The information came from the National Magic Institute in King's Landing only a few days after Ragweed's incident.

Without waiting for a big announcement, I officially heard about the incident in the form of a subtle rumor of the wind in the Lord's Mansion.

"In short, the cause of the monster activation in recent years has been identified.The cause seems to be the occurrence of the [Demon King]. "

It was the word of the lord, who always had a heavy and bitter atmosphere.

Today, we were not gathered at a regular meeting, but were summoned by the lord only to hear the story of an emergency.

Those involved in the potion gathered in the reception room - me, Swiss, and Crabel - each kept silent and listened to him.

Even so, it seems that Crabel and Guinula had already obtained the information from their respective networks.Without showing much surprise, it looked like I was just waiting for a word.

And I was just vague.

Is there such a person as the Devil King in this world?

Do you know the details of this demon king?

The lord begins by asking both Crabel and Guinula.

"No, I don't know."

"I am so uncertain about the region where the outbreak was confirmed."

Together they say so.

Hmm, the lord nodded once and then placed the documents he had with him to show us.

The headline was simply "Demon King Countermeasure Materials".

Um, what do you mean, "demon king" in this world?

I was questioning in the first place.

I've been in this world for years.We also know that this world is a fantasy world that intersects with the magic of monsters and the machine of swords.

But I've never heard of a heroic demon king like the one in the Fantasy RPG.

No, I did see fairy tales and novels about the Devil King, but I didn't think it existed in reality.

There was a fresh surprise that such words were commonly used here.

"Oh, I see. There were no magic or monsters in your world."

The lord looked a little sorry for my doubts.

In place of such a lord, the silent Swiss whispers to me secretly.

"Demon King is simply a generic term for" monster that obeys monsters. "It is said that while the Demon King himself is a powerful monster, his magic influences the monsters around him. "

"Is that what they say?"

"I can't believe he actually showed up. He hasn't talked in at least a hundred years."

The explanation of Swiss flowed into my head.

At the very least, it's not the demon king I know - for example, the demon king or causing a war between humans and monsters.

However, it simply has a strong ability to act as a monster and can affect other monsters.

As a result, it looks like a king who rules over monsters, so it feels like it is now called the Demon King.

And if Swiss is right, he hasn't shown up for about a hundred years.

Seeing that my understanding had finally caught up with others, the lord proceeded.

"It seems that the recent activation of monsters is probably due to the influence of the Demon King."

"Huh? You're not sure?"

"I don't know, I don't have any detailed documentation, and even if it's a story left, it's not said to have an impact on monsters all over the country.Well, I think it's almost certain. "

This is almost certain, but I think it's kind of like politics if you think about it and leave a way to escape responsibility.

Nevertheless, from the situational evidence, it can be seen that the activation of the monster and the emergence of the Demon King are related.

Then, if we can eliminate the Demon King, we can also solve the monster problem that the lord and Viola were worried about.

"The demon king who appeared this time seems to be a dragon zombie."

I heard the word "dragon," so I was a little distracted.

I've been listening to dragons and dragons in a twinkle before, but finally as a zombie, did you show up in front of me as a reality?Of course, the dragon grass is excluded.

Speaking of dragons, a powerful monster promised in the fantasy world.There are also patterns of decoding the humanities, protecting treasures in the back of the labyrinth, protecting the seals of the world, and often playing quasi leading roles in various places.

However, this world has the characteristics of a dragon that becomes this world.I only know one of them, but there may be others.

"Total. Need an explanation about the dragon?"

"For now, please."

Sui nodded at my words and quietly began explaining the dragon.However, since Switzerland itself has never actually encountered it, it seems that it is only a matter of knowledge.

First of all, as I know, dragons basically have little magic.

I am not familiar with the magic theory of this world, but the simple story is that the existence of strong magic has high magic defense.The greatest of them are dragons.

In order to magically strike an opponent, an attack that penetrates the opponent's magic defense - in other words, hits the opponent with magic that has the same properties as the magic defense they are unconsciously deploying.

When I fought the dragon grass, I saw that the dragon grass had been demonized by the magic grass of Koantoro, and this is why the cocktail made with Koantoro ingredients was decided.

And if you apply it to a dragon, it must be an attack with 'Dragon Attributes' to damage the dragon.

Strictly speaking, it is an "attack with the same magic aptitude as a dragon that is not hindered by the dragon's powerful magic resistance."

Many weapons, such as dragon killers, use dragon materials.

But then, I feel like talking about how I defeated the first one, so maybe there are other weaknesses as well.

Or maybe a weapon called a dragon killer is just a bluff.

In fact, even though humans have 'defeated' a dragon in their records, they have never 'crushed' it.It must be in fairy tales and heroic words.

Therefore, it seems that the dragon with its stupid high magic uses a magic system different from that of humans.

It is said that even human magic can be used by shaping magic with a solid image, even without chanting. (Although it may be just a story of Switzerland), there should be a way for dragons to use dragon magic and magic.

Without magic, the giant is unlikely to fly physically.

It is also believed that as a smart dragon, linguistic communication is also possible.

It may be more difficult to say that the person who is full of magic and uses magic is a monster who can't communicate.

But basically, there is no overlap between dragons and human life zones, and it is possible to communicate smoothly.

In fact, it seems that there is a record of contact and interaction with humans on the whims of the dragon side, but on the contrary, there is no record.

It seems possible to have a conversation, but there is no solid evidence left.

"That's all about basic dragons."

For the first time in a long time, I can feel the chest of a game lover who hasn't felt much lately.

A boy always wants to fly on the back of a dragon if he has the chance.

But, in contrast to me, Swiss sighed in a shameful sigh.

So this time it's a dragon zombie ─ ─ really a zombie?Not skeletons? "

"Looks like the material only says dead dragons.Depending on when he died, it seems likely that the skeletons will be classified.However, from the big category of corpses, there is no mistake in moving corpses (zombies). "

"Well, it doesn't matter.If you were a dead dragon, you wouldn't use magic, and you wouldn't be able to communicate. "

In line with Sui's assertion, I also looked sad.

That's right. Even if it's moving, it's hard to get a dead dragon through.

... because normally, if you die, you can't even communicate with humans.

Without knowing my heart, the Swiss threw a gaze back at the lord after seeing that he had explained to me.

It's a sign that you're going to keep talking.

The lord nodded and continued talking in a manner that would take over the Swiss explanation.

"The original dragon is a threat that cannot be overpowered by one nation, but the dragon zombie will be able to compete with the nation's forces."

"So, even if the Demon King shows up, is there nothing to worry about?"

"... but..."

When I cast a somewhat optimistic impression on the lord's words, the lord openly looked at me.

In the dark, he says he has something to worry about.

"Now, this Elb Absant kingdom is gathering power to King's Landing to defeat Dragon Zombies.Because after the dragon zombies were confirmed, they somehow made the appearance of going straight to King's Landing. "

According to the materials, the dragon zombies that occurred east of the city are slow but heading straight for King's Landing.

The cause is unknown, but it is presumed that they are attracted to some magical instrument or magic itself that exists in the King's City.

But it is never the cause that matters.

"This route..."

Draw a straight line between the location of the Dragon Zombie and the King's City to cross a city.

And what is the city?

"... ahh. As it stands, the Dragon Zombie will pass through this City of Nest.This city will be ravaged by the Devil without any magic. "

The lord's harsh remarks made a loud sound of someone drinking spit.

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