The lord's decree went from emergency headquarters to the end in an instant.

Of course, the speed of the transmission of information is due to the powerful information network laid down by the lord's subordinates.

But more than that, everyone would have been waiting for the Lord's decision.

In other words, the Knights of this city wanted to fight to protect the city rather than flee.

Either way, with the exception of some knights, allies, and volunteers, it must be the behavior of the people.

Follow the instructions and proceed solemnly with evacuation preparations.

And it refers to breaking up with the evacuees and the rest of the people in Easy's shop.

Needless to say, there were at least two people who weren't happy that Switzerland, me, and the twins would join the front.

"So I'm staying."

The current location is the living room of the Vermut family.

In front of Sui, who told me that he would stay with perseverance, Rye stood with her arm as well as the royal Oyaji.

You don't have to tell me what you both want to say.

He just stares at the swiss silently, but his gaze speaks eloquently.

However, the anguish that would normally have occurred there did not occur.

"Sweetheart, you're already 20."


"I do realize that I'm making various remarks about my daughter's cuteness.But I don't want to deny what my twenty daughters have decided to do. "


"That's why I'm only going to say it once.We have to evacuate together. "


I see.

After that, Mr. Oyaji just dropped his shoulders and sighed.

Rye next door is a little irritated by Mr. Oyaji's condition.

"Dad! Are you sure?"

It's not good.

"Then convince me better!"

"It's not good, but there's something Swiss does.Sometimes it can only be done by the Swiss.Still, there are many more who will be saved.I know you can't stop a swim like that. "

I thought it was different from the usual Oyaji.Rather than being a good listener, I feel proud of my daughter's choice.

Perhaps, but this is the second time that the Swiss is ready.

I imagine, but the first time, I'm sure, Switzerland decided to go to the sorcery academy.

The situation is obviously different from then and now, but there is only one thing in common.

Sui is trying to move for a lot of other people, not herself.

"... but..."

"Ryan, listen to me."


Unlike Mr Oyaji, Sui turned to a completely unconvincing Lye with a quiet, sisterly smile.

"I love Rye."


"Because I'm your sister, I've loved you since you were born."

The words of Sui seemed to teach Rye, and she could tell herself.

Ryan, who had listened silently, narrowed his eyes and said back.

"Stop it! It's like you're going to die!"

Sui was frightened for a moment by the cries of Rye.

It's not like these two don't fight.But at the root of it, we both care about each other.

And the best fight I know is when their grandmother, Neuine, shows up.

That is, when Sui and Rye were about to leave each other.

"Rye, I'm not going to die."

"You don't understand!"

It is only natural that Switzerland has no intention of dying.

And it's only natural that Rye should be worried about it.

So that alone will lead us all the way to the parallel line.

"You're a potionist, aren't you?Why would such a person want to stay and fight? "

As Rye says, Switzerland is just one person, not a soldier, not a knight, not a vigilante.

It's just a magical potion shop.

And Sui answers with perseverance.

"Because I have the power to fight."

"I don't care."

"Not good"

"I don't care!"

We continue to make mistakes in our claims.

The eyes of Rye, who had simmered his business into Swiss attitude, were beginning to moisturize slightly.

"Because you chose a potion shop, didn't you?"

"... what does that mean?"

"With oneechan's talent, I could be a wizard serving my country, a researcher, a developer, anything.I had a lot of work to do to turn magic into fighting power.But oneechan became a potion shop.I chose not to fight, but to make potions. "

So Rye went on and on.

"Oneechan doesn't have to fight.Let someone else do that. Let's run away together. "

Sui accepted the words with Rei's best feelings.

Still, the swiss shakes his head quietly.

"I'm sorry, Rye, but I'm staying."


"I didn't choose a potion shop to fight or not to fight."

"... that's..."

Rye did not contest it.

It was also clear from Swiss behavior up to now.

Sui has never avoided danger because she is a potionist.

It's to cure Corsican magic deficiencies or as a barter for the drug Vermouth.

Anyway, for the future of potions and cocktails, and above all, to take the lead in choosing a fight to save the suffering.

"I became a potionist because I thought I could save the most people in the world.And if you run away from here now, your wish may be in vain. "

"You don't know that.If oneechan didn't have to do something, she might be able to handle it. "

"Ryan, I want to do whatever I can for the future I want.I don't want to leave it to someone without doing what I can.Besides, I definitely don't want to leave all of them behind. "

Sui and Rye's gaze turned towards me.

Rye looks strangely at the sudden Swiss words.

"Why...? If oneechan runs away, we'll all run away together, right...?"

