"Something's sweet in this classroom for the general."

I said, "Fuck you."

The timing of my return to the two apprentices who are being assisted by instructors. I've said it with a face that Sally doesn't seem a little funny.

'Cause when we were, it was tougher.

"That's a mistake. I wasn't tough on Phil. You were just being tough because you were fucking busy."

When you told me, you did have something in mind. Sally got a little smaller.

Phil, who's laughing at us like that, follows Sally.

"Uh, but I still think it was tougher than it is now,"

"Well...... hmm maybe Phil did when he told me"

"What's the difference in that treatment!

No matter what they say, that's the difference in trust between Phil and Sally.

I'm not saying that Sally is unreliable, but that Phil is just trustworthy.

Plus it was Sally looking unconvinced of something, but a voice was called out before she got genuinely angry.

"Sally! I just need you to take a look!

"Yes, yes...! Please call me Doctor!

After laughing in a good mood, she remembered that this was a classroom, not a bar counter.

I called Sally, the owner of the drinker, who also shows a little face to our shop.

"No, Sally's Sally, because she's Sally."

"I'm a teacher here."

"But everyone thinks it's Sally."

Everyone, not only the drinker-related people, but also the knightly apprentices, returned a nod of approval to the word.

Sally raises her voice again, as she was outraged.

"That's because you guys are always going to 'dick' it! I'm a teacher here! I don't understand!?

"Ha, I'm sorry, Dr. Sally. So, can you take a look at it?"

"... from the beginning, if you say so, already"

It is Sally, who was smiled and flushed with a single street of claims. With a gentle bitter laugh that she had no choice, she headed to the table as a teacher.

I have trouble being less dignified, but I'm not even going to coach the bees that far.

So Sally is a particularly intimate opponent here, so the grownups are calling her casually. calm in the situation.

Me and Phil, it feels like we're being called in a more haphazard way than Sally.

"... Sally, wow"

Phil groaned blurredly. Looks like he's watching Sally giving some guidance with Tequila, bickering with people at the table he's headed to.

"Do you want Phil to be called comfortably like that, too?

"Oh, no. That's not how it is... No, maybe it is"

Phil tried to deny it, but clouds his words like he's rethinking.

Look away from Sally at the board that says' Challenge of the Day - - Make an Easy Shake '.

A few shake cocktails with recipes are today's challenges. Each cocktail has a simple annotation or one-point advice.

It wasn't me who wrote it, Phil. I checked, too, but I never gave you any instructions.

Phil is already in the stage of thinking and learning for himself from the stage I teach him. I'm still better at technology, but how long can you say Phil's hard work?

That's what makes me so happy as a teacher, I miss you anyway. It's only been a little over a year since I started teaching him.

Follow Phil's gaze and watch the recipe for [Daikiri].

The regular sound of the shake echoed from those at the table facing Sally.

"I think it's my job to write on the blackboard."

"You didn't like writing?

"No. I just didn't think you could be like Sally."

I can't be like Sally, but Phil has something to think about when he compares himself to Sally.

I can easily imagine what that is because of the difference between the two of us.

What Sally revealed to me before was the technical problem with the cocktail. But Phil won't have a big problem with that part.

So what stays after is people's troubles.

"Sally and I have grown up in the same environment. We still know each other, we know each other."

"I guess so."

"That's why I think. When did Sally get to smile and talk to people?"

Sally isn't the only one smiling. Even Phil smiles.

I thought so, but I didn't say it. Because I didn't think that's what Phil was saying.


It was when Phil looked unsuitable for the chat and tried to break something up.

The entrance to the hall I was using made a noise and opened, and the voice of the Rin woman sounded.

"I'm sorry during the lecture. I need to talk to you a little bit."

It was Viola, a lady knight who was particularly close among the knights of this city. When she found me with those sharp eyes, she made a call.

Apparently, there's something we can't talk about here.

That's where I turn my gaze to Phil.

It was a shaped Phil with a broken hip of the story, but he said it with a good bitter laugh, as always.

"It's okay. My story is good, so go to Mr. Viola. Instead of the general, we'll be watching the classroom properly."

That was certainly a thankless offer as head of this classroom.

But as Phil's bartender, he was not uncomfortable.

"... sorry. I'll take my time next time."

"It's fine. Because it's really not a big deal."

That's what Phil says, but there's no way. Is that the look of a trouble-free person?

