"Is there anything you want to do?What about the country's crusaders? "

I was unexpectedly asking about the sudden onset of a natural disaster.

According to the materials, it is also a national policy to proceed in the direction of crusade, and now it is conducting an investigation of the Demon King and the monsters who are being influenced by the Demon King.

"According to this document, the country's policy seems to be crushing."

"Indeed, as a nation, we are preparing to protect the King's City.But as a nation, the final line of defense must be King's Landing. "

The lord wrinkled his eyebrows with a painful expression.

I felt it from the bitter atmosphere.

He is the lord of this city.When I got this call, I didn't think about what I thought, and I didn't ask.

"... where is this city?"

"We need to be thorough in our crusades.We are currently gathering a wide range of forces under the water, but considering the current progress and the speed at which the Demon King is advancing..... "

By the time we were ready to fight the Demon King, the city was no longer there.

Is there such a thing?

I can't believe the country abandoned the city it had to protect.

"Of course, I protested, too.However, protesting does not offer any alternative.From the perspective of the country, this city is a sacrifice of no consequence. "

"You're kidding! For example, if you can't defeat it, it's the national job to divert the route, stop and buy time, and so on!"

I am not convinced, and I say to the lord.

I couldn't be strangely calm myself.I couldn't believe that the country had abandoned this city.

No, you just didn't want to believe it.

I'm not so familiar with the situation in this country.That's why I don't know how the country works.

However, it was a shock that this place, where I had always lived ─ ─ accepted myself, could be abandoned lightly.

"I'm sorry, one lord doesn't have enough power to override a country's decisions.Besides, it's the most effective solution for the country, so I can't do anything about it. "

In response to the revelation of my feelings, the lord just lay face down spicy.

"... I'm sorry, it's not your fault."

"No, it's fine. Beyond being responsible for this city, everything that happens in this city is also my responsibility."

I cannot speak aggressively to the Lord who has said so.

Even if you want to stop the tragedy, there is no way to counter it.

Everyone in this room was simply confused about an irreplaceable tragedy.

But there was only one thing in my head that tickled me.

No, there's only one weapon in this city that the lord doesn't even know.

"Magic Cannon (Cocktail)" was born in this world and its name is still unknown.

But can I talk about it on this occasion?

I still don't know the magical power of "cocktails" correctly.

How powerful it is and how powerful the enemy is.

I don't even know if the Magic Cannon (Cocktail) can really be a countermeasure.

I can't take responsibility for what I say.

I came up with a new weapon called 'Guns' and I'm sorry I couldn't win.

If that happens, I may lose even the lives of those who were supposed to be led to evacuation by the lord or the soldiers who were forced to fight.

I can't bear it.

I wouldn't worry if I could protect the cocktail fire with my own life.

But I'm not ready to put a bet on the lives of people other than me.

That's when I was holding my fist and chewing the words that were about to leak out of my throat over and over again.

"I'd like to know a little more about dragon zombies."

The voice echoed from a blue-haired girl much younger than me.

The line of sight falls on the dragon zombie materials presented.

"More information about dragon zombies?What is the march speed, the monster you are following, the magic resistance you actually measured, etc.?Is that all? "

"I'm sure you'll receive more detailed information from time to time."

"If so, can you show me that information once it arrives?"

More and more powerful Swiss conversations with the Lord who responds to them.

The only thing I can tell you is that this blue-haired girl hasn't yielded to anything yet.

"... look at that and tell me what to do."

"There are no official records of humans slaughtering dragons in the past to the best of my knowledge.But if it's something close to a dragon, like a dragon zombie or a dragon grass, that's not the case. "

"That's right. That's why we're still gathering power in the capital."

"So if we have more information, we should be able to determine whether Dragon Zombies can be fought in This City."

The lord looks surprised when he answers.

"Sui-kun, I know what you did at the Chart Magic Monastery.But that's why we have to repel the Dragon Zombie - no, the Demon King and his monsters.It can't be done alone. "

"I know. But I have an idea."

Swiss glanced at me there once.And she nodded.

