"To put it bluntly, I came to pick up my child."

That beautiful woman, Rasquel Kirishvasser, had an unusual smile even during this emergency.

As her moonlit silver hair shows, this woman is the fruit mother of Phil and Sally, the twins who work at Easy's.

You may forget the lightness of footwork, but it is a person far above the country of vampires, quite apart from this country.I haven't confirmed it, but it's probably a nobleman's position.

"I'm on your side with cocktails, but I'm not going to tell you to fight the dragon wreckage in full."

"I'm sure you're right."

The lord returns a tired smile to the smiling beauty.

The Lord was originally in a position to return the twins.But at the same time, I would have thought about it.If the twins really help us, we can definitely get rid of the Dragon Zombies.

Rasquil shattered such foam shards into pieces.

Well then, I'll take you home.

There is no one here to answer Rasquil's assertion.

No, I wasn't supposed to.

"I'm sorry, Mother."

It was the voice of a familiar boy - no, it was the voice of a young man.

Turning to him, he saw Phil and Sally, the twins of the vortex.

We were confused by the sudden appearance of the two, but we saw the other just behind them.

The Safina Chamber of Commerce's future girl, Crabel.

"Long time no see, Phil Otto, Sartina. Your daughter, too."

Rasquil found the cravel and smiled funny.

I wondered if they knew each other and remembered.Sure, before I went to White Oak, the day I first had the twins open, they did meet.

But the Krabel didn't know who Rasquil was.

But it's not hard to guess who Phil and Sally were talking to about being in this place during this emergency.

Crabel bowed in a manner that was not suitable for his age as usual.

"Yes, I saw you at the store once.Is it Phil and Sally's mother? "

"Yes, by the way, I'm a vampire from a different country."

It emphasizes the vampire part.

Mr. Rasquil must know that Crabel has a romantic feeling for Phil.Considering that, I say this way.

Needless to say, this has nothing to do with you, we're nailing vampires.

Phil stepped forward before Crabel could say anything back to her.

"For now, I don't mind her, Mother."

"Yeah, well, Phil, I'm going home.It's true that there are some more left over, but this is not a matter of the level we are involved in. "

It's a way of saying it without saying it.

It's not enough to recognise vampires as self-centered creatures.

But Phil, who grew up so much in this city, says so.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait."

"What are you waiting for?I'm telling you to follow my decision.This is no different than communicating a confirmation. "

"Even so, they want you to listen to us."

Speaking of us, Phil saw Chilari and Sally.

Sally nodded to Phil.

And Phil said clearly after he glanced at Switzerland once.

"Mother, we will stay in this city.I intend to cooperate with Mr. Sui's plan. "

In response to Phil, Mr. Rasquil pointed his eyes at him like a beast.

"It doesn't seem to have been passed on.I'm telling you, I'm here to give orders. "

The smile has already turned into a threat.

Without trying to hide her frustration, Rasquil stared at Phil and Sally with a smile.

There was pressure on the spot that we humans couldn't get into.

"That's why we say 'disobey orders'.Mother may have her thoughts, but we have ours. "

"Yes, but I need to prioritize your thoughts and ideas?"

"I don't suppose we have any obligation to follow your mother's advice."

I've never seen Phil so clearly assert his opinions.

If I were, so would Mr Rasquil.

Phil looked a little bit tougher than he could imagine, but for a moment.

The room was wrapped in intense pressure.

"Please don't answer me."


I soon realized that it was Rasquil's 'coercive' word.

She has the ability to subordinate others in her own words.

It must be the ability of a powerful vampire to be born strong and sublimate it to even higher dimensions.

When I first came to the store, no one could resist the power.

I'm leaving.

Rasquil talks to Phil and Sally.

Then, as soon as I finished talking, I walked towards the exit of the room.

But before leaving the room, I stopped strangely.

Looking back, I noticed the fact.

"You're resisting?"

Phil and Sally didn't move from the scene, even though Mr. Rasquil said he was going home.

Still feet on the ground, staring at the mother in desperate shape, eating her teeth desperately.

"I'm surprised. When did it grow so fast?"

"Ah, ah... ma'am"

"And words. Oh. This is a pleasant surprise."

Phil and Sally are disobeying Mr. Rasquil's orders.

After seeing the situation, Mr. Rasquil thought carefully, and then lightly lifted the curse.

You can move now.

Ah! Ka, Mother!

Phil tries to say something when the curse is lifted, but Mr. Rasquil puts his hand forward to stop it.

After that, I said lightly.

"Fine. Whatever you want."


Phil is about to get a quick permit before he tries to persuade you.

Phil was surprised and bewildered ─ ─ No, Mr. Rasquil smiled as if there had been no previous intimidation.

