"Viola!? Why are you here? I would have given you another assignment."

"The mission is complete.Once again, I would like to participate in Operation Against the Devil. "

Probably Viola, who was on the Lord's side with his daughter, but he's done something.

But before we knew what the mission was, the lord shook Viola's head.

"No, I can't allow you to join us.You have to... evacuate the people. "

"Listen, my lord!"

Viola spoke out against the Lord's decision.

"I... no, all the Knights love this city."

"... Viola"

"From the beginning, I understand that the Lord has been carrying out an operation based on evacuation, taking into account the safety not only of the people, but also of our Knights.But our Knights are more protective of this city and its people than they were before.Whether it's a victorious battle or not, if you're ordered to fight the Demon King, I'm ready to face it. "

Stop it, Viola.

The lord is trying to stop Viola from speaking.

Rather than trying to stop her will, it also seemed like the wind was trying to stop the knights in this place from consolidating their hearts by her words.

"No, listen! If we had nothing to do with it, it would have been better to drink tears, abandon the city, and work hard to protect the people.But as the Swiss there told us, we have a way to fight the Demon King.Even if you don't abandon the city, there's a way to fight it.There are people's lives that can be reliably saved by fleeing.But there must have been some previous operations where escape is sure to be lost.That's why the Knights won't let us fight!Can you use our power to protect the lives of our people? "

When Viola's sincere words ended, the space was filled with silence.

Viola and the lord stared at each other in a heavy silence.

"That shouldn't be the Knights' plan.Viola, aren't you simply in tune with your friend Sui? "

"It doesn't matter.If we are to preserve the lives of our people, we are ready to embark on a Swiss operation, even if we return to knighthood here now. "

Viola's words aren't just hers.The fact that she thinks like this means that there are knights who think like that, even if not all of them.

Hah, the lord sighs.

"Viola, did my daughter... say that Seraroi should stand up, not run away?"

The lord named his daughter and asked Viola.

Viola nodded clearly without thinking.

"Yes, Seraroi said we should fight for it."

"How did you grow up so bravely?Son, daughter. "

The lord sighed again and silenced his thoughts.

But this wasn't the end of the intruder.

The last intruder, the girl, was taken by the Knight of the Guide and stepped into the room.

"Excuse me, where is Sage Ezoensis, lord of the city of Nest?"

The girl had bright red hair.

As she shakes her dark, glossy red hair like a rose, she walks magnificently towards us.

Behind him is a gray-haired, grand man, like a butler.


Sui, who was standing beside me, said his name with a sledge.

Rosemary, who heard the voice, looked at us for a moment, but soon turned back to the lord.

"Miss Meliastel, you're in a good mood. I heard you're staying in this city."

"Let's not make a tough greeting.It's probably not like that right now. "

Rosemary also responded quietly to the respectful lord.

Once again, I glanced at the face on the spot and said with a small voice.

"May I have a serious conversation here?Originally, we should both talk, but it's probably because of the situation. "

"I don't mind."

Sometimes I can somehow guess from the gesture that things are happening.

Rosemary's story is probably about the Demon King who is approaching the city now.

Rosemary stares at me and the butler behind me - I'm sure he was a meghist.After thanking him, the Meghist retrieves some letters from his pocket and hands them to Rosemary.

Rosemary takes it and reads it out.

"The eldest daughter of the royal Meliastel family, Rosemary Meliastel, takes the role of messenger on behalf of the royal family to Sage Ezoensis, which houses the city of Nest and the Ezoensis domain.

There is a delay in the preparation of defensive forces in King's City against the currently confirmed "Demon King".Finally, I will give my life to Sage Ezoensis from the royal family.

Confront the Demon King with the power of the City of Nest, reduce the power of the Demon King, and defeat the Demon King if possible.

It should be noted that no additional combat power from the Royal Family is expected in connection with this operation.

I look forward to your good fight.

Prince Sinurus Echinops Spherocephalus Elb Absanto, Fourth Prince of the Kingdom of Elb Absanto.

That concludes the circular. "

Rosemary glanced openly after reading the letter.

He said in a painful voice to the lord who was still losing his words.

"That puppet prince of Bonkra, you left me with an incredible message. Fuck you."

Rosemary, who acted as a messenger, stood up after spitting a very unexpected malice that seemed to have been heard earlier.

Probably because I thought it would be strange for the Lord to beat me up at any time.By taking a willing stance to accept it, the butler behind you also prepares for roughness.

However, I thought the Lord who had been told had leaned down, and there was no biting laughter.

"I see, I see. Kukuku. Is that it?I'm not tired of throwing out this city without protection, and I want to buy time for my country with my life.Ha, what is this? "

If someone who knew nothing about the past had seen it, he would have thought the lord had broken down.

In fact, Rosemary, who came to convey this message, shouted pitifully to the lord.

"I see in your heart that no lord in this age has been more devastated than you."

"It hurts, Miss Meliastel. But now I'm hungry."

Yes, the Lord's troubles until now have been whether to escape the people's lives first or to fight to protect the people's lives and the city.But now that we have to choose to fight with orders from the royal family, there is no more trouble left.

If there was one, it would be as angry as the anger in your stomach.

"Sui-kun, Sunset Mist, Phil Otto, Sartina, Miss Safina.And Viola, apparently, we had a choice from the beginning. "

On the spot, the lord called out to those who were showing the policy of fighting the Demon King Dragon Zombie.

"The directive is not just a standstill."Defeat" if possible.Then let's defeat it. "

The Lord was quick to make such a decision.

First, I glanced at Rosemary who was there.

"Miss Meliastel, I know this is a very generous request, but will you listen to me?"

"If you just want to ask me a favor, do whatever you want."

"Do you think that your presence in this city means that your escort, or the private knight who moves in your voice, is nearby?"

"Yes, they also enjoy holiday-like escort duty in this city.There are dozens of things that can move at any time.If you speak up, it will be easy to collect hundreds. "

I was a little nervous about the rosemary that came out with such words.

Until now, I've been in light contact with a Swiss enemy or a friend of Albao's, but maybe she's more than I imagined.

But, of course, the lord who was learning about the situation lowered his head to Rosemary.

"Two weeks ─ ─ until the Demon King arrives in this city.I won't tell you to fight in this city.But in the meantime, could you escort the people who are evacuating to the neighboring city? "

In that way, I may have never seen the Lord rely on others.

I don't know if there is a difference in identity between the lord and Rosemary, but at least lowering your head to a younger girl than yourself is not that easy.

The rosemary who received it returned a quiet smile.

"If that's all, please do me a favor at a cheap price.It will be difficult for me to join the line of battle with the boulders, but when I go to King's Landing, it will be no problem to the extent that I can take on the escort of your people. "

"... thank you. Thank you very much."

"I swear by the name of the royal kaiser, Meliastel."

Ton and Rosemary put their hands on the left chest.She was by no means a knight, but the trick nevertheless seemed somewhere knight.

The Lord of the Blown Face said that the request for Rosemary had passed safely.

"Gentlemen gathered here.I want you to tell those who are not here later.We follow the royal orders and enter the battle to defeat the Demon King.The purpose is to defend the city of Nest and crush the Demon King Dragon Zombie. I need your help. "

It's not the same as the voices without power that I had trouble with earlier.

The voice of the angry lord was full of the majesty of those who stood above him, who supported the few people of the city.

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