The ingredients you prepare are simple.

The cocktail you are about to make has no element that contains fresh fruit. Nevertheless, a little more luxurious ingredients are also used in this world.

The glass used is a cocktail glass. An impressive reverse triangle glass. For the record, what we have here is not store equipment, so it may be something I ordered from Mr. Kamui on my own stomach.

First, the kitchen storage was opened, the glass and the 'coantro' stored at room temperature were removed. The recipe for this cocktail is' White Curaçao '.

Gently wipe the glass with a clean cloth and open the freezer to remove ice and 'salam'. I put a glass in it instead.

In this case, the material to be specified is limited to 'light ram'. This is like designating 'White Lamb' in Nearly Equal.

Then when it comes to why it shouldn't be 'Dark Lamb', that's simple.

Because colour matters.

"Salam and Coantro...... [X.Y.Z]?

Sally, who was watching my work, keeps asking me if I'm here.

I feel a little docile in my face, so I got lightly irritated and wanted to be mean.

"Why did you think that?

'Cause when it comes to cocktails that use those two...'

"No, I didn't, and why did you think that the cocktail you deserved was [X.Y.Z]?

"... well, that's..."

Sally looks awkward off the face as soon as possible. I didn't think about it, and I can see that I answered it with a spinal reflex.

And that's a question after I know that. Because of this, I'm going to ask Sally to explain it to me. That's more interesting.

"Answer me quickly. The ice will melt. Why do you say you deserve [X.Y.Z]?

"... oh, yeah, 'cause that's it"

Sally, caught up, sits still with the eyes she was turning earlier. Simply put, it turned out to be true.

Occasionally even in business. That's the look on Sally's face when she's in trouble for a response and wants to make some kind of joke.

Sally, who usually says things in good shape, gets bogged down in the face, which is pretty good for drunk customers. So it's also her special attack when it's here.

"Look, aren't I cute? So I'm sure the general said my cuteness is [X.Y.Z] or something like that."

Sally said that with a kime face.

If this were a store, it would be where reactions like yes or no would return.

But unlike the drunkards at the store, I'm not a gentle enough master to laugh at jokes that aren't funny.

Her kime face and my true face staggered and it was Sally who turned away first.

"... if you have any complaints, why don't you say so"

"Oh, no. Right, yeah, that's cute."


Sally looks at me with a very regrettable face, even though she affirmed it because of me.

Well, I don't have time to hang out with a stubborn apprentice forever. The ice could really melt.

I'll teach Sally on the side while I get back to work.

"If you're wondering what you're making, you have my notebook at the end of your desk there."

"Notebook? Is this it?

"That. That's my cocktail note, so look for it."

Saying, Sally took her eyes off me and started reading the notebook so she could eat in.

There are a number of cocktails in there that I haven't taught Sally or Phil yet, or even my original cocktails. Furthermore, it is important to note the effects of handling it as a bullet.

Nevertheless, it is not enough to hide it from his disciples in particular. Sally read it and said, heh, heh, heh, but she got silent along the way.

Now, let the apprentice go for a moment and continue the work.

Quickly because they took up a waste of time, the last thing they would take out of the fridge was' raw cream '.

I didn't really know how to make raw cream.

Says raw cream is the fat content in milk.

Milk is a mixture of various nutrients and moisture and fat, and the easiest way to make it is to take away and purify fat naturally depending on the weight of the specific gravity?

I was looking for raw cream as an ingredient in a cocktail, and I remembered what I knew about it. The 'centrifuge' must have been rolling in the drone colony.

I mean, even those industrial methods can make raw cream, so...

I also told Iberis about the situation, and after an excessive bend, as a result, I succeeded in obtaining raw cream, which is a little more luxurious but as an ingredient.

There is a difference between the driving force of electricity and demon stone, but it is not so different from what I know of modern times when it comes to the technical ability of the drone. Rather, this one might be better.

If the drone seemed more obsessed with money or something rather than curiosity, I thought the civilization of this world was going to evolve faster than I imagined.

Nevertheless, the commercial story is still going to be difficult, as it will no longer be a drone.

And I don't care about the inter-race stories, and now it's a task.

Line up the three ingredients I took out, and I'll just get the equipment ready.

It's Shaker who uses it. Just use something bigger this time. Once the top and strainer of the shaker have been removed and the mouth of the body has been opened, it is ready.

Nothing particularly difficult.

Measure the raw cream first, then the coantro and finally the salam in a major cup 20 ml at a time.

A precaution for raw creams is that they are still fatty. Like Absinthe and Pastis, it is necessary to wash thoroughly after use.

Otherwise, you'll have enough white and cloudy cocktails to see.

