I was surprised by the sudden name, but I took it for granted.

A sexually unknown child who was originally saying something profound when he appeared before me.It's no wonder you showed up before me and did something.

So I nodded back to Lito's words.

"I've met him a few times.A kid named Elm Tunerico. "

"Elm.... ahh"

Lito nods convincingly to my words.

"If you're the Wise Man, I'm sure it's no wonder you've been in contact with me long before."

"The Wise Man?"

"To be precise, the 'White Wise'.I'm not sure who started calling. "

I feel a little moved by the identity of Elm that I never thought I'd be close to.

But now is not the time to ask questions.

"Anyway, if you know Toneriko's house, it's quick."

"What do you mean?"

"I, no, the first person to bring information to my department was a Tuneco family member."

"What information?"

Yes, it's about the Devil King.

Elm and the Devil's intel didn't connect quickly within me.

"In the first place, is the Tuneco house famous?"

"No, I don't know what to say, but it's anonymous.It's probably the first time the name of a house like this has appeared in public since the beginning of this Elb Absanto. "

"... you really wanted to investigate the information about those people."

I'm not sure yet, but I heard Lito's words on the assumption that they're right.

Is it a rigid bureau in Litro, or is it an organization that moves with information from such anonymous people?

But it wasn't Lito who answered the question.

"Behind the house of T'Nerico is my house of Meliastel."

He suddenly turned to the interrupted voice.

There was a Rosemary who was supposed to have been preparing for an evacuation with Albao.

"Miss Rosemary Meriastel. How are you?"

"... yeah"

Rosemary and Litro laugh at each other.

However, Rosemary's face looked slightly bitter.I wonder if I am not good at it.

But Rosemary still interrupted our conversation.I thought I had something to say.

"My Meliástel family is a royal kaiser.If Meliastel were granted asylum, it would be the same as Meliastel's words, whether they were of an anonymous lineage or not.I'm not going anywhere. "

"You're right. Now that the royal family is less powerful than ever, we can't ignore Meliastel's words.Even if the Tunerico family is a mysterious family without any record. "

"That's why our home is guaranteed identity."

They smiled and talked to each other to restrain them.

However, the conversation seemed to guarantee Lito's identity on the contrary.

"Maybe they've known each other for a long time?"

The first time they met was when they did witness Lito's crotch hanging and the ladies pounding on them.

At that first meeting, Rosemary didn't seem interested in retro, and I haven't seen them talking together since.

That said, it seemed that the two of us now knew each other's nature.

To my question, Rosemary snorted.

"Sure, I've hated this man for a long time.It doesn't match. "

"Ha-ha. Isn't it bad that House Meliastel is funny secrecy?"

"Even if it's not about my house, I can't feel like I'm walking around with Prapla while talking about work."

"It's not a game. It's an investigation."

I realized that they might have some kind of connection I didn't know about.

However, if you leave it to the two of you to speak, the story will continue to derail.

I'll call you to interrupt the conversation.

"I understand the relationship.So Litro was investigating the Demon King after receiving information from someone in the Tuneco family? "

"Nh. Oh, you're right for the time being.The information that came to them was that the activation of the monsters that was happening today was a sign of the resurrection of the Devil King. "

And then I remembered the magic oak that I fought and eventually made into old potion barrels.

Elm said that the magic orc had happened recently and that it was my specialty to my impression that I knew that well.

Originally, I was investigating the relationship between activation and the Devil King, and in the process, I discovered a magic orc, which makes sense.

However, the question remains as to why you came into contact with me every time.

"And what I discovered after an exchange of information with the Tuneco family was an unusual magical reaction in a place where legend has it that Ultica, the evil dragon, is asleep."

"... that's..."

"Yes, you were right about that.I came to this city from the land where the Demon King would awaken ─ ─ No, it wasn't strange that I had already awakened.To communicate this information to the country as soon as possible. "

The real reason Lito came to this city was not cocktails.

As we've talked before, the Demon King Dragon Zombie is heading straight for King's City from the point of occurrence.The point is that the destination of Littoro is the same trajectory as if it were King's City.

"I reported my findings to the branch of the city, from where I contacted King's Landing.I waited until I was ordered, but only after a full-fledged investigation team from the country was dispatched. "

The Devil King has been discovered?

Cause and effect were the opposite.

Lito did not revive the Devil.Retro appeared because the Demon King was resurrected.

I have no reason to believe it, but I have decided to be convinced.

Not only Viola, but also Rosemary.

In other words, someone connected to a powerful person, such as a lord.With that in mind, I can also understand Viola, who would have accompanied the lord of the city and his daughter.

It didn't seem like it would make a very good impression, well, I don't know.

If so, is it true that he will remain in this city?

"So you have a job to record the battle against the Demon King in this city and bring back information if necessary?"

"Oh, that's right, Master.I'll add that you have a mandate to observe and report on what you're trying to do. "

So don't worry about me. [M]said Litro casually.