"That's impossible. The axis of this operation is" cocktails. "I can't get away from it. "

"... what the hell!!"

Looks like Ryan thought I'd come with him if the swiss broke.

But unlike Switzerland, which is in a privately-owned position, I was responsible.

"Originally, I was also a cocktail guide hired by the lord.Of course, they won't say anything even if they don't have the binding force to escape.But I'm just like Swiss.I can't stand not doing anything for a cocktail. "

"What an idiot! Total cocktail idiot!!"

Rye ripped out his canine teeth and yelled at me.

The eyes that were beginning to moisturize were already almost tearful.

But even with such weak eyes, Rye is staring hard at me and Sui.

We are trying to stop trying to challenge a "demon king", such as a dragon zombie.

But there is no word.

I'm sure you don't have a good argument to convince us.

Still, Mr. Oyaji stopped seeing how things were happening on this spot when he tried to spit out the moyamoya in his heart.

"Ryan, you already know."

"I don't know."

"You'll grow up, too.You know, it doesn't always work out for someone who's ready to squeeze like a kid. "

"I don't know!"

Against the back of his words, Rye leaned in regret and seemed to firmly accept Mr. Oyaji's words.

Following Oyaji, who gently strokes Rei's head, Sui also strokes Rei's head.

"I'm sorry, Rye, but I've loved you since I was born."

"... so?"

Sui said that it was time to continue the words that had been blocked by Rye.

"So I don't want you to get me wrong.I don't listen to you because I don't care about you. "

"No, because oneechan never listened to me."

"I don't know about that... but maybe there is."

Sui also seems to have a sense that she has completely ignored Rye's restraint so far, and is a little stuck.

... but, nnh, I kept coughing.

"But I won't forget you at any time.I want to protect this city not just for cocktails.I just can't stand to see this city destroyed that I spent with you. "

"I don't believe you said that."

"I'm not telling you to believe me, but remember that.Even if we couldn't help it, I loved you. "


Rye didn't say anything.

Just keep leaning and shake your neck vertically.

I may not be convinced.However, it seemed to swallow quietly that it would not stop even if it was stopped.

"Theoretically, I can win, so don't worry."

"... that's how oneechan started a potion shop."


Although I have no idea, in Swiss theory, the shop was flourishing without me.Nevertheless, it doesn't matter.

As soon as I told Rye, Sui turned to me.

Again, I turned to Mr Oyaji.

"Mr. Oyaji, I want to take care of you again ─ ─"

"Fuck you. I don't want to hear that from a man."

I wanted to thank you for your daily work, but Mr. Oyaji stopped me.

Mr. Oyaji wrinkles between his eyebrows in a mood, and then whispers.

"When a man takes a woman out, there's only one word to say."

I'm not marrying Sui and going somewhere, but I don't have to say that.

I thought for a moment and returned the words that Mr. Oyaji would want.

"Swiss will protect you in exchange for your life."

In my words, Mr. Oyaji frowned slightly and lightly on my head.

It hurts plain.

"Not enough. Don't die, you idiot."

"... oh"


And now a heavy shock echoed on my back.

I know it's economical, but it really hurts.

Even now, in retrospect, this man's communication is too much violence and paper.

"Kid, I still regret that Talia died trying to save a lot of people.Undoubtedly, you will regret it until you die.That's why you're not gonna make a big mistake with me. "

"... cumming"

"You don't have to save your life.Don't force yourself to die. Swimming is much stronger than you. "


I can't say anything. Maybe you're right, so I can't even say it back.

Anyway, that's the end of the biggest story.

"What are we going to do now?"

Oyaji asked.

I thought this wasn't about what we were going to do today, but about what we were going to do from today until the Dragon Zombies arrived in this city.

"Not just the two of us, but after I say hello to the one who took care of me, I guess I trained as a bartender."

"It takes a lot to prepare for battle, so there's plenty to do."

Sue is right, there is not much time left to do.

Increased gun production, backup of the Safina Chamber of Commerce in charge of supplies, cooperation with Aurantiaca in potion relations, training and coordination of apprentice bartenders.

This is all I've ever thought about lightly.You won't have time to rest from now on.

"Well then, don't stop it.Noine's in the room. Say hello. "


That said, Mr. Oyaji releases me and Sui with his hands.

In addition to the meaning of the word, it seems like it would mean leaving Rye alone until she settles down.

Then we decided to greet each other.

Among Easy's associates, we are breaking up with those who remain in the city and those who seek refuge.

First of all, it will be from Neuine.

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