The first thing that makes the raw cream is the slight resistance to want to clean the appliance at all with subsequent ingredients. It has the purpose of reducing the amount remaining in the instrument and making it a more accurate amount.

Once the work is done, the three liquids mix together slightly in the shaker.

There's no transparency, then there's Rin White.

Steer lightly with a bar spoon and place on the back of your hand to see the taste. There is no problem.

If you decide so, pack the ice.

Pick a bigger ice here too, fill it up to about the eighth. Then I put a lid on it in turn and moved on to the shake.

Be as aware of wrist snaps as usual, but increase and gain a little momentum today at all times.

Ingredients such as raw cream and eggs have the characteristic of being difficult to mix with other ingredients. Water and fat, liquids and solids, is easy to understand.

When using them for ingredients, be only a little aware of the ice momentum and shake them intensely and just a little longer. It's commonly called a 'hard shake'.

Hard shakes shall be characterized by a good mix of air even compared to normal shakes. In addition, ice tends to crush due to force, and crushing ice has the effect of improving the palate.

All in all, it makes it easier to drink, but as I'm always careful, if you overdo it, it becomes watery as soon as possible. We need to be very careful around it.

Play louder and louder than usual. Shakan Shakon and the sound of ice sounds fun. If a complaint comes from another room, I have to apologize.

I'm also tired of my arms more than usual. Still, I can't let that distract you. Pay attention to the contents of the shaker from the feel of your fingertips.

A bubble occurs in the liquid, slightly changing the sensation in the hands. At that time, I finished my shake loosely.

Remove the glass from the freezer and take the shaker to Sally.

She was staring at my notebook so seriously that the paper seemed to tear just by her gaze. You don't even realize I'm back after work.



Speaking softly, Sally overreacted. Make a sound with the basin and close the notebook.

And he's staring at me with a round eye.

I was surprised by Sally, but I asked terribly.

"... did something go wrong? I'm still anxious about the letters in this world, so it would be helpful if you could tell me."

"Yes, no, no, no, no."

"So, what's up?

"Oh, that cocktail"

Sally, with her trembling fingertips, points to the shaker I have.

They recognized why I came back.

"It's done. Look, it melts, so come on."

"Yeah, yeah, yes!

Sally is doing weird as ever. My spine is stretched out pissy and nervous to see. Was it something, after all, also a strange description?

I just got a little nervous, but I can't stay like this.

I put down a little white condensed glass and try to take the top off the shaker as it is.

"Hey, wait a minute!

Sally stopped my hand for some reason.

"What the hell. I'm telling you the ice melts."

"Well, I know that, but get your mind ready."

"... why?

I'm just a little annoyed by Sally's behavior.

Was there ever a guy who would stand in the way of completing my cocktail? No, I'm not.

"I don't care what your mind's ready for, just let me pour it"

"No! Well, I know how the general feels, but I'm still ready to accept!?

"So why not? Come on, man."

I'm a little pushy. Sally is frightened by it.

I'm frightened, but I won't let go. I mean, this guy, stop it for a second. My muscle strength doesn't make me move.

Damn, how seriously are you going to get in the way of me pouring. What the hell is the purpose of this?

"... maybe you want to guess what you're making, so wait, but are you going to say?

Give up a hundred steps and say why I can understand, Sally roars shyly and overlaps words.

"I tend to, oh, no, I mean, I get it!

"Okay? What are you building?

"... Yes"

Apparently, Sally said she got to the right answer.

Well, if you take a look at the ram items, you'll soon find out. Right?

If it is, I don't know what this action means.

"That's good, then. Let's go with the answers."

"So, uh, ready to answer me!?

"Yes, sir. Okay, I'm going to pour it out, so just meditate on your eyes and give me an answer."

If it doesn't come to light even if we keep talking, I'll push it hard.

Sally lets go of her hand as to whether she finally noticed there. I meditated on my eyes and stretched my body.

With my liberated hands, I finally take the shaker lid off. And from the inside, I poured a thick, white cocktail into the glass.

"I poured it, Sally. So, let's answer each other."

"... Wow, I get it!

When I tell Sally as she meditates her eyes, she squeezes her hand and nods.

I breathe softly, and I call the name of the cocktail I was able to speak to.

"[Platinum Blonde]"

That's the name this white, beautiful cocktail deserves.

Sally from my eyes. It is the image of a beautiful, breathtaking girl with shiny silver hair.

Sally, against, opened her eyes with excitement and said in a damned mood.

"Bi, [Bitween the Sheets]!

I didn't see any words to say to the massive misanswer that I decided to make.

Sally, who said it, also had a bewildered look on her face when she realized that the cocktails lined up in front of her were completely different from what she expected.

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