That said, it's hard for me not to worry about the safety of my acquaintances.

I wonder if it's the second half now.

"What do we do?"

"Yes, to be honest, the cocktail itself is not as high a priority as the Devil, but it's under surveillance.Even those who smoke sweet juice in King's Landing don't feel comfortable threatening their existing potion rights. "

"………… cocktails are already in demand at the time of the reputation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………"

"It's okay, I know.That's why I've already reported that there's no problem with you. "

"Don't worry," said Litro with a smile.

"Besides, honestly, I like your personality, Master."

"My personality?"

Didn't I tell you before? Why are you still bartendering? [M]If you can make cocktails, you don't have to be a bartender. "

That was a question that I couldn't answer firmly.

I keep trying to find some answers inside of me, and to find out what cocktail Torisu Ibuki once wanted to talk to me about.

That's what Lito told me.I don't think you need to be a bartender if you want to know about cocktails.

I could only answer such a question vaguely.As I continued to bartender, I felt like I said something like I thought I'd find an answer.

"I remember that question."

"I guess so. And since then, I've been watching you.Yeah, I told you, I didn't want you to stop the bartender.And while I was looking at you, I noticed a lot. "

The story of Lito was kind.

He only calls himself a bard, and his words are pleasant.It's like a voice from your ear into your head and chest.

That voice enveloped me.

"Cocktails are made for someone.That's why you keep on bartending. "

On the conclusion of the retro, I had a slightly loose face.

Lito's looking at me waiting for a reply, so I'll give it back.

"That's true. Because bartenders basically make cocktails for their customers.It must be a cup of wine made for that person. "

"Yes, and you take it for granted.That's why you couldn't answer my changed question.It was a prerequisite and I didn't think it would fit the answer to the question. "

Bartenders make cocktails for someone.If I make it personally, it's for myself to swallow.It's only natural.

But that's why I didn't get an answer, says Lito.

Then I can't see 'something'.

I can't answer that 'something'.

"In other words, the master wants the cocktail ahead of 'Someone'.You're probably chasing a cocktail to Someone before you even realize it. "

"... that's right. I feel like I remember the answer clearly when I was told that."

What was my first step as a bartender?

I liked alcohol, but I didn't.That's not all.

I was looking for the cocktail Torisu Ibuki once said just before I broke up.

I wanted to know what a cocktail Ibuki once thought was for me.

In order to know the answer, I assumed that I would have to make the most of the cocktail.

If they say it's too hard to think about, that's it.

I was making a cocktail for someone because it was more selfish and nasty to keep a bartender.

"Maybe I just want to make one cocktail for The Former Me and keep practicing bartenders."

Once you realize it, it's much easier to think about continuing with the bartender.

As Swiss keeps a potato shop for someone, I ultimately keep a bartender for myself.

I used to think about quitting the bartender when I was in Japan.

It was invisible.The customer and the person who was supposed to be ahead.

If you lose it, it is very painful to be a bartender.

No matter how much interpersonal skills I acquire, the roots of me don't change.

Compared to when I first started bartending, I saw a lot of things, and the pleasure of working and interacting with people increased.

Still, the truth in my heart is what I once wanted.It's just me who keeps being tied up by the words I said.

"Bartender practice. But that must be the Master's youth."

That's what Litro said and laughed.

Next door, Rosemary seemed to be having trouble grasping our conversation, and she wondered.

"Can I make cocktails like yours and still need practice?"

I gave it back with a bitter smile.

"I'm just an immature person with a little skill.My senpai was a much better bartender than me. "

When I was in Japan, I remembered someone who was my immediate predecessor.

Senpai recognized me only for my cocktail skills, but I never reached senpai for anything else.

In that way, it looks like Phil's relationship with Sally today, but it's not that much.

A professional bartender and just an apprentice.There was such a difference.

If I could, I wish I'd come to this world after a little more training, and I've been thinking about it lately.Well, I might have quit for days back then.

Did Litro see my bitter smile and think something about it?

Take me for an immature self and encourage me to continue the bartender.

"It's all right, Master. You're trying to keep moving.Then, even if it takes time, we'll get to the answer. "

"I wish I didn't die before that."

"Kuku, that's right. First of all, the demon king in front of me."

Not a very funny joke, but Litro laughed funny.

That exchange reminded me that I was proposing to Litro to flee the city.

But I'm sure I can't convince him in this way.

Hard work and hobby bard.Because they are making the choice that remains in either position.

"I understand, Mr. Little.But don't go near the battlefield without darkness. "

"I understand.I believe in this city, and I sing from behind. "

No, we're not going to be in a position to hear the song.

I'm impressed, but I'm convinced it's going to be okay.Then I turned back to Rosemary, which was not in the story.

Rosemary says hello to the people who are evacuating.

"Yes, it is."

Rosemary nodded firmly as she suddenly shook the conversation and looked puzzled.

Then we have to do what we can.

Gather information, gather supplies, prepare, train, and improve.

And finally, the time has come for the finals.

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