Tell him that you know everything I'm thinking.

I want you to listen carefully to what I'm saying.

Yes... even if I don't know the usefulness of a magic gun (cocktail), I would say I do.

I untie the fist I was holding on to and listen to her.

"So, at least if we have accurate information,"

"If you know, what can you do?"


Modestly, but surely Sui said.

You're not familiar with the power of being a dragon zombie with her.

Still, I know more about the monsters of this world and the power of magic cannons than I do.

She said there was a chance she could save the city.

"I can't believe it."

"Yes, I think so.But you know my title.It won't prove anything, but I just need you to listen to me for a moment. "

The Swiss words had no basis, but her face looked like confidence, no, determination.

At the very least, I can see that it's not just a joke or a hopeful observation.

After that, the lord roars small.

"Okay, I'll give you more information as soon as I get it."

"Thank you."

"However, there are conditions. Sui-kun, I want you to tell me what you think and do right now."

This time, it was Sui's turn to roar at the lord's expression.

But of course the lord is serious.What is at stake is not a joke or a joke.

If you are not satisfied with the Swiss idea of a magic cannon (cocktail), there is no reason to cooperate.

Crabel told me to be like such a lord.

"I also want to hear that story.Even so, our Crabel Chamber of Commerce is in danger of massive damage.If you don't tell us what you think, we won't be able to decide whether to evacuate the city with minimal damage or look at it as a new business opportunity to help. "

Crabbell's eyes are still so sharp that they don't seem like younger girls.

But it's only natural that the Crabel Chamber of Commerce is also very interested in this crisis.

If the Dragon Zombie destroys the city like this, we could lose the entire carbonated beverage factory that put a lot of money into it.

"... hmm"

And Guinula, one of the last people on the scene, snorted roughly.

He knows what we're making.

That's why I won't say anything.

He stared at me without saying anything.

Sui told me you were going to keep quiet for as long as you can.

I felt like I was being hit in the back by that gaze.

What was I thinking just now?

Can't I make the decision to risk the lives of the people of this city? Can't you carry something like that?

Who do you think you are?

It's not up to me to decide.The lord and the people who live in this city.

If there is anything I can do, perhaps you can disclose it without embracing it alone.

You know the Lord, the Swiss, and the people around me won't hold me responsible for anything.

"I'll tell you about it myself."

While Sui was choosing a word, I jumped onto this stage.

Yuki kun?

"I think what Switzerland is talking about right now is the 'gun' that I developed in this world."

Technically, I have not developed a "gun", but if it is a "gun as a magic device", I may say that I developed it.

I put the hardening of the metal I always wear on my hips on my desk.

"This is an entirely new weapon that we've built."

But the lord who gave me the gun just had a suspicious look.

"I've heard about that weapon for a while... but surely you're the only one who can use it?"

In fact, the lord had already heard from us only about the "gun".

It is a unique weapon that can only be used by "ammuniting me" a "cocktail I made" ─ so to speak.

But of course what I have to explain right now is different.

"Yes, that's true.Until the other day. "

The wise lord seemed to have understood everything just by saying it.

Until now, it was a very low-versatility weapon called a "magic weapon" that could only be used by me.

So almost all the people who knew the existence of the weapon, including the lord, didn't pay that much attention.

Regardless of "ammunition" or "disarm" using magically bright switches, we didn't ask for practicality at first.

"No way...."

"Yes, indeed, the other day, this weapon was reinvented into 'A weapon that anyone can use magic with a bartender'."

The lord found the remark black-and-white in his eyes.

In this country, magic is a mystery that can only be dealt with by a very limited number of wizards.

Again, there are a wide variety of jobs such as research jobs and infrastructure, and only a limited number of wizards can specialize in combat.

In fact, there are no magicians in this city who belong to the Knights.The scarcity is also evident from the fact that Viola asked for Swiss before due to lack of manpower.

It has changed with this time.

My educated knight apprentice and bartender eggs - a total of dozens of wizards capable of fighting - are now in this city.

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