Rosemary unleashed the book at hand, which she no longer even had a view of, and looked at me with her cheek cane.

She was eager to talk about revival until earlier.

That's definitely one of the themes of her research.

"... we used to talk about the same thing with Sui."

"... talk about the resurrection?

Rosemary nods.

And I said as I spoke to Sui in my memory, looking far away.

"Don't you want to bring your dead mother back to life? What?"

Again, I listened to Rosemary's words.

If you ask me, yes. No wonder Sui was doing that research.

In the first place, the death of her mother is deeply involved in why Sui set out on the path of potion.

With so much talent as Sui, why didn't you want to overshadow the 'death of her mother' that changed her?

"I still remember her words clearly then"

"... Sui, what?

Rosemary's eyes were somewhere remorseful.

He also seemed remorseful, lonely, and angry with no place to go.

"Sui said a word, 'I'm not interested'"

The look on Sui's face seemed to come to mind at that time.

I guess it's just simply that 'I wasn't interested' in the method.

After thinking about something, I chose 'Potion' because it's awesome.

"... how did you get the 'Resurrection' study?

I was curious.

Just as Sui started researching the 'potion', Rosemary had something to do with it.

Rosemary turned her eyes round, as it was surprising that she had been asked that.

"... why?

"No, I simply thought there might have been some trigger."

Rosemary, once she held her mouth, smiled obsessively.

"It's a matter of decision. Because no one's accomplished it."

"... that's all?

"Yes, it is. I just decided to do what no one could do. Other than that, do you need a reason?

Is that a great ambition or an ambition?

Speaking out with confidence, she must have been from the time she went to the demon house.

Nobody can, so I'll do it. That's what I'm saying, and in fact, I've been showing off my abilities. I've lived up to all sorts of expectations from people around me.

Unlike Sui, who was only interested in her own research, I guess she was a norm student.

I've just had one thing on my mind. That Rosemary, who said so, could see holding his fist.

He seemed to be squeezing something, lurking behind a confident grin.

'Are you sure that's a good idea?

And words that had no basis whatsoever were coming up my throat.

But I swallow that irresponsible word consciously.

I don't know her circumstances, I don't know her life. If anything happened to her that rocked with it, I'm not even ready to just carry it.

"... no, no matter what you do, maybe what you're aiming for is similar to Sui"

In the end, I was returning unwarranted words.

This is my point, too.

Whatever the motive, what Rosemary said is similar to what Suey tried to do.

It was with Sui who tried to do what no one else did.

There was no inexpensive potion in this world, so I tried to make it. And now that goal is taking shape, it's about to spread to the world.

I have a classmate who's trying to make it possible for me to do what would have seemed impossible.

There's no way Rosemary didn't think anything of it.

"Would you please stop? There's not a single part of her that looks like her."

Rosemary distorted her expression in disgust.

However, the unpleasant expression was not the same as the previous attitude of being more responsible than his age.

I'm sure if I said the same thing to Sui, I'd feel the same response, and I'd giggle.

Rosemary was flabbergasted by what I laughed at.

"Anyway, it's none of my business what Sui is trying to do"

"I was worried about that sui, didn't I come here?

"Worried? No, it's funny if you fail, so I came to laugh at it."

That's what he said, and then he didn't want to talk to me.

Earlier, I reached out to a novel I should have thrown on the table and started reading love stories with cold eyes.

Me too, I'll resume the interrupted investigation.

Next door to doing research in the library, there is a tremendous beauty. I wouldn't be comfortable if I were normal. I was feeling strange and nostalgic about the situation.

Until just now, maybe it was because I remembered Torisu Ibuki.

"... what were you two talking about?

Then it wasn't long before Sui and Albao found us.

The time was getting better, so I suggested putting some quills on the research and heading to lunch.

Such a fold, because Rosemary said in his face that he came up with something, 'Tell Sui what you just said, don't tell Sui' or something, is Sui's earlier dialogue.

"A mild public tale."



Sue is staring at me as if she's not convinced by my response.

"Why do you need to keep it a secret from me?

"That's what you need to ask Rosemary"

Rosemary at heart was on his way to the lending counter with Albao, saying he was going to borrow the book.

She's not a resident of this city, so she needs a lot of procedure.

"In this short period of time, I think I've gotten very close to Rosie"

"Well, we talked about it."


Sui brings his staring face closer.

As always, she's a jealous girl. But this one's slightly more straightforward than usual.

Actually, rather than being angry, he may be obstinate.

Maybe against both me and Rosemary.

Just as Rosemary and I don't like talking cheaply, I guess Rosemary, my friend, isn't comfortable talking cheaply with me either.

So, somehow, I'm sorry if I don't hit one of the eight.

"... hey sui"

"What, I'm in a bit of a bad mood"

"One thing I need to ask you."

There's nothing good about keeping up with Sui's pace, so I'm forced to change the subject.

That's actually a question I've been curious about since I talked to Rosemary.

"Suey, what do you think of 'resurrection'?


Sui was silent and just turned her gaze at me like she was asking back.

I stare back at Sui silently, too. That was it, and Sui seemed to somehow guess what kind of conversation Rosemary and I were having.

"... not interested"

"... why is that?

asked overlapping.

The part I couldn't tell from my earlier conversation with Rosemary. Why didn't Sui do a study of 'Resurrection'?

"... because that doesn't save my mother. Being able to live without your mother's death that day doesn't change what you couldn't save that day."

Sui, who said so, also held hands, just like Rosemary earlier.

... Sui said oh, but it's not like I'm really interested.

Sui just didn't choose that path.

When her mother is resurrected, she says, "I am now" to be saved.

By making potions, "The Former Mother" will be saved on the balance.

I just took people in the same situation as' my former mother 'who would be saved in his potion.

I gently wrapped Sui's hand in a strong grip.


"I'm fine. I'm here too."

"... yeah"

Sui opens her palm, which was tightly closed, and shakes my hand back.

I feel the warmth of that hand. I feel like I touched her enthusiasm at a young age.

Well, I was remembering Trice in the corner of my head.

And if he is, indeed, Ibuki, the resurrected, it certainly means that he exists.

When I got to her, I was like, can I do something for Suey or Rosemary?

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