Today's cocktail class was discontinued. It's funny how each personality appears when it comes to shakes, even though they only offer simple instruction.

There is of course a difference between clumsy or clever.

Not only that, but there were so many different personalities that I couldn't compare them to Steer, such as people who moved up and down slightly more intensely, people who were supposed to have taught binary swings but were in one step, and people who were sneaking up on Phil to teach them how to swing differently.

Sometimes when you put a sight like that in your eye, you notice. That, in my opinion, 'ordinary shakes' are never normal or anything like that.

The shape of the shake also means that each one of them thinks of something himself and chooses to go.

"Well, good luck"

"Good luck!

When I greeted the closing of the classroom, I received a particularly energetic voice, mainly from the cavalier apprentices.

Cocktail classes end in the morning. Some people have jobs after this, some trained knights. Kaku's "Easys" is also today a business day.

Although, for today only, I'm off.

"Okay, clean it up, clean it up. Awesome amount."

If you drop off the students, all you have to do is clean up the classroom.

I don't think there's any washing left. The whole thing, including the prototype cocktail, after I saw the flavor, I drank it off or threw it away.

As far as I'm concerned, throwing it away, whether it's a prototype or not, is painful. But not as strong on booze as pushing a ton of prototypes forward. So while I'm opening the classroom, I'm pretty much done with it.

So the rest of the cleanup is simply the storage of the equipment used. It gets better for the next time I use it.

And afterwards, it's enough to review today's lecture.

As I shelf the dried glass and put together the ingredients I used, Phil talks from side to side.

"I'll help. There's been a slight increase in the number of participants."

I said as Phil helped me clean up so I could respond to my solitary earlier. The number of glasses that make noise with chatter increases proportionally to the number of people.

There are about sixty or seventy participants in this classroom at today's stage. But when it started a few months ago, that number was a little over twenty. Obviously, the number of participants is increasing.

Classroom participation is optional of the freedom of application, and no money has been taken. That's all I want to say about the heartbreaking courtesy of the Lord for 'Magic Deficiency' - but it won't be.

The lord is the lord, and he wants to push the 'cocktail' as a specialty, or culture, of this city. For this reason, it is only natural that you want to manage the 'cocktails' that are becoming popular in this city on your own.

With the authentic efforts of "Easys," "cocktails" are somewhat prevalent in this city. If so, it is also clear that the story will spread outside this city.

'Cocktails were born in our city' must mean a lot at the time that the story spread.

But even if you try to claim that, there's a crap problem. To put it plainly, it's a matter of a level bar I used to go undercover with Viola and I don't want to call it a bar.

Simple deception is one of the small problems. The bigger problem is that that one is in danger of being recognised as a 'cocktail'.

If something on that level comes out as a 'cocktail', that would be an obstacle to the lord's plan to want to infer a 'cocktail'.

That's why I want to educate you about cocktails in this classroom so that you can serve cocktails in the store with your lord's authorization.

The story around here was not clearly explained by the lord. Just to the extent that they spoke lightly of my desire to educate me and my outlook ahead.

But it's also an implicit understanding, or something shared between me and my lord, like a sense of complicity.

The Lords sponsor my 'cocktail' activities. Instead, I treat this' cocktail 'culture not as my own, but as the culture of this city.

As far as I'm concerned, I've never thought of 'cocktails' as my own from the beginning, and I don't complain if they spread the word.

I even think it would be appreciated if the lord treated 'cocktails' as part of the city.

Besides, I feel a great debt of gratitude to my lord, and I get enough in return.

Beginning with being taught the art of unattributed liqueur potion. Then to lend or contribute land to material production plants, the facilitation of the purchase of coffee. Authorised for cultivation of demonic grass and breeding of Advo birds. Authorisation to stay with important persons outside the country.

He has also been well inked for interacting with the Cravel Chamber of Commerce, which plans to produce and distribute large quantities of carbonated beverages. Of course, the surveillance may also mean that there is no opaque flow of gold.

I'm not going to ask you not to use a 'cocktail' or anything like that with so much cooperation.

If I dare say so, I don't want anything like monopolizing it for profit, about it?

To give the power of 'cocktails' equal to that of all people, so that there is nothing like someone monopolizing profits.

"... well, if that's really all it takes, it's good"

Dragged by thought, words were unconsciously coming out of my mouth.

Phil noticed my whining and looked at me wondering.

"It's nothing. Let's get this cleaned up. We'll both be open today."

I never talked to Special Phil or Sally about this neighborhood. Sui, I share it with Mr. Oyaji, but I have yet to explain it clearly to the two disciples.