But the look on Viola's face is also serious enough. I can't refuse the Lord's knight's offer more than I'm letting him use this hall with his lordship's generosity.

I spoke to the students who were asking about the flickering and me and the viola.

"Excuse me, I'm going to take a few seats off, so please ask Phil for weighing tests and technical questions"

Phil, named after me, nodded to Eagle Deep without surprise.

Shaking Sally's slightly dissatisfied gaze off, who was not nominated, I headed quickly to Viola.

"Again, suddenly I'm sorry"

"No, I'm fine. So, what's the story?

"Oh. I was told by you before about The City Crisis. Because the lord is currently busy, I have undertaken the decree."

They cut out the story in the courtyard, which took a little distance from the classroom and turned into a calm, autumnal shade.

What Viola is saying is what I heard from Tris a few days ago.

The city will soon be engulfed in war. So be careful.

I told Viola that first. At first, Viola also seemed to think it was a Yotai story she had heard from some drunk. But when I told him that was the word from Trice, it got serious.

The subtle relationship between Trice and us. And because the ignorance at her bottom was also passed on to Viola.

She also told the lord that she would talk through it, and I guess the result just came out.

"In conclusion, we cannot take any special measures"

Viola said in a heartfelt voice. But that expression, unlike the voice, was stiff and taught that it would not cover easily.

It wasn't originally a no, but to be clear, I can't help feeling discouraged.

"... right"

"I hope you don't get me wrong. The lord took your word firmly. But still, it's hard to take action."


"Simply because I don't have the personnel to crack this place right now."

The conclusion was simple but also therefore hopeless. Because it's so simple, it's why I have to give up.

"What I hear from you has something to do with the recent activation of demons," I believe.

"... right. I feel that way too."

"But the problem isn't just here. The whole country is being pursued by that response. It would be rude, but for unfounded reasons, it is a situation where we cannot ask for support from other lords or kings."

The world was getting a little more nervous where I didn't know it.

Not enough to affect people's lives yet. But inadvertent behavior is difficult in the present Lord's situation.

In the unlikely event that something happens in a place made thin because of it, it is the lord who takes responsibility.

For that responsibility, the information we have here is a story of 'someday' without proof. I don't know if that 'someday' is tomorrow, a month from now, or five years from now.

I know it's difficult for a boulder to deal with that.

"No, I'm fine. Understandable."

"... sorry. But still, I and the lord trust you. If there's anything I can do right now, I'm going to move on."

"Thanks, that's enough"

All I can do is do it. If you think you're a tough bartender, you're good.

The story arrives firmly to the lord, and still, nothing can be done.

You warned me, Trice, and I guess that's how you knew. That's why she told Sui personally to ask for me.

I don't know what's going to happen next. But all we can do now is be prepared.

Even after the conversation, Viola remains with a much stiffer look. Maybe he's getting ready to complain about something from me.


"In the meantime, what will Viola do after this? How about a cocktail tasting made by our students if you like?

It's not sneaky that you're making her look dark when you respond sincerely. That's how I joked easily.

Viola naturally seems to have noticed that too, relieving the tension she had just had and laughing with a shuddering face.

"My offer, unfortunately, is still at work. I'm sorry, but let's quit."

"That's a shame."

It is with great understanding that she is of such a character.

From there, I thought about it a little bit and made more jokes.

"So, how's Master Sellaroy?


Now, Viola turned her eyes round like a heartfelt surprise. That's funny, I'll keep trying.

"After all, I haven't seen him since the quality review. If the lord is busy, tell the lady."

"... the lady has been sick for a while. I'm sorry, but let me turn you down."


I reflected that you should have picked a few jokes on Viola's really sorry face.

When I come to the Mansion, the lady is often ill or she is not in the Mansion and is out.

If my body wasn't originally that strong, I wonder if I made it impossible that day, albeit with Viola's suggestion. I feel sorry for you even now.

Now Viola has just made a suggestion because I hardened my expression a bit.

"But you do. If there's anything you can drink over time, why don't you send it to my lady?"

"Uh, well, because of it, and even Old. It's a new blend, and I kind of imagined it for women."

Because of the offer, I took the ammunition from the bottle I was wearing on my hips. When I unlocked it and gave it to Viola, she received it with respect and nostalgia.

That was the end of the conversation, but she also wanted to visit the classroom for a bit, so they went back to the classroom side by side.

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