"Children are the ones who can't resist the words of their parents.Beyond that, I'm an adult.It doesn't stink to tie up an independent vampire.Help yourself, but don't die.You are my children.Because you promised to bring cocktails back to our country for me. "

Nobody here was able to get to Mr. Rasquil's speed of thinking.

But gradually the information gets soaked up.

On such an occasion, the Lord was the first to speak out.

"Mr Kirishvasser, does that mean you are officially leaving your child here?"

There was a slight expectation in the Lord's eyes.

He was originally a lord who refused to join the twins because of international problems.If the twin's parents give us permission to officially send them out to the battlefield, we should want them to get their hands out of their throats.

But Mr. Rasquil leaned over his neck and said in a cute manner that didn't suit his age.

Come on?

"... come on?"

Mr. Rasquil folds up like a foolish lord.

"That's not what I know.They are adult vampires.It is up to the two of them to decide how to shake themselves.There is nothing I can say.If you want the two of us, please negotiate on your own. "

Let's just leave it here.

It was a speech that was pushed so hard that I didn't think it was the woman who was trying to bring them home.

The lord looked at Phil with his eyes round.

Phil told Mr. Rasquil that he was afraid.

"Well, Mother, we'd like to stay in town and cooperate..."

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about."

The two were admitted to the fight in one word.Or rather, I had already abandoned my position of recognition.

Too much freedom of thought or selfishness.This is a powerful vampire.

Sally, who had been entrusting Phil with the negotiations, spoke out in fear of her mother's change.

"Um, Mother, are you sure?I think he cared a lot about us when he tried to take us home with his strength, when he was in the middle of a city riot, when he left Trias behind. "

"Because as a parent, you have a duty to supervise minors, right?Especially since we vampires are self-absorbed, if we don't consciously do that, we'll throw them away right away.But you were admitted to adulthood today.I admitted it. This is no longer a hassle. I'm really glad. "

With a clean face, Rasquil, who threw in the care of the children, had a very clear expression.

Apparently, vampires have some sort of vampire bullying.

"Well, that's what I'm talking about. I'll come back for a cocktail when it's almost cold.Try not to destroy the city. "

And Rasquil left just saying what he wanted to say.

We suddenly appeared, and we just had to be silent in front of the silver-haired beauty that cleaned everything up and went home like a storm.

"Ah, yeah. For now, can Phil and Sally help us out for the city?"

The Lord who finally escaped the rigidity asks somehow.

In contrast, Phil and Sally managed to nod.

"Yes, well, we also wanted to cooperate, and I was going to negotiate, and Mr. Crabel brought me here, so..."

Thank you for that.

That's what it seems these two people showed up for.

Originally, I was told that Sue and I were working on a lot of projects for the city.

And they somehow imagined that their vampires would eventually become outsiders.

So when I came to negotiate it, I set it up with Mr. Rasquil, and it happened just now.

As lord, I would not have admitted them to the fight in terms of responsibility if something happened to them, but if the mother told me to do what I wanted, I had to do what I wanted.

"But, in the first place, it wasn't decided to fight."

The lord finally regains consciousness in the atmosphere ravaged by Mr. Rasquil.

That's right. I was told by Switzerland that there was a possibility of a crusade.

It's not a definite stage to actually put it into practice.

I can't criticize the unboiled attitude.The Lord's responsibility is much heavier than I imagined.We must take the necessary measures to protect the people who live in this city and the city itself.

Once we have defeated the Dragon Zombie and stopped the damage in this city, we must carefully consider whether we will actually do it.

"Sui-kun's proposal deserves consideration.But it is the lives of the people that I must protect first.People's lives. In order to fight dragon zombies, the City Vigilante will have to hit our Knights with all their might.But then there will be nothing to protect the people who seek refuge.Even if we can protect the city, if we can't protect the people, there's no point. "

"But, my lord..."

"I know, I know.However, if we face the Dragon Zombie, we have no choice but to let the people stay in the city.And if he is defeated by a dragon zombie, then the people die with the city.That's the worst part. "


There is deep distress in the Lord's face.

He never wants to escape the threat of dragon zombies.

Originally, there was no choice but to escape, and by the "magic cannon" and "vampire" that gushed down, a plan came out to confront it.

But doing it could mean losing the minimum assurance you could have obtained by running away.

I don't think that's an easy decision to make right now.

I thought I couldn't easily deny that feeling.

At that moment, another voice came to the scene again.

"My lord! I would like to express my opinion!"

I felt relieved by the loud voice.

There were other knights and civilians running around in this room.

They now stopped working and stared at the lord.

And the knight who raised his voice earlier.We, especially the Swiss and the familiar knight lady.

Someday Viola was in this room staring straight at the lord.

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