"What do you think about the resurrection?

Rosemary smiled without saying anything.

Then defeat the book that stood at your desk before you as if you were nodding.

Pathan, I heard a quiet noise.

"Yes. I thought you'd be interested in talking about that."

In a whispering voice, I shook my head sideways loosely.

"Nothing. I just brought it because I noticed it"

"Are you saying that catching your eye is not the same thing you're interested in?

"If you're interested, you'll look. 'Cause it wasn't, and I just kind of caught my eye."

That was the feeling I would recommend it to Rye if it was interesting to read.

So there's no place to think about this.

Not to mention I'm not going to talk to someone who's almost equal to the first time I've met him, like Ibuki Torisu.


Rosemary didn't seem too convinced by what I said.

Take the book and turn the page with paralysis.

And he stopped his hand where appropriate and read out what seemed like a dialogue inside.

"'I believed. That I will meet you again. Even if death knows us, there is a magic of love that transcends it and connects us." "

I shrugged my shoulder small enough to catch a glimpse of my reaction.

Anyway, it seems a little too maiden ticked for me.

"Hey, Mr. Bartender. Do you think there's magic in this world that revives people?

Sudden question. I just thought about it a little bit.

I don't know the right answer. I don't know, I don't think so.

Bring it back to life, it may not be a simple thing. But there has to be another way. Otherwise, there's no explanation.

"... well, I guess it's not weird to have that"

"Hehe, yes"

Rosemary smiled happily in response to my reply.

With a smile on his face, he looked like he had returned to reading with a wolf.

I was in the middle of an investigation, too, so I decided the conversation was over and headed back to the drawings.

Rosemary said, as he aimed at such a void of consciousness.

"There isn't. There is no such thing as magic to bring people back to life in this world."


I was looking back at her aggressively.

Until then, I couldn't ignore her words in the habit of pretending to be a less interested breeze.

"Death is an irreversible event in this world. Life expectancy or sickness, injury or accident, there is no magic to revive a person if the flesh remains"

"... yes, is it?

A vague question swirls in my head.

There is no magic in this world that revives people. Then naturally you never meet a dead human being.

If so, what does Ibuki Torisu mean by... the existence of Trice?

Who the hell is she?

"And that's the theory of this world"


"That as' magic of this world 'to be exact, I haven't found it yet"

In Rosemary's words, there was a burning fever.

I never hammered and waited for her words to continue.

"No one can prove that there really isn't. Because we wizards don't know everything about magic. However, in the magical system of the moment, reviving the dead is not enough, even the magic of healing the wounds sustained"

That's what I was feeling, too.

There is no such thing as' healing magic 'in this world as is commonly known in RPG and elsewhere.

But that's just 'wizard' unavailable. I've seen the unusual resilience of 'vampires' with these eyes. What is that, not magic?

In other words, the Wizard has not yet been able to discover 'Recovery Magic'. 'Recovery magic' cannot be achieved because there is no magical 'theory' to recover.

Vampires are born into that flesh, and they haven't made it to the theory.

"So if we can observe, for example, something called human 'life', we might be able to control its movement. Even if the limits come to the flesh, if we can safely move 'life' to the other flesh, it could be equal to being alive."

The fever in Rosemary's words gets more and more intense.

It gets a little quicker, like when you tell someone about your hobby.

Like a girl chasing her dreams, her eyes shine more and more.

"Or more than human beings. It is not strange to know such a magical theory if we are superior to humans. Now, according to research," The Spirit "is one of those aspects, and it doesn't seem strange that if you have a godlike presence, you can manipulate your life freely."

Put me down completely, Rosemary running alone.

But listening to it is difficult for me. In her words, there was something I thought.

The presence of Torisu Ibuki. Trice presence.

And the presence of an 'elm' that has some relationship with Trice.

I haven't met Elle in a long time. But I kind of know he, or she, is' looking 'at me.

That's why I listened quietly to Rosemary the next time I saw her.

Behind the words that Elle doesn't say, so that you notice a little bit.

But Rosemary shut his mouth, as he returned to me.

Maybe he realized this was in a quiet library.

She exhales gently and coughs to get the story in order. And finally, as I say to the point, he looked at me.

"Hey, Mr. Bartender. In Your World, what do you think?

".................. eh?

A little confused. Because I didn't say so.

I should have never told Rosemary that I came from a different world.

It seems that my suspicions seeped out of the atmosphere. Rosemary gave a gentle voice to stroke as she smiled sadistically.

"You don't have to tell me. I'm a brilliant wizard. The subtle atmosphere of 'unsystematic magic' that you feel... is the magic of 'translation'."

"... is it something you understand?

"I feel it. Immediately if you are a magically sensitive person. Well, it's easy to assume that you're from outside the world when you see someone who's suspicious of the sudden appearance of a cocktail."

Stretch her spine further into what she says.

I had inadvertently forgotten because of the ease of interacting with Sui and other conversations.

She also became the second seat of "Chartress Demon House" at this young age, a genius.

It's no surprise that it's second only to Sui, or partly above Sui.

"So, what do you think? What's the magic of 'bringing the dead back to life' in your world?

In her sparkling eyes, I didn't have the slightest sneak to tell the truth.

"I don't. In the first place, there was no magic in the world I was in."

"... yes"

That's all Rosemary gave me back in response.

Never, I haven't given you a discouraged look.

He was quietly taking my word for it so as to reaffirm what he knew.

"You have no choice. There are even bugs that are good enough to get to the right answer for that. No, I just did a miracle on Sui's potion, though it doesn't make a difference that enough bugs are too good."

Sui cheated, but it was written on his expression.

Nevertheless, was the ideal potion of Sui so difficult?

"It's a miracle how much Sui's potion sold..."

"At least they didn't think it was possible after a thousand years at the time at the Chartress Demon House."

... That was The Witch of Two Thousand Years.

Now I miss Swiss specialty gelomas potions.

Pushing it off, the unsightly behavior beyond Sui, who opened the potion shop, was where I worried if I should apprentice.

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