The two glass factories, Kamui and Megli, were able to meet at the market.

They're surprised to hear about the dragon zombie, but they don't want to leave the house right away.

"My workshop is out of town, it's in the mountains, it's off the route, and you don't have to move."

"But there's a monster out of the group."

"I can get rid of as many of them as I want with one arm."

That's what Kamui speaks. I asked Megli with my gaze, but she smiled gently.

Apparently, it's not too much to say that you two don't need to worry.

Instead of running away, I'll rip out my dog teeth and show them.

"If I were a little younger, I could have joined the fight."

"No, Milord. You have a duty to go home alive."

"... well, I'm sorry."

They are a delicate line, if you will call them residents of the city, and they are ordinary people in the first place.

There is no obligation to fight, and no one can force it.Most importantly, there are two children waiting for their return in their home countries.

Even more so, we can't get close to danger.

But when I saw their reaction, I didn't seem too afraid of the Demon King.

"But it's light enough to hear the story.It's a dragon. It's a bone. "

"Dragons are dragons, aren't they?Not a legend of dragon killers, but bad dragons are always hunted.I just believe it's this time. "

Is that what it is?

After all, I don't know if the words are from the heart, but it seems to Kamui that way anyway.

"So, good luck, because if there's no more cities to trade with, I'm in trouble."

"Yes, I'll do my best for both of you."

"That's right, if I succeed in the crusade, I will donate my work as a souvenir ─ ─"


"─ ─ I'll take the order cheaply."

Kamui, who was staring at Megli and staying behind, was as usual in this situation.

Maybe he was careful not to put too much pressure on the fight we were going to.

Either way, I only renewed my determination to protect the city for the day these two were named and one day returned home.

Then I broke up with Sui and went around to greet as many people as I knew in the city.

The people in the neighboring restaurants who took care of me received a little harsh words from purchasing stakeholders and the coffee shop manager, but I didn't change what I had to do.

I couldn't say hello to all the regular customers who represented Isotoma.I thought it would be easy to exchange one or two contacts in modern Japan.

But if we win the battle, we can see each other for as long as we want.

This is the watershed that will determine the future of cocktails in this world.

I have as many opportunities to meet the faces that are determined to remain.

That's why there's only one more person I need to talk to right now.

I finished my greetings and came back to the dorm just when the last one finally came back to bed.

In front of the alley to the dorm, I confronted him from the front.

"Mr. Litro."

"Hey, Master, it's going to be tough."

With the same radiant beauty, Litro smiled attractively.

Even in the evening, it was a smile that drew attention to the light.

"I did. You are ─ ─"

"Wait, wait, wait. I know what you mean."

Lito put his hand in the posture and said, "Smell."

"I'll stay in this city.There's something I have to do. "

"What are you saying?"

I told him consciously to blame him.

Somehow, he felt like saying this.

"That's not funny. My profession is bard.I have a duty to see the battle between the demon king and the hero with my own eyes and to read poems. Isn't that right? "

It's dangerous.

"Of course, I've never crossed without danger.But I'm not deciding what I want to do because it's dangerous. I am. "

Retro was even stubborn, with his usual gentle expression.

Originally, I didn't know him well.The fact that the appearance is very good, that the relationship with women is devastating, and that she has recently become friendly with the regular men in the store.

And while naming the bard, it seems like an unexpectedly tough profession.

The words Guinulla used to say are in my head.

"... anyway, I can't throw you out anymore.Yugiri, keep your eyes on that bard. "

After that, I remember that I was forced to kill him.After that, I wonder if you could have watched his behavior carefully.

Viola also said that she looked familiar with Litro.

"At this stage, it's better not to trust people who approach cocktails very much."

This would be true, for example, of Mr. Ragweed, who came to the store once and solicited me.

He wasn't the only one, but there were occasional moves to solicit me and Swiss.

Compared to those people, Lito was so big and trustworthy.

Still, I know I don't know Lito as well as I think about it myself.

I didn't know why he tried so hard to stay in this city.

"Litro, are you staying in this city and trying to do something?"

"... well?"

There was a leap of absurdity.

But there was a time when it floated in the corner of my head.

Lito said he had heard rumors of cocktails when he visited the city.

Where did you say you were before that?

I used to sing about ancient dragons at the store.

He said he had heard the story in a city east of here before he came to this city.

Litro came to the city from where the dragon zombie happened by accident.

Speaking of coincidence, don't you think it's too much?

In other words, there was a lot of delusion.

"Perhaps it wasn't you who caused the Devil King, was it?"

If so, what do you think?

He says that he is a hard profession, but he is not sure.

She seems to know Viola, but she doesn't seem to be very forgiving herself.

Above all, if there is a connection between him and the Demon King, it must be said that he appeared at the best possible time to interrupt the cocktail.

They made strange use of absurd ideas.


After all, Lito kept my words quiet.

I received it as if I had seen it.

"Fufu, haha. I'm sorry.That's too much to say! "

I was laughing the next moment.

There is no lie in his reaction.

First of all, I was surprised and then laughed at my unexpected assumptions ─ ─ I looked like that.

"... isn't it a boulder?"

"Fufu, no, I was surprised by your imagination, but it's not a boulder.Nevertheless, if it is true, how can I admit it?How should I prepare the materials to deny it? "

Litro seemed somewhat distressed and held her temples.

I was carefully watching if his words and actions were true, but Lito was originally good at moving his expression.There is no guarantee that the information I read is correct.

So I waited for some sort of 'excuse' he would talk about.

Lito had a few moments to speak up.

"Yes, Master. To tell the truth, not everything you say may be wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"I did not revive the Devil.But it's not a mistake to be searching for the demon king's trail. "


Litro came to this city long before the Devil King.

If he had followed the demon king's trail, it would have been that he had grasped the warning signs before the demon king appeared.

Then he spoke of the "resurrection" of the Demon King.It's not an 'outbreak'.

I'm putting my head together with the information that suddenly pops up.

Litro uttered words that made me even more confused.

"Master, no, Sunset Mist.Do you know the House of Tnerico? "

Lito's serious expression made me lose my words for a while.

Toneriko, there's no way to forget.

It was a library fairy who appeared many times before me.I don't know if it was a boy or a girl. It was the name of the family that she was named after.

Elm Tunerico. I didn't expect that name to appear here.

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