally's strange face, I deliberately make a serious face and ask.

"Sally. What if I told you I could have an apprentice?

"Heh? Wah, disciple to me, is it?

Blue Heaven Thunder, but Sally looked taken aback, as she said.

I also wanted to observe it for a while because its face was interesting, but if I left it out not much, I was going to be away and accidentally drop a glass of the table at hand.

I had no choice, so I just decided to make a supplement.

"Calm down. Not now. We haven't talked about that yet."

"Oh, my God, I'm surprised."

Listening to me, Sally relieved herself.

But that can't be true, but I admire Sally a little bit.

"I'm horrified, but I'm never talking about it. You've been here another year, haven't you? It's been a year and a half since I took you as disciples. Think about taking a disciple in six months."

"I can't imagine."

"... well, me too, it's still a paper full of mistakes"

I'm the master in front of Phil and Sally, but the actual experience is like that. There are still many troubles every day, and cocktails are essential for practice.

If you think about it in Japan, some bars may not even let you stand at the counter in about two years.

But this is how I work now, and I have a disciple. Not to mention the longest history of bartenders in this world.

Phil and Sally, my apprentices like that, are also the second longest in this world. Slow down would talk about that.

"So let's think about it for a second. If you had a disciple."

".................. ha"

Sally nodded cocklessly, although it still felt like she was in confusion.

I'll check that and then I'll ask.

"If I had a disciple, what would Sally want to do?

"What do you mean?

"What do you think would be a good first drink for your disciple? What kind of cocktail do you think you deserve?

I'm talking about this because I kind of want to know what Sally sees as a disciple.

Know the thought of 'disciples' in her, know what she wants to do with Sole.

And I thought it would be fun to guess what "A Cup for Disciples" was in her.

There will be a lot of answers.

It's basically an easy [screwdriver] or [gin tonic] to accept, and you might want to enjoy the cocktail first.

Steer, with Shake's tech-packed [Jin Fizz] or [Daikiri], it's good to make you want to make something like this yourself.

With the King of Cocktails and the prestigious [Martini], it would also be interesting to make people aware of the depth of the flavour called cocktails.

The first cup can be the deepest image of a 'cocktail' for the person. Not necessarily just thinking about it, such as the first cup you make him drink.

Are you aware of my playfulness or not?

Sally is worried with a more serious face than you can imagine.

I can actually have a disciple for myself. While the imagination didn't go well, she gave it her best thought and then, pompous zero.

"Suitable for that disciple, a cup,?

A word since I mostly stockpiled it.

And there were no more words.

"... were you listening to people? I'm asking my disciples what kind of cup they make, so you can't make a cup that doesn't fit in the first place."

I tried to tease him a little, but Sally argues more desperately than she thought.

"Chi, no! I don't know, I didn't think this was what we were thinking!

"What do you mean?

"You won't know what you deserve until then."

At first I thought I mentioned a blur, but Sally speaks enthusiastically. He's letting his breath get a little rough while he talks about his thoughts.

"If I had a disciple, I wouldn't have a clear image of it if I thought so. To someone like that, you don't have a cup or anything you deserve. So I thought about what I was glad to be doing."

Its staring gaze lights up a little.

"... ooh, ooh. So?"

"It's the same when I'm fun and it's the same when I'm hard. At any given time, I was glad this guy made this for me. This guy, he knows me, he feels like he does."

Well, it's the bartender's job to think about a cup to suit the situation, so it's natural.

It's awkward to be put into words for one thing that you take for granted.

But I can't stop before I tell you to, and I listen in silence as I muzzle.

"So if I were to have a disciple, a cup suitable for that disciple. I know exactly what you are, and I thought it would be nice to have a drink that I could tell you...!

Until then, he was a serious talker, Sally, but the tone gets rough at the end of the day.

Along the way, I guess I was embarrassed to be talking in my heart.

I made fun of myself somewhere along the way and I said I was getting embarrassed over here.

"Ah. Well, so am I for you guys, you know... I've been thinking a lot about having a little fun with the bartender, so I'm glad you said it that way."

Without fleeing, I was also able to thank my upright disciple.

Sally loosens her cheeks a little happy, but I'm sure she'll tighten her expression soon.

Then I tell him to be slightly angry or, alternatively, to delude the joy.

"Oh, but it's not good anymore! So, what do you make for me!

I'm not freaking out about her sword screen, but the pressure was just a little.

You can't play like 'Look, this is the cup you want to make for your apprentice' when you say this.

I have to make a drink for her with my thoughts.

"... uh. Just let me think."

Waiting in dignity, Sally stares with a little pointy mouth.

"Let me put it this far..."

"It's not. I've told you so much, so I need you to think about it."

And I stared at Sally.

I wonder what I think of her.

He is a cute and hateful apprentice. Sometimes I can't get my personal feelings mixed up in a cocktail I make. But I have responsibilities, too, so, well, I can't think about it now.

Without all those emotions, how do I perceive her?

What will be the cup she deserves?


"What, are you staring at me so much?

To my gaze, Sally missed her face in embarrassment.

At that fold, her silver hair sways loosely. I was unconsciously leaking my words to a thin, flowing glow.

"... Beautiful"


Excited Sally turned her attention.

Put a correction in her mouth when she thinks it's bad for the boulder.

"Oh, no, I saw your hair and I said,"

"............... well, yes. Thank you, sir."

Sally put her face down as much as she could to my words like that.

Her beautiful silver hair covers up that look.

"... I know. The general tells everyone. I'm used to it."

Sally says in a trembling voice. The ears, which look like silver gaps, are nevertheless dyed red.

Failed. I've been trying not to say much of these things to Suey and Sally since I started thinking about my emotions.

If you are a little drunk, you are not restrained and you tend to leak things that you thought were puffy. Against Suey, against Sally.

I slapped myself gently in the cheek with bread.

"Mr. General?

"No, bad. I'm a little drunk."

".................. still, well. Even if you get a little more drunk..."

"We're going to make cocktails, so you're in trouble."

Tell Sally that it's a blur and a zero. Then I wash my hands again once because I touched my face.

And I decided on one cocktail in my head.

"Wait. I'll make it soon."

Sally looked up again to my words. I guess I sensed the atmosphere had changed. Even though his face is still a little red, as a bartender, he sees his master.

Just a little bit, though the nuances may vary.

The cup you're going to make will surely be the perfect one for Sally.

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