Still, I think Phil may have noticed. I laughed lightly, as I perceived something when I said I was nothing.

"Thank you for your concern. But I can afford a little bit of preparation time, so it's okay."

"Don't say something sweet. Practice when you have time. Practice."

"Haha. You were right."

Phil spoke plainly. You mustn't go into weird my soliloquy.

Talking to Phil, he understands all this troubling stuff and falls into the illusion of being gentle on it. Maybe it's not an illusion.

I'm sure that's why Phil is so popular with older women.

Then we had a light chat, and Phil and I split up, and the cleanup was over sooner than we thought.

"Thank you. Well, after that, it's today's reflection"

"... Yes"

With words, me and Phil glanced at a corner of a table.

There was Sally holding her head down and stuck at the table without even helping her clean it up.

"Though I'm not in business...... I can't, drink a lot of student prototypes, crush them, etc."

".................. ugh"

When I got here, it was that I could pass through anger.

If you are Sally, familiar with the students, you are often asked to give your thoughts on the prototype.

Each time, drink without saying no and say what you think, drink and say what you think, drink and say what you think. Potion drunkenness.

I don't really spit it out if it's in my mouth, either, but I'd care enough to include it in my mouth in the first place.

"Are you all right with today's sales?

"... it's okay. At night, you'll feel better."

When asked, Sally responded with her hands up powerless.

Vampire things, they still seem all kinds of weak during the day.

There is a close relationship between potion and magic. Therefore, are vampires, the species of the night, also more resistant to potion at night? I don't know much about it because I don't let him drink it during the day.

"If you can't, you can change my sales."

"... no, I can't bother you like that..."

I asked carelessly, but Sally answered her temperament.

But I have to be anxious about the lack of power in that voice.

"What I care about is the customers, not you. As much as I'm going to offer unusual customer service."

"I'm fine! … rest a little and you'll be really fine"

"I believe you."


I pushed my precautions again, but Sally said it was okay.

If that's all I said, let's trust her. As much as that, I also believe in Sally.

I was just a little happy to see what a word came out of her mouth, not to be bothered, to add. Then I offered Sally a glass of water.

Next to that, Phil and I summarized the opinions and requests that came out of the students today. When we talked about that, it was time to get ready for business at some point.

"Then it's time for us to..."

"Oh. Nice to meet you at the store today"

"I'll take care of it"

To my words, Phil answered with a strained chest. Here, it is a great growth that no longer looks anxious.

Phil asks there, like he remembers.

"Mr. General, after this,"

"Uh, report it to Viola gently, and then I'll need you at Iberis's."

"Is there anything new again?

"Well, like that, huh?

We also spoke lightly at the breakfast table about our promise to Iberis. I hear he remembered that. Phil didn't dig in and ask.

But Phil reconsidered what he wanted to hear must not be there and informed him of his plans for the evening.

"If I had the time...... Sally would be worried too, maybe I'd show a little face"

"Okay. I'll be waiting."

"No, you don't have to wait. As usual."

I told Phil in a hurry. Being aware of me doesn't make sales harder.

Phil nodded firmly again, seemingly holding onto my intentions like that.

After that, Phil lent his shoulder to Sally, who still seemed a little ill, and they both left the classroom.

"Well, let's go, too."

I was just finishing up today's report, and I got my back up, too. Regarding this classroom, this one is also moving at the request of the lord. The report is troublesome, but this kind of thing needs to be done properly.

The last time I checked the door tightness and left the big hall, a man was walking just unfamiliar with the aisle.

The man looks surprised when he suddenly shows up at me.

"... What about you?

When I was a year, it was forty years old. - No. Shall I be fifty? A flashy garment man I don't see much of in the area. Is it also characteristic that your head is slightly bald?

In the meantime, it would be a lord's guest from the looks of wealthy. This man may also be the cause of the busy day.

I said hello politely so I wouldn't be rude.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Evening Mist General"

"Evening fog total. Oh. You're the" cocktail. "

After my introduction, the man returns it. At least they know my name.

But the man convinced me there, he didn't even name himself, he gave me a thin smile.

"Don't talk about it. I'm also interested in 'cocktails'. I'm looking forward to what happens next."

"Thank you"

That's all the man said, walking away with Stasta.

He never said anything offensive, but he looks like a respectable man somehow. I didn't think he was much of a friendly type with the lord.

"Ever. Don't think about it. I have to go fast, too."

When it suits people you don't know, it's a bad habit to keep thinking about your identity.

I forgot about the man for a second and moved my legs to file a report.

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